zones vulnérables – Traduction – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Pour voir les cartes des zones vulnérables, cliquez ici ou ici.
To see maps of the vulnerable areas look here or here
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Selon la Loi sur l'eau saine, il existe quatre types de zones vulnérables. Il se peut que ces zones exercent une incidence sur la qualité et la quantité de l'eau potable municipale, ce qui justifie l'accroissement du niveau de protection contre des menaces potentielles.
There are four types of vulnerable areas, as defined by the Clean Water Act. These are areas that could have an on impact on the quality or quantity of municipal drinking water and therefore warrant a higher level of protection from potential threats.
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Ces vérifications consistent à observer et à analyser les pratiques dans tous les secteurs de l’entreprise, que ce soit la production, les matières premières ou le contrôle des stocks. Elles ont pour objectif de réduire les répercussions de l’exploitation d’une entreprise dans les zones vulnérables.
The majority of Ontario’s population draws its drinking water directly from the Great Lakes and large rivers, such as the Ottawa River and the St. Lawrence River. Surface water is transported through an intake pipe directly from the lake, river or stream and into a water treatment system. Fortunately, many of these drinking water intakes are located far from shore in deep water, like in the Great Lakes, where contamination is less likely. However, many other municipal surface water intakes in Ontario are located in areas where there are greater risks of contamination. Download Full Brochure
  Rapport d’évaluation - ...  
Le présent document détermine les zones vulnérables pour les sources d'eau souterraine et d'eau de surface, ainsi que les activités et les conditions qui entraînent un risque pour la qualité et la quantité des sources d'eau potable dans la zone de protection des sources d'eau potable.
This document identifies vulnerable areas for both groundwater and surface water sources, along with activities that pose a risk to the quality and quantity of drinking water sources within the Source Protection Area. Identified risks to water quality and quantity are ranked as low, moderate or significant threats on a scale from 0 to 100, with significant threats scoring above 80. The priority risks identified in the Assessment Report will be the first ones considered during the development of the Source Protection Plan.