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  Fonds social européen -...  
L'Espagne étend son programme Aurora afin de venir en aide aux femmes des zones rurales
España amplía su programa “Aurora” de apoyo a mujeres de zonas rurales
  Consultations en cours ...  
Consultation relative à un projet de règlement d’exemption par catégorie pour l'agriculture, la sylviculture et les zones rurales
Consultation on a draft Block Exemption Regulation for the agriculture and forestry sector and for rural areas
Konsultation zu den geplanten Änderungen an der Gruppenfreistellungsverordnung für den Agrar- und Forstsektor und ländliche Gebiete
Consulta sobre un proyecto de reglamento de exención por categorías para el sector agrario y forestal y para las zonas rurales
Consultazione su un progetto di regolamento di esenzione per categoria per il settore agricolo e forestale e per le aree rurali
Consulta sobre um projeto de regulamento de isenção por categoria no setor agrícola e florestal e em zonas rurais
Διαβούλευση για σχέδιο κανονισμού απαλλαγής κατά κατηγορία για τους τομείς της γεωργίας και της δασοκομίας και για τις αγροτικές περιοχές
Raadpleging over een ontwerp-groepsvrijstellingsverordening voor de land- en bosbouw en voor landelijke gebieden
Консултация относно проект на регламент за групово освобождаване за сектора на селското и горското стопанство и за селските райони
Savjetovanje o nacrtu Uredbe o općem skupnom izuzeću za sektor poljoprivrede i šumarstva i za ruralna područja
Konzultace o výjimce návrhu nařízení o blokových pro zemědělství a lesnictví a ve venkovských oblastech
Høring om en foreløbig gruppefritagelsesforordning for landbrugs- og skovbrugssektoren og for landdistrikter
Põllumajandus- ja metsandussektorit ning maapiirkondi hõlmava grupierandi määruse eelnõud käsitlev konsultatsioon
Maa- ja metsätalousalaa sekä maaseutualueita koskevan ryhmäpoikkeusasetuksen luonnos
Konzultáció a mezőgazdasági és erdészeti ágazatra, valamint a vidéki térségekre vonatkozó csoportmentességi rendelettervezetről
Rozporządzenie w sprawie wyłączeń grupowych w sektorze rolnictwa, leśnictwa i w odniesieniu do obszarów wiejskich
Consultare privind un proiect de regulament de exceptare pe categorii pentru sectorul agricol și forestier și pentru zonele rurale
Konzultácia o návrhu nariadenia o skupinových výnimkách pre sektor poľnohospodárstva a lesného hospodárstva a pre vidiecke oblasti
Posvetovanje o osnutku uredbe o skupinskih izjemah v sektorju kmetijstva in gozdarstva ter na podeželskih območjih
Utkast till en gruppundantagsförordning för jordbruks- och skogsbrukssektorn och landsbygdsområden
Apspriešana par grupu atbrīvojuma regulas projektu lauksaimniecības un mežsaimniecības nozarei un lauku apvidiem
Konsultazzjoni dwar abbozz ta' Regolament ta' Eżenzjoni ta' Kategorija għall-agrikoltura u s-settur tal-forestrija u għaż-żoni rurali
Comhairliúchán maidir le dréacht-Rialachán Blocdhíolúine d'earnáil na talmhaíochta agus na foraoiseachta agus do cheantair thuaithe
  Fonds européen pour la ...  
développement durable des zones de pêche (aide à la diversification des économies locales, p. ex.);
sustainable development of fisheries areas (e.g. to support diversification of the local economy)
umweltverträgliche Entwicklung von Fischereigebieten (z. B. zur Unterstützung der Neuausrichtung von Fischereigemeinden auf andere wirtschaftliche Schwerpunkte)
desarrollo sostenible de las zonas dependientes de la pesca (por ejemplo, diversificación de la economía local)
sviluppo sostenibile delle zone di pesca (ad esempio per diversificare l'economia locale)
desenvolvimento sustentável de zonas pesqueiras (por exemplo, apoio à diversificação da economia local),
βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη των αλιευτικών περιοχών (π.χ. στήριξη της διαφοροποίησης των τοπικών οικονομιών)
duurzame ontwikkeling van visgebieden (bijv. steun aan diversificatie van de lokale economie)
устойчиво развитие на рибарските региони (например, за подпомагане на диверсификацията на местната икономика)
udržitelný rozvoj rybolovných oblastí (např. podpora diverzifikace místní ekonomiky)
bæredygtig udvikling af fiskeriafhængige områder (f.eks. for at gøre den lokale økonomi mere alsidig)
kalapüügipiirkondade jätkusuutlik areng (näiteks toetus kohaliku majanduse mitmekesistamisele);
kalastusalueiden kestävä kehittäminen (esim. tuki paikallisen talouselämän monipuolistamiseen)
a halászati térségek fenntartható fejlesztése (pl. a helyi gazdaság változatossá tételének támogatása),
zrównoważony rozwój obszarów związanych z rybołówstwem (np. wspieranie dywersyfikacji gospodarki lokalnej)
dezvoltarea durabilă a zonelor de pescuit (de exemplu, pentru diversificarea economiei locale)
udržateľný rozvoj rybárskych oblastí (napr. podpora diverzifikácie miestnej ekonomiky);
trajnostni razvoj ribiških območij (denimo podpora za razvejanje lokalnega gospodarstva);
Hållbar utveckling i fiskeområden (t.ex. stöd till att bredda den lokala ekonomin).
zvejas apgabalu ilgtspējīga attīstība (piemēram, lai dažādotu vietējo ekonomiku),
l-iżvilupp sostenibbli taż-żoni tas-sajd (eż. għall-promozzjoni tad-diversifikazzjoni tal-ekonomija lokali)
  Fonds social européen -...  
L'Espagne étend son programme Aurora afin de venir en aide aux femmes des zones rurales
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spanien erweitert sein Aurora-Programm und unterstützt Frauen in ländlichen Gebieten
España amplía su programa “Aurora” de apoyo a mujeres de zonas rurales
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
Spain is expanding its Aurora programme for offering support to women in rural areas
  Instruments de soutien ...  
Zones éligibles
Subsidies en opdrachten
Granty a veřejné zakázky
Tilskud og indkøb
Toetused ja hanked
Avustukset ja hankinnat
Dotācijas un iepirkumi
Għotjiet u Akkwisti
  Fonds social européen -...  
À Bordeaux, le FSE soutient l'attribution de prix aux jeunes chefs d'entreprise des zones urbaines défavorisées
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux unterstützt der ESF Auszeichnungen für junge Unternehmer aus benachteiligten Stadtgebieten.
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
In Bordeaux, the ESF is supporting awards for young business leaders from depressed urban areas
  Livre vert sur la promo...  
Un processus de réforme est en cours qui permettra à cette politique de contribuer pleinement à la Stratégie Europe 2020 pour une croissance intelligente, durable et inclusive, en soutenant une agriculture source de sécurité alimentaire, d’utilisation durable des ressources naturelles et de dynamisme pour les zones rurales.
The CAP enables better use to be made of the potential of the European agricultural and agri-food sector. A reform is under way which will ensure that this policy feeds directly into the Europe 2020 Strategy for intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth by promoting an agriculture sector which delivers food security, a sustainable use of natural resources and more dynamic rural areas. This calls in parallel for a fundamental review of the policy for information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products, which is one of the instruments of the CAP.
Dank der GAP wird das Potenzial des europäischen Agrar- und Ernährungssektors freigesetzt und zur Entfaltung gebracht. Im Zuge ihres derzeitigen Reformprozesses kann diese Politik voll und ganz zur Strategie Europa 2020 für intelligentes, nachhaltiges und integratives Wachstum durch Förderung einer Landwirtschaft beitragen, die die Voraussetzungen für Lebensmittelsicherheit, eine nachhaltige Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen und mehr Dynamik im ländlichen Raum bietet. Parallel dazu muss eine gründliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Informations- und Absatzförderungspolitik für Agrarerzeugnisse – als einem der GAP-Instrumente - stattfinden.
  Cohésion territoriale –...  
Zones éligibles
Nabídky a granty
Tilskud og indkøb
Pakkumised ja toetused
Avustukset ja hankinnat
Tenderek és támogatások
Tendre a granty
Razpisi in subvencije
Konkursi un dotācijas
  Fonds européen pour la ...  
Réseau des zones de pêche (FARNET)
Fisheries areas network (FARNET)
Europäisches Netz für Fischereiwirtschaftsgebiete (FARNET)
Red Europea de Zonas de Pesca (FARNET)
Rete delle zone di pesca (FARNET)
Rede europeia das zonas de pesca (FARNET)
Δίκτυο αλιευτικών περιοχών (FARNET)
Netwerk van visserijgebieden (FARNET)
Мрежа на рибарските региони (FARNET)
Síť rybářských lovišť (FAR-NET)
Netværket af fiskeriområder (FARNET)
Kalanduspiirkondade võrgustik (FARNET)
Kalastusalueiden verkosto (FARNET)
Sieć obszarów zależnych od rybołówstwa (FARNET)
Reţeaua zonelor de pescuit (FARNET)
Sieť rybárskych oblastí (FARNET)
Mreža za trajnostni razvoj ribiških območij (FARNET)
Nätverket för europeiska fiskeområden (Farnet)
Eiropas zvejas apgabalu tīkls (FARNET)
Netwerk dwar iż-żoni tas-sajd (FARNET)
  Instrument d’aide de pr...  
