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Keybot 3 Results  www.krachtvancultuur.nl
  Oegandese literatuur he...  
"Een lokaal geschreven literair werk zul je zelden in een Oegandees klaslokaal aantreffen. De docenten gebruiken liever Britse literatuur, want die kennen ze tenminste." Volgens Hilda Twongyeirwe van Femrite, Oeganda's vereniging van vrouwelijke auteurs, moet dat veranderen.
"Locally written books are scarce in Ugandan classrooms. Teachers prefer using the British literature they are used to in class." According to Hilda Twongyeirwe of Femrite, Uganda's association of female writers, this should change.
  Introductie: theater za...  
Als actief theatermaker in een postkoloniale omgeving heb je goed beschouwd geen keuze in de manier waarop je theater maakt. Altijd zul je met je werk mensen bij elkaar willen brengen, uitwisseling en cohesie tussen mensen en hun culturen willen stimuleren.
As an active theatre maker in a post-colonial environment, you really have no choice in what kind of theatre you make. You will always want to bring people together with your work, want to stimulate exchange and cohesion between people and their cultures. Naturally, your immediate environment will determine your work to a significant degree, but what all theatre makers who do not work in the West have in common is the fact that they are usually not working for the elite. Whether you are working in India, Uganda, Suriname or Ecuador, theatre is in the middle of society. That is also what gives it a lot of its expressive power.
  De ontwrichting van een...  
Zeer overtuigend en met een enorme kracht laat Lee Chang-dong zien dat het leven zo'n wending kan nemen dat het werkelijk niet meer te leven valt. Lee Chang-dong sleurt ons mee in het innerlijk gevecht van deze vrouw. Het is onontkoombaar, tweeëneenhalf uur lang zul je voelen wat zij voelt. De schok dreunt nog lang door.
And yet this is merely the setting for the real story. Secret Sunshine is about one woman, about one life. Not only about the course of a life, told from the outside, but also about the most personal, the deepest emotions of a woman with a truly troubled soul. The young Lee Shin-Ae loses her husband in an automobile accident. Soon thereafter her son is abducted and murdered. Lee Shin-Ae tries to keep going, clinging to her beliefs, wanting to forgive. But it is impossible. Convincingly, with enormous power, Lee Chang-dong shows how a life can change so much that it is no longer liveable. He drags us into this woman's internal struggle. It is unavoidable: for two and a half hours, you feel what she feels. The shock will daze you for days.