zooxanthelles – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Blanchiment des coraux:...  
en microscopie confocale. On aperçoit bien les zooxanthelles en rouge.
in confocal microscopy. One sees zooxanthellae in red.
  Blanchiment des coraux:...  
A l’inverse, bloquer l’action du TGFb a pour effet de perturber la relation symbiotique, menant au rejet des zooxanthelles (Fig. 2).
Conversely, an inhibition of TGFb induces the disruption of the symbiotic relationship, leading to rejection of zooxanthellae (Fig. 2).
  Blanchiment des coraux:...  
Cette activité anti-inflammatoire favorise la prolifération des parasites jusqu’à déclencher la maladie. Ce qui est intéressant, est que d’un point de vue évolutif, les zooxanthelles sont des cousines très proches de Plasmodium, tout deux appartenant au groupe des alvéolés.
One of the mechanisms involved in immune tolerance is based on the increase of a soluble anti-inflammatory factor (TGFbeta) induced in the host by the parasite. This anti-inflammatory activity promotes the proliferation of parasites to trigger the disease. It is worth to note that from an evolutionary perspective, the zooxanthellae are very close cousins of Plasmodium, both belonging to the group of Alveolata. The idea is therefore that the zooxanthellae could use a similar mechanism of tolerance induction to ensure symbiotic relationship with coral.
  Blanchiment des coraux:...  
Cette activité anti-inflammatoire favorise la prolifération des parasites jusqu’à déclencher la maladie. Ce qui est intéressant, est que d’un point de vue évolutif, les zooxanthelles sont des cousines très proches de Plasmodium, tout deux appartenant au groupe des alvéolés.
One of the mechanisms involved in immune tolerance is based on the increase of a soluble anti-inflammatory factor (TGFbeta) induced in the host by the parasite. This anti-inflammatory activity promotes the proliferation of parasites to trigger the disease. It is worth to note that from an evolutionary perspective, the zooxanthellae are very close cousins of Plasmodium, both belonging to the group of Alveolata. The idea is therefore that the zooxanthellae could use a similar mechanism of tolerance induction to ensure symbiotic relationship with coral.
  HQI versus LED - Coral ...  
L’éclairage est l’élément crucial à la vie et à la calcification des coraux. C’est cette source d’énergie qui permet la réalisation de la photosynthèse par les dinoflagellés symbiotiques (zooxanthelles).
These spectra indicate that the dinoflagellates are particularly well suited to wavelengths between 450 and 500 nm, corresponding to blue waves. This explains why these dinoflagellates are brown: the color that maximizes the absorption of blue. While deep corals use more effectively the blue spectrum, those in shallow waters are suitable for the entire solar spectrum. Indeed, by photo-acclimation, dinoflagellates induce cellular changes that optimize the collection and use of light energy up to five times.
  L'hypothèse du corail-n...  
Après un mois, les premiers signes de modification morphologique apparaissent : une élongation des polypes suivie d’une dislocation de la colonie et la perte totale du squelette. Tous les polypes expérimentés ont conservé leurs zooxanthelles et leur taille en condition acide était trois fois plus importante que celle en condition normale.
) can survive long periods of low pH (Fine and Tchernov 2007). After 1 month in acidic sea water, first morphological changes resulted in polyp elongation, followed by dissociation of the colony and complete skeleton loss. All polyps maintained their algal symbionts and the biomass of the solitary polyps under acidic conditions was three times as high as the biomass of polyps cultured under normal conditions. After 12 months, when transferred back to normal pH, the solitary polyps calcified and rebuild colonies! This important experimental result supports the “naked coral” hypothesis.
  Nouvelle espèce - Coral...  
vit dans des habitats récifaux protégés et peut non seulement pousser sur des surfaces bien éclairées mais aussi sous des surplombs ombragés. C’est une espèce à zooxanthelles qui pousse sur les fragments de coraux morts et autres substrats également couverts d’algues corallines incrustées et de macroalgues charnues.
