zorgt – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 176 Results  hearhear.org
  Now available: RAC X lo...  
Minder spuitnevel: het zachtere en beter te controleren spuitpatroon zorgt voor minder spuitnevel. Hierdoor gebruikt u nooit te veel verf.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Moins de brouillard de pulvérisation : le jet de pulvérisation plus facilement contrôlable et plus léger limite le brouillard de pulvérisation. ce qui vous évite d’utiliser trop de peinture.
Weniger Spritznebel: Das weichere und besser kontrollierbare Spritzbild sorgt für weniger Spritznebel. Dadurch wird verhindert, dass Sie zu viel Farbe verwenden.
Reducción de la sobrepulverización: Contar con un abanico de pulverización más suave y controlable reduce la sobrepulverización. Esto impide un consumo de pintura excesivo.
Minore overspray: Un ventaglio di spruzzatura più morbido e più controllabile consente un minore overspray. Ciò evita l'utilizzo di troppa vernice.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Mniejsze straty materiału: bardziej miękki i lepiej dobrany strumień natrysku zapewnia mniejsze straty materiału. To zapobiega nadmiernie dużemu zużyciu farby.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
Less overspray: the softer and more controllable spray fan ensures less overspray. This prevents you from using too much paint.
  Graco Afwerking Meercom...  
Zorgt voor de nauwkeurige en snelle afgifte van vooraf ingestelde hoeveelheden olie, smeermiddel e...
Un système de gestion de stock automatisé pour les doseurs ProMix 2KS
Präzises und schnelles Dispensieren von voreingestellten Mengen von Öl, Schmiermittel und Wasser
Controle los caudales, no desperdicie tanto material y mejore el rendimiento de pulverización. Id...
Soluzione ideale per materiali epossidici, poliuretanici e poliestere bicomponenti a volume basso
Sistema de administração de inventário automático para os dosadores ProMix 2KS
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Un système de gestion de stock automatisé pour les doseurs ProMix 2KS
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Zarządzanie płynami i ciśnieniem powietrza w celu wprowadzenia precyzyjnych parametrów natryskiwania i ...
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Önceden ayarlanan yağ, gres ve su miktarlarını doğru ve hızlı dağıtır
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Sistema de administração de inventário automático para os dosadores ProMix 2KS
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
Closed loop flow control system to eliminates excess material applied to the part for increased materia...
  Graco AMV-ventiel  
AMV zorgt bij herhaling voor een nauwkeurige dosering
L'AMV permet une distribution précise de manière répétée
AMV bietet präzises Dispensieren auf einer sich wiederholenden Basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV fornisce un’erogazione accurata per lavori ripetitivi
AMV proporciona uma distribuição exacta sobre repetitivo
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
L'AMV permet une distribution précise de manière répétée
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
Automatyczny zawór odmierzający zapewnia dokładne i powtarzalne dozowanie
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV tekrarlı şekilde doğru dağıtım sağlar
AMV proporciona uma distribuição exacta sobre repetitivo
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
AMV provides accurate dispensing on a repetitive basis
  Hot Melt Equipment | Gr...  