Zones éligibles
Subsidies en opdrachten
Granty a veřejné zakázky
Tilskud og indkøb
Toetused ja hanked
Avustukset ja hankinnat
Dotācijas un iepirkumi
Għotjiet u Akkwisti
  L’Observatoire européen...  
Le secteur privé est représenté par des membres d’associations professionnelles nationales et européennes, provenant d’une grande diversité de secteurs et de zones géographiques et engagés dans la lutte contre la contrefaçon et le piratage.
Private industry representatives from a broad range of European and national associations, regularly engaged and experienced in fighting counterfeiting and piracy, were invited to represent a wide diversity of sectors and geographical areas. These participants have also been invited to contribute to specialised working groups.
Der private Sektor wird durch Mitglieder der unterschiedlichsten europäischen und nationalen Verbände vertreten, die regelmäßig mit der Bekämpfung der Marken- und Produktpiraterie zu tun haben, so dass eine Vielzahl von Sektoren und geografischen Gebieten abgedeckt ist. Diese Teilnehmer arbeiten auch in Facharbeitsgruppen mit.
  Relations de l'UE avec ...  
Si l’on ajoute les transferts des précédents FED, la dotation territoriale indicative s’élève à 42 millions d’euros. Cette somme sert à financer un projet d’infrastructure urbaine locale dans les zones socialement défavorisées des différentes îles et un projet d’assainissement sur l’île Bonaire.
Despite the relatively high GDP per capita (US$ 16,000 in 2004) compared to other countries in the region, the 9th EDF allocation amounts to € 20 M. Adding the transfers from previous EDFs, the indicative territorial allocation amounts to € 42 M. This amount is used to fund an urban neighbourhood infrastructure project in socially deprived areas on the different islands and a sewerage project on Bonaire.
  Partenariat d’Innovatio...  
L’innovation peut être un puissant vecteur de solutions permettant de relever les défis auxquels l'Europe est confrontée dans le domaine des matières premières. Les nouvelles technologies permettent une extraction plus en profondeur, dans des zones plus reculées et dans des conditions extrêmes, par exemple.
Innovation can be a powerful vehicle in meeting Europe's challenges in the field of raw materials. For example, new technologies can help to extract deeper, in more remote areas and under harsh conditions.
Innovation kann ein wirksames Instrument sein, mit dem Europa den Herausforderungen auf dem Gebiet der Rohstoffe begegnen kann. Beispielsweise können neue Technologien die Gewinnung von Rohstoffen in größeren Tiefen, in entfernteren Gebieten und unter schwierigeren Bedingungen ermöglichen.
  Le 16 avril, l’UE a réa...  
«Aujourd’hui, nous constatons que les femmes pauvres, en particulier dans les zones rurales, sont spécialement affectées par la raréfaction continue des ressources naturelles. Elles sont en première ligne, car elles assument en premier ressort la responsabilité de répondre de façon durable aux besoins en énergie, en nourriture et en eau de leur ménage», a affirmé la directrice exécutive d’ONU Femmes Michelle Bachelet lors du sommet.
"Today we see that poor women, especially in rural areas, are particularly affected by the continued depletion of natural resources. They are on the frontlines. They bear primary responsibility for ensuring and sustaining their household’s needs for energy, food and water", UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet told the Summit. The continued lack of opportunities for women in the developing world is closely linked to a lack of energy access.
  Lutter contre la faim  
Le 3 octobre 2012, la Commission européenne a adopté une nouvelle communication visant à aider les communautés vulnérables des zones en situation de crise dans le monde à mieux supporter les chocs futurs.
On the 3 October 2012, the European Commission adopted a new communication on helping vulnerable communities in crisis prone areas across the world build resilience to future shocks. The communication draws lessons from the extensive experience of responding to recent food crises across the globe and outlines the concrete measures that the European Union is taking to help vulnerable populations reduce the impact of future crises and disasters.
  Le programme thématique...  
Ce programme couvre tous les pays en développement et ses principaux bénéficiaires sont: les enfants de moins de cinq ans, les communautés dont des membres sont atteints du VIH/sida ou d'autres maladies chroniques, les communautés et les groupes touchés par la guerre et les personnes déplacées à l'intérieur de leur propre pays, les femmes, les pasteurs, les petits agriculteurs, les populations de pêcheurs, les ouvriers sans terre, les ouvriers agricoles et les pauvres extrêmes dans les zones urbaines.
This programme covers all developing countries and its primary beneficiaries are: children under the age of five; communities with members suffering from HIV/AIDS or other chronic illnesses; war-affected communities and groups and internally displaced people; women; pastoralists, small farmers and fisher folk; landless and farm labourers and the urban ultra-poor. To better achieve the goal of reaching these beneficiaries in a sustainable way, this programme puts emphasis on training and capacity building for various stakeholders at national and regional levels, including government officials, and the strengthening of Regional Economic Communities' capacities.
développement socio-économique dans les zones rurales (51 %);
socioeconomic development in rural areas (51%)
  Marchés agricoles - ...  
Économie des zones rurales
Economics of rural areas
Wirtschaftsdaten für ländliche Räume
  Fonds social européen -...  
Un financement du FSE aide des éleveurs d’ovins à se reconvertir à l’agriculture biologique afin d’améliorer les moyens de subsistance dans les zones rurales
ESF-Fördermittel für spanische Schafzüchter sollen ländliche Lebensgrundlagen durch Umstellung auf ökologische Zuchtmethoden verbessern
La financiación del FSE ayuda a ganaderos granadinos a adoptar métodos ecológicos para mejorar los medios de subsistencia rurales
  Livre vert sur la promo...  
L'actuel processus de réforme permettra à la politique agricole commune (PAC) de contribuer pleinement à la Stratégie Europe 2020 pour une croissance intelligente, durable et inclusive, en soutenant une agriculture source de sécurité alimentaire, d’utilisation durable des ressources naturelles et de dynamisme pour les zones rurales.
A reform is under way which will ensure that the common agricultural policy (CAP) feeds directly into the Europe 2020 Strategy for intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth by promoting an agriculture sector which delivers food security, a sustainable use of natural resources and more dynamic rural areas. This calls in parallel for a fundamental review of the policy for information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products, which is one of the instruments of the CAP. The Green Paper on promotion measures and information provision for agricultural products opened this debate.
Im Zuge ihres derzeitigen Reformprozesses kann die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik voll und ganz zur Strategie Europa 2020 für intelligentes, nachhaltiges und integratives Wachstum durch Förderung einer Landwirtschaft beitragen, die die Voraussetzungen für Lebensmittelsicherheit, eine nachhaltige Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen und mehr Dynamik im ländlichen Raum bietet. Parallel dazu muss eine gründliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Informations- und Absatzförderungspolitik für Agrarerzeugnisse – als einem der GAP-Instrumente - stattfinden. Das Grünbuch über die Informations- und Absatzförderungspolitik für Agrarerzeugnisse eröffnete diese Debatte.
  JESSICA: alliance europ...  
JESSICA (Soutien communautaire conjoint pour un investissement durable dans les zones urbaines) est une initiative de la Commission européenne, élaborée en coopération avec la Banque européenne d’investissement (BEI) et la Banque de développement du Conseil de l’Europe (CEB).
JESSICA steht für gemeinsame europäische Unterstützung für nachhaltige Investitionen in Stadtgebiete und ist eine Initiative der Europäischen Kommission, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) und der Entwicklungsbank des Europarats (CEB) entwickelt wurde. Gefördert werden nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung und Sanierung durch Finanzinstrumente.
Los países de la UE pueden optar por invertir parte de sus asignaciones de Fondos Estructurales de la UE en fondos reembolsables, para ayudar a reutilizar los recursos financieros y acelerar, así, las inversiones en las zonas urbanas de Europa.
JESSICA - Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (Apoio Europeu Comum para o Investimento Sustentável em Zonas Urbanas) é uma iniciativa da Comissão Europeia, desenvolvida em colaboração com o Banco Europeu de Investimento (BEI) e o Banco de Desenvolvimento do Conselho da Europa (BDCE). Promove a regeneração e o desenvolvimento urbano sustentáveis, através de mecanismos de engenharia financeira.
Η JESSICA (Kοινή ευρωπαϊκή υποστήριξη για βιώσιμες επενδύσεις σε αστικές περιοχές) είναι μια πρωτοβουλία της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, η οποία αναπτύχθηκε από κοινού με την Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων και την Αναπτυξιακή Τράπεζα του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης (CEB). Στηρίζει τη βιώσιμη αστική ανάπτυξη και ανάπλαση μέσω μηχανισμών χρηματοοικονομικής τεχνικής.
