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  Knowledge for development  
La première étape consiste à dresser l’inventaire et d’établir une cartographie des zones de captage des eaux, y compris les lisières de végétation qui agissent comme agent de filtration, les zones tampons boisées, les pentes des champs agricoles et les « trajets d’écoulement » qui concentrent les eaux de ruissellement, comme par exemple les ravines formées par l’érosion du sol et les fossés de drainage.
In Europe, the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive requires EU Member States to develop National Action Plans with objectives, targets and measures to reduce the risks associated with applying pesticides. This study describes a new user guide to identify suitable measures to reduce pesticide pollution at the stream catchment scale. The guide was developed in Germany and it focuses on pesticide contamination via spray drift and surface runoff. Drainage through the soil from agricultural land was not included in the guide. The first step in the guide is to survey and map the catchment landscape for relevant features, including vegetation buffer strips, the type of buffer vegetation, the slope of agricultural fields and 'flow paths' that concentrate runoff, for example, gullies formed by soil erosion or drainage ditches. The next step involves using an 'identification key' to assess the potential for pesticides to enter water bodies, based on information in the landscape survey. The guide gives details of how effective such measures are in reducing exposure, and how feasible and acceptable such measures are likely to be. Users of the guide can compare the different measures to decide which measure or combination of measures to adopt.
  Knowledge for development  
La première étape consiste à dresser l’inventaire et d’établir une cartographie des zones de captage des eaux, y compris les lisières de végétation qui agissent comme agent de filtration, les zones tampons boisées, les pentes des champs agricoles et les « trajets d’écoulement » qui concentrent les eaux de ruissellement, comme par exemple les ravines formées par l’érosion du sol et les fossés de drainage.
Soroush Parsa, at International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali, Colombia and an international team of researchers, gathered the opinions of a large and diverse pool of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) professionals and practitioners from 96 countries to understand the low adoption rate of IPM among farmers. Analysis of responses revealed many unique statements on obstacles, the most frequent of which was 'insufficient training and technical support to farmers'. The obstacles were grouped into six themes: research weaknesses, outreach weaknesses, IPM weaknesses, farmer weaknesses, pesticide industry interference, and weak adoption incentives. Respondents from developing countries and high-income countries rated the obstacles differently. As a group, developing-country respondents rated 'IPM requires collective action within a farming community' as their top obstacle to IPM adoption. Developing-country participants appear to worry significantly more about weaknesses inherent within IPM itself. The authors believe the findings highlight the value of improving the active participation and representation of developing-country experience and perception in the IPM adoption debate. (PNAS, 24/02/2014)
  Knowledge for development  
Selon Peden, Les stratégies de conservation de l'eau sont fondamentales pour accroître la productivité de l'eau pour l'élevage en transformant l'évaporation en transpiration : meilleure gestion des pâturages, réhabilitation des zones dégradées et zones tampons de végétation bien gérées qui favorisent l'infiltration des eaux de pluie, restaurent la fertilité des sols et maintiennent un volume critique de biomasse végétale permettant de faire face à l’arrivée des pluies.
Amir Kassam in his lead article argues that the no-till farming system involving soil cover and crop diversification, known as Conservation Agriculture (CA), is fundamentally changing farming practices and management of the land resource base, the landscape and the environment. As a proponent of this approach, Kassam notes that CA enhances ecosystem services and resilience, and offers additional economic and environmental benefits that are difficult or impossible to mobilize with conventional tillage agriculture. In his view, CA fits within the sustainable intensification paradigm which when defined in its broadest sense, encompasses production and ecological dimensions, the biological products produced and utilized by consumers and with minimum food waste, as well as the human and economic dimensions of socio-cultural aspirations, organizations and social equity and economic growth.According to Kassam, CA is not intensification in the classical sense of greater use of inputs but rather the intensification of knowledge, skills and management practices and the complementary judicious use of other inputs. He sees the new challenge for science and policy in the 21st Century as being able to produce more from less and with minimum damage and to rehabilitate degraded and or abandoned lands while conserving and optimizing the use of the remaining water and biodiversity resources. CA is now being practiced on 125 million hectares (about 9% of cropland) across all continents, and approximately 50% lies in the developing countries, including in African countries, namely Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Kassam believes that CA can contribute to the goal of sustainable intensification, but more research and extension effort is needed to inform policy formulation and development strategies.
  Knowledge for development  
En restaurant la production d'herbage, les éleveurs ont transformé l'évaporation excessive en transpiration, augmentant ainsi la production de fourrage et la productivité de l'eau. Grâce aux zones tampons de végétation et aux abreuvoirs séparés, les réservoirs en aval présentent une capacité accrue de stockage et une meilleure qualité de l'eau.
In Nakasongola District, Uganda, overgrazing and excessive charcoal production led to severe loss of vegetation and the feed and ecosystem services it provides, greatly increasing termite damage. Resultant land degradation forced herders to abandon their land and migrate to new areas. Uncontrolled animal access to drinking water led to bacterial contamination and loss of riparian buffer vegetation. Soil carried by runoff from upstream areas filled ponds or valley tanks with sediment, reducing water storage capacity. With loss of available drinking water, herders were forced to trek long distances to Nile riparian areas for drinking and grazing in the dry season. Stress associated with forced migration led to high rates of animal morbidity and mortality. Researchers from Makerere University and ILRI collaborated with livestock keepers to rehabilitate pastures and improve valley tank management. By restoring grass production, herders transformed excessive evaporation into transpiration, thereby increasing forage production and LWP. By providing vegetative buffers and separate drinking troughs, valley tanks retain greater storage capacity and water quality.