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Таким образом, идеологическим обоснованием методов борьбы за сохранение своей власти алиевский режим избрал отрицание существования в Азербайджане оппозиции, т. е. принцип отрицания самой проблемы. «Партия «Ени Азербайджан» должна и будет готовиться к выборам, несмотря на то, что мы не видим для себя политических конкурентов.
However, Azerbaijan had been the only one among the six Muslim republics of the former USSR, where only four months later after the disintegration of the Soviet Union the oppositional forces, the Popular Front (PFA), radical nationalist movement, came to power (in May 1992), which a year later were overthrown by Heydar Aliyev.
В дальнейшем принцип отрицания проблемы в Карабахском вопросе проявлялся в виде отказа Гейдара Алиева от устных договоренностей 2001 года в Ки-Уэсте (штат Флорида, США) и предложения пришедшего ему на смену Ильхама Алиева начать переговорный процесс с нуля.
Then the principle of denial of the problem in the Karabakh issue showed up in the shape of Heydar Aliyev’s disavowal of the Key West verbal arrangements of 2001 (Florida, USA) and his successor Ilham Aliyev’s proposal to start the negotiating process from zero. So the basis for the new escalation of the situation in the conflict zone and possible failure of the talks aimed at its settlement has been laid. Now we are witnessing how difficult it is to hold a dialog within the Prague process. Ilham Aliyev at the above-mentioned 3rd convention of the party “Yeni Azerbaijan” declared straight that if the current stage of the talks (i.e. the Prague process) fails (i.e. if it does not lead to the withdrawal of the Armenian forces from the controlled territories of Azerbaijan), there will be no need waiting for the new stage, because it will allegedly be absolutely senseless.
Что касается властей, то они, безусловно, осознают масштабы нависшей над ними опасности. Это обстоятельство нашло подтверждение на состоявшемся 26 марта этого года очередном третьем съезде правящей партии «Ени Азербайджан» («Новый Азербайджан»), созданной Гейдаром Алиевым.
Following the logic of the head of Azerbaijan, it should be expected that all those leaders who after the parliamentary elections would lead the people to streets and squares of Baku and other towns of the country, will be treated as “hooligan elements, violating law and order” with all consequences, very well-predictable for the opposition. By the way, the President himself did not hide it, saying that if anybody, inspired by the “colored” revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan, tries to break stability in the country, then he will get a deserved repulse from the authorities, like it was after the presidential elections in October 2003.