zorgverleners – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 3 Results  bezvizy.npbp.by
  Tolken in de gezondheid...  
Sinds 2012 worden tolken in de gezondheidszorg niet meer vergoed. Dit betekent dat zorgverleners minder goede zorg kunnen bieden aan mensen die de Nederlandse taal niet goed spreken. Dit is zorgelijk.
Since 2012, reimbursements for interpreters for those that require them are no longer covered by the health care system. This means that health care professionals may be unable to offer the same quality of health care to people who are less proficient in the Dutch language. This is problematic due to the serious nature of medical intervention. How should an obstetrician explain to a patient that they are experiencing a breech birth? And how should a woman make it clear to an obstetrician that she has experienced complications during previous births?
  Tolken in de gezondheid...  
Nu tolken in de gezondheidszorg niet meer worden vergoed, moeten zorgverleners (de arts, of verloskundige) dit zelf betalen. In de praktijk blijkt dit echter erg lastig. Zo kan voor verpleegkundigen, die hun eigen praktijk hebben, het inhuren van een tolk voor een uur meer kosten dan zij in een hele ochtend verdienen.
Now that interpreters are no longer covered, the burden of financing this service falls on health care professionals themselves. In practice, however, this has proven difficult to ensure. If hiring an interpreter for a patient costs obstetricians more money than they earn in a morning, they are unlikely to hire one. They may wish to offer quality health care to their patients, but they lack the means thereto. Recent research by the KNMG (2016) shows that the need of hiring professional interpreters is three times larger than actually occurs in practice.