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  Profil de la culture de...  
Au Canada, seule la Saskatchewan en produit (environ 500 000 hectares). La lentille est mieux adaptée aux zones tempérées fraîches. Elle s'adapte difficilement aux sols salins, aux sols qui se réchauffent lentement au printemps et aux sols très humides.
family and is an important pulse crop in Western Canada. Lentil is produced only in Saskatchewan, where about 500,000 hectares are grown. The crop is best adapted for production in cooler temperate areas. Lentil is not well adapted to saline soils, soils that are slow to warm up in the spring or to soils high in moisture.
  Fractions du phosphore ...  
Le réchauffement global entraînera de basses températures du sol et une augmentation des cycles hivernaux de gel et de dégel dans les zones tempérées et de hautes latitudes. Nous avons étudié l’effet, sur la disponibilité du phosphore (P) de la couche superficielle de sols sous semis direct ou labour conventionnel, d’une période hivernale dans les conditions du champ et d’un nombre croissant de cycle de gel et de dégel fait au laboratoire.
Projected global warming may result in colder soil temperatures and a greater number of soil freezing and thawing cycles (FTC) during the winter in cool temperate and high-latitude regions. We evaluated the effects of seasons and repeated FTC on soil P availability in the topsoil of no-till (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems. In order to determine P availability during fall 2007 and spring 2008, soil samples (0-15 cm) were collected in both seasons from a long-term corn-soybean rotation experiment in plots that received 0, 17.5 and 35 kg P ha-1 and 160 kg N ha-1 every 2 yr since 1992. In addition, soil cores (0-5 cm) were collected in fall 2007 in plots that received 35 kg P ha-1 and 160 kg N ha-1 every 2 yr and were enriched or not with 2 g of soybean residues. Under controlled conditions, the cores were subjected to various FTC treatments, with each cycle consisting of 5 d of freezing and 5 d of thawing. The water-extractable P (Pw) and Mehlich 3 extractable P (PM3) contents were higher in soil samples collected in the spring compared with those collected the previous fall. After one and three FTC, Pw values averaged 17.4 mg kg-1 in NT and 7.5 mg kg-1 in CT and were not influenced by the addition of soybean residues. At the end of the sixth FTC, the Pw content of soil cores collected in NT increased up to 25.9 mg kg-1 with the addition of residues but decreased in the absence of residues. The effects of freezing and thawing on soil cores with crop residues occurred at the end of the sixth FTC, where PM3 in the NT + residues treatment increased twofold, reaching 100 mg P kg-1. These results confirm that both Pw and PM3 in NT can be enhanced by increasing the number of FTC.
  Indoor fungal compositi...  
Nous avons montré que, contrairement aux tendances écologiques courantes, la diversité fongique est significativement plus grande dans les zones tempérées que dans les zones tropicales et que la distance par rapport à l’équateur est le meilleur prédicteur de similarité phylogénétique des communautés.
Fungi are ubiquitous components of indoor human environments, where most contact between humans and microbes occurs. The majority of these organisms apparently play a neutral role, but some are detrimental to human lifestyles and health. Recent studies that used culture-independent sampling methods demonstrated a high diversity of indoor fungi distinct from that of outdoor environments. Others have shown temporal fluctuations of fungal assemblages in human environments and modest correlations with human activity, but global-scale patterns have not been examined, despite the manifest significance of biogeography in other microbial systems. Here we present a global survey of fungi from indoor environments (n = 72), using both taxonomic and phylogeny-informative molecular markers to determine whether global or local indoor factors determine indoor fungal composition. Contrary to common ecological patterns, we show that fungal diversity is significantly higher in temperate zones than in the tropics, with distance from the equator being the best predictor of phylogenetic community similarity. Fungal composition is significantly auto-correlated at the national and hemispheric spatial scales. Remarkably, building function has no significant effect on indoor fungal composition, despite stark contrasts between architecture and materials of some buildings in close proximity. Distribution of individual taxa is significantly range- and latitude-limited compared with a null model of randomized distribution. Our results suggest that factors driving fungal composition are primarily global rather than mediated by building design or function.