zorg – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 281 Results  www.uantwerpen.be  Page 9
  Huisartsennetwerk - Uni...  
Het Centrum voor Huisartsgeneeskunde (CHA) maakt deel uit van ELIZA, de vakgroep Eerstelijns- en Interdisciplinaire Zorg van de Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen.
The Centre for Family Medicine is part of ELIZA, the Department of Primary and Interdisciplinary Care in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
  Onderwijs - Universitei...  
De clinical leader als regisseur van directe zorg
The clinical leader as supervisor of direct patient care
  Kristof Vaes - Universi...  
Zorg en zorgtechnologie
(Health) Care & care technology
  Kathleen Belien - Unive...  
Thoracale Oncologie Groep Antwerpen (TOGA) in samenwerking met onderzoeksgroep 'Zorg rond het levenseinde' Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - UGent
Thoracic Oncology Group Antwerp (TOGA) in collaboration with 'End-of-Life Care Research Group' Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) & Ghent University
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Recente onderzoeksactiviteiten richten zich op: - onderzoek van medisch onderwijs (toetsing, samenwerking) - palliatieve zorg (opleiding/navorming in palliatieve zorg, opmaken en implementatie van een klinisch zorgpad) - chronische zorgverlening met bijzondere aandacht voor - "patient centeredness" / patiënt betrokkenheid - zelfzorg - therapietrouw - het belang van de mantelzorger in het zorgteam - kwaliteitsverbetering in chronische eerstelijns zorgverlening vooral gericht op type 2 diabetes mellitus en palliatieve zorg
Recent research activities are focussed at: - research of medical education (examination benchmarking, shared expertise) - palliative care (education/CME in palliative care, development and implementation of clinical pathways) - chronic care delivery with special interest for - patient centeredness - self management - adherence to treatment - the informal care giver as part of the health care team - quality improvement in the chronic primary care field mainly focussed on type 2 diabetes mellitus and palliative care
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Recente onderzoeksactiviteiten richten zich op: - onderzoek van medisch onderwijs (toetsing, samenwerking) - palliatieve zorg (opleiding/navorming in palliatieve zorg, opmaken en implementatie van een klinisch zorgpad) - chronische zorgverlening met bijzondere aandacht voor - "patient centeredness" / patiënt betrokkenheid - zelfzorg - therapietrouw - het belang van de mantelzorger in het zorgteam - kwaliteitsverbetering in chronische eerstelijns zorgverlening vooral gericht op type 2 diabetes mellitus en palliatieve zorg
Recent research activities are focussed at: - research of medical education (examination benchmarking, shared expertise) - palliative care (education/CME in palliative care, development and implementation of clinical pathways) - chronic care delivery with special interest for - patient centeredness - self management - adherence to treatment - the informal care giver as part of the health care team - quality improvement in the chronic primary care field mainly focussed on type 2 diabetes mellitus and palliative care
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
De doelstelling van deze studie bestaat erin om meningen te onderzoeken van Belgische patiënten en hun familieleden, spiritueel werkers en gezondheidswerkers over wat zij beschouwen als zinloze of zinvolle zorg op het levenseinde en hoe deze niet-aangepaste zorg kan worden voorkomen.
The aim of this study is to investigate opinions of Belgian patients, relatives, spiritual counsellors and health care professionals on what they consider '(in)appropriate care' at the end of life and how futile/inappropriate care can be avoided.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Dit FWO-project bestudeert armenzorg in drie steden in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (Gent, Mechelen en Sint-Winoksbergen) van circa 1300 tot 1600. Op een geïntegreerde manier en voor een lange termijn ga ik na hoe door armenzorg (in de brede in van het woord) stedelijke gemeenschappen en solidariteit werden gevormd.
This project will study poor relief in an integrated way in three towns in the Southern Low Countries from circa 1300 to 1600 (Ghent, Mechelen and Bergues/Sint-Winoksbergen), in order to examine how, through poor relief schemes, urban communities of solidarity were shaped. I will analyze which communities were implied or shaped when it was regulated and decided who could profit from poor relief, and how this changed in the long run. Who had access to relief systems (and who did not) and what community thereby served as a frame of reference? Which social boundaries were created (and by whom)? Was increasing social fragmentation reflected in a fragmentation of poor relief, or was there a shift from local and particular communities to the whole city in the fifteenth and sixteenth century?
