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  Habitat | Vrienden van ...  
In het zuiden van Nusa Penida, de buurt van de Julingan gehucht, FNPF is toegewezen 100 hectare sterk aangetaste overheid geclassificeerd herbebossing land. Our goal is to create a forest here on this barren, droge, winderige land.
Dans le sud de Nusa Penida, près du hameau Julingan, FNPF a été alloué 100 hectares de terres du gouvernement de reboisement fortement dégradés classés. Notre objectif est de créer une forêt sur cette stérile, secs, balayées par le vent la terre.
Im Süden von Nusa Penida, in der Nähe des Weilers Julingan, FNPF zugeordnet worden 100 Hektar stark degradierten Regierung eingestuft Wiederaufforstung Land. Our goal is to create a forest here on this barren, trocken, windgepeitschten Land.
In south Nusa Penida, near the Julingan hamlet, FNPF has been allocated 100 hectares of highly degraded government classified reforestation land. Our goal is to create a forest here on this barren, dry, wind-swept land.
Nel sud di Nusa Penida, in prossimità della frazione Julingan, FNPF è stato assegnato 100 ettari di terreno altamente degradato governo rimboschimento classificato. Our goal is to create a forest here on this barren, secco, terreno spazzato dal vento.
In south Nusa Penida, near the Julingan hamlet, FNPF has been allocated 100 hectares of highly degraded government classified reforestation land. Our goal is to create a forest here on this barren, dry, wind-swept land.
In south Nusa Penida, dekat dusun Julingan, FNPF telah dialokasikan 100 hektar sangat pemerintah terdegradasi diklasifikasikan reboisasi. Tujuan kami adalah untuk menciptakan sebuah hutan di sini ini tandus, kering, angin menyapu tanah.
I sør Nusa Penida, nær Julingan grenda, FNPF har fått tildelt 100 hektar av svært degradert regjeringen klassifisert gjenplanting land. Vårt mål er å skape en skog her på denne golde, tørk, forblåste land.
  Habitat | Vrienden van ...  
Maar vanwege de beperkte middelen, FNPF is niet in staat geweest om de groei van elk boompje gewonnen dorpelingen op dezelfde manier dat FNPF de jonge boompjes geplant door FNPF de regering herbebossing land in het zuiden van Nusa Penida monitoren monitor.
Des dossiers sont tenus de jeunes arbres distribués aux communautés villageoises (qui ont reçu, combien de, où les planter, espèces de gaules, etc). Mais en raison de ressources limitées, FNPF n'a pas été en mesure de surveiller la croissance de chaque jeune plant a fait don aux villageois de la même manière que la FNPF monetcrs les gaules plantées par FNPF sur la terre de reboisement du gouvernement dans le sud de Nusa Penida.
Aufzeichnungen über die Setzlinge verteilt Dorfgemeinschaften gehalten (die empfangenen, wie viele, wo gepflanzt, Arten von Bäumchen, usw.). Aber aufgrund der beschränkten Ressourcen, FNPF ist es nicht gelungen, das Wachstum von jedem Bäumchen gespendet Dorfbewohner in der gleichen Weise, dass die Setzlinge von FNPF FNPF die Regierung Wiederaufforstung gepflanzt Land im Süden Nusa Penida monusw.rs Monitor.
Records are kept of the saplings distributed to village communities (who received, cuántos, where planted, species of sapling, etc). But due to limited resources, FNPF has not been able to monitor the growth of every sapling donated to villagers in the same way that FNPF monitors the saplings planted by FNPF on the government reforestation land in south Nusa Penida.
I record sono tenuti degli alberelli distribuiti alle comunità villaggio (che hanno ricevuto, quanti, dove piantato, specie di alberello, ecc). Ma a causa di risorse limitate, FNPF non è stata in grado di monitorare la crescita di ogni alberello donati agli abitanti dei villaggi nello stesso modo che FNPF moneccrs gli alberelli piantati da FNPF sul terreno rimboschimento governo nel sud Nusa Penida.
Records are kept of the saplings distributed to village communities (who received, hvor mange, where planted, species of sapling, osv.). But due to limited resources, FNPF has not been able to monitor the growth of every sapling donated to villagers in the same way that FNPF monitors the saplings planted by FNPF on the government reforestation land in south Nusa Penida.