) is een initiatief van de Europese Commissie, ontwikkeld in samenwerking met de Europese Investeringsbank (EIB) en de Ontwikkelingsbank van de Raad van Europa. Het ondersteunt duurzame stadsontwikkeling en -vernieuwing via financiële mechanismen.
Iniciativa JESSICA – Společná evropská podpora udržitelných investic do městských oblastí – vznikla na popud Evropské komise ve spolupráci s Evropskou investiční bankou (EIB) a Rozvojovou bankou Rady Evropy (CEB). Pomocí mechanismů finančního inženýrství podporuje udržitelný městský rozvoj a obnovu.
JESSICA - Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (fælles europæisk støtte til bæredygtige investeringer i byområder), er et initiativ som Europa-Kommissionen har udviklet i samarbejde med Den Europæiske Investeringsbank (EIB) og Europarådets Udviklingsbank (CEB). Det støtter bæredygtig byudvikling og byfornyelse via finanstekniske mekanismer.
JESSICA (Euroopa ühine toetus linnapiirkondade jätkusuutlikele investeeringutele) on Euroopa Komisjoni algatus, mis töötati välja koostöös Euroopa Investeerimispanga (EIP) ja Euroopa Nõukogu Arengupangaga. See toetab linnade jätkusuutlikku arengut ja taastamist finantskorraldussüsteemide kaudu.
A JESSICA – Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (fenntartható városfejlesztési beruházásokat támogató közös európai kezdeményezés) az Európai Bizottság által az Európai Beruházási Bankkal (EBB) és az Európa Tanács Fejlesztési Bankjával (CEB) együttműködve létrehozott kezdeményezés. A városok fenntartható fejlesztését és rehabilitációját támogatja pénzügyi tervezési mechanizmusokon keresztül.
JESSICA – wspólne europejskie wsparcie na rzecz trwałych inwestycji w obszarach miejskich – to inicjatywa Komisji Europejskiej opracowana we współpracy z Europejskim Bankiem Inwestycyjnym (EBI) oraz Bankiem Rozwoju Rady Europy (CEB). Wspiera regenerację i zrównoważony rozwój obszarów miejskich poprzez mechanizmy inżynierii finansowej.
JESSICA – Sprijin european comun pentru investiţii durabile în zonele urbane – este o iniţiativă a Comisiei Europene dezvoltată în cooperare cu Banca Europeană de Investiţii (BEI) şi Banca de Dezvoltare a Consiliului Europei (CEB). Această iniţiativă sprijină dezvoltarea urbană durabilă şi regenerarea prin mecanisme de inginerie financiară.
JESSICA (Spoločná európska podpora pre udržateľné investície v mestských oblastiach) je iniciatíva Európskej komisie vypracovaná v spolupráci s Európskou investičnou bankou (EIB) a Rozvojovou bankou Rady Európy (CEB). Podporuje trvalo udržateľný rozvoj miest a regeneráciu prostredníctvom mechanizmov finančného inžinierstva.
JESSICA – skupna evropska podpora za trajnostne naložbe v mestna območja je pobuda, ki jo je Evropska komisija pripravila v sodelovanju z Evropsko investicijsko banko (EIB) in Razvojno banko Sveta Evrope (CEB). Prek mehanizmov finančnega inženiringa podpira trajnostni razvoj in obnovo mestnih območij.
JESSICA – Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas, hi inizjattiva tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea żviluppata f'kooperazzjoni mal-Bank Ewropew tal-Investiment (BEI) u l-Bank għall-Iżvilupp tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa (CEB). Hi tappoġġja l-iżvilupp urban sostenibbli u r-riġenerazzjoni permezz ta' mekkaniżmi tal-inġinerija finanzjarja.
  Surveillance maritime i...  
À l'heure actuelle, les autorités européennes et nationales responsables des différentes facettes de la surveillance (contrôle des frontières, sécurité et sûreté, contrôle des zones de pêche, douanes, environnement, défense, etc.) recueillent des données séparément et les partagent rarement.
Currently, EU and national authorities responsible for different aspects of surveillance – e.g. border control, safety and security, fisheries control, customs, environment or defence – collect data separately and often do not share them. As a result, the same data may be collected more than once.
Attualmente, le autorità nazionali e dell'UE responsabili dei diversi aspetti della sorveglianza (controlli alle frontiere, sicurezza, controllo della pesca, dogane, ambiente, difesa, ecc.) raccolgono i dati separatamente e spesso non li condividono. Di conseguenza, alcuni dati vengono raccolti più di una volta.
Atualmente, as autoridades da UE e nacionais responsáveis por diferentes aspetos da vigilância, por exemplo, controlo das fronteiras, segurança, controlo das pescas, alfândegas, ambiente ou defesa, recolhem os dados separadamente e, muitas vezes, não os partilham. Os mesmos dados podem, assim, ser recolhidos mais de uma vez.
Σήμερα, οι αρχές της ΕΕ και των κρατών μελών που εμπλέκονται σε διάφορες πτυχές της επιτήρησης, όπως συνοριακοί έλεγχοι, ασφάλεια και προστασία, αλιευτικοί έλεγχοι, τελωνεία, περιβάλλον ή άμυνα, συλλέγουν δεδομένα ξεχωριστά και συχνά δεν τα ανταλλάσουν μεταξύ τους, με αποτέλεσμα τα ίδια δεδομένα να συλλέγονται ενδεχομένως πολλές φορές.
Údaje v současné době shromažďují jak orgány EU, tak vnitrostátní orgány odpovědné za různé aspekty dohledu nad mořským prostředím – např. ochrana hranic, bezpečnost, kontrola rybolovu, cla, životní prostředí nebo obrana. Shromážděné informace si pak často ani nevyměňují. Proto může docházet k tomu, že ty samé údaje jsou shromažďovány vícekrát, a tudíž zbytečně.
På nuværende tidspunkt indsamler EU og nationale myndigheder med ansvar for forskellige aspekter af overvågning – f.eks. grænsekontrol, sikkerhed, fiskerikontrol, told, miljø eller forsvar – data hver for sig og deler dem ofte ikke. Derfor indsamles de samme data muligvis flere gange.
Praegu koguvad EL ja riiklikud ametiasutused, kes vastutavad seire erinevate aspektide eest (nt piirikontroll, ohutus ja turvalisus, kalanduskontroll, toll, keskkond või julgeolek), andmeid eraldi ja sageli neid ei jagata. Selle tulemusena võidakse samu andmeid koguda rohkem kui ühe korra.
Tällä hetkellä EU ja erilaisista valvontatehtävistä – esim. rajavalvonta, turvallisuus, kalastuksen valvonta, tulli, ympäristö ja puolustus – vastaavat viranomaiset keräävät tietoja tahoillaan eivätkä useinkaan jaa niitä. Tämän vuoksi samat tiedot saatetaan kerätä useaan kertaan.
Jelenleg az Unió és a különböző felügyeleti tevékenységekért – például a határellenőrzésért, a biztonságért és védelemért, a halászati ellenőrzésért, a vámügyekért, a környezetvédelemért vagy a honvédelemért – felelős nemzeti hatóságok külön-külön gyűjtik az adatokat és sokszor nem osztják meg azokat egymással. Így előfordulhat ugyanazon adatok párhuzamos gyűjtése.
V súčasnosti orgány EÚ a členských štátov zodpovedné za jednotlivé aspekty dohľadu – ako sú napr. hraničná kontrola, bezpečnosť, kontrola rybolovu, clá, životné prostredie alebo obrana – zhromažďujú údaje samostatne a často si ich navzájom neposkytujú. V dôsledku toho sa rovnaké údaje môžu zhromažďovať viackrát.
För närvarande samlar EU och de nationella myndigheterna med ansvar för olika områden in data var för sig, ofta utan att dela med sig, t.ex. gränskontroll, sjöräddning, säkerhet, fiskerikontroll, tull, miljö och försvar. Detta leder till onödigt dubbelarbete.
Pašlaik ES un valstu iestādes, kas atbild par dažādiem uzraudzības aspektiem, proti, robežkontroli, drošumu un drošību, zvejas kontroli, muitu, vidi vai aizsardzību, vāc datus katra atsevišķi un bieži vien tajos nedalās ar citiem. Tad var gadīties, ka vienus un tos pašus datus savāc vairākkārt.
Attwalment, l-UE u l-awtoritajiet nazzjonali responsabbli għall-aspetti differenti tas-sorveljanza – pereżempju l-kontroll tal-fruntieri, is-sikurezza u s-sigurtà, il-kontroll tas-sajd, id-dwana, l-ambjent jew id-difiża – jiġbru d-dejta separatament u ta' spiss ma jaqsmuhiex bejniethom. B'riżultat ta' dan, l-istess dejta tista' tinġabar aktar minn darba.
