zones patrimoniales – Traduction – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot      23 Résultats   7 Domaines  
) et des plans de revitalisation des zones patrimoniales (
Plan de Mejoramiento de Vivienda y Espacios Públicos (  
Utilisation du sol incompatible avec les zones patrimoniales sensibles (intrusions commerciales, constructions en hauteur ou hors d’échelle)
Inappropriate land use in sensitive heritage areas (intrusive shopping centres, high rise buildings)
La economía global de mercado (impacto sobre la diversidad cultural, tradiciones locales, artesanías, identidad)
  3 Résultats  
La création de zones patrimoniales par le règlement vise à faciliter l'atteinte de certains objectifs du plan et en particulier la capacité de la Ville d'Ottawa de réglementer certains éléments comme l'emplacement, le stationnement, les marges de recul, la hauteur et la masse des immeubles, des éléments qui doivent être contrôlés afin de préserver le caractère patrimonial unique de ces zones.
Heritage zones, established within the By-law, are intended to further the achievement of certain objectives of this Plan. In particular, the establishment of heritage zones will enable the City of Ottawa to regulate certain elements such as location, parking, setbacks, height and mass of buildings which are essential to the maintenance of the overall character of unique heritage areas. Furthermore, heritage zoning regulation will stabilize development which, in turn, will encourage other investment, rehabilitation, and conversion of certain uses to uses which are more compatible with the objectives of this Plan. The establishment of heritage zones is not intended to preserve heritage buildings or heritage sites nor, to prevent their demolition.  
Son travail de plasticien est ponctué de collages issus de photographies représentatives de sa quotidienneté. La résonance de l'architecture industrielle montréalaise est présente au sein du corpus artistique de Gosselin, on peut y deviner les zones patrimoniales et des édicules laissés à l'abandon.
His work as a visual artist is punctuated by collages of photographs that are representative of his every-day life. With a clear resonance of industrial architecture, Montréal is present in the artistic corpus of Gosselin’s work where certain city landmarks of heritage areas and abandoned buildings are easily recognizable. Although many subjects appear rather static upon first glance, the vivacity of landscapes appear often in his paintings. Whatever the subject and the privileged medium, his works possess a curious power to reveal the process by which by which they are fashioned together, instead of relying on other traditional forms of representation.