zuidelijke – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 56 Results  www.uantwerpen.be
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Armenzorg en gemeenschapsvorming in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, ca. 1300-1600.
Poor relief and community building in the Southern Low Countries, ca. 1300-1600.
  Bibliotheek van het Ruu...  
, gedrukt in 1473 door Dirk Martens uit Aalst, in samenwerking met de Duitser Jan van Westfalen, zijn de oudste getuige van boekdrukkunst in de zuidelijke Nederlanden. Dit eenvoudige boekje, dat de eeuwen wonderbaarlijk ongeschonden heeft doorstaan, werd amper twintig jaar na Gutenbergs uitvinding van de boekdrukkunst gedrukt en is daarom een erg belangrijke bron voor het onderzoek naar de eerste drukactiviteiten in Vlaanderen.
written by the Carthusian monk Dionysius van Rijckel, provide us with the oldest example of printing in the southern Low Countries. This unassuming booklet, which has survived the ages remarkably well, was printed barely twenty years after Gutenberg's invention and is therefore a highly important source for the study of the early days of printing in Flanders.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Dit FWO-project bestudeert armenzorg in drie steden in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (Gent, Mechelen en Sint-Winoksbergen) van circa 1300 tot 1600. Op een geïntegreerde manier en voor een lange termijn ga ik na hoe door armenzorg (in de brede in van het woord) stedelijke gemeenschappen en solidariteit werden gevormd.
This project will study poor relief in an integrated way in three towns in the Southern Low Countries from circa 1300 to 1600 (Ghent, Mechelen and Bergues/Sint-Winoksbergen), in order to examine how, through poor relief schemes, urban communities of solidarity were shaped. I will analyze which communities were implied or shaped when it was regulated and decided who could profit from poor relief, and how this changed in the long run. Who had access to relief systems (and who did not) and what community thereby served as a frame of reference? Which social boundaries were created (and by whom)? Was increasing social fragmentation reflected in a fragmentation of poor relief, or was there a shift from local and particular communities to the whole city in the fifteenth and sixteenth century?
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
De impact van internationale handel zal onderzocht worden aan de hand een aantal economische sleutelsectoren. Dit debat laat een nieuw licht schijnen op zowel de geschiedenis van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden als op het levendige internationaal groeidebat.
My project, titled "International trade and economic development in the Austrian Netherlands, 1759-1791", means to initiate a study of the so far disregarded dialectic relationship between international trade and the economic growth of the Austrian Netherlands in the second half of the eighteenth century. I will investigate the impact of international trade and the trade policy on a number of economic sectors in order to reveal the different actors and effects. On the one hand it aims to deliver new insights into the economic history of the Southern Netherlands, while on the other hand it is strongly embedded in vivid present-day international debates.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Technische voorschriften en reglementeringen voor ambachtslui in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens de 16de-17de en 18de eeuw. Een archivalische en materiaaltechnische confrontatie (Deel 1:De glazeniers)
Technical Prescriptions and Legislation for Craftsmen in the Southern Netherlands during the 16th, 17th and 18th Century. An archival and material-technical confrontation. Part 1 : The glaziers.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Technische voorschriften en reglementeringen voor ambachtslui in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens de 16de-17de en 18deeeuw. Een archivalische en materiaaltechnische confrontatie. (Deel 2: De glazenmakers)
Technical Prescriptions and Legislation for Craftsmen in the Southern Netherlands during the 16th, 17th and 18th Century. An archival and material-technical confrontation. Part 2: The glaziers
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Urbanisatie en de-urbanisatie in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden. Het Brabantse stedelijke netwerk en de economische wisselwerking tussen stad en platteland in de zeventiende eeuw.
Urbanisation and de-urbanisationin the early modern outhern Netherlands. The urban network of Brabant and the economic relationships betwee town and countryside in the Seventeenth century.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
De "business of performance": Theaterimpresario's en het toneelrepertoire in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tussen 1680 en 1795.
The "business of performance": Theatre impresarios and the dramatic repertoire in the Southern Netherlands between 1680 and 1795.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Vroegmoderne publieke opinie. Patronen, mechanismen en actoren in opinie- en besluitvormingsprocessen in de Noordelijke en Zuidelijke Nederlanden in de vroegmoderne tijd.
Early Modern Public Opinion. Patterns, mechanisms and actors in processes of opinion- and decision-making in the Northern and Southern Netherlands in the early modern period.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
'Geen wereld zonder sterren': Astrologie in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens de Opstand in de Nederlanden (ca. 1560-1640).
'No world without the stars': Astrology and Society in the SpanishHabsburg Netherlands during the Dutch Revolt (1560s-1640s).
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Medische kennis in conflict. Circulatie, transfer en transformatie van geneeskundige kennis in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1540-1815) bij niet-academische medische zorgverstrekkers.