  Karin Van Emelen - Univ...  
“Elke ochtend houden we eerst een bespreking, ik zorg ervoor dat iedereen goed weet wat er die dag op het programma staat en een duidelijke opdracht krijgt. Daarbij wordt er zoveel mogelijk rekening gehouden met ieders voorkeuren, sommige mensen werken bv. liever niet met een kettingzaag en anderen dan weer juist wel. Mijn taak is om het overzicht te bewaren van alle klussen en onderhoudswerken die er op de campus moeten gebeuren, maar daarnaast werk ik ook nog altijd zelf mee. Dat zou ik niet kunnen missen.”
“We meet every morning. I make sure that everyone knows what's on the schedule for the day and has a clearly defined task. I try to take everyone's preferences into account as much as possible. Some people prefer not to operate a chainsaw, while others like it. My task is to keep an eye on all the chores and maintenance jobs which need doing on campus. But I also work myself. I couldn't bear it if I didn't.”
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Recente onderzoeksactiviteiten richten zich op: - onderzoek van medisch onderwijs (toetsing, samenwerking) - palliatieve zorg (opleiding/navorming in palliatieve zorg, opmaken en implementatie van een klinisch zorgpad) - chronische zorgverlening met bijzondere aandacht voor - "patient centeredness" / patiënt betrokkenheid - zelfzorg - therapietrouw - het belang van de mantelzorger in het zorgteam - kwaliteitsverbetering in chronische eerstelijns zorgverlening vooral gericht op type 2 diabetes mellitus en palliatieve zorg
Recent research activities are focussed at: - research of medical education (examination benchmarking, shared expertise) - palliative care (education/CME in palliative care, development and implementation of clinical pathways) - chronic care delivery with special interest for - patient centeredness - self management - adherence to treatment - the informal care giver as part of the health care team - quality improvement in the chronic primary care field mainly focussed on type 2 diabetes mellitus and palliative care
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Dit onderzoeksproject biedt een praktisch kader voor dorpsontwikkeling voor het verbeteren van de leefbaarheid met keuzemogelijkheden en bijhorende gevolgen. Een praktisch kader wordt uitgewerkt voor verschillende beleidsdomeinen (wonen, zorg, voorzieningen, werk, landbouw) met bijhorende set van indicatoren (met gegevens) en een instrumentenkoffer.
Villages currently face challenges such as aging, decreasing services and amenities, poor quality housing, limited public transport, erosion of social cohesion .... Due to these developments, the quality of life in villages is highly pressurized. However, a good living environment remains important for coexistence and the "well being" of its residents. This research provides a practical framework for village development, in order to improve the quality of life, illustrating different solutions and their consequences. A practical framework will be developed for different policy areas (housing, care, services, labor, agriculture) with a correlating set of indicators and a development tool box.
  Geschiedenis - iCAREdat...  
Gezondheidszorg wordt ook vaak verstrekt buiten de normale werkuren (out-of-hours OOH). Het voorbije decennium is de organisatie van de OOH zorg in de eerstelijns gezondheidszorg ingrijpend veranderd en aanzienlijk verbeterd.
Health care is also commonly provided during out-of-hours (OOH). The last decade, the organisation of OOH services in primary care changed and improved dramatically. The on-going establishment of general practice cooperatives (GPCs) represents one of the most important developments for primary health care in Flanders, Belgium and Europe. In 2013, the Belgian government provided a budget of 17.2 million euro to rearrange OOH care (e.g. facilitating GPCs infrastructure) on a national basis. Until to date, OOH care remains an important issue for the government, and a unique challenge to improve cooperation between existing OOH services.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Met dit project wordt beoogd om de kwaliteit van zorg te verbeteren voor patienten met tinnitus die toegeschreven kan worden aan Temporomandibulaire Dysfunctie (TMD). Dit door het effect te bepalen van de behandeling van TMD op tinnitus.
