zones peu profondes – Traduction – Dictionnaire Keybot

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  Parcs Canada - Lieu his...  
Navigation: Les déplacements dans les zones peu profondes et les voies interlacustres sont difficiles lorsque le niveau d’eau est bas.
Navigation: Movement through shallow areas and connecting channels are difficult at low water.
  Parcs Canada - Lieu his...  
L’ajustement des niveaux d’eau en fonction du frai représente une autre difficulté qui complexifie la gestion des eaux et la planification du rabattement. En effet, certaines espèces de poisson fraient au bord de l’eau dans les zones peu profondes.
Balancing water levels for spawning is another intricacy behind water management and the timing of fall drawdown. Because some fish species like to spawn close to the water's edge in shallow areas, if the drawdown is done after eggs have been laid, the eggs will be exposed, dry up and die. It's important to protect the fishery in all lakes - as part of the ecosystem and an economic generator valued at more than $300 Million. Protecting fish habitat is also required under the Fisheries Act.
  Parcs Canada - Lieu his...  
Toute variation dans un lac ou une rivière aura invariablement des répercussions sur les lacs et rivières situés en amont et en aval. Il est également impératif d’abaisser les niveaux d’eau avant le frai des poissons puisque ceux-ci ont tendance à frayer au bord de l’eau dans les zones peu profondes.
A: The lowering of water levels happens every year at the same time and is referred to as "drawdown". Water levels need to be lowered to make room for the precipitation that happens in the fall, winter and spring. In order to mitigate against flooding and optimize public safety throughout the interconnected system, lakes are lowered to make room for high inflows that are typical over the non-navigation seasons. Lakes in the system are subject to an equal percentage draw down and in order to meet the targeted levels this drawdown must begin by mid-summer. What happens to one lake or river is known to impact rivers and lakes both upstream and downstream. It is also essential to have the water levels lowered prior to fish spawning as fish like to spawn close to the water’s edge in shallow areas. If the drawdown is done after eggs have been laid, the eggs will be exposed, dry up and die. It's important to protect the fishery in all lakes - as part of the ecosystem and an economic generator valued at more than $300 Million. Protecting fish habitat is also required under the Fisheries Act.