Zorgt voor nauwkeurige dosering voor Therm-O-Flow-systemen
Un système précis de dosage et de distribution pour un contrôle supérieur du cordon
Präzisionssystem zum Messen und Dispensieren für überlegene Perlenregelung
Sistema de medición y dispensación de precisión para un control del cordón superior
Sistema di erogazione e dosaggio a ingranaggi di precisione per un controllo microsfere superiore
Medição de precisão de equipamento e dispensa sistema de controle de talão superiores
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Un système précis de dosage et de distribution pour un contrôle supérieur du cordon
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Therm-O-Flow Sistemleri için hassas dağıtım sağlar
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Medição de precisão de equipamento e dispensa sistema de controle de talão superiores
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
Precision gear metering and dispense system for superior bead control
  Graco Therm-O-Flow 200  
Zorgt voor nauwkeurige dosering voor Therm-O-Flow-systemen
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
Admite selladores y adhesivos termofusibles en cubos de 20 litros (5 galones)
Bewältigt Heißschmelz-Dichtmittel und -Klebstoffe in 20 Liter (5 Gallonen) Eimern
Gestisce materiali fusi a caldo e collanti in secchi da 20 litri (5 gal)
Manipula selantes termofusíveis e adesivos em baldes de 20 litros (5-gal)
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
Permet de manipuler des mastics et colles mélangés à chaud dans des seaux de 20 litres (5 gallons)
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
Obsługuje topliwe uszczelniacze i kleje w 20-litrowych (5-galonowych) kubłach
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
20 litrelik (5 gal) kovalarda sıcak tutkal mastikleri işler
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
20 litrelik (5 gal) kovalarda sıcak tutkal mastikleri işler
Manipula selantes termofusíveis e adesivos em baldes de 20 litros (5-gal)
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
For hot melt sealants and adhesives in 20 liter (5-gal) pails
Positieve verdringing met twee kogels zorgt voor gelijkmatige en eenvoudig te regelen ...
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Des pompes de circulation adaptées aux exigences liées à de forts volumes et des cycles lents
Die Bauweise mit positiver Verdrängung und 2 Kugeln bietet eine einheitliche und ein...
Bombas de circulación de alto volumen para requisitos de gran caudal durante el funcionamie...
Pompe di circolazione ad alto volume per grandi requisiti di flusso con funzionamento a bass...
Bombas de circulação de alto volume para necessidades de fluxos grandes enquanto funci...
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Des pompes de circulation adaptées aux exigences liées à de forts volumes et des cycles lents
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Pompy cyrkulacyjne o dużej pojemności, przeznaczone do dużych przepływów przy niskich szybkoś...
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
Pozitif deplasmanlı, 2 bilyeli tasarım homojen ve kolay kontrol edilen performans...
Bombas de circulação de alto volume para necessidades de fluxos grandes enquanto funci...
Positive displacement, 2-ball design provides uniform and easily controlled delivery
  Hot Melt Equipment | Gr...  
De geavanceerde gesloten kring-technologie zorgt voor een nauwkeurig geregelde, ononderbroken materi...
Offre une distribution précise pour les systèmes Therm-O-Flow
Proporciona una dispensación preciso para los Sistemas Therm-O-Flow
Offre une distribution précise pour les systèmes Therm-O-Flow
Gelişmiş kapalı döngü teknolojisi hassas ve sürekli malzeme akışı sağlar
Provides precision dispense for Therm-O-Flow Systems
  Graco AirPro-luchtspuit...  
Een gelijkmatige materiaalspreiding via het spuitpatroon zorgt voor optimale dekking
Enhanced atomization through material-specific aircaps
Permet l'homogénéité de la distribution de produit par son jet pulvérisé pour une couverture optimale
Über das ganze Spritzbild hinweg gleichmäßige Materialverteilung für optimale Deckkraft
Eficiencia de transferencia mejorada mediante la reducción del consumo de aire
Distribuzione del materiale uniforme attraverso la distribuzione della spruzzatura per una copertura ottimale
Distribuição uniforme do material através do padrão de pulverização para se obter uma ótima cobertura
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
Równomierna dystrybucja materiału przez kształt strumienia zapewniający optymalne pokrycie
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
Optimum püskürtme alanı sağlayan püskürtme kalıbı ve homojen malzeme dağılımı
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
AirPro 空气喷枪的喷涂性能极佳,不管是用于定制车间还是大体积生产设施,它都能很好地应对环境方面的问题和操作员关注点。 非常适合汽车、一般金属、木材、水性、高磨损和粘合应用。
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
Optimum püskürtme alanı sağlayan püskürtme kalıbı ve homojen malzeme dağılımı
Even material distribution through the spray pattern for optimum coverage
Enhanced atomization through material-specific aircaps
De geavanceerde gesloten kring-technologie zorgt voor een nauwkeurig geregelde, ononderbroken materi...
