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  Hoe hoog is de studiela...  
Een studiejaar bestaat uit 42 studieweken en in iedere week ben je 40 uur bezig met je studie. De zwaarte van de vakken wordt uitgedrukt in studiepunten. Normaal gesproken kun je per half jaar (semester) 30 studiepunten halen, ofwel 60 per jaar.
The size of a study programme at university is expressed by its workload. An academic year consists of 42 study weeks. Each full-time week contains 40 hours of work, making up for a total of 1680 hours of work per year. By European standards it is agreed that one academic year is made up of 60 ECTS credits (according to the European Credit Transfer System). In the Netherlands, one ECTS credit represents 28 hours of work (1680/60). Thus, for a course for which you can earn 5 credits, you are expected to work/study 140 hours. The course has a workload of 5 ECTS.
  RUG en Hanzehogeschool ...  
De zwaarte van de opdracht, de onervarenheid van Vindicat en de tijdsdruk waren voor de commissie aanleiding om in de aanloop naar de zelfstudie een adviserende rol te vervullen, en te werken met tussenrapportages.
The accreditation procedure was a pilot project, and Vindicat was the first student organization that actively participated. The Committee examined whether Vindicat has been able to initiate broadly supported change. The Committee reviewed the mission statement to see whether it is in line with societal norms and values. The Committee then investigated whether the association acts accordingly, paying visits and meeting with representatives and groups outside the association. The gravity of the task, Vindicat’s inexperience and the time pressure involved led the Committee to play an advisory role and work with interim reports on the road to the final self-reflective report.