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Keybot 3 Results  www.cz.endress.com
Happy Street is niet zozeer een weergave van Nederland zoals het is – eerder hoe het kan worden gedroomd. Sterke onderdelen zijn de routing en de goed gekozen zichtlijnen tussen de huisjes door. De tijdelijkheid, die onder meer is af te lezen aan het zichtbaar laten van de lasnaden, wordt niet onder stoelen of banken geschoven.
Happy Street is not so much a depiction of the Netherlands as it is but rather as how it can be dreamed. Strong elements are the routing and the well-chosen sightlines between the houses. Happy Street makes no secret of its temporary nature, which is made manifest through features such as welded joints left visible.
Grafisch ontwerp is sterk vertegenwoordigd in de nominaties van dit jaar. Niet zozeer in kwantitatieve zin, des te meer in kwalitatief opzicht: de inschrijvingen zijn van uitmuntende kwaliteit. Ook valt op dat ontwerpers steeds vaker de overstap maken naar andere disciplines, zoals autonome (kunst)presentaties of juist de reclamewereld.
Graphic design is strongly represented in the nominations for this year. Not so much in a quantitative sense, but all the more so in a qualitative one: the submissions are of excellent quality. It is also striking that the designers more often cross over into other disciplines, like autonomous (art) presentations or even the world of advertising. Many take the initiative for projects themselves, deploying various media and entering extensive cooperation instead of staying within the boundaries of their field.
Social Label omschrijft zichzelf als een laboratorium dat de kracht van design en communicatie inzet voor een andere kijk op werken, leren en meedoen. Daarmee zijn ze niet zozeer opdrachtgever as wel aanjagers van ontwerpen die de mensen in de werkplaats vooruithelpen.
Social Label describes itself as a laboratory that uses the power of design and communication to create new approaches to labour, learning and participating. In this sense, they are not principals as much as catalysts of designs that help people in the workshop to get ahead. Founders Petra Janssen (Studio Boot) and Simone Kramer (C-mone) design work activities that are tailored to the abilities and needs of workshop members, and create meaningful design so that people on the fringes of society can get involved in the labour market, and take pride in the attractive products they make. Social Label is always on the lookout for designers who can design products aimed at benefiting the workshop participants. Twelve leading designers are currently working with Social Label, including Piet Hein Eek, Kiki Van Eijk, Dick Van Hoff, Edwin Vollebergh, Borre Akkersdijk and Roderick Vos.