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Système de rapport hydraulique fixe, pour les époxys à deux éléme...
Hydrauliksystem mit festen Mischverhältnis für zweiteilige Epoxyde, Sili...
La tecnología avanzada de circuito cerrado asegura un flujo del material preciso y continuo
La tecnologia avanzata a ciclo chiuso garantisce un flusso continuo e preciso di materiale
tecnologia avançada de circuito fechado garante um fluxo contínuo de material precisa
Precision fluid dispense for the toughest applications
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Système de rapport hydraulique fixe, pour les époxys à deux éléme...
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Zaawansowana technologia zamkniętej pętli zapewnia precyzyjny, ciągły przepływ materiału
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Gelişmiş kapalı döngü teknolojisi hassas ve sürekli malzeme akışı sağlar
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
tecnologia avançada de circuito fechado garante um fluxo contínuo de material precisa
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
  Graco Therm-O-Flow 200  
Zorgt voor het verwarmen en de afgifte van 1-componentmateriaal in houders van 200 liter
Highest throughout capability in the industry when tested and compared to leading competitor using PSA and butyl hot melt adhesives
Calienta y suministra materiales de un solo componente en contenedores de 55 galones (200 litros)
Wärmt und liefert Einkomponentenmaterialien in 200 Liter (55 Gallonen) Behältern
Riscalda ed eroga materiali monocomponente in contenitori da 200 litri (55 galloni)
Aquece e entrega materiais de componente único em contêineres de 55 galões (200 litros)
Highest throughout capability in the industry when tested and compared to leading competitor using PSA and butyl hot melt adhesives
Chauffe et alimente en produits à un composant à partir de réservoirs de 200 litres (55 gallons)
Podgrzewa i dostarcza materiały jednoskładnikowe w 200-litrowych (55-galonowych) zbiornikach
55 galonluk (200 litre) haznelerde tek bileşenli malzemeleri ısıtır ve sunar
55 galonluk (200 litre) haznelerde tek bileşenli malzemeleri ısıtır ve sunar
Aquece e entrega materiais de componente único em contêineres de 55 galões (200 litros)
Highest throughout capability in the industry when tested and compared to leading competitor using PSA and butyl hot melt adhesives
  Graco PGM-doseersysteem  
Zorgt voor hoge doorstroomsnelheden:
Proporciona caudales altos:
Bietet hohen Durchflussraten:
Proporciona caudales altos:
Fornisce portate elevate:
Fornece altas taxas de fluxo :
Improve your production capacity with PGM's high flow rates
Provides high flow rates:
Provides high flow rates:
Provides high flow rates:
Provides high flow rates:
Provides high flow rates:
Provides high flow rates:
Zapewnia duże natężenia przepływu:
Provides high flow rates:
Provides high flow rates:
Yüksek debiler sağlar:
Provides high flow rates:
Provides high flow rates:
Provides high flow rates:
Provides high flow rates:
  Houtafwerking - proport...  
Zorgt voor de nauwkeurige en snelle afgifte van vooraf ingestelde hoeveelheden olie, smeermiddel e...
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Doseur électronique pour une large gamme de produits à base de solvant, à base aqueuse, à catalyse ...
Präzises und schnelles Dispensieren von voreingestellten Mengen von Öl, Schmiermittel und Wasser
Dosificador electrónico para una amplia gama de materiales de medio solvente, medio acuoso y ...
Dosatore elettronico per una vasta gamma di materiali catalizzati con acido, ad acqua e solvente
Dosadores eletrônicos para uma ampla gama de materiais a base de solventes, a base de água e cata...
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Doseur électronique pour une large gamme de produits à base de solvant, à base aqueuse, à catalyse ...
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Elektroniczny dozownik przeznaczony do obsługi szerokiego zakresu materiałów na bazie rozpuszczal...
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Önceden ayarlanan yağ, gres ve su miktarlarını doğru ve hızlı dağıtır
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Dosadores eletrônicos para uma ampla gama de materiais a base de solventes, a base de água e cata...
