zorgverleners – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
conclusie Vanuit de verbindende waarde van de zorgrelatie streven de zorgverleners naar een redelijke verhouding tussen de beschermwaardigheid van het leven en de autonomie van de cliënt.
conclusion By means of the integrating value of the care relationship carers should try to achieve a reasonable balance between the inviolability of life and the autonomy of the client.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
besluit Zorgverleners kunnen in een team of netwerk informatie uitwisselen op basis van een voorwaardelijk gedeeld beroepsgeheim.
conclusion Care-givers can exchange information with members of a team or network, but this should be done on the basis of conditional shared confidentiality.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
conclusie De zorgverleners kiezen in dialoog en op een overwogen en consequente manier voor de gepaste vorm van bemoeizorg die aansluit bij de graad van verantwoordelijkheid die de persoon met psychiatrische problemen kan opnemen.
conclusion The care providers choose in dialogue and in a considered and consistent way for the appropriate form of outreaching care, in line with the degree of responsibility that the person with psychiatric problems can assume.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
methode Een heterogene, landelijke groep van 8 zorgverleners en 5 belanghebbenden beoordeelde de basisset op geschiktheid voor de kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie in een delphiprocedure in twee schriftelijke rondes en een panelbijeenkomst.
method A heterogeneous national group of eight health professionals and five ‘stakeholders’ in child and adolescent mental health judged the existing Basic Set by means of a Delphi procedure consisting of two written rounds and a panel discussion. The experts assessed potential indicators with regard to necessity, validity, clarity and applicability to child and adolescent psychiatry using a scale of 0 to 9. Indicators scoring more than 7 were considered to be appropriate.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
resultaten Psychiaters deelden met zorgverleners uit andere disciplines de bezorgdheid omtrent de karakteristieken van bestaande evidence en de invloed van partners binnen de gezondheidszorg, vooral overheid, commerciële firma's en patiënten.
results Psychiatrists shared with other health care disciplines some concerns about the characteristics of 'evidence' and about the influential role played by their 'partners' in the health care system, namely by government, commercial firms and patients. Psychiatrists perceived their discipline to be much more complex than other disciplines, particularly in areas such as research design, patients' problems, psychiatric diagnosis and therapeutic psychiatrist-patientrelationships. The literature and the preliminary results of ongoing research revealed that other disciplines too are confronted with similar complexities.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
resultaten Vanuit een filosofisch perspectief verduidelijken wij de concepten relationele autonomie en coping en hoe deze bijdragen aan kwaliteit van leven en hoe ze toegepast kunnen worden in de dagelijkse zorgpraktijk. Praktische handvatten zijn dat zorgverleners patiënten bovenal als persoon zien en zich goed realiseren dat de rolverdeling tussen patiënt en zorgverlener bepaalde communicatie veronderstelt.
results We clarify from a philosophical point of view the concepts of relational autonomy and coping, how these concepts contribute to the quality of life and how they can be used in the daily provision of care. The care-givers should see a patient primarily as a person, and should be aware that the division of roles between patient and care-givers implies certain forms of communication. By utilising the relational aspects, the therapist and the care supervisor within the care relationship have the means, uniquely tailored to the person and the domain, to increase the patient’s autonomy and consequently his/her quality of life.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
De evaluatie en versterking van de beslissingsbekwaamheid gebeurt door het scoren van de afzonderlijke criteria en het globaal evalueren ervan. Dit gebeurt door alle betrokkenen in dialoog: zo veel mogelijk de zorg­vrager, alsook de naastbetrokkenen en de zorgverleners.
results The criteria that have to be satisfied can be summarised as follows: the persons involved must understand the information, and must be able to apply it to their own situation. They must be able to gain insight into their own situation and be able to weigh up the available options, and be able to estimate consequences for themselves, as well as for others. They must be able to motivate choices in a sensible and comprehensible manner without being subject to coercive influences coming from internal and external sources. Participants’ choices should be motivated on the basis of their own personal values. The decision-making competence is assessed and enhanced by giving a score to the individual criteria and by making an overall evaluation. This is achieved by a dialogue including all the persons involved: the care seeker (as far as possible), close relatives and the care-providers.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
samenvatting De Werkgroep Ethiek in de Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg van de Broeders van Liefde in Vlaanderen heeft een advies geformuleerd over de belangrijke ethische vraag: wanneer en hoe moeten zorgverleners informatie delen dan wel geheimhouden bij het samenwerken in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg?
