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  ‘De food- en agribusine...  
De food- en agribusiness kampt wereldwijd met marktomstandigheden die gekenmerkt worden door trage groei, zwakke vraag en een groot aanbod. Dit is niet bevorderlijk voor het vertrouwen. Hoe kan de sector de weg vinden naar de sterkere groei die in het verschiet ligt?
The food and agribusiness is grappling with global markets affected by slow growth, weak demand and a high degree of competitiveness. This is not conducive to confidence. How can the sector find its way to the stronger growth that lies ahead? And how can it prepare for the opportunities to come?
  Nieuwe marktplaats vers...  
Ze hebben weinig technische en financiële mogelijkheden om gedurende het groeiseizoen bijvoorbeeld bonen, maïs en andere gewassen goed te verzorgen, wat goed zou zijn voor de opbrengst en de kwaliteit. En hebben de boeren eenmaal geoogst, dan hebben ze een zwakke marktpositie.
Destitute farmers in Africa, South America and Asia find themselves in a dire position. They have too few technical and financial resources available to properly tend to their crops such as beans and corn during the growing season, which would both increase their revenues and improve crop quality. And once these farmers have harvested their crops, their market position is weak. Buyers tend to wait until the end of the season to purchase produce in the free market at the lowest possible prices, leaving farming families unable to compete.
  Innovatie en leiderscha...  
‘De food- en agribusiness heeft wereldwijd te maken met een opmerkelijk vraagstuk. Momenteel kampt de sector met marktomstandigheden die gekenmerkt worden door trage groei, zwakke vraag en een groot aanbod.
‘Global food and agribusiness faces a remarkable conundrum. Right now the sector is struggling in an operating environment characterised by slow growth, soft demand and ample supply, which in combination are challenging business confidence. And yet the sector has a bright future. Over the longer term growth in global food and agribusiness will be strong, driven by a powerful combination of population expansion, rising wealth and urbanisantion’, explains Justin Sherrard, global strategist at Rabobank Food & Agribusiness Research.
  Rabobank brengt spelers...  
Ondertussen kunnen veel kleine koffieboeren maar nauwelijks leven van de opbrengst van hun plantages. Zij hebben een zwakke onderhandelingspositie en onvoldoende kennis om hun productie efficiënter te maken en zo hun opbrengst te vergroten.
The challenge that is facing the coffee industry is how to meet the increased demand while dealing with a range of problems. Coffee production is lagging due to for example failed harvests caused by climate change. This calls for new, sustainable production methods. Meanwhile, many small coffee farmers are struggling to survive on low incomes. Their negotiating position is weak and they lack the knowledge to improve efficiency in order to increase their crop yield. In addition, growing coffee is further complicated by the fact that a new generation of coffee farmers is needed to replace the retiring generation.
  Zekerheid voedsel-voorz...  
Een keten is zo sterk als zijn zwakste schakel. Het is zaak om die zwakke schakels in de voedselketen weg te nemen of versterken. Om te beginnen door het verhogen van de productie per hectare. Hier is vooral nog veel te winnen in de ontwikkelingslanden.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. It is important that the weakest links in the food chain are removed or strengthened. The first step is to increase production per hectare. There is still much progress to be made in this respect in developing countries, where the number of crops is sometimes ten times lower than in, for example, Western countries. Matters such as poor storage and distribution, inadequate packaging materials or simply too low income to export or distribute food play a major role in making healthy food available. For the populations of wealthy countries, food is still so inexpensive that there is no reason to exercise any restraint. But in emerging countries like India and China, we see both significant economic growth and large-scale migration to cities. This automatically leads to price increases, causing inequality to arise between the wealthy and the poor. As a result, the percentage of the global population that suffers from hunger in spite of living in a growth economy is increasing.