  Politique maritime inté...  
Pour prendre en compte l'interdépendance des secteurs et des activités humaines axés sur la mer. Transport par bateau et zones portuaires, énergie éolienne, recherche marine, pêche ou tourisme: une décision prise dans un domaine peut avoir des conséquences sur tous les autres.
To take account of the inter-connectedness of industries and human activities centred on the sea. Whether the issue is shipping and ports, wind energy, marine research, fishing or tourism, a decision in one area can affect all the others. For instance, an off-shore wind farm may disrupt shipping, which in turn will affect ports.
Um den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen vom Meer abhängigen Wirtschaftszweigen und menschlichen Tätigkeiten Rechnung zu tragen. Seeverkehr und Häfen, Windenergie, Meeresforschung, Fischerei oder Tourismus – wird in einem der Bereiche eine Entscheidung getroffen, kann sich diese auf alle anderen Bereiche auswirken. Ein Offshore-Windpark kann beispielsweise den Seeverkehr stören, wovon wiederum die Häfen betroffen sind.
Para tener en cuenta la interconectividad de las industrias y las actividades humanas relacionadas con el mar. Ya se trate de cuestiones de navegación y puertos, energía eólica, investigación marina, pesca o turismo, una decisión en cualquier ámbito puede afectar a todos los demás. Por ejemplo, una instalación eólica en alta mar puede perjudicar a la navegación y esta, a su vez, afectar a los puertos.
A tener conto dell'interconnessione delle industrie e delle attività dell'uomo incentrate sul mare. Quando si discute di trasporti marittimi e porti, energia eolica, ricerca sui mari, pesca o turismo, una decisione in un settore può incidere su tutti gli altri settori. Ad esempio, un parco eolico offshore può perturbare i trasporti marittimi, con conseguenze anche sulle attività portuali.
Para ter em conta as relações entre as indústrias e as atividades humanas centradas no mar. Quer se trate de transporte marítimo e portos, de energia eólica, de investigação marinha, de pesca ou de turismo, uma decisão tomada numa destes áreas tem consequências em todas as outras. Por exemplo, uma central eólica offshore pode perturbar os transportes marítimos, o que, por sua vez, pode afetar os portos.
Για να λαμβάνονται υπόψη οι αλληλεξαρτήσεις των κλάδων και των ανθρώπινων δραστηριοτήτων που έχουν ως επίκεντρο τη θάλασσα. Ανεξάρτητα αν το θέμα αφορά τη ναυσιπλοΐα και τα λιμάνια, την αιολική ενέργεια, τη θαλάσσια έρευνα, την αλιεία ή τον τουρισμό, μια απόφαση σε έναν τομέα μπορεί να επηρεάσει όλους τους άλλους. Για παράδειγμα, η λειτουργία ενός υπεράκτιου αιολικού πάρκου μπορεί να προκαλέσει διαταραχές στη ναυσιπλοΐα, που με τη σειρά τους θα έχουν επιπτώσεις στα λιμάνια.
We moeten rekening houden met het feit dat verschillende activiteiten van mensen en bedrijven op zee nauw met elkaar verbonden zijn. Of het nu gaat om scheepvaart en havens, windenergie, marien onderzoek, visserij of toerisme: een beslissing in het ene domein kan gevolgen hebben voor alle andere. Een windmolenpark op zee kan bijvoorbeeld de scheepvaart hinderen, waaronder op hun beurt havens te lijden hebben.
За да се вземе предвид взаимосвързаността на промишлеността и човешките дейности, свързани с морето. Независимо дали става дума за морски транспорт и пристанища, вятърна енергия, морски изследвания, рибарство или туризъм, решението в една от тези области може да засегне останалите. Така например офшорна вятърна ферма може да предизвика нарушения в морския транспорт, което на свой ред ще засегне пристанищата.
Jednotlivá námořní odvětví a veškerá činnost člověka na moři obecně na sobě vzájemně závisejí. To je potřeba náležitě vzít v úvahu. Rozhodnutí v jedné oblasti, ať už jde o dopravu a přístavy, nebo větrné elektrárny, výzkum moří, rybolov či cestovní ruch, může ovlivnit situaci ve všech ostatních odvětvích. Provoz větrné elektrárny na otevřeném moři může narušit námořní dopravu, což bude mít zase dopad na přístavy atd.
Fordi den tager højde for den indbyrdes forbindelse mellem erhverv og menneskelig aktivitet på havet. Hvad enten det drejer sig om shipping og havne, vindenergi, havforskning, fiskeri eller turisme, kan en beslutning på ét område få betydning for alle de andre. For eksempel kan en offshorevindmøllepark forstyrre shippingbranchen, hvilket igen vil få betydning for havnene.
Selleks et võtta arvesse meredele keskendunud erinevate tööstusharude ja inimtegevuse omavahelist seotust. Ühes valdkonnas, olgu see siis laevandus ja sadamad, tuuleenergia, mereuuringud, kalandus või turism, tehtud otsus võib mõjutada kõiki teisi. Näiteks võib avamere tuulikupark takistada laevandust, mis omakorda mõjutab sadamaid.
Sen avulla voidaan ottaa huomioon merelle sijoittuvan taloudellisen ja inhimillisen toiminnan väliset yhteydet. Olipa kyse laivaliikenteestä ja satamista, tuulienergiasta, merentutkimuksesta, kalastuksesta tai matkailusta, yhdellä alalla tehty päätös voi vaikuttaa kaikkiin muihin. Esimerkiksi offshore-tuulipuisto voi hankaloittaa laivaliikennettä, mikä puolestaan voi vaikeuttaa satamien toimintaa.
Azért, hogy figyelembe lehessen venni a tengerekkel kapcsolatos iparágak és tevékenységek szoros kapcsolatát. Függetlenül attól, hogy a hajózásról és a kikötőkről, a szélenergiáról, a tengerkutatásról, a halászatról vagy az idegenforgalomról van-e szó, az egyik területen hozott döntések az összes többi területet érinthetik. Egy tengeri szélerőműpark kiépítése például akadályozhatja a hajózást, ami pedig hatással van a kikötőkre.
zintegrowana polityka morska jest potrzebna, aby uwzględnić powiązanie przemysłu i działalności człowieka na morzu. Decyzja podjęta w jednej dziedzinie (niezależnie od tego czy chodzi o transport morski, porty, energię wiatru, badania morskie, rybołówstwo czy turystykę) może mieć wpływ na wszystkie pozostałe. Na przykład budowa morskiej farmy wiatrowej może zakłócić transport, co z kolei może wpłynąć na funkcjonowanie portów
Pentru a nu neglija interdependenţa dintre activităţile umane şi industriale în domeniul maritim: fiecare decizie luată într-un sector le poate afecta pe celelalte (transporturi, porturi, energie eoliană, cercetarea mediului marin, pescuit sau turism). De exemplu, instalarea de turbine eoliene poate afecta transportul maritim şi implicit activităţile portuare.
Zohľadňuje vzájomné prepojenie odvetví a ľudských činností zameraných na more. Či už ide o lodnú dopravu a prístavy, veternú energiu, výskum mora, rybolov alebo cestovný ruch, rozhodnutie v jednej oblasti môže mať vplyv na všetky ostatné oblasti. Napríklad veterná farma na otvorenom mori môže nepriaznivo ovplyvniť námornú dopravu, čo môže mať zas nepriaznivý vplyv na prístavy.
Da bi upoštevali povezanost industrijskih panog in človekovih dejavnosti, osredotočenih na morje. Ukrepanje na enem področju lahko vpliva na vse druge, najsi gre za pomorski promet in pristanišča, vetrno energijo, raziskovanje morja, ribištvo ali turizem. Postavitev vetrnih elektrarn na morju lahko denimo ovira pomorski promet, kar vpliva na delovanje pristanišč.
För att man ska kunna ta hänsyn till kopplingarna mellan olika verksamheter med anknytning till havet. Beslut på ett område påverkar ofta också andra områden, vare sig det gäller sjöfart, hamnar, vindkraft, havsforskning, fiske eller turism. En vindkraftpark till havs kan exempelvis störa sjöfarten och det i sin tur påverkar hamnarna.
Lai ņemtu vērā savstarpējo saikni starp nozarēm un cilvēku darbību, kas saistīta ar jūru. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai runa ir par jūras transportu un ostām vai par vēja enerģiju, jūras izpēti, zveju vai tūrismu, vienā jomā pieņemts lēmums var ietekmēt visas pārējās jomas. Piemēram, jūrā izvietoti vēja ģeneratori var traucēt kuģu kustību, bet tas savukārt ietekmēs ostas.
Biex titqies l-interkonnessjoni tal-industriji u l-attivitajiet umani li jenfasizzaw il-baħar. Kemm jekk il-kwistjoni hi t-trasport bil-baħar u l-portijiet, kif ukoll jekk għandha x'taqsam mal-enerġija mir-riħ, mar-riċerka marittima, mas-sajd jew mat-turiżmu, deċiżjoni f'qasam tista' taffettwa l-oħrajn kollha. Pereżempju, l-istallazzjoni ta' turbini tar-riħ lil hinn mix-xtut tista' tħarbat it-trasport bil-baħar, li dan imbagħad jaffettwa l-portijiet.
