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Si l’on ne parvient pas à réaliser les objectifs environnementaux en établissant des réseaux de zones représentatives, on continuera de subir des pressions pour créer de nouvelles zones, étendre les zones existantes ou créer des zones tampons autour des zones protégées.
area is a challenge because it cannot be measured directly. In order to determine the ecological integrity of an area, ecologists must identify, measure and interpret some indicators. Indicators must be identified at various scales from the landscape to the site. Road access and road density (e.g., the number of kilometres of roads in an area) may be suitable indicators of human access to a large area. The condition and trends of a specific wildlife population can be an indicator of the viability of an ecosystem on a regional or site-specific scale. The definition and use of measurable indicators is a difficult and complex task at all scales.
Cette situation entraînera des pressions constantes en faveur de l’expansion des zones protégées, de l’augmentation du niveau de protection des zones existantes, de l’établissement de zones tampons ou de corridors adjacents aux zones existantes ou de la création de nouvelles zones.
Canada’s protected areas are geographically defined areas designed and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives. They are created to ensure representation of a natural region; to protect biodiversity, specific species or wildlife habitat; to preserve ecological integrity; and/or to ensure public access to outstanding natural areas for recreation and tourism. Activities in protected areas are controlled; certain activities may be prohibited, regulated or managed, depending on the conservation objectives of the area.
Il faudra établir de nouvelles zones afin de protéger la biodiversité et de préserver l’intégrité écologique, accroître la superficie de certaines zones protégées ou le niveau de protection dont elles jouissent, ou entourer certaines zones de zones tampons où le niveau de protection sera plus modeste.
The completion of the National Parks System by the year 2000, the establishment of new marine conservation areas, the development of legislation and policies for a marine conservation system, and the protection of threatened species are commitments in Securing Our Future Together. At the same time, expanding opportunity for jobs and growth in an innovation-based economy and developing a new ethic of cooperation and partnership between governments and the private sector are also commitments in the same document.
Pour assurer la représentation, des pressions pourraient être exercées afin que soient créées de nouvelles zones protégées, que des zones existantes soient agrandies, que des zones tampons soient ajoutées ou que des niveaux de protection soient accrus.
In order to monitor progress towards national objectives and to report on that progress to the public, it will be necessary to establish a standardized approach to reporting. An agreement to use the previously noted IUCN system might ensure consistency in reporting on the amounts of land that have been afforded specific levels of protection. A standardized approach might also include an agreement on providing information on the status of candidate sites. Such standards would make it possible for the mining industry, other stakeholders and the public to have a better understanding of the status of the networks and of the additional protected areas needed to achieve objectives. Advances in information technology, including the capacity to store and transmit information and data over the electronic highway, offer new possibilities for reporting and providing access to information related to protected areas. In addition to allowing users to access statistical data and maps, information technology can facilitate reporting and access to large amounts of information that will result from research into ecosystems, wildlife and ecological integrity. Such a system of reporting and access to information would require a coordinated effort to collate and organize the information and make it accessible to stakeholders and the public.