Medical knowledge in conflict. Circulation, transfer and transformation of non-academic medical practitioners' knowledge in the Southern Netherlands (1540-1815).
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Production pedlars en peasants in de vroegmoderne Zuidelijke Nederlanden. De lokale economie in een vergelijkend perspectief.
Production pedlars and peasants in the early modern Southern Netherlands. Comparing the local economy.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
De materialiteit der manieren of de gemanierdheid van de materialiteit? Tafelcultuur en tafelmanieren in de laatmiddeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Zuidelijke Nederlanden.
Eating with your fingers, dining with your eyes. Table manners in the late mediëval and early modern Low Countries.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
De materialiteit van manieren en de gemanierdheid van de materialiteit. Tafelen en tafelcultuur in de laatmiddeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Zuidelijke Nederlanden.
Eating with your fingers, dining with your eyes. Table manners in the late medieval and early modern Low Countries.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Subordinatie of solidariteit? Armenzorg als instrument van dorpselites in de 16de-eeuwse Zuidelijke Nederlanden.
Subordination or solidarity? Poor relief as an instrument of village elites in the 16th-century Southern Low Countries.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
De 'horizontale stad' in de Middeleeuwen. Suburbane bewoning in de Zuidelijke Lage Landen (laat 15de-16de eeuw).
The 'horizontal city' in the middle ages. Suburban settlement in the Southern Low Countries (late 15th-16th century).
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Het onderzoek richt zich op een confrontatie van wetenschappen (optica, perspectiefleer) met de kunsten (architectuur, beeldhouw- en schilderkunst) tijdens de eerste helft van de zeventiende eeuw in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden.
This research project deals with a confrontation between sciences (optics, perspective theory) and arts (architecture, paintings and sculpture) during the first half of the seventeenth century in the Southern Netherlands. The central question is how Jesuits (as scientists and as architects) have contributed to a new interpretation of architectural space, thanks to their collaboration with very famous artists as P.P. Rubens and several others.
  Sietske Van den Wyngaer...  
Mijn onderzoeksproject onderzoekt de vroegmoderne logica’s die gehanteerd werden wanneer kinderen naar de arbeidsmarkt gestuurd werden tussen de zestiende en achttiende eeuw in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden.
My PhD project will challenge and add to the knowledge of child labour by determining how the logics behind sending children to the labour market in the Southern Netherlands (more specifically Ghent and Antwerp) changed between the 16th and late 18th century. In doing so, it will determine how mentalities and practises on children’s education and labour transformed in urban societies and will shed light on children of learning and working age as a social group.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Hoe, en in welke mate zij daarin slagen, hangt in belangrijke mate af van de veerkracht van lokale instituties en netwerken. Dit project toetst dit aan de hand van vergelijkend onderzoek naar de gevolgen van de Napoleontische oorlogsvoering op de netwerken van handelaren in de Noordelijke en Zuidelijke Nederlanden.
Wars and crises have profound destabilizing effects on societies. Nevertheless, most communities continue to function. How, and to what extent they are able to do so, depends upon the resilience of local institutions and networks above all. This project investigates the ability of the merchant communities to survive the Napoleonic wars through a comparative study of the flexibility of their networks in the Northern and Southern Netherlands. Our central hypothesis is that networks were more rigid in the north than in the south, whereas the impact was also larger because of the dominance of Amsterdam's maritime networks throughout. In-depth studies for Rotterdam, Antwerp, Twente and Ostend will reveal how local institutions interacted with central regulations and how divergent mechanisms arose among the merchant communities.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Door de samenstelling van de hofhouding en het politieke, maatschappelijke en culturele netwerk dat van deze groep dignitarissen uitging in kaart te brengen, zal voor het eerst een onderbouwd antwoord kunnen worden geformuleerd op de vraag hoe zwaar hof en hofhouding in het politieke bestel van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden wogen.
Since the 1980s courts and households have regained the interest of historians. By comparison little study has been devoted to the Court of Brussels. Yet it offers a unique case, particularly as regards to the first half of the seventeenth century. The residence of sovereign princes at the turn of the century, the court subsequently houses a landvoogd (or viceroy) of the blood royal and then becomes the seat of a grandee that serves as interim-governor-general. This project wants to study the structure and the organisation of the household during the reign of the Archdukes Albert and Isabella (1598-1621) and that of the cardinal-infant Ferdinand of Austria (1634-1641). By unravelling the composition of the household at the selected periods, the political, social and cultural networks emanating from the dignitaries will also be mapped out, allowing for the first time to make a qualified assessment of how big the impact of the household really was on the political structures of the Southern Netherlands.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Door middel van een vergelijkend onderzoek van twee regio's in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden met een duidelijk verschillend ontwikkelingstraject - de Antwerpse (Noorder-)Kempen en de Vlaamse Kustpolders - wordt met dit project voor het eerst getracht de invloed van deze agrarische transformatie op de organisatie en de dynamiek van lokale elites te verklaren.
