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  À Moscou apparaîtront l...  
On a planifié l'aménagement des quais de la Moskova, la création des approches faciles, des plages et des zones piétonnes. Et le long d'une rivière on a planifié le plus long itinéraire de bicyclette : de « Muzeon » jusqu'à Park Pobedy.
Also they plan improvement of the embankments of the Moscow River, creating a user-friendly approach, beaches and pedestrian areas. Along the river it is planned to create the longest cycle route: from “Muzeon” to Park Pobedy.
Also they plan improvement of the embankments of the Moscow River, creating a user-friendly approach, beaches and pedestrian areas. Along the river it is planned to create the longest cycle route: from “Muzeon” to Park Pobedy.
Also they plan improvement of the embankments of the Moscow River, creating a user-friendly approach, beaches and pedestrian areas. Along the river it is planned to create the longest cycle route: from “Muzeon” to Park Pobedy.
Также планировалось обустройство всех набережных Москвы-реки, создание удобных подходов, пляжей и пешеходных зон. А вдоль реки планировалось создать самый длинный велосипедный маршрут: от «Музеона» до Парка победы.
  En Russie la police tou...  
Cet été dans les rues de Moscou une unité spéciale du ministère de l'Intérieur – la police touristique commence à fonctionner, – informe le « Moscou 24 ». Pour aider les étrangers 100 policiers sont sélectionnés pour patrouiller les rues du centre et les zones piétonnes de la ville.
This summer on the streets of Moscow a special unit of the Interior Ministry will be created – the tourist police, – informs the “Moscow 24”. To help foreigners trained 100 police officers are trained, they will patrol the downtown streets and pedestrian areas of the city. The training will be completed by the beginning of July, – quotes the edition the head chief of the Interior Ministry Anatoly Yakushin.
This summer on the streets of Moscow a special unit of the Interior Ministry will be created – the tourist police, – informs the “Moscow 24”. To help foreigners trained 100 police officers are trained, they will patrol the downtown streets and pedestrian areas of the city. The training will be completed by the beginning of July, – quotes the edition the head chief of the Interior Ministry Anatoly Yakushin.
This summer on the streets of Moscow a special unit of the Interior Ministry will be created – the tourist police, – informs the “Moscow 24”. To help foreigners trained 100 police officers are trained, they will patrol the downtown streets and pedestrian areas of the city. The training will be completed by the beginning of July, – quotes the edition the head chief of the Interior Ministry Anatoly Yakushin.
Этим летом на улицах Москвы начнет работу особое подразделение МВД – туристическая полиция, – сообщает «Москва 24». Для помощи иностранцам подготовлено 100 полицейских, которые будут патрулировать центральные улицы и пешеходные зоны города. Подготовка их завершится к началу июля, – цитирует издание главу ГУ МВД Анатолия Якушина.
  En Russie on a introdui...  
La taxe de séjour sera prélevée pour l'utilisation des objets sportifs et médicaux, des objets socioculturels, y compris l'utilisation des parcs, des forêts, des plages et des quais, des zones piétonnes et des éléments d’organisation des services municipaux.
The resort fee will be charged for using health-related, sociocultural, sport and leisure facilities, including parks, urban forests, beaches and embankments, pedestrian zones and amenities. The received funds will be credited to the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the territory of which the experiment is conducted and will be used to finance the construction, reconstruction and improvement of the resort infrastructure.
The resort fee will be charged for using health-related, sociocultural, sport and leisure facilities, including parks, urban forests, beaches and embankments, pedestrian zones and amenities. The received funds will be credited to the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the territory of which the experiment is conducted and will be used to finance the construction, reconstruction and improvement of the resort infrastructure.
The resort fee will be charged for using health-related, sociocultural, sport and leisure facilities, including parks, urban forests, beaches and embankments, pedestrian zones and amenities. The received funds will be credited to the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the territory of which the experiment is conducted and will be used to finance the construction, reconstruction and improvement of the resort infrastructure.
Курортный сбор будет взиматься за пользование объектами лечебно-оздоровительного, социально-культурного, спортивного и рекреационного назначения, в том числе парками, городскими лесами, пляжами и набережными, пешеходными зонами и элементами благоустройства. Полученные средства будут зачислены в бюджет субъекта РФ, на территории которого проводится эксперимент, и направлены на финансирование работ по строительству, реконструкции и благоустройству курортной инфраструктуры.