zones rurales – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  ICV - ICVolunteers News...  
Dans les zones rurales où ils seront affectés pour une durée de deux ans, les volontaires seront amenés à recueillir des informations relatives aux pratiques agricoles, aux défis liés à l’élevage et à l’utilisation des technologies dans ce contexte.
In the rural areas, where they will be appointed for a two year term, the volunteers will collect information linked to agricultural practices, challenges related to husbandry and the use ICTs in this context.
  ICV - Whats happening? ...  
Ledit « fossé numérique » est extrême en Afrique où le développement des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) en est encore à ses débuts, si on le compare à d'autres régions du monde. Ce fossé sépare non seulement le Nord du Sud, mais également les zones rurales des zones urbaines.
Yet, not everybody on our planet has the privilege -and sometimes also burden- to use these new tools. The so-called "digital divide" is at its most extreme in Africa, where the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is still at a very early stage of development compared to other regions of the world. This divide not only separates the North from the South, but also rural areas from urban ones. It makes little sense to talk about computer networks in areas, where electricity is not yet available. Of the approximately 816 million people in Africa in 2001, it is estimated that only:
  ICV - ICVolunteers News...  
Ce projet dans sa dimension "Désenclavement Rural" veut contribuer à l'amélioration des conditions d'accès aux marchés agricoles, il vise également à promouvoir la croissance économique des populations rurales à fortes potentialités. Sans désenclavement des zones rurales, il serait difficile d'améliorer la commercialisation des produits agricoles.
This project, in its dimension of "Connectivity of Rural Areas," aims to improve the conditions of access to agricultural markets. It also aims to promote economic growth for rural populations with great potential. Without connectivity to the rest of the world, these rural areas would find it difficult to improve commercialization of agricultural products. It will provide a better access to community and administrative services in order to improve the rural living conditions. Our action aims to focus on the connection to the outside world of the rural and nomadic populations in their respective locations. ICVolunteers proposes a rich catalogue of training, whose main goal is to develop and multiply skills: training for future trainers.
  ICV - ICVolunteers News...  
Les orateurs de la deuxième table ronde – portant sur l'utilisation des TIC en l'Afrique – ont présenté leurs résultats en matière d'utilisation des technologies dans les zones rurales du Sénégal, du Mali et de l'Ouganda, plus spécifiquement dans les domaines de l'agriculture et de la santé.
Speakers of the second roundtable -- which focused on the use of ICTs for Africa -- presented specific results stemming from technology use in rural areas of Senegal, Mali and Uganda, more specifically in the fields of agriculture and health. Speakers, both physically present at the International Conference Center of Geneva and others calling in from Senegal, Uganda, Canada (Mali) and Italy, shared their experiences and good practices. At the heart of the discussion was the inclusion of oral communities through a multimedia approach, tackling issues such as organic farming, health problems due to the unprotected use of pesticides and more. Also discussed were WSIS+10 and the stocktaking work done by ITU. The roundtable ended with a discussion about the ingredients needed to build successful partnerships for development-related ICT projects.
  ICV - ICVolunteers News...  
Comment passer d'une société où l'information existe, où il y a parfois même une surabondance d'informations, à une société des savoirs partagés? Comment créer des opportunités pour les jeunes en zones rurales de sorte qu'ils ne soient pas amenés à quitter la campagne pour se retrouver en ville, espaces déjà surpeuplés?
ICVolunteers and Tech For Food broaden the vision which reserves new technologies to industrialized countries. It is time to propose alternative developing models! How do we transform the digital divide into a digital opportunity? How do we move from a society where information exists, where it is, in fact, sometimes overabundant, to a society of shared knowledge? How can we create opportunities for young people in rural areas so they are not forced to leave the countryside and move to overpopulated cities? How can we use ICTs to better inform these young people working in husbandry, often a marginalized sector, in particular with links and connectors of young volunteers and community radios? How to adapt ICTs to the needs of those who work in husbandry and are largely anchored in an oral tradition?
  ICV - Short Term Projec...  
L'emploi dans les zones rurales et urbaines et la coopération décentralisée (y compris dans l'économie informelle);
Employment in the rural and urban areas (including informal economy), decentralized cooperation, informal economy in rural and urban areas;
  ICV - ICVolunteers News  
Le 21 septembre 2012, cinq ans jour pour jour après la réunion où l'idée du programme E-TIC est née, des résultats concrets ont été présentés au Centre International de Conférences à Genève sur l'utilisation des technologies dans des zones rurales d'Afrique.
On 21st September 2012, five years to the day since the launch of the initial idea of the E-TIC program, concrete results were presented at the International Conference Center of Geneva on the use of communication technologies in rural areas of Africa. More...