  Instruments de soutien ...  
JESSICA : (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas - Soutien communautaire conjoint pour un investissement durable dans les zones urbaines) est une initiative de la Commission européenne, élaborée en coopération avec la Banque européenne d’investissement (BEI) et la Banque de développement du Conseil de l’Europe (CEB).
JESSICA: Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas, is an initiative of the European Commission developed in co-operation with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB). It supports sustainable urban development and regeneration through financial engineering mechanisms.
JESSICA: Steht für Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas und ist eine Initiative der Europäischen Kommission, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) und der Entwicklungsbank des Europarats (CEB) entwickelt wurde. Gefördert werden nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung und Sanierung durch Finanzinstrumente.
JESSICA (Ayuda europea conjunta en apoyo de inversiones sostenibles en zonas urbanas) es una iniciativa de la Comisión Europea desarrollada en colaboración con el Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI) y el Banco de Desarrollo del Consejo de Europa (BCDE). Su objetivo es fomentar la regeneración y el desarrollo urbano sostenible a través de mecanismos de ingeniería financiera.
JESSICA : (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas - Sostegno europeo congiunto per investimenti sostenibili nelle aree urbane) è un'iniziativa della Commissione europea realizzata in collaborazione con la Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI) e la Banca di sviluppo del Consiglio d'Europa (CEB). Essa promuove lo sviluppo urbano sostenibile e la rigenerazione urbana mediante meccanismi di ingegneria finanziaria.
JESSICA : Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (Apoio Europeu Comum para o Investimento Sustentável em Zonas Urbanas) é uma iniciativa da Comissão Europeia, em colaboração com o Banco Europeu de Investimento (BEI) e o Banco de Desenvolvimento do Conselho da Europa (BDCE). Promove a regeneração e o desenvolvimento urbano sustentáveis, através de mecanismos de engenharia financeira.
JESSICA : Η κοινή ευρωπαϊκή υποστήριξη για βιώσιμες επενδύσεις σε αστικές περιοχές (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas) είναι μια πρωτοβουλία της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, η οποία αναπτύχθηκε από κοινού με την Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων και την Αναπτυξιακή Τράπεζα του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης (CEB). Στηρίζει τη βιώσιμη αστική ανάπτυξη και ανάπλαση μέσω μηχανισμών χρηματοοικονομικής τεχνικής.
JESSICA (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas) is een initiatief van de Europese Commissie ontwikkeld in samenwerking met de Europese Investeringsbank (EIB) en de Ontwikkelingsbank van de Raad van Europa. Het ondersteunt duurzame stadsontwikkeling en -vernieuwing via financiële mechanismen.
JESSICA: zajednička europska potpora održivom ulaganju u gradska područja inicijativa je Europske komisije koju je razvila u suradnji s Europskom investicijskom bankom (EIB) i Razvojnom bankom Vijeća Europe (CEB); njome se pruža potpora održivom urbanom razvoju i regeneraciji mehanizmima financijskog inženjeringa.
JESSICA : Společná evropská podpora udržitelných investic do městských oblastí – vznikla na popud Evropské komise ve spolupráci s Evropskou investiční bankou (EIB) a Rozvojovou bankou Rady Evropy (CEB). Pomocí mechanismů finančního inženýrství podporuje udržitelný městský rozvoj a obnovu.
JESSICA : Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (fælles europæisk støtte til bæredygtige investeringer i byområder), er et initiativ som Europa-Kommissionen udviklede sammen med Europarådets Udviklingsbank (CEB). Det støtter bæredygtig byudvikling og byfornyelse gennem finanstekniske mekanismer.
JESSICA (Euroopa ühine toetus linnapiirkondade jätkusuutlikele investeeringutele) on Euroopa Komisjoni algatus, mis töötati välja koostöös Euroopa Investeerimispanga ja Euroopa Nõukogu Arengupangaga. Sellega toetatakse linnade jätkusuutlikku arengut ja taastamist finantskorraldussüsteemide kaudu.
JESSICA – wspólne europejskie wsparcie na rzecz trwałych inwestycji w obszarach miejskich – to inicjatywa Komisji Europejskiej opracowana we współpracy z Europejskim Bankiem Inwestycyjnym (EBI) oraz Bankiem Rozwoju Rady Europy (CEB). Wspiera regenerację i zrównoważony rozwój obszarów miejskich poprzez mechanizmy inżynierii finansowej.
JESSICA : Sprijin european comun pentru investiţii durabile în zonele urbane este o iniţiativă a Comisiei Europene dezvoltată în cooperare cu Banca Europeană de Investiţii (BEI) şi Banca de Dezvoltare a Consiliului Europei (CEB). Această iniţiativă sprijină dezvoltarea urbană durabilă şi regenerarea prin mecanisme de inginerie financiară.
JESSICA (Spoločná európska podpora pre udržateľné investície v mestských oblastiach) je iniciatíva Európskej komisie vypracovaná v spolupráci s Európskou investičnou bankou (EIB) a Rozvojovou bankou Rady Európy (CEB). Podporuje trvalo udržateľný rozvoj miest a regeneráciu prostredníctvom mechanizmov finančného inžinierstva.
JESSICA : skupna evropska podpora za trajnostne naložbe v mestna območja je pobuda, ki jo je Evropska komisija pripravila v sodelovanju z Evropsko investicijsko banko (EIB) in Razvojno banko Sveta Evrope (CEB). Prek mehanizmov finančnega inženiringa podpira trajnostni razvoj in obnovo mestnih območij.
JESSICA – gemensamt europeiskt stöd till hållbara investeringar i stadsområden. Det är ett gemensamt initativ mellan EU-kommissionen, Europeiska investeringsbanken (EIB) och Europarådets utvecklingsbank (Council of Europe Development Bank, CEB). Genom Jessica ska man främja hållbar stadsutveckling och förnyelse genom finansieringstekniska mekanismer.
JESSICA (Eiropas apvienotais atbalsts ilgtspējīgiem ieguldījumiem pilsētu teritorijā) ir Eiropas Komisijas iniciatīva, ko tā izstrādājusi sadarbībā ar Eiropas Investīciju banku (EIB) un Eiropas Padomes Attīstības banku (EPAB). Tās mērķis ir veicināt ilgtspējīgu pilsētvides attīstību un atjaunošanu, izmantojot finanšu inženierijas instrumentus.
JESSICA : Appoġġ Komunitarju Konġunt għal Investiment Sostenibbli fiż-Żoni Urbani, hi inizjattiva tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea żviluppata f'kooperazzjoni mal-Bank Ewropew tal-Investiment (BEI) u l-Bank għall-Iżvilupp tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa (CEB). Hija tappoġġja l-iżvilupp urban sostenibbli u r-riġenerazzjoni permezz ta' mekkaniżmi tal-inġinerija finanzjarja.
  Fonds européen de dével...  
L'action du FEDER essaie de pallier les problèmes économiques, environnementaux et sociaux dans les villes. Les zones à handicaps géographiques naturels (régions insulaires, montagneuses ou peu peuplées) bénéficient d’un traitement privilégié.
The ERDF also gives particular attention to specific territorial characteristics. ERDF action is designed to reduce economic, environmental and social problems in towns. Naturally disadvantaged areas geographically speaking (remote, mountainous or sparsely populated areas) benefit from special treatment. Lastly, the outermost areas also benefit from specific assistance from the ERDF to address possible disadvantages due to their remoteness.
Der EFRE berücksichtigt in besonderem Maße territoriale Besonderheiten. Mit seinen Maßnahmen wird versucht, die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Schwierigkeiten sowie die Umweltprobleme in den Städten zu bekämpfen. Gebiete mit naturbedingten geographischen Nachteilen (Insel- und Gebirgsregionen oder dünn besiedelte Gebiete) werden verstärkt gefördert. Auch Gebiete in äußerster Randlage erhalten spezielle Hilfen aus dem EFRE, um einen Ausgleich für die weiten Strecken zu schaffen.
Por otra parte, el FEDER presta especial atención a las características territoriales específicas. La acción del FEDER intenta paliar los problemas económicos, medioambientales y sociales en las ciudades. Las zonas con desventajas geográficas naturales (regiones insulares, montañosas o poco pobladas) se benefician de un trato privilegiado. Por último, las zonas ultraperiféricas se benefician también de una ayuda específica del FEDER para compensar su alejamiento.
Il FESR accorda inoltre particolare attenzione alle specificità territoriali. Il fondo interviene nelle aree urbane per ridurre i problemi economici, ambientali e sociali. Le zone che presentano svantaggi geografici naturali (regioni insulari, aree montuose scarsamente popolate) godono di un trattamento specifico. Nell'ambito del FESR è inoltre previsto un aiuto specifico per le zone ultraperiferiche per affrontarei possibili svantaggi dovuti al loro isolamento.