This project aims to improve the quality of care for patients suffering from tinnitus attributed to a temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). This by verifying the effect of TMD treatment on tinnitus. As a next step, underlying working mechanisms of the applied treatment will be investigated (mediating factors). Third, variables that predict the treatment outcome (responders/ non-responders) will be analysed (prognostic indicators). Our findings wil be of importance for general practitioners, ENT specialists, audiologists, dentists and physical therapists, since they all deal with patients suffering from tinnitus.
  Geschiedenis - iCAREdat...  
Gezondheidszorg wordt ook vaak verstrekt buiten de normale werkuren (out-of-hours OOH). Het voorbije decennium is de organisatie van de OOH zorg in de eerstelijns gezondheidszorg ingrijpend veranderd en aanzienlijk verbeterd.
Health care is also commonly provided during out-of-hours (OOH). The last decade, the organisation of OOH services in primary care changed and improved dramatically. The on-going establishment of general practice cooperatives (GPCs) represents one of the most important developments for primary health care in Flanders, Belgium and Europe. In 2013, the Belgian government provided a budget of 17.2 million euro to rearrange OOH care (e.g. facilitating GPCs infrastructure) on a national basis. Until to date, OOH care remains an important issue for the government, and a unique challenge to improve cooperation between existing OOH services.
  Kris Van den Broeck - U...  
In zijn proefschrift (KUL, 2014) onderzocht hij het bestaan en functioneren van autobiografische herinneringen van patiënten met een borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis. Sinds zijn aanstelling aan de UA, werkte hij rond de samenwerking tussen huisartsen en GGZ-actoren, en - momenteel - aan een project over gepaste en niet-gepaste zorg in de laatste levensfase.
Kris is psychologist and behavioural therapist. His doctoral dissertation (KUL, 2014) is about the qualities of autobiographical memories of patients suffering from borderline personality disorder. At Antwerp University, he first worked about improving the interprofessional collaboration between general practitioners and mental health professionals. Currently, he works on a project about appropriate and non appropriate care at the end of life. At the same time, Kris is director of the Flemish Association for Psychiatry.
  Geschiedenis - iCAREdat...  
Gezondheidszorg wordt ook vaak verstrekt buiten de normale werkuren (out-of-hours OOH). Het voorbije decennium is de organisatie van de OOH zorg in de eerstelijns gezondheidszorg ingrijpend veranderd en aanzienlijk verbeterd.
Health care is also commonly provided during out-of-hours (OOH). The last decade, the organisation of OOH services in primary care changed and improved dramatically. The on-going establishment of general practice cooperatives (GPCs) represents one of the most important developments for primary health care in Flanders, Belgium and Europe. In 2013, the Belgian government provided a budget of 17.2 million euro to rearrange OOH care (e.g. facilitating GPCs infrastructure) on a national basis. Until to date, OOH care remains an important issue for the government, and a unique challenge to improve cooperation between existing OOH services.
  Meten en verbeteren van...  
CHA-ELIZA heeft jarenlange ervaring in het meten en verbeteren van de kwaliteit van de klinische praktijk in de eerstelijnszorg. Volgende onderzoeken over kwaliteit van zorg werden al uitgevoerd en gepubliceerd zoals het adequaat voorschrijven van antibiotica voor belangrijke indicaties zoals infecties van de lucht- en urinewegen, de mate van uitvoering van de richtlijnen in de dagelijkse praktijk, en tot op zekere hoogte in OOH zorg[13-17].
Moreover, CHA-ELIZA has longstanding expertise in measuring and improving quality of clinical practice in primary care. Antibiotic prescribing for major indications such as respiratory and urinary infections, the degree of guideline implementation in daily practice, and to some extent in OOH care, was already explored [13-17]. Access to the requested infrastructure will allow CHA-ELIZA researchers to sustain, improve and broaden this line of research.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
In België zijn spoeddiensten en huisartsen de belangrijkste actoren in de acute medische zorg tijdens de gewone en de zogenaamde out-of-hours periode. Patiënten kunnen vrij kiezen welke dienst zij prefereren.
