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  Europan-Europe Exchanges  
L’élément clé de ce site est la présence de la rivière, qui traverse la zone. A cause des risques d’inondations, il y a de larges zones vertes le long des rives à protéger. Nous cherchons donc pour ce projet de nouveaux usages pour la rivière et qui connectent les deux zones : Hamang et Sandvika, où arrive la rivière.
Bærum is a town of 116,000 people a little over 10 km from Oslo. The site is at Hamang, in the Sandvika district, the administrative centre of Bærum. Hamang is 500 metres from the centre and the station. It is a former industrial zone that we wish to develop. It houses the buildings of a former paper factory which could be converted to new uses. The key component of this site is the presence of the river, which flows through the area. Because of flood risk, there are wide green areas along the banks, which need to be protected. For this project, therefore, we are looking for new uses for the river connecting Hamang and Sandvika, where the river arrives. We also want to explore density. We are close to the centre of Sandvika, and also Oslo, and the population is growing, to the extent that we would like to attract more people to Sandvika where, at present, there is not much housing, but mainly commercial and service functions. We therefore have two major needs: new uses for the river and increased density, without sacrificing the quality of the spaces and buildings.