O FEDER concede, além disso, uma atenção especial às especificidades territoriais. A acção do FEDER procura obviar aos problemas económicos, ambientais e sociais das cidades. As zonas com desvantagens geográficas ou naturais (regiões insulares, montanhosas ou pouco povoadas) beneficiam de um tratamento privilegiado. As zonas ultraperiféricas beneficiam igualmente de uma ajuda específica do FEDER a fim de compensar o custo do afastamento.
Το ΕΤΠΑ αποδίδει ιδιαίτερη σημασία στις εδαφικές ιδιαιτερότητες. Χρηματοδοτεί δράσεις που στοχεύουν να αμβλύνουν τα οικονομικά, περιβαλλοντικά και κοινωνικά προβλήματα των αστικών περιοχών. Επίσης, προνομιακής μεταχείρισης τυγχάνουν οι περιοχές με φυσικά γεωγραφικά μειονεκτήματα (νησιωτικές, ορεινές ή αραιοκατοικημένες περιοχές), καθώς και οι εξόχως απόκεντρες περιφέρειες, οι οποίες λαμβάνουν πρόσθετες πιστώσεις ως αντιστάθμιση στην απομόνωσή τους.
Het EFRO besteedt veel aandacht aan de specifieke eigenschappen van iedere regio. Het zoekt naar oplossingen voor de economische, milieutechnische en sociale problemen in de steden. Gebieden met een natuurlijke of geografische handicap (eilandregio's, berggebieden of dunbevolkte gebieden) krijgen een voorkeursbehandeling. Ook de ultraperifere regio's krijgen specifieke steun van het EFRO om de problemen in verband met hun afgelegen ligging te compenseren.
EFRR osobito uzima u obzir posebna teritorijalna obilježja. Njegovo je djelovanje namijenjeno smanjenju gospodarskih, ekoloških i socijalnih problema u gradovima. Područja koju su u zemljopisno nepovoljnom položaju (udaljena, brdsko-planinska ili rijetko naseljena područja) mogu uživati pogodnosti posebnog postupka. I najudaljenija područja mogu uživati pogodnosti posebne pomoći EFRR-a kako bi se uklonile moguće poteškoće uzrokovane njihovom udaljenošću.
Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj věnuje zvláštní pozornost regionálním specifikům. Snaží se řešit hospodářské, environmentální a sociální problémy ve městech. Zvláště se zaměřuje na oblasti s geografickým nebo přírodním znevýhodněním (ostrovní, horské nebo řídce osídlené regiony). Zvláštní podporu fond poskytuje též nejvzdálenějším regionům s cílem kompenzovat jejich odlehlost.
Inden for EFRU tages der endvidere hensyn til de særlige territoriale forhold. Formålet med støtten er at afhjælpe de økonomiske, miljømæssige og sociale problemer i byerne. Områder med geografiske eller naturbetingede handicap (øer, bjergområder og tyndt befolkede egne) modtager særlig støtte. Også regionerne i den yderste periferi får særlig EFRU-støtte for at kompensere for deres afsides beliggenhed.
Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond pöörab erilist tähelepanu territoriaalsetele iseärasustele. Fondi tegevuse abil püütakse leida lahendusi majandus-, keskkonna- ja sotsiaalsetele probleemidele. Raskete loodustingimustega alade (saared, mägialad, vähese rahvastikuga piirkonnad) suhtes kohaldatakse soodsamaid eeskirju. Äärepoolseimad piirkonnad saavad Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondilt ka eritoetust, et korvata nende geograafilist kaugust.
EAKR:n toimissa kiinnitetään erityistä huomiota alueellisiin erityispiirteisiin. EAKR:n toimilla pyritään torjumaan taajamissa esiintyviä taloudellisia, sosiaalisia ja ympäristöön liittyviä ongelmia. Maantieteellisistä tai luonnonhaitoista kärsivät alueet (saaristo- ja vuoristoalueet sekä harvaanasutut alueet) saavat erityiskohtelun. Myös erittäin syrjäiset alueet saavat erityistukea EAKR:sta syrjäisestä sijainnista johtuvien lisäkustannusten tasaamiseksi.
Az ERFA ezenfelül különös hangsúlyt fektet a területi sajátosságokra. Az ERFA igyekszik a városokban jelentkező gazdasági, környezetvédelmi és társadalmi problémákat is orvosolni. A földrajzi és természeti hátrányokkal küzdő területek (szigeten vagy hegyek közt található, illetve gyéren lakott régiók) különleges elbánásban részesülnek. Az ERFA a legkülső régiókról is gondoskodik: speciális támogatási formával segít ellensúlyozni a távoli fekvésükből fakadó hátrányokat.
Poza tym EFRR szczególną uwagę przywiązuje do specyfiki terytorialnej. EFRR próbuje złagodzić występujące w miastach problemy gospodarcze, środowiskowe i społeczne. Obszary o niedogodnych warunkach naturalnych (regiony wyspiarskie, górskie lub słabo zaludnione) są traktowane w sposób uprzywilejowany. Obszary ultra peryferyjne korzystają także ze specjalnej pomocy EFRR, która ma skompensować skutki ich oddalenia.
Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională (FEDR) acordă o atenţie deosebită caracteristicilor specifice teritoriale. Acţiunile întreprinse în cadrul FEDR încearcă să atenueze problemele economice, sociale şi ecologice cu care se confruntă mediile urbane. Zonele cu handicapuri geografice sau naturale (regiunile insulare, zonele muntoase sau zonele cu densitate mică a populaţiei) beneficiază de un tratament privilegiat. Zonele ultraperiferice beneficiază, de asemenea, de un ajutor specific al FEDR pentru a compensa dezavantajele determinate de îndepărtarea lor geografică.
EFRR tiež venuje mimoriadnu pozornosť špecifickým územným charakteristikám. EFRR sa svojou činnosťou snaží riešiť hospodárske, environmentálne a sociálne problémy v mestách. Problémy geograficky a prírodne znevýhodnených oblastí (ostrovných, horských alebo riedko osídlených regiónov) sa riešia prednostne. Najvzdialenejším oblastiam sa na kompenzáciu ich vzdialenej polohy poskytuje z EFRR osobitná pomoc.
ESRR je zlasti pozoren na ozemeljske posebnosti. Ublažiti želi gospodarske, okoljske in socialne probleme v mestih. Območja z naravnimi geografskimi ovirami (otoške, gorske ali slabo poseljene regije) se obravnavajo drugače. Najbolj oddaljena območja dobivajo posebno pomoč ESRR zaradi svoje oddaljenosti.
Inom ERUF läggs dessutom särskild vikt vid de territoriella särdragen. ERUF-åtgärderna ska hjälpa städerna att komma till rätta med sina ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala problem. Områden med naturbetingade nackdelar (öar, bergsområden eller glesbygd) får särskilt stöd. Även de yttersta randområdena får särskilt stöd som kompensation för det geografiska avståndet.
Turklāt īpašu uzmanību ERAF pievērš teritoriāli specifiskajiem apstākļiem. Savās darbībās ERAF tiecas mazināt pilsētu ekonomiskās, vides un sociālās problēmas. Ģeogrāfiski mazāk labvēlīgajām zonām (salu, kalnu vai mazapdzīvoti reģioni) ir priekšrocības, ko nosaka priviliģēti noteikumi. Īpaši attālajām zonām ir paredzēts specifisks ERAF atbalsts, lai kompensētu nošķirtību.
L-ERDF tiddedika wkoll attenzjoni partikolari lill-karatteristiċi territorjali. L-azzjoni tal-ERDF tipprova ttaffi l-problemi ekonomiċi, ambjentali u soċjali fl-ibliet. Iż-żoni żvantaġġjati ġeografiċi naturali (reġjuni insulari, muntanjużi jew ftit abitati) jibbenefikaw minn trattament privileġġjat. Iż-żoni ultra-periferiċi jibbenefikaw ukoll minn għajnuna speċifika ta' l-ERDF biex tikkumpensa għall-fatt li jinsabu remoti.
  Fonds européen de dével...  
L'action du FEDER essaie de pallier les problèmes économiques, environnementaux et sociaux dans les villes. Les zones à handicaps géographiques naturels (régions insulaires, montagneuses ou peu peuplées) bénéficient d’un traitement privilégié.
The ERDF also gives particular attention to specific territorial characteristics. ERDF action is designed to reduce economic, environmental and social problems in towns. Naturally disadvantaged areas geographically speaking (remote, mountainous or sparsely populated areas) benefit from special treatment. Lastly, the outermost areas also benefit from specific assistance from the ERDF to address possible disadvantages due to their remoteness.