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
  Graco mobiele systemen ...  
De LineLazer IV 250SPS is een belijningsapparaat met rechtopstaande besturing, dat zorgt voor verho...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
Le LineLazer IV 250SPS est une solution de traçage de lignes à conduite debout pour une visibilité...
Der LineLazer IV 250SPS ist eine Linienmarkierungslösung zum Daraufstellen für verbesserte Sichtbar...
El LineLazer V 250SPS es una solución de trazado de líneas para conducir de pie para una mejor visi...
LineLazer IV 250SPS è una soluzione di tracciatura semovente con operatore in piedi, per una miglio...
O LineLazer IV 250SPS é uma solução de uso em pé para demarcação de linhas que garante melhor visib...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
Le LineLazer IV 250SPS est une solution de traçage de lignes à conduite debout pour une visibilité...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
Urządzenie LineLazer IV 250SPS z obsługą typu „Stand-on”, które zapewnia lepszą widoczność i umożli...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
O LineLazer IV 250SPS é uma solução de uso em pé para demarcação de linhas que garante melhor visib...
The LineLazer IV 250SPS is a stand-on line striping solution for improved visibility and razor shar...
  Graco AirPro automatisc...  
De indexeringsluchtkap zorgt voor snelle en nauwkeurige positionering, zowel in de verticale als de horizontale stand
El cabezal de aire indexador proporciona un posicionamiento rápido y preciso tanto en posición vertical como horizontal
Arretierbare Luftkappe für schnelle und präzise Positionierung in vertikaler oder horizontaler Position
El cabezal de aire indexador proporciona un posicionamiento rápido y preciso tanto en posición vertical como horizontal
Il cappuccio aria di indicizzazione consente un posizionamento rapido e preciso sia in verticale sia in orizzontale
A tampa de ar de indexação permite uma localização rápida e exata na posição vertical ou horizontal
Stainless steel construction handles the toughest coatings, from acid to waterborne
Градуираният въздушен накрайник осигурява бързо и точно позициониране във вертикална или хоризонтална позиция
La fabrication en acier inox permet une utilisation avec les revêtements les plus durs, de l'acide au bases aqueuses
Čep za zrak za označavanje daje brzo i precizno pozicioniranje u vertikalnom i horizontalnom smjeru.
Ilmasuutin takaa nopean ja tarkan paikannuksen joko pysty- tai vaakasuunnassa
Az elosztó légkamra függőleges és vízszintes helyzetben is gyors és pontos pozicionálást tesz lehetővé
Žymėtas oro dangtelis užtikrina greitą ir tikslų nustatymą tiek vertikalioje, tiek horizontalioje padėtyje
Indekserende luftkappe gir rask og nøyaktig posisjonering i enten vertikal eller horisontal posisjon
Dysza powietrzna indeksująca zapewnia szybkie i dokładne pozycjonowanie w położeniu pionowym i poziomym
Capacul pentru aer cu indexare asigură poziţionare rapidă şi corectă în poziţia verticală sau cea orizontală
Indexový pneumatický uzáver zabezpečuje rýchle a presné umiestnenie buď v horizontálnej, alebo vertikálnej polohe
Göstergeli hava başlığı hem dikey hem de yatay konumda hızlı ve doğru konumlandırma sağlar
Gaisa vāciņš ar iedaļām ātrai un precīzai novietošanai vai nu vertikālā, vai horizontālā stāvoklī
Pokrov za zrak z oznakami omogoča hitro in natančno nastavitev v navpični ali vodoravni legi
A estrutura de aço inoxidável lida com os revestimentos mais resistentes, desde ácidos a até materiais a prova d’ água
غطاء هواء للتقسيم لتحديد الموضع بسرعة ودقة سواءً في الوضع الرأسي أو الأفقي.
  Metersystemen voor kit-...  
De geavanceerde gesloten kring-technologie zorgt voor een nauwkeurig geregelde, ononderbroken materi...
