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  Voorgekoelde koelboxen ...  
De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO schat dat 43% van de Indiase kinderen jonger dan vijf jaar lijdt aan ondergewicht. 'De oorzaak is niet zozeer een gebrek aan voedsel, maar de toegankelijkheid ervan', vertelt Naren Tallapragada.
India is among the world's top producers of fruit, vegetables and dairy – yet it suffers from malnutrition at the same time. The World Health Organisation estimates that 43% of Indian children under the age of 5 are underweight. "The cause is not so much a lack of food, but rather a lack of access to food," says Naren Tallapragada. Together with a fellow student he proposed the prize-winning idea to battle food waste in India by arranging a network of refrigerated boxes.
  "Bedrijven die vasthoud...  
Maar zijn wijsheid liet me inzien dat ik eigenlijk de artiest ben. Niet zozeer omdat ik het ontzettend gaaf vind om mensen te inspireren tijdens trainingen en workshops, maar omdat ik het beter wil doen dan wie dan ook.
During a Business Mastery workshop with Tony Robbins, I discovered who I really was. Using NWA, the most successful music company ever, Robbins describes three business archetypes. Until then, I had always pictured myself an entrepreneur. But his wisdom showed me that I’m actually an artist — not only because I think it’s incredibly cool to inspire people during training courses and workshops, but because I want to do it better than anyone else.
  Een dag zonder cash  
Mijn gedachten dwalen af naar mensen die geen bankrekening hebben. En dan bedoel ik niet zozeer criminelen, maar juist mensen met een beperking of kansarmen, daklozen. Hoe zouden zij zich redden in een wereld zonder geld?
I start thinking about people without a bank account. And I don't mean just criminals, but regular people who might be disabled, disadvantaged or homeless. How would they survive in a world without cash? A blind or partially-sighted person can recognise notes and coins based on their size and texture. It must be more complicated with virtual 'denominations.' I have also heard that people who are bad at managing money are often better at keeping track of their spending if they use cash rather than paying with plastic or online – so that's another point we need to consider.