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  Espèces aquatiques en p...  
Le chevalier cuivré vit dans les herbiers des zones peu profondes autour des archipels du fleuve Saint-Laurent et dans les lacs fluviaux. Ces herbiers sont riches en gastéropodes, qui constituent 90% de l'alimentation des chevaliers cuivrés.
The copper redhorse lives in shallow grass-beds around the islands in the St. Lawrence River and its lakes. These grass-beds provide plenty of gastropods, which represent 90% of the copper redhorse's food resources.
  L'abc des habitats du p...  
Nageant et se cachant parmi la jungle sous-marine de plantes, l'épinoche traque ses proies d'insectes aquatiques, d'escargots et de vers. L'épinoche fraie dans ces zones peu profondes et utilise de petits morceaux de végétation pour construire de minuscules nids fixés aux tiges des herbes et des roseaux submergés.
Deep lakes are generally cold lakes as the sun is unable to warm the waters all the way to the bottom. As sunlight penetration through the water is limited, plant growth along the lake bottom is also limited. These deep, cold lakes often provide ideal habitat for lake trout and lake whitefish. Both species hang out in the deeper cooler waters during the summer, and then move to more shallow waters in the fall to spawn. Lake trout need the rocky shoals for their spawning, while lake whitefish make use of the hard or stony bottoms. When these habitats are in short supply, removing or harmfully altering them will have devastating impacts on the survival of the population.
  Systèmes biologiques - ...  
De façon générale, le réseau du Saint-Laurent peut être divisé en deux habitats généraux pour le poisson : les zones peu profondes du plateau et les chenaux profonds où vivent des communautés plutôt différentes, qui se mélangent selon les saisons.
Broadly speaking, the St. Lawrence system can be divided into two general fish habitats: the shallow shelf areas and the deep channels which support rather different, but seasonally intermingled communities. In addition, the St. Lawrence fishes can also be divided into catadromous (fresh to salt water breeding) and anadromus (salt to fresh water breeding) fish species.
  Le monde sous-marin - L...  
Le stock de morue du sud du Grand banc (3N + 30) a tendance à passer 1'hiver dans le secteur allant du sud-ouest au sud-est des bancs de Terre-Neuve et à se disperser vers le nord pour séjourner dans les zones peu profondes (moins de 90 m) du banc à la fin du printemps et en été.
The southern Grand Banks cod (3N + 30) stock tend to spend the winter on the southwest to southeast Grand Banks and to spread northward and inhabit the shallow (less than 90 m) area of the bank during the late spring and summer. A very small proportion of the stock migrates in the feeding season to the southeastern coast of Newfoundland.
  Espèces aquatiques - Dé...  
La gonidée des Rocheuses vit dans l'eau douce. On la trouve dans les zones peu profondes des lacs et cours d'eau de tailles diverses où le courant est constant, surtout lorsque les fonds sont constitués de matériaux fins.
The Rocky Mountain Ridged Mussel lives in fresh water. It is found in various sizes of lakes and streams in shallow water where the flow is constant and especially where the bottom is composed of fine material. The species seems to avoid murky, nutrient-rich water. This mussel will attach itself to gravel or firm mud on the bottom so long as this bottom also contains a small amount of fine material such as sand or clay; depending on how fine the bottom is, the mussel may bury itself partially or completely. It is not unusual to see individuals of all non-larval age classes together at a single location.
  Espèces aquatiques - Dé...  
Les naseux de Nooksack adultes se retrouvent dans les rapides de hauts-fond - zones peu profondes des cours d'eau encombrées d'obstacles plus ou moins submergés - tapissés d'un lit de gravier ou de roches.
In British Columbia, the Nooksack dace is found in three small streams that feed into the Nooksack River in lower Fraser Valley around Abbotsford, Aldergrove and Clearbrook. Its range reaches all the way into northwestern Washington. Adult members of the species are usually found in riffles-shallow parts of streams where water flows brokenly-with gravel or stony bottoms. Young dace are found most often in shallow, slow waters with sandy or muddy bottoms.
  Le ptychobranche rénifo...  
Le ptychobranche réniforme habite le plus souvent des cours d'eau de taille petite à moyenne. Il préfère l'eau claire et les zones peu profondes à écoulement rapide, et les substrats constitués de sable et de gravier grossier fermement compactés.
The Kidneyshell lives mainly in small- to medium-sized rivers and streams. It prefers shallow areas with clear, swift-flowing water and firmly packed sand and gravel substrates. It is usually found buried deep in the substrate and is often found near beds of water willow, an aquatic plant. The Kidneyshell is a moderately long-lived mussel with a lifespan suspected to be at least 10 years. It is believed that spawning occurs in late summer and the glochidia (larvae) are released the following May to August.
  Le mulette du Necturus....  
On trouve le plus souvent la mulette du Necturus enfouie dans le sable ou la vase sous de grosses roches plates situées dans les zones peu profondes où le courant est rapide. Mais on peut parfois la trouver dans la boue et sur les bancs de gravier.
The Mudpuppy Mussel is most often found burrowed in sand or silt under large, flat rocks in shallow areas with swift current, although it can also be found in mud and on gravel bars. Habitat is dependent on areas that meet the nesting and sheltering requirements of its larval host, the Mudpuppy. Here, the glochidia (larvae) are released, infesting the gills of the Mudpuppy. When larvae have transformed into juvenile mussels they are likely released into the hiding place of the Mudpuppy, creating large clusters of mussels in one area. It is believed that spawning occurs in late summer and the glochidia are released the following spring or summer.
  Espèces aquatiques en p...  
L'utilisation de l'habitat par ces espèces dépend de leur forme. On croit que la forme lentique fraye le long du bord du lac dans des zones peu profondes, alors que la forme lotique construit des nids dans les zones relativement calmes du ruisseau.
The Misty Lake Stickleback species pair is a small freshwater fish found in a single lake-stream system on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The pair consists of a lake dwelling (lentic) and a stream dwelling (lotic) variety. The species is a small fish (~51mm length) with three isolated, stout dorsal spines. The body is elongated and laterally thin, tapering where the tail joins the body. The stream form of these pairs is mottled brown and robust-bodied, while the lake form is more darkly coloured, slender-bodied and has longer spines and more gill rakers than the lotic form. The Misty Lake sticklebacks are refered to as a species pair because the two forms live in contact with some overlapping habitat, but there is minimal breeding between the two types meaning that they remain genetically distinct. Given their close proximity and highly divergent characterisitcs, these pairs are invaluable to the study of evolutionary processes.