zoonose – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 3 Results  www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca
  CRSNG - André-Hamer - A...  
En effet, les travaux de recherche de maîtrise de Mme Alexander, qui lui ont valu un Prix d'études supérieures André-Hamer du CRSNG, portent principalement sur la nature des interactions humaines. Elle vise ainsi à déterminer la probabilité qu'une zoonose prenne pied et infecte les masses si elle dépend des interactions entre les populations.
Mathematical biologist Helen Alexander has an interest in the probability of such an epidemic emerging in a population, but her answer is not restricted to the strength of a pathogen's adaptation. Instead, Alexander's master's research, for which she earned an André Hamer Postgraduate Prize, is focusing on the nature of human interactions to determine the probability of a zoonotic disease gaining a foothold to infect the masses if it is dependent on the interactions of populations.
  CRSNG - André-Hamer - A...  
Si le terme « zoonose » vous laisse un peu perplexe, peut-être que le terme « grippe aviaire » éclairera davantage votre lanterne. Le terme zoonose désigne tout agent pathogène qui peut passer d'un vertébré à un humain.
If the term "zoonotic disease" leaves you a little fuzzy, perhaps "avian bird flu" can paint a clearer picture for you. Zoonosis refers to any pathogen which can travel from a vertebrate to a human. These pathogens are well-suited to their host animal, but when they make the transition to humans they often die out because of differences in immunity. In order to survive in their new hosts, the pathogens must undergo an evolutionary adaptation that arises through mutations, which can lead to a heightened ability to spread through human populations. In many cases, these pathogens do not achieve such a potent mutation and a small outbreak will occur in a concentrated area before the disease dies out. However, when a pathogen does make a successful adaptation, the potential for an epidemic emerges.
  CRSNG - André-Hamer - A...  
Si le terme « zoonose » vous laisse un peu perplexe, peut-être que le terme « grippe aviaire » éclairera davantage votre lanterne. Le terme zoonose désigne tout agent pathogène qui peut passer d'un vertébré à un humain.
If the term "zoonotic disease" leaves you a little fuzzy, perhaps "avian bird flu" can paint a clearer picture for you. Zoonosis refers to any pathogen which can travel from a vertebrate to a human. These pathogens are well-suited to their host animal, but when they make the transition to humans they often die out because of differences in immunity. In order to survive in their new hosts, the pathogens must undergo an evolutionary adaptation that arises through mutations, which can lead to a heightened ability to spread through human populations. In many cases, these pathogens do not achieve such a potent mutation and a small outbreak will occur in a concentrated area before the disease dies out. However, when a pathogen does make a successful adaptation, the potential for an epidemic emerges.