summary This article reproduces ethical advice given by the Ethical Committee for Mental Health Care set up by the Brothers of Charity in Flanders. The advice relates to the ethical problem that arises when several health care professionals and carers cooperate in mental health care: when and how should they share information about a patient or should information be kept confidential? The research on which the advice was based, consists of discussing ethical matters and studying the relevant literature. Two general principles emerged from the research, namely, consultation and carefulness. These principles are applicable in all situations. On every occasion the involved professionals and carers test whether patient information should be passed on. The test is conducted on the basis of ten carefulness criteria. The next step is to apply these general principles. If a team of carers is involved, then, it is argued, there should be shared confidentiality, the relevance of which undergoes a filtering process. On the other hand, when there is a network of professionals and carers and third parties are involved, consultation and carefulness should prevail, although exceptions can be made in certain circumstances.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
samenvatting De Werkgroep Ethiek in de Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg van de Broeders van Liefde in Vlaanderen heeft een advies geformuleerd over de belangrijke ethische vraag: wanneer en hoe moeten zorgverleners informatie delen dan wel geheimhouden bij het samenwerken in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg?
summary This article reproduces ethical advice given by the Ethical Committee for Mental Health Care set up by the Brothers of Charity in Flanders. The advice relates to the ethical problem that arises when several health care professionals and carers cooperate in mental health care: when and how should they share information about a patient or should information be kept confidential? The research on which the advice was based, consists of discussing ethical matters and studying the relevant literature. Two general principles emerged from the research, namely, consultation and carefulness. These principles are applicable in all situations. On every occasion the involved professionals and carers test whether patient information should be passed on. The test is conducted on the basis of ten carefulness criteria. The next step is to apply these general principles. If a team of carers is involved, then, it is argued, there should be shared confidentiality, the relevance of which undergoes a filtering process. On the other hand, when there is a network of professionals and carers and third parties are involved, consultation and carefulness should prevail, although exceptions can be made in certain circumstances.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
In het advies wordt de vraag behandeld hoe zorgverleners vanuit ethisch perspectief zo veel mogelijk de vrijheid van de patiënt kunnen respecteren en wanneer het verantwoord is dat ze de vrijheid beperken of dwang gebruiken.
summary This article reproduces the ethical advice given by the Ethical Committee for Mental Health Care set up by the Brothers of Charity in Flanders. The advice relates to the ethical dilemma with which caregivers are often confronted: how can they respect their clients' freedom as much as possible and when are they justified in restricting their clients' freedom or in using coercion? The research method consists in having discussions about ethics and in studying the literature. Instead of addressing the subject of freedom and coercion from the purely individual point of view of the caregiver or the patient, the ethical advice addresses the subject from a relational point of view, involving consultation with caregivers, patients and their families. Consequently, the general model for making choices in mental health care is consultation, in the course of which all parties communicate with each other, explain and justify their views, and strive for a consensus. Consultation is the best way to obtain consent. However, in particular situations consultation has to be restricted. In some situations restriction of freedom or the use of coercion can be justified if the following conditions prevail: the client is insufficiently competent to make personal choices, there is a threat of serious damage to health, integrity or the care environment, and the degree to which freedom is restricted is in proportion to the seriousness of the damage.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
samenvatting De Werkgroep Ethiek in de Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg van de Broeders van Liefde in Vlaanderen heeft een advies geformuleerd over de belangrijke ethische vraag: wanneer en hoe moeten zorgverleners informatie delen dan wel geheimhouden bij het samenwerken in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg?
