zones rocheuses – Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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Le modèle de répartition et d'utilisation des terres, qui vont des zones rocheuses situées en altitude, aux bandes forestières, aux versants aménagés en terrasses, aux prairies d'élevage extensif, aux champs de culture fourragère, aux vignes et aux cultures fruitières implantées sur des terrains moins accidentés, ont autorisé, de tout temps, la pleine exploitation des ressources existantes.
The property bears credible witness to the historical, cultural and socio- economical processes that have taken place in the Tramuntana area, gradually modifying the landscape to make it productive, and have shaped its actual aspect, although these traditional dynamic processes are declining in favour of tourism activities. The setting still exhibits a strong continuity with past layouts and the aesthetic qualities of this landscape have been appreciated by well-known artists and intellectuals who have contributed to amplify its evocative value. Traditional skills for the building and repair of the dry-stone structures have been consciously maintained through the establishment of a school of dry-stone masonry, to counter the changes brought by social and economic change.