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Keybot 6 Results  www.eurazeo.com
  Bambú Social factory - ...  
Daarnaast worden er 'pilas' gemaakt. Dit zijn baden waar zout in gedaan wordt om het bamboe te behandelen, waardoor het wel 50 jaar mee kan. Als laatst hoopt de groep ook nog een workshop te kunnen plaatsen.
The goal is to teach the community how to construct in a sustainable manner. Bamboo grows abundantly there, but knowledge about durable constructions is missing. The factory will have a innovative drying chamber. One that only takes 1 month to dry bamboo instead of the old method that takes 3 months. In addition they will make 'pilas'. These are baths which are filled with salt to treat the bamboo. This makes bamboo last for up to 50 years. Lastly the group hopes to build a workshop area.
  BeBold - Students 4 Sus...  
We zullen een product concept van TNO en ontwerpbureau Van Berlo verder ontwikkelen. Het gaat hier over Salvitae: een kas dat d.m.v. verdamping en condensatie vuil of zout water om kan zetten in vers drinkwater.
We will further develop a product concept by research company TNO and product design agency Van Berlo. The concept is Salvitae: a water-still that uses evaporation and condensation to turn filthy or salt water into fresh drinking water. TNO sees the potential of using the evaporative cooling power of plants to increase the condensation rate and resulting amount of drinking water. The drinking water production is estimated at 10 L per day, sufficient for maintaining a family of 5 people. The system is an off-the-grid solution that operates without any external energy source.
  India Windmill - Studen...  
Om de aanschaf van een windmolen (als primaire business) financieel haalbaar te maken, is gekeken naar het proces van zoutverkoop (secundaire business). De oplossing lag in ondersteuning van de verkoop van de lokale zoutboeren door een nieuw fair-trade zout product, -merk en -business op te zetten, onder de naam Chakardi Salt.
To make the windmill business economic feasible, the selling process was analysed. The local salt famers have been supported in selling their product by setting up a new fair-trade salt product, -brand and –business, called Chakardi Salt. This Salt brand helps farmers to find their clients themselves, independently from brokers. For every truck filled with salt they sell, a new windmill can be bought. This project made the lifes of the salt farmers easier, because the farming process is simplified and they receive a fair price for their product.
  India Windmill - Studen...  
Om de aanschaf van een windmolen (als primaire business) financieel haalbaar te maken, is gekeken naar het proces van zoutverkoop (secundaire business). De oplossing lag in ondersteuning van de verkoop van de lokale zoutboeren door een nieuw fair-trade zout product, -merk en -business op te zetten, onder de naam Chakardi Salt.
To make the windmill business economic feasible, the selling process was analysed. The local salt famers have been supported in selling their product by setting up a new fair-trade salt product, -brand and –business, called Chakardi Salt. This Salt brand helps farmers to find their clients themselves, independently from brokers. For every truck filled with salt they sell, a new windmill can be bought. This project made the lifes of the salt farmers easier, because the farming process is simplified and they receive a fair price for their product.
  India Windmill - Studen...  
Om de aanschaf van een windmolen (als primaire business) financieel haalbaar te maken, is gekeken naar het proces van zoutverkoop (secundaire business). De oplossing lag in ondersteuning van de verkoop van de lokale zoutboeren door een nieuw fair-trade zout product, -merk en -business op te zetten, onder de naam Chakardi Salt.
To make the windmill business economic feasible, the selling process was analysed. The local salt famers have been supported in selling their product by setting up a new fair-trade salt product, -brand and –business, called Chakardi Salt. This Salt brand helps farmers to find their clients themselves, independently from brokers. For every truck filled with salt they sell, a new windmill can be bought. This project made the lifes of the salt farmers easier, because the farming process is simplified and they receive a fair price for their product.
  India Windmill - Studen...  
Deze broers ontwierpen een eenvoudige, goedkope windmolen waarmee (grond-)water verpompt kon worden. De waterpompen die tot dan toe gebruikt werden voor de zoutwinning en irrigatie functioneren op diesel omdat een elektriciteitsnetwerk in de meeste landelijke gebieden ontbreekt.
The main  characters in this project are the two Indian brothers Hussain, from Assam. They designed a simple, low-cost windmill which could pump water. Up till then, diesel-powered pumps were used for irrigation and salt-mining because of an insufficient electricity distribution in most areas. In some cases farmers were pumping manually. The Hussain brothers constructed their first model from bamboo and tin sheets. After three years of optimizing the windmill, it has turned out to be a mature product with a large scale testing around Gujarat (20 prototypes). A windmill has become a better solution for salt mining than for field irrigation, due to the fact that Gujarat is one of the main salt mining states and the strong winds found in this area.