The aim of this project is to explain regional divergences in the organisation and dynamics of late medieval village elites by linking them to the equally regionally divergent patterns of rural commercialisation. In order to do so we have to question the basic assumption that an early and intensive commercialisation of agriculture was always paralleled by an equally early concentration of political and economic power in the hands of 'new' village elites, and that, vice versa, in more traditional or economically backward regions, feudal elites and community-based institutions and organisations were able to maintain their grip on rural society.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Via een analyse van deze teksten in hun historische context, en een vergelijking van de teksten in Het Mengelmoes met door de censor goedgekeurde teksten uit parallelle genres (bv. liederen in de Nederlandse Liederenbank), wil ik achterhalen hoe de teksten en liederen functioneerden. Het doel van het onderzoek is het bepalen van een referentiekader voor de alternatieve literatuur in de zeventiende-eeuwse Zuidelijke Nederlanden.
The proposed research project is an investigation into the characteristic features and functions of the texts in Het Mengelmoes. The research objective is to offer a first reference framework for the censor-unapproved, alternative literature from the seventeenth-century Southern Low Countries. Therefore, I will analyze the texts in their historical context and compare the texts and genres in Het Mengelmoes with censor-approved texts from parallel genres (e.g. songs in the Nederlandse Liederenbank). The research offers a new and more differentiated perspective on seventeenth-century literature from the Southern Low Countries.
  Julie De Groot - Univer...  
Julie De Groot is FWO-aspirant en verbonden aan het Centrum voor Stadsgeschiedenis van de Universiteit Antwerpen. Haar doctoraat handelt over de betekenis en het gebruik van de private woonruimte in steden in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (Brugge en Antwerpen) tijdens de lange zestiende eeuw (1450-1600).
Julie De Groot is a PhD Fellow of the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO) and a member of the Centre for Urban History at the University of Antwerp. She is working on a project on the meaning, use and decoration of domestic spaces in cities of the Southern Low Countries (Antwerp and Bruges) during the long sixteenth century (1450-1600). She received a Master’s Degree in History in 2010 from the University of Antwerp after having completed a research project concerning domestic servant girls in late medieval Ghent, supervised by Professor Peter Stabel. The results of this research were published in Stadsgeschiedenis (2011).
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Liederenbank van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden: een inventaris van het 17de-eeuwse Nederlandstalige lied in de vorm van een online raadpleegbare gedigitaliseerde databank en CD-rom.
Database 'songs of the southern low countries': an inventory of the 17th century Dutch song by means of a digital database on the internet and CD-rom.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Hoe, en in welke mate zij daarin slagen, hangt in belangrijke mate af van de veerkracht van lokale instituties en netwerken. Dit project toetst dit aan de hand van vergelijkend onderzoek naar de gevolgen van de Napoleontische oorlogsvoering op de netwerken van handelaren in de Noordelijke en Zuidelijke Nederlanden.
Wars and crises have profound destabilizing effects on societies. Nevertheless, most communities continue to function. How, and to what extent they are able to do so, depends upon the resilience of local institutions and networks above all. This project investigates the ability of the merchant communities to survive the Napoleonic wars through a comparative study of the flexibility of their networks in the Northern and Southern Netherlands. Our central hypothesis is that networks were more rigid in the north than in the south, whereas the impact was also larger because of the dominance of Amsterdam's maritime networks throughout. In-depth studies for Rotterdam, Antwerp, Twente and Ostend will reveal how local institutions interacted with central regulations and how divergent mechanisms arose among the merchant communities.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Het lied was immers een medium dat in zeer brede lagen van de bevolking werd geproduceerd en gerecycleerd, zowel in een profane als in een religieuze context en voor alle leeftijden. Het project beoogt de ontsluiting van alle Nederlandstalige liederen uit de 17de eeuw, uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, in een databank 'De Liederenbank van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden'.
In the 17th century, songs in the vernacular played an important role in society. After all, the song was a medium produced and recycled by broad sections of the population, as well in profane as in religious contexts and for all ages. This project aims to list all Dutch songs form the 17th century Southern Low Countries in a database 'The database of songs of the Southern Low Countries'. The digital opening up of the content, form and melody of the song, will make them available for study by different scholars, e.g. from Dutch literature and musicology. The project has a literary and cultural-historical value. The songs are important for the study of literary history, cultural history and folklore. The knowledge is essential for the history of 17th century Flemish literature, which is often underestimated, and its positioning in the whole of the Dutch literature.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Hoewel de zestiende-eeuwse steden in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden reeds vaak werden aangestipt als centra waar niet alleen de benodigde infrastructuur en know-how voor productinnovaties aanwezig waren maar ook een constante kruisbestuiving van sociaal-culturele gedragsrepertoires dialoog voerde met de nieuwe stedelijke middengroepen, zijn ze echter stiefmoederlijk behandeld.
