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Keybot 11 Results  www.decora.it
  Hooikoortsplanten en Weer  
(Winter-, Zomer- en Hollandse Linde)
(Small-leaved, Large-leaved and European Lime)
Lage nachttemperaturen ook in de zomer
Low noctual temperatures also in summer
  Hooikoortsplanten en Weer  
De Bijvoet die in de zomer bloeit. Foto: Bijvoet pollen
Mugwort which flowers in summer. Photo: Mugwort pollen
  Geologie Rijk van Nijme...  
Overigens bleven gedurende een glaciale periode de normale winter en zomer schommelingen zich voordoen en traden er natuurlijk ook afwisseling in temperatuur op over periodes van tientallen tot honderden jaren.
During the Saalian the temperature was over a long period in the average several degrees lower that the present average. Yet, the normal winter-summer fluctuations and relative temperature shifts over periods of decades or hundreds of years also occurred during such a glacial period.
  Geologie Rijk van Nijme...  
Op veel plaatsen zal ook van permafrost sprake zijn geweest, maar in de wat warmere jaren zal in de zomer de bovenlaag van de bodem ontdooid zijn, waardoor deze bovenlaag weer met smeltend ijswater kon afspoelen over de onderliggende bevroren bodem.
Regarding the vegetation, the area south of the ice sheets concords best with a tundra, with hardly any trees. A kind of permafrost will have existed, but in the warmer years, the upper level of the soil will have thawed, and will have been washed away by the melt water over the surface of the frozen underlayer.
  Hooikoortsplanten en Weer  
Zomer- en wintereik
Pedunculate and Sessile Oak
Middenin het bos bevindt zich het zweefvliegveld van Malden (op plattegronden en vanuit de lucht te herkennen aan het typische kruispatroon; zie foto links). In de zomer fungeert de locatie Heumensoord als legerkamp voor militairen van allerlei landen die deelnemen aan de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse (Informatie voor militairen).
In the district two walking routes and a mountain-bike circuit have been traced and there are riding paths (photo) and plenty of small trails where one can jog. The gliding center Malden is located in the middle of the woods (on maps and in aerial views the typical cross-shaped landing way can be recognized; see pictures here left). In summer Heumensoord is the headquater for military personnel from numerous countries who participates to the Nijmegen Four Days Marches (Information in English for army personnel). At the edge of the agglomeration of Malden a garden for native wild plants has been developed. This beautiful parc displays how life on the countryside in this region was organized one century ago: a piece of land as field, grassland, heather for the sheep, a hay and thicket for protection, combustion and construction wood, a vegetable and herbs garden and a place for bee hives (more information on the wild plants garden Malden).
Raunkiær (1934) heeft planten ingedeeld naar de plaats van het groeipunt gedurende het ongunstige seizoen, waarbij de plant het vermogen behoudt om deze moeilijke omstandigheden te doorstaan (zie lijst en figuur hieronder). Deze ongunstige periode kan, al naar gelang de plek op aarde, bijvoorbeeld een koude winterperiode of een droge zomer zijn.
Raunkiær (1934) has classified plants according to the place where the growth point is located during the less favorable seasons, provided the plant maintains the capability to survive these difficult conditions (see list and figure here below). Depending on the place on earth, this unfavorable period can be for example in the cold winter period or in the dry summer time. In our regions the growth point in the unfavorable season correspond mostly to winter buds. The following ordering can be distinguished:
  Geologie Heumensoord  
Wel kwamen er in het midden-Weichselien zeer koude en natte perioden voor, die hier een poolwoestijn veroorzaakten. De bodemlagen in de ondergrond bleven ook in de zomer bevroren; we noemen dit "permafrost".
During the last glacial period, the Weichselian (± 115 000-12 000 years ago), the ice sheet did not reach the present area of the Netherlands again. However, in the mid-Weichselian there were very cold and wet periods which caused here a polar desert landscape. The underground remained frozen, also in summer time; this is called "permafrost". Over this hard and impermeable layer, in summer time, water of melted ice and snow streamed through furrows to the lowest parts. The washing away was amplified by stagnant water that could not penetrate through the frozen soil and that slowly carried aways mud material down the hill. The process in which a stream of mud glides over a slope is called "solifluction". In contrast to the fluvio-glacial sedimentation the solifluction material is not layered. The sandy material that was washed away from those valleys was deposited as detritic cones over part of the fluvio-glacial plain, among others in the area around the Mulderskop.
  (Inter)fasciculair camb...  
De wijdste xyleemvaten worden in het begin van het seizoen gemaakt, wanneer de pijpbloem het meeste water nodig heeft voor groei. De kleinere vaten ontstaan in de zomer. Het secundair floeem is minder goed ontwikkeld dan het secundair xyleem.
In dicots of the "Aristolochia" type, fascicular cambium is formed within each vascular bundle FROM REMNANTS OF PROCAMBIUM, which produces new, secondary xylem and phloem. To the inside bands of xylem are formed (one such band of secondary xylem is indicated in the figure as a purple overlay) that show growth rings (annual rings). The largest vessels are formed in spring, when the plant requires much water for growth. The vessels made during summer are much smaller. The secondary phloem is less extended. Amid the area's of secondary vascular tissue, interfascicular cambium generates broad rays of parenchymatic tissue. These rays form radial separations (septae) along the length of the stem and they connect pith and cortex together. Since the bands of xylem and phloem are intercalated with parenchyma tissue, the vine plant-like stem of Dutchman's pipe beholds some flexibility. In the cortex parenchyma cells differentiate to sclerenchyma (a type of supportive tissue). Parenchymatic cells laying a prolongation of the pith rays have undergone radial divisions. As a consequence the cortical region becomes filled up with cones of parenchymatic tissue, called dilation tissue, which separate the sclerenchymatic tissue into clusters (yellow arrows. See another example of dilatation tissue in linden).