La tecnología avanzada de circuito cerrado asegura un flujo del material preciso y continuo
Fortschrittliche Closed-Loop-Technologie sorgt für einen präzisen, durchgängigen Materialfluss
La tecnología avanzada de circuito cerrado asegura un flujo del material preciso y continuo
La tecnologia avanzata a ciclo chiuso garantisce un flusso continuo e preciso di materiale
tecnologia avançada de circuito fechado garante um fluxo contínuo de material precisa
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
La technologie avancée de boucle fermée assure un débit constant et précis de produit
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Zaawansowana technologia zamkniętej pętli zapewnia precyzyjny, ciągły przepływ materiału
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Gelişmiş kapalı döngü teknolojisi hassas ve sürekli malzeme akışı sağlar
tecnologia avançada de circuito fechado garante um fluxo contínuo de material precisa
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
  Graco Sealants and Adhe...  
De geavanceerde gesloten kring-technologie zorgt voor een nauwkeurig geregelde, ononderbroken materi...
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
La technologie avancée de boucle fermée assure un débit constant et précis de produit
Fortschrittliche Closed-Loop-Technologie sorgt für einen präzisen, durchgängigen Materialfluss
La tecnología avanzada de circuito cerrado asegura un flujo del material preciso y continuo
La tecnologia avanzata a ciclo chiuso garantisce un flusso continuo e preciso di materiale
tecnologia avançada de circuito fechado garante um fluxo contínuo de material precisa
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
La technologie avancée de boucle fermée assure un débit constant et précis de produit
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Zaawansowana technologia zamkniętej pętli zapewnia precyzyjny, ciągły przepływ materiału
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
Gelişmiş kapalı döngü teknolojisi hassas ve sürekli malzeme akışı sağlar
tecnologia avançada de circuito fechado garante um fluxo contínuo de material precisa
Advanced closed-loop technology assures a precise, continuous flow of material
  Graco Optimiser 2K spui...  
Zorgt voor superieure verstuiving door de katalysestof vooraf te verstuiven en deze vervolgens aan het kleefmiddel toe te voegen
Ofrece una atomización superior al pre atomizar el catalizador y luego introducirlo en el adhesivo
Liefert überragende Zerstäubung durch ein Vorzerstäuben des Katalysators und das anschließende Einführen in den Klebstoff
Ofrece una atomización superior al pre atomizar el catalizador y luego introducirlo en el adhesivo
Eroga una nebulizzazione superiore pre-nebulizzando il catalizzatore e introducendolo successivamente nel collante
Proporciona atomização superior por pré-pulverização do catalisador e, em seguida, introduzindo-o para o adesivo
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Zapewnia doskonałe rozpylanie poprzez wstępne rozpylenie katalizatora, a następnie wprowadzenie go do kleju
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Katalisti önceden atomize edip yapıştırıcıya uygulayarak üstün atomizasyon sağlar
Proporciona atomização superior por pré-pulverização do catalisador e, em seguida, introduzindo-o para o adesivo
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
Delivers superior atomization by pre-atomizing the catalyst and then introducing it to the adhesive
  Graco-producten voor hars  
Zorgt voor een uitstekende temperatuurbehandeling bij coatings met een hoog gehalte vaste d...
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Dispensa y mezcla con precisión adhesivos y sellantes de dos componentes
Bietet hervorragende Temperaturregelung für hochfeste Beschichtungen und hochviskose Materialien
Dispensa y mezcla con precisión adhesivos y sellantes de dos componentes
Eroga e miscela accuratamente sigillanti e collanti bicomponente
Precisão dispensa e mistura de dois componentes selantes e adesivos
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Mélange et distribue avec précision les mastics et colles à deux composants
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Dokładnie dozuje i miesza dwuskładnikowe szczeliwa i kleje
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
Yüksek katı içerikli kaplamalar ve yüksek viskoziteli malzemeler için harika sıcaklık koşul...
