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Hallo, T.o.v. "kuitaanzet":dat klinkt inderdaad alsof er binnenkort kroost is! T.o.v. "waterwaarden":het water zou zacht en zwak zuur moeten zijn, turffiltrering is ideaal! Het...
Hello, Concerning "spawn":this indeed sounds as if there will be offspring soon! Concerning "water parameters":the water should be soft and slightly acidic, peat filtration is...
Hello, Concerning "spawn":this indeed sounds as if there will be offspring soon! Concerning "water parameters":the water should be soft and slightly acidic, peat filtration is...
Hello, Concerning "spawn":this indeed sounds as if there will be offspring soon! Concerning "water parameters":the water should be soft and slightly acidic, peat filtration is...
Ciao, Relativamente a "deposizione":in effetti sembra proprio che deporranno le uova molto presto! Relativamente a "valori dell'acqua":l'acqua deve essere tenera e leggermente...
Hello, Concerning "spawn":this indeed sounds as if there will be offspring soon! Concerning "water parameters":the water should be soft and slightly acidic, peat filtration is...
Χαίρετε, Σχετικά με το "spawn":αυτό μάλλον ακούγεται σαν να υπάρχουν απόγονοι σύντομα! Όσον αφορά τις "παραμέτρους του νερού":το νερό πρέπει να είναι μαλακό και ελαφρώς όξινο, η...
Ahoj, Pokud jde o "kladení jiker":skutečně se zdá, že bude brzy potomstvo! Pokud jde o "hodnoty vody":voda má být měkká a slabě kyselá, filtrace s rašelinou je ideální! To, že se...
Witaj, Jeśli chodzi o "tarło":to faktycznie brzmi tak, jakby szykowało się potomstwo! Jeśli chodzi o "parametry wody":woda powinna być miękka i lekko kwaśna, najlepiej...
Здравствуйте, Относительно "нереста":это действительно кажется так, как будто скоро будет потомство! Что касается «параметров воды»:вода должна быть мягкой и слегка кислой, идеальна...
Merhaba, "Yumurtlama" hakkında:kısa zamanda yumurtlama olacak gibi! "Su parametreleri" hakkında:su hafif asitli ve yumuşak olmalı. torf filtrasyonu idealdir! Kur yapan ve...
  sera super peat | sera  
De natuurlijke leefruimte van vissen als de discus, scalaar (maanvis) of ook neons, kenmerkt zich door zeer zacht, trendmatig enigszins zuur en vaak wat donker gekleurd water. Deze zogeheten tropische zwartwatercondities bereik je probleemloos en langdurig met sera super peat.
The natural living environments of fish, such as discus, angelfish or neon tetras, are characterizes by very soft, slightly acidic and often slightly dark tinted water. You can achieve these so-called tropical blackwater conditions without any trouble and lastingly with sera super peat.
L’habitat naturel de certains poissons, tels que les discus et les scalaires ou les néons, se caractérise par une eau à très faible dureté, légèrement acide et un peu sombre. Ces conditions d’eau noire comme sous les Tropiques peuvent être obtenues sans problème et de façon durable avec sera super peat.
El hábitat natural de los peces, como los discus, los peces ángel o los neones, se caracteriza por un agua muy blanda, ligeramente ácida y a menudo oscura. Estas condiciones de agua oscura como en los trópicos se pueden obtener sin problemas y a largo plazo con sera super peat.
L’ambiente di vita naturale di pesci come Discus, Scalari e anche i Neon è caratterizzato da un’acqua molto tenera, leggermente acida e spesso di colore più o meno scuro. Questa cosiddetta “acqua nera” tropicale si ottiene facilmente e con effetto di lunga durata con sera super peat.
O habitat natural de certos peixes, tais como os peixes-disco, os escalares ou os néons, caracteriza-se por uma água bastante macia, ligeiramente ácida e frequentemente escura. Estas condições de água escura, como nos trópicos, podem-se obter sem problemas e de forma duradoura com sera super peat.
Естествената жизнена среда за рибки, като дискуси, скаларии или неонки се характеризира с много мека, леко кисела и често доста тъмно оцветена вода. Вие може да постигнете така наречената черна тропическа гора, безпроблемно и дълготрайно със sera super peat.
Disk balığı, melek balığı veya neon tetralar gibi balıklar için doğal yaşam ortamları oldukça yumuşak, hafif asitli ve sıkça koyu renkli su özellikleri gösterir. Bunları tropikal siyah su koşulları adı verilen ürün sera super peat sorunsuzca ve kalıcı olarak başarabilirsiniz.