Echinophyllia tarae lives in protected reef habitats and can grow on surfaces lighted directly from the sun but also encrusts shaded underhangs. Colonies were observed between 5 and 20 m depth. It is a zooxanthellate species which grows on dead coral fragments, which are also covered by encrusted coralline algae and fleshy macroalgae. They are characterized by large polyps and are very plastic in morphology and coloration like most hard corals.
  Blanchiment des coraux:...  
Les coraux l’appliquaient déjà il y a des millions d’années, en tirant avantage de leur association avec les zooxanthelles pour couvrir les besoins énergétiques nécessaires à l’édification des récifs coralliens.
“Unity is strength”. This proverb is probably much older than previously thought. Corals applied this principle millions years ago through their association with zooxanthellae to provide the energy needed to build coral reefs. The deal is simple: the coral plays host to the zooxanthellae, thereby providing physical protection and, in exchange the algae provide sugars, amino acids and lipids to the corals through photosynthesis. Although this symbiotic relationship was described long ago, large gaps persist in our understanding of the cellular mechanisms ensuring peace in the household. These issues are of paramount importance since the climate changes has taught us that the coral-zooxanthellae relationship, believed to be stable, may be disrupted, resulting in bleaching events observed throughout the world, and even in our aquariums.
  Blanchiment des coraux:...  
Ce qui intriguait les biologistes n’était pas de savoir pourquoi les coraux blanchissent, mais plutôt pourquoi ils ne blanchissent pas quand tout va bien! Après tout, il est logique de penser qu’un animal (les coraux) se débarrasse de microbes (zooxanthelles) par l’activation de son système immunitaire.
What intrigued the biologists was not to know why corals bleach, but why they do not when everything goes well! After all, it is logical to think that an animal (corals) gets rid of microbes (zooxanthellae) through activation of its immune system. In fact, the role of the immune system is trickier than the simple destruction of any “foreigner”. Its role is to ensure the integrity of the animal by implementing mechanisms at play to destroy pathogens and to tolerate beneficial organisms. The assumption is that the zooxanthellae are capable of inducing immune tolerance in coral tissue. This mechanism is known for many years in medicine. Many cancers force their own tolerance. The agent of malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, is another example of tolerance induction allowing parasites evade the immune system of its host.
  Blanchiment des coraux:...  
Ce qui intriguait les biologistes n’était pas de savoir pourquoi les coraux blanchissent, mais plutôt pourquoi ils ne blanchissent pas quand tout va bien! Après tout, il est logique de penser qu’un animal (les coraux) se débarrasse de microbes (zooxanthelles) par l’activation de son système immunitaire.
What intrigued the biologists was not to know why corals bleach, but why they do not when everything goes well! After all, it is logical to think that an animal (corals) gets rid of microbes (zooxanthellae) through activation of its immune system. In fact, the role of the immune system is trickier than the simple destruction of any “foreigner”. Its role is to ensure the integrity of the animal by implementing mechanisms at play to destroy pathogens and to tolerate beneficial organisms. The assumption is that the zooxanthellae are capable of inducing immune tolerance in coral tissue. This mechanism is known for many years in medicine. Many cancers force their own tolerance. The agent of malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, is another example of tolerance induction allowing parasites evade the immune system of its host.
  Blanchiment des coraux:...  
Les coraux l’appliquaient déjà il y a des millions d’années, en tirant avantage de leur association avec les zooxanthelles pour couvrir les besoins énergétiques nécessaires à l’édification des récifs coralliens.
“Unity is strength”. This proverb is probably much older than previously thought. Corals applied this principle millions years ago through their association with zooxanthellae to provide the energy needed to build coral reefs. The deal is simple: the coral plays host to the zooxanthellae, thereby providing physical protection and, in exchange the algae provide sugars, amino acids and lipids to the corals through photosynthesis. Although this symbiotic relationship was described long ago, large gaps persist in our understanding of the cellular mechanisms ensuring peace in the household. These issues are of paramount importance since the climate changes has taught us that the coral-zooxanthellae relationship, believed to be stable, may be disrupted, resulting in bleaching events observed throughout the world, and even in our aquariums.