zorra – Traduction – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Le roman de renard (El cuento de la zorra), 1941, 65 min
Le roman de Renard (The Tale of the Fox), 1941, 65 min
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Lo firmó junto con su hija Irene, quien acredita la idea original. Se trata de una fábula sobre una astuta zorra y sus avatares en un mundo animal que viste y piensa como el humano. Resulta impresionante la calidad y complejidad de su trabajo, por la cantidad y la variedad de marionetas, así como los recursos técnicos y narrativos empleados.
The Tale of the Fox is the only feature-length film animated by the author. He worked on it with his daughter Irene, who gets credit for the original idea. It is a fable about a smart fox and his avatars in an animal world in which they all dress and think like humans. Impressive are the quality and complexity of his work, as well as the quantity and variety of puppets, and the technological resources and the narrative devices employed. Starewicz's films are homemade and a family affair, particularly since his eldest daughter Irene and the youngest Jeanne (Nina Star) were present both in front of and behind the camera. His wife Anna Zimmerman created and sewed all of the puppet's clothes, and today his granddaughter Béatrice has taken the dynastic reins. She conserves, restores and distributes the animated master's films and puppets.