Der EFRE berücksichtigt in besonderem Maße territoriale Besonderheiten. Mit seinen Maßnahmen wird versucht, die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Schwierigkeiten sowie die Umweltprobleme in den Städten zu bekämpfen. Gebiete mit naturbedingten geographischen Nachteilen (Insel- und Gebirgsregionen oder dünn besiedelte Gebiete) werden verstärkt gefördert. Auch Gebiete in äußerster Randlage erhalten spezielle Hilfen aus dem EFRE, um einen Ausgleich für die weiten Strecken zu schaffen.
Por otra parte, el FEDER presta especial atención a las características territoriales específicas. La acción del FEDER intenta paliar los problemas económicos, medioambientales y sociales en las ciudades. Las zonas con desventajas geográficas naturales (regiones insulares, montañosas o poco pobladas) se benefician de un trato privilegiado. Por último, las zonas ultraperiféricas se benefician también de una ayuda específica del FEDER para compensar su alejamiento.
Il FESR accorda inoltre particolare attenzione alle specificità territoriali. Il fondo interviene nelle aree urbane per ridurre i problemi economici, ambientali e sociali. Le zone che presentano svantaggi geografici naturali (regioni insulari, aree montuose scarsamente popolate) godono di un trattamento specifico. Nell'ambito del FESR è inoltre previsto un aiuto specifico per le zone ultraperiferiche per affrontarei possibili svantaggi dovuti al loro isolamento.
O FEDER concede, além disso, uma atenção especial às especificidades territoriais. A acção do FEDER procura obviar aos problemas económicos, ambientais e sociais das cidades. As zonas com desvantagens geográficas ou naturais (regiões insulares, montanhosas ou pouco povoadas) beneficiam de um tratamento privilegiado. As zonas ultraperiféricas beneficiam igualmente de uma ajuda específica do FEDER a fim de compensar o custo do afastamento.
Το ΕΤΠΑ αποδίδει ιδιαίτερη σημασία στις εδαφικές ιδιαιτερότητες. Χρηματοδοτεί δράσεις που στοχεύουν να αμβλύνουν τα οικονομικά, περιβαλλοντικά και κοινωνικά προβλήματα των αστικών περιοχών. Επίσης, προνομιακής μεταχείρισης τυγχάνουν οι περιοχές με φυσικά γεωγραφικά μειονεκτήματα (νησιωτικές, ορεινές ή αραιοκατοικημένες περιοχές), καθώς και οι εξόχως απόκεντρες περιφέρειες, οι οποίες λαμβάνουν πρόσθετες πιστώσεις ως αντιστάθμιση στην απομόνωσή τους.
Het EFRO besteedt veel aandacht aan de specifieke eigenschappen van iedere regio. Het zoekt naar oplossingen voor de economische, milieutechnische en sociale problemen in de steden. Gebieden met een natuurlijke of geografische handicap (eilandregio's, berggebieden of dunbevolkte gebieden) krijgen een voorkeursbehandeling. Ook de ultraperifere regio's krijgen specifieke steun van het EFRO om de problemen in verband met hun afgelegen ligging te compenseren.
EFRR osobito uzima u obzir posebna teritorijalna obilježja. Njegovo je djelovanje namijenjeno smanjenju gospodarskih, ekoloških i socijalnih problema u gradovima. Područja koju su u zemljopisno nepovoljnom položaju (udaljena, brdsko-planinska ili rijetko naseljena područja) mogu uživati pogodnosti posebnog postupka. I najudaljenija područja mogu uživati pogodnosti posebne pomoći EFRR-a kako bi se uklonile moguće poteškoće uzrokovane njihovom udaljenošću.
Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj věnuje zvláštní pozornost regionálním specifikům. Snaží se řešit hospodářské, environmentální a sociální problémy ve městech. Zvláště se zaměřuje na oblasti s geografickým nebo přírodním znevýhodněním (ostrovní, horské nebo řídce osídlené regiony). Zvláštní podporu fond poskytuje též nejvzdálenějším regionům s cílem kompenzovat jejich odlehlost.
Inden for EFRU tages der endvidere hensyn til de særlige territoriale forhold. Formålet med støtten er at afhjælpe de økonomiske, miljømæssige og sociale problemer i byerne. Områder med geografiske eller naturbetingede handicap (øer, bjergområder og tyndt befolkede egne) modtager særlig støtte. Også regionerne i den yderste periferi får særlig EFRU-støtte for at kompensere for deres afsides beliggenhed.
Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond pöörab erilist tähelepanu territoriaalsetele iseärasustele. Fondi tegevuse abil püütakse leida lahendusi majandus-, keskkonna- ja sotsiaalsetele probleemidele. Raskete loodustingimustega alade (saared, mägialad, vähese rahvastikuga piirkonnad) suhtes kohaldatakse soodsamaid eeskirju. Äärepoolseimad piirkonnad saavad Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondilt ka eritoetust, et korvata nende geograafilist kaugust.
EAKR:n toimissa kiinnitetään erityistä huomiota alueellisiin erityispiirteisiin. EAKR:n toimilla pyritään torjumaan taajamissa esiintyviä taloudellisia, sosiaalisia ja ympäristöön liittyviä ongelmia. Maantieteellisistä tai luonnonhaitoista kärsivät alueet (saaristo- ja vuoristoalueet sekä harvaanasutut alueet) saavat erityiskohtelun. Myös erittäin syrjäiset alueet saavat erityistukea EAKR:sta syrjäisestä sijainnista johtuvien lisäkustannusten tasaamiseksi.
Az ERFA ezenfelül különös hangsúlyt fektet a területi sajátosságokra. Az ERFA igyekszik a városokban jelentkező gazdasági, környezetvédelmi és társadalmi problémákat is orvosolni. A földrajzi és természeti hátrányokkal küzdő területek (szigeten vagy hegyek közt található, illetve gyéren lakott régiók) különleges elbánásban részesülnek. Az ERFA a legkülső régiókról is gondoskodik: speciális támogatási formával segít ellensúlyozni a távoli fekvésükből fakadó hátrányokat.
Poza tym EFRR szczególną uwagę przywiązuje do specyfiki terytorialnej. EFRR próbuje złagodzić występujące w miastach problemy gospodarcze, środowiskowe i społeczne. Obszary o niedogodnych warunkach naturalnych (regiony wyspiarskie, górskie lub słabo zaludnione) są traktowane w sposób uprzywilejowany. Obszary ultra peryferyjne korzystają także ze specjalnej pomocy EFRR, która ma skompensować skutki ich oddalenia.
Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională (FEDR) acordă o atenţie deosebită caracteristicilor specifice teritoriale. Acţiunile întreprinse în cadrul FEDR încearcă să atenueze problemele economice, sociale şi ecologice cu care se confruntă mediile urbane. Zonele cu handicapuri geografice sau naturale (regiunile insulare, zonele muntoase sau zonele cu densitate mică a populaţiei) beneficiază de un tratament privilegiat. Zonele ultraperiferice beneficiază, de asemenea, de un ajutor specific al FEDR pentru a compensa dezavantajele determinate de îndepărtarea lor geografică.
EFRR tiež venuje mimoriadnu pozornosť špecifickým územným charakteristikám. EFRR sa svojou činnosťou snaží riešiť hospodárske, environmentálne a sociálne problémy v mestách. Problémy geograficky a prírodne znevýhodnených oblastí (ostrovných, horských alebo riedko osídlených regiónov) sa riešia prednostne. Najvzdialenejším oblastiam sa na kompenzáciu ich vzdialenej polohy poskytuje z EFRR osobitná pomoc.
ESRR je zlasti pozoren na ozemeljske posebnosti. Ublažiti želi gospodarske, okoljske in socialne probleme v mestih. Območja z naravnimi geografskimi ovirami (otoške, gorske ali slabo poseljene regije) se obravnavajo drugače. Najbolj oddaljena območja dobivajo posebno pomoč ESRR zaradi svoje oddaljenosti.
Inom ERUF läggs dessutom särskild vikt vid de territoriella särdragen. ERUF-åtgärderna ska hjälpa städerna att komma till rätta med sina ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala problem. Områden med naturbetingade nackdelar (öar, bergsområden eller glesbygd) får särskilt stöd. Även de yttersta randområdena får särskilt stöd som kompensation för det geografiska avståndet.
Turklāt īpašu uzmanību ERAF pievērš teritoriāli specifiskajiem apstākļiem. Savās darbībās ERAF tiecas mazināt pilsētu ekonomiskās, vides un sociālās problēmas. Ģeogrāfiski mazāk labvēlīgajām zonām (salu, kalnu vai mazapdzīvoti reģioni) ir priekšrocības, ko nosaka priviliģēti noteikumi. Īpaši attālajām zonām ir paredzēts specifisks ERAF atbalsts, lai kompensētu nošķirtību.
L-ERDF tiddedika wkoll attenzjoni partikolari lill-karatteristiċi territorjali. L-azzjoni tal-ERDF tipprova ttaffi l-problemi ekonomiċi, ambjentali u soċjali fl-ibliet. Iż-żoni żvantaġġjati ġeografiċi naturali (reġjuni insulari, muntanjużi jew ftit abitati) jibbenefikaw minn trattament privileġġjat. Iż-żoni ultra-periferiċi jibbenefikaw ukoll minn għajnuna speċifika ta' l-ERDF biex tikkumpensa għall-fatt li jinsabu remoti.