In Belgium, emergency departments and GPs take care of urgent medical care during office and out-of-hours (OOH). Patients have access to the care provider of their choice. Over the last years protocols for triage of unplanned care have been developed by working groups in Belgium. The central aim of the present project is to establish if telephonic triage (using the phone number "1733") with professional call takers using these protocols is feasible, reliable and effective. A pilot project is established in the region Leuven-Tienen, in close collaboration with the emergency departments, the general practice OOH services and the regional emergency call centre which operate in that region. The overall research questions are 1. What is the safety and efficiency of newly developed protocols when used by call takers? 2. What is the epidemiology of unplanned medical care both during office and out-of-hours? 3. What is the influence of telephone triage on the workload and cost of care for unplanned medical problems? Other activities during the project will help to inform the public and the health professionals in the Leuven region. The two year project started May 1, 2016. Results of this study will inform stakeholders about future organisation of OOH care in Belgium. The OOH care research group is part of the General Practice group of the Department of Primary and Interdisciplinary Care Principal investigator: Hilde Philips Co-supervisor Veronique Verhoeven Junior researcher: Hanne Claessen Junior researcher: Annelies Colliers Team member: Roy Remmen
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
In België zijn spoeddiensten en huisartsen de belangrijkste actoren in de acute medische zorg tijdens de gewone en de zogenaamde out-of-hours periode. Patiënten kunnen vrij kiezen welke dienst zij prefereren.
In Belgium, emergency departments and GPs take care of urgent medical care during office and out-of-hours (OOH). Patients have access to the care provider of their choice. Over the last years protocols for triage of unplanned care have been developed by working groups in Belgium. The central aim of the present project is to establish if telephonic triage (using the phone number "1733") with professional call takers using these protocols is feasible, reliable and effective. A pilot project is established in the region Leuven-Tienen, in close collaboration with the emergency departments, the general practice OOH services and the regional emergency call centre which operate in that region. The overall research questions are 1. What is the safety and efficiency of newly developed protocols when used by call takers? 2. What is the epidemiology of unplanned medical care both during office and out-of-hours? 3. What is the influence of telephone triage on the workload and cost of care for unplanned medical problems? Other activities during the project will help to inform the public and the health professionals in the Leuven region. The two year project started May 1, 2016. Results of this study will inform stakeholders about future organisation of OOH care in Belgium. The OOH care research group is part of the General Practice group of the Department of Primary and Interdisciplinary Care Principal investigator: Hilde Philips Co-supervisor Veronique Verhoeven Junior researcher: Hanne Claessen Junior researcher: Annelies Colliers Team member: Roy Remmen
  Revalidatieziekenhuis R...  
Het revalidatieziekenhuis richt zich op de revalidatie van verworven fysieke en/of cognitieve stoornissen. Het heeft de voorbije decennia een sterke reputatie opgebouwd, die steunt op een kwalitatief hoogstaande, wetenschappelijk onderbouwde zorg.
RevArte stands for the know-how and art of rehabilitation ('revalidatie' in Dutch). The hospital focuses on the rehabilitation of acquired physical and/or cognitive disorders and has built up a solid reputation for providing high-quality, scientifically substantiated care over the last ten years.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
In België zijn spoeddiensten en huisartsen de belangrijkste actoren in de acute medische zorg tijdens de gewone en de zogenaamde out-of-hours periode. Patiënten kunnen vrij kiezen welke dienst zij prefereren.
In Belgium, emergency departments and GPs take care of urgent medical care during office and out-of-hours (OOH). Patients have access to the care provider of their choice. Over the last years protocols for triage of unplanned care have been developed by working groups in Belgium. The central aim of the present project is to establish if telephonic triage (using the phone number "1733") with professional call takers using these protocols is feasible, reliable and effective. A pilot project is established in the region Leuven-Tienen, in close collaboration with the emergency departments, the general practice OOH services and the regional emergency call centre which operate in that region. The overall research questions are 1. What is the safety and efficiency of newly developed protocols when used by call takers? 2. What is the epidemiology of unplanned medical care both during office and out-of-hours? 3. What is the influence of telephone triage on the workload and cost of care for unplanned medical problems? Other activities during the project will help to inform the public and the health professionals in the Leuven region. The two year project started May 1, 2016. Results of this study will inform stakeholders about future organisation of OOH care in Belgium. The OOH care research group is part of the General Practice group of the Department of Primary and Interdisciplinary Care Principal investigator: Hilde Philips Co-supervisor Veronique Verhoeven Junior researcher: Hanne Claessen Junior researcher: Annelies Colliers Team member: Roy Remmen
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
In België zijn spoeddiensten en huisartsen de belangrijkste actoren in de acute medische zorg tijdens de gewone en de zogenaamde out-of-hours periode. Patiënten kunnen vrij kiezen welke dienst zij prefereren.