Rekaman disimpan dari anakan dibagikan kepada masyarakat desa (yang menerima, berapa, dimana ditanam, jenis anakan, dll). Namun karena keterbatasan sumber daya, FNPF belum bisa memantau pertumbuhan setiap anakan disumbangkan kepada warga desa dengan cara yang sama yang FNPF mondllrs yang bibit ditanam oleh FNPF pada lahan reboisasi pemerintah di selatan Nusa Penida.
Føres av saplings distribuert til bygder (som fikk, hvor mange, hvor plantet, arter av ungtrær, etc.). Men på grunn av begrensede ressurser, FNPF har ikke vært i stand til å overvåke veksten av alle sapling donert til landsbyboere på samme måte som FNPF monetc.rs den saplings plantet ved FNPF på regjeringen nyplanting land i sør Nusa Penida.
  Animals with BWRC | Vri...  
Southern pig-tailed macaque has a short tail that is carried half-erect and somewhat resembles a pig’s, hence its name. This species is found in Brunei, Indonesië (Bangka, Kalimantan Borneo, and Sumatra), Maleisië (Peninsula Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak Borneo), evenals het zuiden van het schiereiland Thailand.
Southern pig-tailed macaque has a short tail that is carried half-erect and somewhat resembles a pig’s, hence its name. This species is found in Brunei, Indonésie (Bangka, Kalimantan Borneo, and Sumatra), Malaisie (Peninsula Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak Borneo), as well as southern peninsular Thailand. We have three Southern pig-tailed macaques, two males and one female at BWRC. These macaques will hopefully be transferred to Ciapus Primate Center in Java, which has a focus on their rehabilitation.
Southern pig-tailed macaque has a short tail that is carried half-erect and somewhat resembles a pig’s, hence its name. This species is found in Brunei, Indonesien (Bangka, Kalimantan Borneo, and Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsula Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak Borneo), as well as southern peninsular Thailand. We have three Southern pig-tailed macaques, two males and one female at BWRC. These macaques will hopefully be transferred to Ciapus Primate Center in Java, which has a focus on their rehabilitation.
Southern pig-tailed macaque has a short tail that is carried half-erect and somewhat resembles a pig’s, hence its name. This species is found in Brunei, Indonesia (Bangka, Kalimantan Borneo, and Sumatra), Malasia (Peninsula Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak Borneo), as well as southern peninsular Thailand. We have three Southern pig-tailed macaques, two males and one female at BWRC. These macaques will hopefully be transferred to Ciapus Primate Center in Java, which has a focus on their rehabilitation.
Southern pig-tailed macaque has a short tail that is carried half-erect and somewhat resembles a pig’s, hence its name. This species is found in Brunei, Indonesia (Bangka, Kalimantan Borneo, and Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsula Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak Borneo), as well as southern peninsular Thailand. We have three Southern pig-tailed macaques, two males and one female at BWRC. These macaques will hopefully be transferred to Ciapus Primate Center in Java, which has a focus on their rehabilitation.
Southern pig-tailed macaque has a short tail that is carried half-erect and somewhat resembles a pig’s, hence its name. This species is found in Brunei, Indonesien (Bangka, Kalimantan Borneo, and Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsula Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak Borneo), as well as southern peninsular Thailand. We have three Southern pig-tailed macaques, two males and one female at BWRC. These macaques will hopefully be transferred to Ciapus Primate Center in Java, which has a focus on their rehabilitation.
Southern pig-tailed macaque has a short tail that is carried half-erect and somewhat resembles a pig’s, hence its name. This species is found in Brunei, Indonesia (Bangka, Kalimantan Borneo, and Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsula Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak Borneo), as well as southern peninsular Thailand. We have three Southern pig-tailed macaques, two males and one female at BWRC. These macaques will hopefully be transferred to Ciapus Primate Center in Java, which has a focus on their rehabilitation.
Southern pig-tailed macaque has a short tail that is carried half-erect and somewhat resembles a pig’s, hence its name. This species is found in Brunei, Indonesia (Bangka, Kalimantan Borneo, and Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsula Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak Borneo), as well as southern peninsular Thailand. We have three Southern pig-tailed macaques, two males and one female at BWRC. These macaques will hopefully be transferred to Ciapus Primate Center in Java, which has a focus on their rehabilitation.