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Keybot 2 Results  www.consumedland.com
Le 26 avril, à 01h, en violant la procédure sur les barres de contrôle, le technicien réussit à maintenir à 7% la puissance du réacteur. Le réacteur n'avait pas du tout été conçu pour fonctionner à si faible puissance et nombre des systèmes automatiques ne pouvaient assurer un fonctionnement normal.
Nevertheless, when the accident occurred, only 6 to 8 control rods were present in the reactor. At 1 am, on April 26, in violating the procedure on the control rods, the technician kept to 7% the power of the reactor. The reactor had not been designed to operate at a such low power and many automatic systems cannot ensure normal operation. So, the operator had to manually control the flow of water returning from the turbine because automatic control was not working at a such low power. It is a very complex task that to assure manually these operations and he did not succeed to manage them effectively. The reactor was so unstable that it was on the point to be stopped by the action of the emergency rods. But however, that would have made fail the test, then many safety emergency stop were disabled.
Le 26 avril, à 01h, en violant la procédure sur les barres de contrôle, le technicien réussit à maintenir à 7% la puissance du réacteur. Le réacteur n'avait pas du tout été conçu pour fonctionner à si faible puissance et nombre des systèmes automatiques ne pouvaient assurer un fonctionnement normal.
Nevertheless, when the accident occurred, only 6 to 8 control rods were present in the reactor. At 1 am, on April 26, in violating the procedure on the control rods, the technician kept to 7% the power of the reactor. The reactor had not been designed to operate at a such low power and many automatic systems cannot ensure normal operation. So, the operator had to manually control the flow of water returning from the turbine because automatic control was not working at a such low power. It is a very complex task that to assure manually these operations and he did not succeed to manage them effectively. The reactor was so unstable that it was on the point to be stopped by the action of the emergency rods. But however, that would have made fail the test, then many safety emergency stop were disabled.