Precisão dispensa e mistura de dois componentes selantes e adesivos
Provides excellent temperature conditioning for high solids coatings and high viscosity materials
  Graco-producten voor pl...  
Zorgt voor de nauwkeurige en snelle afgifte van vooraf ingestelde hoeveelheden olie, smeermiddel e...
Dosificador electrónico para una amplia gama de materiales de medio solvente, medio acuoso y ...
Präzises und schnelles Dispensieren von voreingestellten Mengen von Öl, Schmiermittel und Wasser
Dosificador electrónico para una amplia gama de materiales de medio solvente, medio acuoso y ...
Dosatore elettronico per una vasta gamma di materiali catalizzati con acido, ad acqua e solvente
Dosadores eletrônicos para uma ampla gama de materiais a base de solventes, a base de água e cata...
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Doseur électronique pour une large gamme de produits à base de solvant, à base aqueuse, à catalyse ...
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Elektroniczny dozownik przeznaczony do obsługi szerokiego zakresu materiałów na bazie rozpuszczal...
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Önceden ayarlanan yağ, gres ve su miktarlarını doğru ve hızlı dağıtır
Dosadores eletrônicos para uma ampla gama de materiais a base de solventes, a base de água e cata...
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
  Polyvinylchloride (PVC)  
Zorgt voor een gelijkmatig spiraalpatroon in robottoepassingen
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Válvulas automáticas con diseño de bola de aguja/asiento o diseño antigoteo
Trägt ein einheitliches Wirbelmuster in Roboter-Anwendungen auf
Válvulas automáticas con diseño de bola de aguja/asiento o diseño antigoteo
Valvole automatiche con design di sede/ago a sfera o con aspirazione posteriore
Válvulas automáticas com design bola agulha / sede ou rapé-back projeto
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Des vannes automatiques à pointeau/siège à bille ou à reflux
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Nanosi jednolite wzorce zawirowania w zastosowaniach wykorzystujących roboty
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Robotik uygulamalarda homojen bir kıvrımlı kalıp uygular
Válvulas automáticas com design bola agulha / sede ou rapé-back projeto
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
  Glasvezelhakker van Graco  
Glasvezelhakker Innovatieve vormgeving zorgt voor ononderbroken productie
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Glasfaserschneider Innovatives Design sorgt für unterbrechungsfreie Produktionsabläufe
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Coltello per fibra di vetro Il design innovativo consente il movimento costante della produzione
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Urządzenie tnące do włókna szklanego Innowacyjne rozwiązania zapewniające ciągłość procesu produkcyjnego
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Cam Elyaf Bıçak Yenilikçi tasarım üretimin devam etmesini sağlıyor
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
Fiberglass Cutter Innovative design keeps production moving
  Graco RAC 5 Reverse-A-C...  
RAC 5 SwitchTips zijn uiterst krachtige tips en zijn de best verkochte tip op de markt vandaag. RAC 5 zorgt voor een uitstekende houdbaarheid van het waaierspuitpatroon en een hoogwaardige afwerking.
Les RAC 5 SwitchTip sont des buses de haute performance et sont n° 1 des ventes sur le marché actuellement. Les RAC 5 fournissent un jet d'une excellente longévité et une finition de grande qualité.
Bei RAC 5 SwitchTips handelt es sich um Hochleistungsdüsen und die auf dem heutigen Markt führende Marke. RAC 5 bietet eine hochwertige Beschichtung und eine ausgezeichnete Spritzfächer-Lebensdauer.
Las boquillas reversibles RAC 5 son boquillas de alto rendimiento y la boquilla n.° 1 en ventas en el mercado actual. La boquilla RAC 5 brinda una excelente vida útil del patrón de abanico y un acabado de alta calidad.
Gli ugelli SwitchTip RAC 5 sono a elevate prestazioni, attualmente i più venduti sul mercato. RAC 5 offre un getto a ventaglio dalla durata eccellente e una finitura di alta qualità.
