zout – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 4 Results  xaviesteve.com
  Medimate | Zelf Natrium...  
De gemiddelde zout inname door de Nederlandse bevolking is ongeveer 10 gram per dag, terwijl 1 gram per dag voldoende is om het lichaam te laten functioneren. De WHO beveelt 5-6 gram per dag aan. Interventie onderzoeken hebben aangetoond dat door de 10 gram zoutinname met 25% terug te brengen het risico op hart- en vaatziekten met 25% afneemt.
The average daily consumption of salt by a member of the Dutch public is approximately 10 grams per day, whilst 1 gram per day is sufficient for basic bodily functions. The WHO recommends 5-6 grams per day. Intervention studies have shown that reducing the 10 grams of salt intake by 25% lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease by 25%. Additionally the reduction in salt intake also has a positive effect on the effectiveness of drug therapy. It has also been shown that good control of sodium balance can have tremendous results where drug therapy fails. The Medimate sodium MiniLab can be a valuable tool in facilitating this change in diet.
  Medimate | Zelf Natrium...  
De gemiddelde zout inname door de Nederlandse bevolking is ongeveer 10 gram per dag, terwijl 1 gram per dag voldoende is om het lichaam te laten functioneren. De WHO beveelt 5-6 gram per dag aan. Interventie onderzoeken hebben aangetoond dat door de 10 gram zoutinname met 25% terug te brengen het risico op hart- en vaatziekten met 25% afneemt.
The average daily consumption of salt by a member of the Dutch public is approximately 10 grams per day, whilst 1 gram per day is sufficient for basic bodily functions. The WHO recommends 5-6 grams per day. Intervention studies have shown that reducing the 10 grams of salt intake by 25% lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease by 25%. Additionally the reduction in salt intake also has a positive effect on the effectiveness of drug therapy. It has also been shown that good control of sodium balance can have tremendous results where drug therapy fails. The Medimate sodium MiniLab can be a valuable tool in facilitating this change in diet.
  Medimate | Gebruikssitu...  
Vaak wordt hypertensie dan ook behandelt zonder kennis over de hoogte van het natrium gebruik met risico op complicaties of gebrekkige bloeddruk beheersing. Bovendien wordt wel gewezen op het belang van reductie van zout, maar worden geen middelen aangereikt om dit te realiseren.
The most accurate way of determining sodium excretion is by using 24-hour urine, urine that is collected over a 24 hour period. This is a burdensome and often incorrectly carried out task that is only periodically requested. Because the sodium intake can vary considerably from day to day this gives quite an unreliable picture. Hypertension is then often treated without knowledge about the level of sodium use, with risk of complications or inadequate blood pressure control. Additionally, the importance of salt reduction is emphasised, but no means are provided to achieve this. Especially now that dieticians are not reimbursed in basic healthcare there is a significant risk that this important aspect of combating high blood pressure does not get the attention it deserves. Inclusion of the sodium meter in a self-management package could be a solution.
  Medimate | Gebruikssitu...  
40% van het keukenzout bestaat uit het natrium. Ongeveer 70% van onze zoutinname krijgen we binnen via kant en klare voeding. Zo is brood een belangrijke bron, maar ook kant en klare sauzen en soepen, groenten in pot en blik, pizza’s etc..
Cooking salt is 40% sodium. Approximately 70% of our sodium intake is consumed via processed foods. Bread is an important source, but so are processed sauces and soups, vegetables from a can or a jar, pizzas, etc. For this reason it is difficult to follow a low sodium diet. Patients generally have no idea how much sodium they take in and keeping a record for yourself is not always equally reliable. There is also no direct feedback, no encouraging pat on the back: you don't feel better, there's no direct visible result. Through monitoring of the quantity of salt excreted in the urine this becomes possible and one gets a good overview of the effectiveness of changes in diet.