In Belgium, emergency departments and GPs take care of urgent medical care during office and out-of-hours (OOH). Patients have access to the care provider of their choice. Over the last years protocols for triage of unplanned care have been developed by working groups in Belgium. The central aim of the present project is to establish if telephonic triage (using the phone number "1733") with professional call takers using these protocols is feasible, reliable and effective. A pilot project is established in the region Leuven-Tienen, in close collaboration with the emergency departments, the general practice OOH services and the regional emergency call centre which operate in that region. The overall research questions are 1. What is the safety and efficiency of newly developed protocols when used by call takers? 2. What is the epidemiology of unplanned medical care both during office and out-of-hours? 3. What is the influence of telephone triage on the workload and cost of care for unplanned medical problems? Other activities during the project will help to inform the public and the health professionals in the Leuven region. The two year project started May 1, 2016. Results of this study will inform stakeholders about future organisation of OOH care in Belgium. The OOH care research group is part of the General Practice group of the Department of Primary and Interdisciplinary Care Principal investigator: Hilde Philips Co-supervisor Veronique Verhoeven Junior researcher: Hanne Claessen Junior researcher: Annelies Colliers Team member: Roy Remmen
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
De doelstelling van deze studie bestaat erin om meningen te onderzoeken van Belgische patiënten en hun familieleden, spiritueel werkers en gezondheidswerkers over wat zij beschouwen als zinloze of zinvolle zorg op het levenseinde en hoe deze niet-aangepaste zorg kan worden voorkomen.
The aim of this study is to investigate opinions of Belgian patients, relatives, spiritual counsellors and health care professionals on what they consider '(in)appropriate care' at the end of life and how futile/inappropriate care can be avoided.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Passende zorg in de laatste levensfase.
(F)utile care at the end of life
  Onderwijs - Universitei...  
Postdoctoraal onderzoeker / Zorg en zorgtechnologie - Ontwerpen voor interacties
Assistant Professor of Design / Care & Care Technology - Design for Interaction
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Centrum voor Onderzoek en Innovatie in de Zorg (CRIC)
Centre for Research and Innovation in Care (CRIC)
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Implementatie zorgpad palliatieve zorg.
Implementation palliative care pathway.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Het verbeteren van zorg en onderzoek elektronische data vereniging Antwerpen (ICAREDATA).
Improving Care and Research Electronic Data Trust Antwerp (ICAREDATA).
  Geschiedenis - iCAREdat...  
Voor meer informatie over de organisatie van de OOH zorg door wachtposten in Antwerpen, onze groeiende expertise in OOH zorg, koppeling van gegevens en het meten en verbeteren van de kwaliteit van de zorg, kan u gebruik maken van de respectievelijke links in het menu.
For more information on the organisation of OOH care by means of GPCs in Antwerp, our growing expertise in OOH care and large scale data linkage, and measuring and improving quality of care, please use the respective links in the menu.
  Onderwijs - Universitei...  
Institutionele context van de sociale zorg
Institutional context of social care
  Vakgroepen - Universite...  
EersteLijns- en Interdisciplinaire Zorg Antwerpen (ELIZA)
Epidemiology and Social Medicine (ESOC)
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Eerstelijns - en interdisciplinaire zorg Antwerpen (ELIZA)
Primary and interdisciplinary care Antwerp (ELIZA)
  Geschiedenis - iCAREdat...  
Voor meer informatie over de organisatie van de OOH zorg door wachtposten in Antwerpen, onze groeiende expertise in OOH zorg, koppeling van gegevens en het meten en verbeteren van de kwaliteit van de zorg, kan u gebruik maken van de respectievelijke links in het menu.
For more information on the organisation of OOH care by means of GPCs in Antwerp, our growing expertise in OOH care and large scale data linkage, and measuring and improving quality of care, please use the respective links in the menu.
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