summary This article reproduces ethical advice given by the Ethical Committee for Mental Health Care set up by the Brothers of Charity in Flanders. The advice relates to the ethical problem that arises when several health care professionals and carers cooperate in mental health care: when and how should they share information about a patient or should information be kept confidential? The research on which the advice was based, consists of discussing ethical matters and studying the relevant literature. Two general principles emerged from the research, namely, consultation and carefulness. These principles are applicable in all situations. On every occasion the involved professionals and carers test whether patient information should be passed on. The test is conducted on the basis of ten carefulness criteria. The next step is to apply these general principles. If a team of carers is involved, then, it is argued, there should be shared confidentiality, the relevance of which undergoes a filtering process. On the other hand, when there is a network of professionals and carers and third parties are involved, consultation and carefulness should prevail, although exceptions can be made in certain circumstances.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
Factoren die zorgverleners als belemmerend ervoeren in de hulpverlening voor deze patiënten waren: het beeld dat patiënten met verslavingsproblematiek agressief en manipulatief zijn, en het beeld dat deze patiënten weinig gemotiveerd zijn voor de behandeling.
results Health professionals generally have negative attitudes towards patients with substance use disorders. They perceive violence, manipulation, and poor motivation as impeding factors in the healthcare delivery for these patients. Health professionals also lack adequate education, training and support structures in working with this patient group. Negative attitudes of health professionals diminish patients’ feelings of empowerment and subsequently treatment outcomes. Health professionals have a more task-oriented approach (e.g. less personal engagement and diminished empathy) in the delivery of healthcare for these patients.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
In het advies wordt de vraag behandeld hoe zorgverleners vanuit ethisch perspectief zo veel mogelijk de vrijheid van de patiënt kunnen respecteren en wanneer het verantwoord is dat ze de vrijheid beperken of dwang gebruiken.
summary This article reproduces the ethical advice given by the Ethical Committee for Mental Health Care set up by the Brothers of Charity in Flanders. The advice relates to the ethical dilemma with which caregivers are often confronted: how can they respect their clients' freedom as much as possible and when are they justified in restricting their clients' freedom or in using coercion? The research method consists in having discussions about ethics and in studying the literature. Instead of addressing the subject of freedom and coercion from the purely individual point of view of the caregiver or the patient, the ethical advice addresses the subject from a relational point of view, involving consultation with caregivers, patients and their families. Consequently, the general model for making choices in mental health care is consultation, in the course of which all parties communicate with each other, explain and justify their views, and strive for a consensus. Consultation is the best way to obtain consent. However, in particular situations consultation has to be restricted. In some situations restriction of freedom or the use of coercion can be justified if the following conditions prevail: the client is insufficiently competent to make personal choices, there is a threat of serious damage to health, integrity or the care environment, and the degree to which freedom is restricted is in proportion to the seriousness of the damage.
  Tijdschrift voor Psychi...  
In het advies wordt de vraag behandeld hoe zorgverleners vanuit ethisch perspectief zo veel mogelijk de vrijheid van de patiënt kunnen respecteren en wanneer het verantwoord is dat ze de vrijheid beperken of dwang gebruiken.
summary This article reproduces the ethical advice given by the Ethical Committee for Mental Health Care set up by the Brothers of Charity in Flanders. The advice relates to the ethical dilemma with which caregivers are often confronted: how can they respect their clients' freedom as much as possible and when are they justified in restricting their clients' freedom or in using coercion? The research method consists in having discussions about ethics and in studying the literature. Instead of addressing the subject of freedom and coercion from the purely individual point of view of the caregiver or the patient, the ethical advice addresses the subject from a relational point of view, involving consultation with caregivers, patients and their families. Consequently, the general model for making choices in mental health care is consultation, in the course of which all parties communicate with each other, explain and justify their views, and strive for a consensus. Consultation is the best way to obtain consent. However, in particular situations consultation has to be restricted. In some situations restriction of freedom or the use of coercion can be justified if the following conditions prevail: the client is insufficiently competent to make personal choices, there is a threat of serious damage to health, integrity or the care environment, and the degree to which freedom is restricted is in proportion to the seriousness of the damage.