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  Exposition photo - Peak...  
L’artiste belge Geert Goiris s’est rendu tout au long de l’année 2017 sur 12 sites industriels de Rubis Terminal (filiale du groupe Rubis), couvrant l’ensemble des dépôts en Europe, afin de développer une série photographique, intitulée Peak Oil, sur le thème du paysage industriel contemporain. Il a sillonné les zones portuaires et industrielles de Dunkerque, Rouen, Brest, Strasbourg, Village-Neuf, Saint-Priest, Villette-de-Vienne, Salaise-sur-Sanne, Bastia, Ajaccio, Rotterdam et Anvers.
The Belgian artist Geert Goiris traveled, throughout 2017, to 12 industrial sites of Rubis Terminal (a subsidiary of the Rubis Group), covering all of the depots in Europe, in order to develop a photographic series, entitled Peak Oil, on the theme of the contemporary industrial landscape. He has traveled the port and industrial areas of Dunkirk, Rouen, Brest, Strasbourg, New Village, Saint-Priest, Villette-de-Vienne, Salaise-sur-Sanne, Bastia, Ajaccio, Rotterdam and Antwerp. By adopting a cinematic and suggestive style, Geert Goiris proposes “an open narrative that oscillates between familiarity and alienation, discovery and fabulation”.
  Denis Rouvre -Low Tide,...  
Le tsunami qui s’ensuivit dévasta le littoral de la région de Tokohu sur près de six cents kilomètres, faisant vingt et un mille victimes et disparus et détruisant totalement ou partiellement de nombreuses villes et zones portuaires.
On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.3 earthquake occurred off the coast of Honshu, Japan. The tsunami that followed devastated the region of Tokohu over a span of 600 kilometers, claiming 21,000 victims and missing persons, and completely or partially destroying many cities and ports. The natural disaster led to a series of major accidents in the reactors of the Fukushima nuclear plant. The same day, nearly 215,000 people living near the disaster area were evacuated. Later, the region was evacuated by the hundreds of thousands, as anyone living within 30km of the site was forced to leave.