zones restantes – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Rapport de La Commissio...  
Récupération du territoire: Une grande partie de la Somalie reste sous le contrôle d'Al Shabaab et la récupération du territoire restant de la Somalie nécessite encore un effort significatif soutenu. Le Gouvernement fédéral de la Somalie a mis l’accent sur la récupération des zones restantes comme une priorité essentielle.
d. Recovery of territory: A significant portion of Somalia remains under the control of Al Shabaab and the recovery of the remaining territory of Somalia still requires a significant sustained effort. The Federal Government of Somalia has outlined the recovery of remaining areas as a key priority. However, the Government recognizes that there has to be a balance between consolidation of gains made and further expansion of areas under its control.
  Rapport de La Commissio...  
L'AMISOM ne sera pas en mesure de récupérer les zones restantes jusqu'à ce que les Forces nationales somaliennes aient développé les capacités nécessaires pour assumer la responsabilité de la sécurité des zones récupérées.
22. AMISOM’s military component has had considerable operational success. However, with current force strength, and without critical multipliers and enablers such as a guard force and air assets, AMISOM will be constrained in its ability to expand its area of operations. Without these multipliers and enablers, AMISOM would require additional forces if it were to expand its area of operations. AMISOM will not be able to recover the remaining areas until such time that the SNSF has developed the necessary capacity to take over responsibility for the security of the recovered areas.
  Rapport de La Commissio...  
Imposition robuste de la paix: l'AMISOM a besoin de capacités d'imposition robuste de la paix, afin de soutenir le Gouvernement fédéral de la Somalie dans ses efforts visant à récupérer les zones restantes sous contrôle d’Al Shabaab ainsi qu’à consolider les zones déjà récupérées.
e. Robust peace enforcement: AMISOM needs a robust peace enforcement capacity to support the Federal Government of Somalia in its efforts to recover remaining areas under Al Shabaab control as well as consolidate the already recovered areas.