zones problématiques – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Fonte de la neige et lu...  
Les fossés le long des routes sont dégagés à leur extrémité afin de permettre le drainage au moment du dégel printanier. Les équipes de la Ville accordent la priorité aux zones problématiques connues en vue de réduire les risques d’inondation, car les opérations de dégagement ne visent pas à drainer tous les fossés.
Roadside ditches are cleared at the outlet end of the ditch system to provide drainage for the spring melt. City crews prioritize known critical areas in an attempt to minimize the risk of flooding as clearing operations are not designed to drain all ditches of water.
  Programmes et travaux f...  
La stratégie prévoit la mise au point d’une façon globale de gérer les débits de temps de pluie, d’enquêter sur les zones problématiques, de mettre en œuvre des programmes d’élimination de flux qui soient rentables et formule des recommandations au sujet de questions générales comme les normes de conception des éléments du système.
The development of a wet weather flow management strategy was a major recommendation of the previous Wastewater Master Plans and the City's Infrastructure Master Plan adopted in 2003. The strategy includes development of an overall approach to wet weather flow management, investigation of identified problem areas, implementation of high impact low cost Flow Removal Programs and recommendations to general concerns such as design standards for the components of the system. Priorities are related to further detailing of the strategy components, identification of specific Flow Removal projects, and investigation of alternative approaches to address concerns related to partially- separated areas.
  Programmes et travaux f...  
La stratégie prévoit la mise au point d’une façon globale de gérer les débits de temps de pluie, d’enquêter sur les zones problématiques et de mettre en œuvre des programmes d’élimination de flux qui soient rentables et formule des recommandations au sujet de questions générales comme les normes de conception des éléments du système.
The development of a wet weather flow management strategy was a major recommendation of the previous Wastewater Master Plans and the City's Infrastructure Master Plan adopted in 2003. The strategy includes development of an overall approach to wet weather flow management, investigation of identified problem areas, implementation of high impact low cost Flow Removal Programs and recommendations to general concerns such as design standards for the components of the system. Priorities are related to further detailing of the strategy components, identification of specific Flow Removal projects, and investigation of alternative approaches to address concerns related to partially- separated areas.