  Fonds social européen -...  
«Les jeunes, et plus particulièrement ceux des zones urbaines moins favorisées, aiment l'idée de lancer leur propre affaire, mais sont confrontés à de nombreux obstacles», explique Albert Massiah, de l'agence bordelaise Talence Innovation Sud Développement.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
„Jungen Menschen, vor allem aus den schlechter gestellten städtischen Gebieten, gefällt die Idee, sich selbstständig zu machen, aber sie stehen vor zahlreichen Hindernissen“, erklärt Albert Massiah von der Entwicklungsagentur „Talence Innovation Sud Développement“ in Bordeaux. Um diese jungen Menschen zu ermutigen, wird der zweite Wettbewerb für „Kreative Jungunternehmer“ mit der Unterstützung des ESF von der Agentur abgehalten. Dieser richtet sich an junge Menschen aus der Region im Alter zwischen 18 und 30 Jahren und zu gewinnen gibt es die Auszeichnung „Städtische Unternehmer“ für Jungunternehmer aus der Stadt, einen „Newcomer“-Preis für Start-Up-Unternehmen und den „Entwicklungspreis“ für Unternehmen, die seit weniger als sechs Monaten bestehen.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
“Young people, in particular those from less-well-off urban areas, like the idea of entrepreneurship but they face numerous obstacles,” explains Albert Massiah of the Talence Innovation Sud Développement agency in Bordeaux. To encourage them, the agency is running its second ‘Creative Young Business Leaders’ competition with support from the ESF. Aimed at young local people between 18 and 30 years old, the awards include the ‘City business leaders’ prize for young urban entrepreneurs, the ‘Emergence’ prize for start-ups, and the ‘Développement’ prize for those who have been in business for less than six months.
  Fonds social européen -...  
L'Académie hongroise des Sciences (MTA) termine la réalisation d'un projet cofinancé par le FSE afin de fournir des prévisions à cinq et dix ans concernant le marché du travail et couvrant pas moins de dix zones industrielles et 200 secteurs d'activité.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
Die Ungarische Akademie der Wissenschaften (MTA) stellt derzeit ein vom ESF mitfinanziertes Projekt fertig, das Fünf- bis Zehnjahresprognosen für den Arbeitsmarkt bereitstellt und zehn Industrieregionen sowie 200 Berufssektoren abdeckt. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat die Akademie eine Website für Arbeitssuchende und andere Interessierte erstellt, auf der Nachfrage und Angebot der diversen Arbeitsmarktbereiche analysiert und abgeglichen werden, einschließlich Parametern wie zu erwartendes Einkommen. Ziel der im Rahmen des operativen Programms „Soziale Erneuerung“ erarbeiteten Website ist es, die Besucher über die Aussichten eines bestimmten Karrierewegs zu informieren, etwa in Bezug auf Arbeitskräfteüberangebot oder -mangel und potenzielles Einkommen. Die Website wird Anfang 2013 aufgeschaltet und soll sowohl einzelnen Arbeitssuchenden als auch Berufsverbänden als Anlaufstelle dienen.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (MTA) egy, az ESZA társfinanszírozásával megvalósuló projektje révén 10 ágazatra és 200 foglalkoztatási csoportra vonatkozóan készülnek öt-és tízéves munkaerő-piaci előrejelzések.Ennek eredményeképpen hamarosan elindul egy álláskeresőknek és más gazdasági szereplőknek szánt weboldal, amely elemzi és összeveti a munkaerő-piaci kínálatot és keresletet ezeken a területeken, információt nyújtva többek között a várható keresetekről is.A Társadalmi megújulás operatív program keretében megvalósított projekt célja, hogy a weboldal látogatói tájékozódhassanak arról, hogy mire számíthatnak az adott foglalkoztatás-csoportban – beleértve a munkaerő-piaci túlkínálatokat és hiányokat, valamint a lehetséges kereseteket is. A honlap 2013 elején indul majd, és az álláskeresőkön kívül várhatóan a munkaerőigények felmérésével és közvetítésével foglalkozó intézmények számára is hasznos eszköz lesz.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is completing an ESF co-funded project to provide five and ten-year labour market forecasts covering ten industrial areas and 200 employment sectors. As a result, the Academy is launching a website for job-seekers and others which analyses and matches supply and demand regarding job opportunities for these sectors, including earnings forecasts among other parameters. Part of the ‘Social Renewal’ operational programme, the aim is to give visitors to the website information on what they can expect from specific career choices – including oversupply, shortages and potential earnings. The website will be launched early in 2013 and expects to become a resource for both individual job-seekers as well as employment organisations.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Encouragés par le succès remporté jusqu’ici, les 57 membres de l’association projettent d’offrir une formation dans le domaine de la fabrication artisanale de fromage biologique, une autre manière de préserver les moyens de subsistance dans les zones rurales en trouvant de nouvelles sources de valeur ajoutée.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
Die spanische Region Andalusien verwendet ESF-Mittel zum Erhalt einer einheimischen Bergschafrasse und unterstützt zugleich lokale Schafzüchter dabei, die wachsende Nachfrage nach organischen Produkten zu befriedigen. Die nach einem regionalen Gebirgszug benannte Schafrasse „Loja“ wurde 2007 zu einer vom Aussterben bedrohten einheimischen Rasse erklärt. Daraufhin bemühten sich die im Schafzuchtverband Loja zusammengeschlossenen regionalen Viehzüchter um den ökologischen Status, der ihrer Rasse vom andalusischen Komitee für ökologischen Landbau verliehen wurde. Das Bio-Siegel bestätigt, dass das ökologisch erzeugte Lammprodukt von Tieren aus artgerechter und arterhaltender Zucht stammt. Zugleich wurden die ESF-Mittel zur Ausbildung und Zertifizierung von mehr als 30 lokalen Schafzüchtern in ökologischer Tierzucht verwendet – diese Art der Ausbildung ist für Mitglieder des Schafzuchtverbands Loja mittlerweile Pflicht. Im Dezember 2010 wird erstmals „ökologisches Weihnachtslamm“ aus der Region Loja angeboten werden. Vom bisherigen Erfolg ermutigt, planen die 57 Mitglieder des Verbands Kurse für die Herstellung von handgefertigtem Biokäse als einer weiteren Möglichkeit, ländliche Lebensgrundlagen durch neue Wege der Wertschöpfung zu erhalten.
La región española de Andalucía utiliza la financiación del FSE para proteger una raza ovina autóctona, al tiempo que ayuda a los ganaderos locales a dar respuesta a la creciente demanda de productos ecológicos. La raza ovina, denominada “Loja” por la sierra del mismo nombre, fue declarada especie autóctona en peligro de extinción en 2007. Para atajar el problema, la Asociación de la Raza Ovina Lojeña, que agrupa a los ganaderos de la región, se propuso obtener para la raza el distintivo “ecológico”, que le fue concedido por el Comité Andaluz de Agricultura Ecológica. La etiqueta certifica que el cordero de ganadería ecológica resultante procede de animales criados de forma respetuosa con el medio ambiente y preservando la raza. Paralelamente, se ha utilizado cofinanciación del FSE para formar y certificar a más de 30 ganaderos de ovino locales en métodos de agricultura y ganadería ecológicas; una formación que ahora es obligatoria para los miembros de la Asociación de la Raza Ovina Lojeña. Como consecuencia, en diciembre de 2010 se sirvieron los primeros corderos ecológicos de Navidad de la sierra de Loja en las mesas de la región y de otras localidades. Los 57 miembros de la Asociación, animados por el éxito cosechado hasta el momento, tienen en mente impartir formación sobre la elaboración artesanal de queso ecológico como otra forma de preservar los medios de subsistencia rurales mediante nuevas iniciativas susceptibles de crear valor añadido.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.
The Andalusia region in Spain is using ESF funding to protect a native breed of mountain sheep while helping local sheep farmers to keep up with the growing demand for organic products. The breed of sheep, called ‘Loja’ after the mountains in the region, was declared a native species in danger of extinction in 2007. In response, the Loja Sheep Breed Association, which includes livestock farmers in the region, sought ‘organic’ status for the breed which was awarded by the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming. The organic label certifies that the resulting organic lamb product is sourced from animals reared in an environmentally friendly manner which also preserves the breed. In parallel, ESF co-funding was used to train and certify more than 30 local sheep farmers in organic livestock farming methods – this training is now mandatory for members of the Loja Sheep Breed Association. As a result, in December 2010 the first ‘Christmas organic lamb’ from the Loja region will be hitting the dinner tables in the region and beyond. And encouraged by the success so far, the Association’s 57 members are making plans to offer training in handmade organic cheese-making as another way of preserving rural livelihoods through finding new ways to add value.