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  Andris Nelsons und Guy ...  
Der teilweise unbegleitete, vom Konzertmeister gespielte Violinpart erscheint in seiner rhythmischen und melodischen Freiheit manches Mal wie improvisiert, Spielanweisungen wie »leichtfertig«, »übermütig«, »etwas sentimental«, »zornig« oder »schnell und keifend« könnten auch einen leidenschaftlichen Menschen charakterisieren. Strauss soll nach den Aufzeichnungen Romain Rollands dazu gesagt haben: »Ich wollte meine Frau darstellen.
Careers – in music as well – need support in order to gain momentum. Nowadays marketing and extensive media exposure are crucial for a successful career in music. During the nineteenth century, prominent individuals were more likely to take on the task of bringing young talent into the limelight. A well-known teacher, an influential composer or conductor – those were the important career builders. Johannes Brahms and Richard Strauss both had the good fortune to be discovered and encouraged early. Brahms was 20 years old when Robert Schumann introduced him to a wide public virtually overnight with his essay “Neue Bahnen” (New Paths), published in the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik. Strauss’s Serenade for 13 Wind Instruments Op. 7 was premiered in Dresden when he was only 18, and the work was soon added to the repertoire of the Meiningen court orchestra by the influential conductor Hans von Bülow – a stroke of luck for the young composer’s career.