The challenge we take up in this project is to flesh out if and how table manners were materialized in tableware, and how tableware contributed to changing social intercourse. Therefore, scattered information from archaeology, art history and cooking history awaits to be integrated. This project – at the crossroads of discourse analysis and material culture studies, will consider the dialectics between individuals and materiality, by using complementary sources and methods. 1) A discourse analysis of dining manuals will shed light on shifts and continuities in the meaning of dining manners. 2) Confronting this analysis with the material culture of tableware will reveal the extent to which this prescriptive literature was really appropriated. 3) Probate inventories will prove crucial to clarify the complex downward and upward social dimensions of these manners. In order to do justice to the genuine contribution of middling groups in urban society, the late medieval cities of Antwerp, Oudenaarde and Bruges with their shifting social textures and sociabilities were chosen for analysis.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Het lied was immers een medium dat in zeer brede lagen van de bevolking werd geproduceerd en gerecycleerd, zowel in een profane als in een religieuze context en voor alle leeftijden. Het project beoogt de ontsluiting van alle Nederlandstalige liederen uit de 17de eeuw, uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, in een databank 'De Liederenbank van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden'.
In the 17th century, songs in the vernacular played an important role in society. After all, the song was a medium produced and recycled by broad sections of the population, as well in profane as in religious contexts and for all ages. This project aims to list all Dutch songs form the 17th century Southern Low Countries in a database 'The database of songs of the Southern Low Countries'. The digital opening up of the content, form and melody of the song, will make them available for study by different scholars, e.g. from Dutch literature and musicology. The project has a literary and cultural-historical value. The songs are important for the study of literary history, cultural history and folklore. The knowledge is essential for the history of 17th century Flemish literature, which is often underestimated, and its positioning in the whole of the Dutch literature.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
In een eerder onderzoek van de geneeskundige partner is gebleken dat men in het centrum van Antwerpen dubbel zoveel astmaklachten waarnam dan in de zuidelijke agglomeratie. Een aantal bekende persoons- en omgevingsgebonden factoren konden slechts gedeeltelijk ditverschil verklaren.
Previous research reports have concluded that asthma complaints in the centre of Antwerp occur twice as frequently as in the southern agglomeration. Neither personal, nor environmental factors were able to explain this difference in occurrence. This study will attempt to define the impact of certain pollutants (especially PM2.5, i.e. the fraction of the atmospheric particles with a diameter less than 2.5 micrometer) on the respiratory health. To achieve this, the chemistry partner will analyse the air in a number of representative residences. The indoor concentration of PM2.5 and the composition of the gas phase will be measured, as well as the outdoor concentrations. The concentration of a certain number of pollutants will be determined. This way the individual exposure of the subjects can be determined. The samples will be taken in the residences of some of the participants of the subsequent research program from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS). The study will be executed in the same area as the earlier research since the large differences in respiratory health in this area could not be explained by differences in personal risk factors. Representative sample locations will be chosen by means of a fence that covers the area. Due to the combination of a medical follow-up of the subjects and the indoor and outdoor air sampling in and nearby their residences, the relation between a change in PM2.5 and the occurrence of respiratory complains and allergy can be assessed.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Ze wilden in toenemende mate zichtbare en tastbare bewijsstukken uit het eigen middeleeuwse verleden (her)ontdekken, documenteren en – indien mogelijk − reproduceren. Deze opmerkelijke paradigmaverschuiving vond in de zuidelijke Nederlanden plaats op het moment dat de opstand tegen het Habsburgse gezag in volle hevigheid losbarstte.
In the second half of the sixteenth century, erudites and amateurs became imbued with a visual sense of the past, eager to discover and accurately reproduce tangible evidence from a native 'antiquity'. In the Southern Netherlands, this paradigmatic shift coincided with the open revolt against Habsburg authority and the subsequent endeavours to restore a dynastic order acceptable to all. This research project wants to assess the practical impact of this waxing antiquarian attitude - with its emphasis on the empirical documentation and preservation of dynastic remnants - on the actual redefinition of a new political culture (1570-1648). The main issue at stake is how a selective and ambiguous uncovering of profane 'relicts' provided both a model and a means to redress a constitutional framework under the guise of a return to authenticity? Studying changes introduced in the infrastructure of rulership on the basis of tangible proof of continuity will lead us to a new understanding of the alleged 'restoration' of Habsburg power. It calls for a multi-layered view wherein antiquarianism is recognized as a possible mediator between various interest groups (court, aristocracy and civic or regional stakeholders). As such, the approach not only aspires to gain better insight in the interaction between learned developments and popular politics. It will also contribute to the study of the visual and material dimension of early modern political culture.
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