Pontas trocáveis RAC 5 são de alta performance e a ponta # 1 em vendas no mercado hoje. RAC 5 oferece excelente padrão de vida ao ventilador e um acabamento de alta qualidade.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
RAC 5 SwitchTips are high-performance tips and the #1 selling tip on the market today. RAC 5 provides excellent fan pattern life and a high-quality finish.
  Graco PrecisionSwirl sp...  
Zorgt voor een gelijkmatig spiraalpatroon in robottoepassingen
Aplica un patrón en espiral uniforme en aplicaciones robóticas
Trägt ein einheitliches Wirbelmuster in Roboter-Anwendungen auf
Aplica un patrón en espiral uniforme en aplicaciones robóticas
Applica una distribuzione di turbolenza uniforme nelle applicazioni robotiche
Aplica-se um padrão de redemoinho uniforme em aplicações robóticas
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applique un jet en tourbillon uniforme dans les applications robotiques
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Nanosi jednolite wzorce zawirowania w zastosowaniach wykorzystujących roboty
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Robotik uygulamalarda homojen bir kıvrımlı kalıp uygular
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Aplica-se um padrão de redemoinho uniforme em aplicações robóticas
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
Applies a uniform swirl pattern in robotic applications
  Graco RAC 5 Reverse-A-C...  
Vergrendelingslipje zorgt ervoor dat tip stevig in de kap blijft zitten
La languette de verrouillage assure que la buse reste bien fixée au garde
Die Verriegelungslaschen stellen sicher, dass die Düse sicher im Schirm fixiert bleibt
La pestaña de bloqueo asegura que la punta permanezca asegurada en el portaboquillas
La linguetta di blocco assicura che l'ugello resti ben saldo nella sua protezione
Guia de travamento garante a que ponta permanece firmemente n protetor
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
Locking tab ensures tip stays securely in tip guard
  Graco AirPro-luchtspuit...  
Goed uitgebalanceerd en lichtgewicht (410 gram) pistool zorgt ervoor dat u de hele dag in een vast tempo kunt blijven spuiten
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Bien équilibré et léger (410 grammes), ce pistolet rend la pulvérisation à un rythme constant facile tout au long de la journée
Die gut ausbalancierte und leichte (410 Gramm) Pistole erleichtert das Spritzen zu einer konstanten Rate den ganzen Tag über
La pistola bien equilibrada y ligera (410 gramos) facilita la pulverización a un ritmo constante todo el día
La pistola leggera (410 grammi) e ben bilanciata rende più facile la spruzzatura a una portata uniforme per tutto il giorno
A pistola equilibrada e leve (410 g) facilita a pulverização a uma velocidade estável todo o dia
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Optimisez vos performances de pulvérisation grâce à notre design de capuchon d'air et de buse futuriste
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Dobrze wyważony i lekki (410 g) pistolet zapewnia łatwiejsze i równomierne natryskiwanie przez cały dzień
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Dengeli ve hafif (410 gram) tabanca tüm gün dengeli bir akışla püskürtmeyi kolaylaştırır
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Dengeli ve hafif (410 gram) tabanca tüm gün dengeli bir akışla püskürtmeyi kolaylaştırır
Otimize o rendimento de pulverização com nosso design de bocal e tampa de ar de vanguarda
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
Well balanced and lightweight (410 grams) gun makes it easier to spray at a steady rate all day
  Graco fusie-CS-spuitpis...  
Niet-hechtende polymeerafdekking zorgt ervoor dat de pistoolkop schoner blijft
Le capot en polymère anti-adhérant permet de garder la tête du pistolet plus propre
Polymer-Abdeckung mit Antihaftbeschichtung hält Pistolenkopf sauberer
La cubierta de polímero antiadherente mantiene más limpio el cabezal de la pistola
La copertura polimerica antiadesiva tiene pulita la testa della pistola
A capa de polímero antiaderente mantém a cabeça da pistola mais limpa
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Nieprzywierająca powłoka polimerowa utrzymuje głowicę pistoletu w czystości
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Yapışmayan polimer kapak tabanca başlığını daha temiz tutar
Non-stick polymer cover keeps gun head cleaner
Fast and simple change-outs put an end to lengthy interruptions and keep jobs on schedule
  Graco RAC 5 Reverse-A-C...  
Zorgt voor consistente verfdikte van rand tot rand, minder spuitnevel en langdurige lijnen
Garantissent une épaisseur de peinture constante, de bord à bord, moins d'excès de pulvérisation et des lignes durables
Gewährleistet eine konsistente Farbstärke von Rand zu Rand, weniger Overspray und langlebige Linien
Asegura un grosor de pintura constante, de borde a borde, una menor sobrepulverización y líneas de larga duración
Assicura uno spessore costante della vernice, da bordo a bordo, minore sovraspruzzatura e linee di lunga durata
Garante espessura consistente da pintura, de ponta a ponta, menos overspray e linhas duradouras
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Common applications include bridges, farms, structural steel and roofing
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
  Graco Probler P2 luchtz...  
De anti-overdrachtuitvoering zorgt ervoor dat materiaal
Ergonomic handle and balanced design
Le design anti-liaison élimine virtuellement la possibilité
Bauweise mit Anti-Umschaltung beseitigt nahezu alle Möglichkeiten
El diseño anti cruces elimina virtualmente la posibilidad de
Il design anti-incrocio elimina la possibilità
Seu design anti-cruzamento elimina praticamente a possibilidade
Ergonomic handle and balanced design
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
Le design anti-liaison élimine virtuellement la possibilité
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
Zabezpieczająca przed krzyżowaniem konstrukcja praktycznie eliminuje
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
Geçişi önleyici tasarımı, malzemenin havalı pistona
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
Seu design anti-cruzamento elimina praticamente a possibilidade
Anti-crossover design virtually eliminates possibility
  Metersystemen voor afwe...  
Zorgt voor de nauwkeurige en snelle afgifte van vooraf ingestelde hoeveelheden olie, smeermiddel e...
Distribue précisément et rapidement les volumes prédéfinis d'huile, de graisse et d'eau
Präzises und schnelles Dispensieren von voreingestellten Mengen von Öl, Schmiermittel und Wasser
Dispensa de forma precisa y rápida las cantidades preestablecidas de aceite, grasa y agua
Eroga in modo rapido e accurato quantità preimpostate di olio, grasso e acqua
Fornece quantidades pré-estabelecidas de óleo, graxa e água de maneira precisa e rápida
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Distribue précisément et rapidement les volumes prédéfinis d'huile, de graisse et d'eau
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Dokładnie i szybko dozuje ustawione fabrycznie ilości oleju, smaru i wody
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Önceden ayarlanan yağ, gres ve su miktarlarını doğru ve hızlı dağıtır
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
Accurately and quickly dispenses preset amounts of oil, grease and water
  Graco vloeistofregelaar...  
De regelaar van Graco met een laag debiet zorgt ervoor dat uw systeem productiever blijft werken door de stroming te regelen voor automatische afwerkingstoepassingen. Door de afwezigheid van mechanische veren in de vloeistofleiding is er geen afzetting van materiaal en is de reiniging eenvoudig.
O regulador de fluxo baixo da Graco permite que o sistema funcione de maneira mais produtiva ao manter uma regulação de fluido uniforme para aplicações de acabamento automático. O percurso do fluido sem mola evita a retenção do material e facilita a limpeza. Estão disponíveis as três relações de pressão.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco düşük debili regülatör otomatik son kat uygulamaları için sürekli akışkan regülasyonu sağlayarak sisteminizin daha verimli çalışmasını sürdürür. Yaysız akışkan yolu malzeme sıkışmasını önler ve kolay temizlik sağlar. Üç basınç oranı vardır.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
Graco's low flow regulator keeps your system functioning more productively by maintaining consistent fluid regulation for automatic finishing applications. The springless fluid path prevents trapped material and allows for easy cleaning. Available in three pressure ratios.
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