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Keybot 55 Results  ec.europa.eu  Page 9
  Бизнес партньори и обще...  
Този уебсайт помага на креативни специалисти от цяла Европа да се свързват, да научават за нови начини за финансиране, да намират и споделят интересни новини и документи, и да присъстват на събития на живо зад бюрото — Как да се разраснете е съфинансирана от Европейския алианс на креативните индустрии (ECIA) и е инициатива на Генерална дирекция „Предприятия и промишленост“ на Европейската комисия.
This website helps creative professionals connect across Europe, learn about new ways to finance, find and share interesting news and documents, and attend live events from behind a desk – How to Grow is co-financed by the European Creative Industries Alliance (ECIA) and is an initiative of European Commission’s Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry.
Ce site web permet aux professionnels de la création d'entrer en contact avec leurs pairs partout en Europe, de prendre connaissance de nouveaux modes de financement, de trouver et de partager des informations et documents intéressants, ainsi que d'assister à des événements en direct depuis leur bureau. Le site Howtogrow est une initiative de la direction générale des entreprises et de l'industrie de la Commission européenne et est cofinancé par l'Alliance européenne des industries créatives (ECIA).
Diese Website hilft kreativen Fachleuten, sich europaweit zu vernetzen, neue Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten kennen zu lernen, interessante Nachrichten zu erfahren und zu teilen und vom Schreibtisch aus an Live-Events teilzunehmen. How to Grow wird von der European Creative Industries Alliance (ECIA) kofinanziert und geht auf eine Initiative der Generaldirektion Unternehmen und Industrie der Europäischen Kommission zurück.
Esta página web permite que los profesionales creativos de toda Europa hagan contactos profesionales, conozcan nuevas formas de financiar sus proyectos, encuentren y compartan noticias y documentos que sean de su interés, y asistan a eventos en directo desde la comodidad de su despacho. How to Grow (Cómo crecer) es una iniciativa de la Dirección General de Empresa e Industria de la Comisión Europea cofinanciada por la Alianza Europea de Industrias Creativas (ECIA, por sus siglas en inglés).
Questo sito web aiuta i professionisti che svolgono lavori creativi a entrare in contatto con colleghi di tutta Europa, a conoscere nuovi modi per ottenere finanziamenti, a scoprire e condividere notizie e documenti interessanti e a partecipare agli eventi stando comodamente seduti dietro la propria scrivania. L'iniziativa How to Grow è co-finanziata dalla European Creative Industries Alliance (ECIA) ed è promossa dalla Direzione generale per le Imprese e l'industria della Commissione europea.
Este sítio Web ajuda os profissionais da área criativa a estabelecer contactos um pouco por toda a Europa, a aprender acerca de novas formas de obter financiamento, a localizar e a partilhar notícias e documentos interessantes, bem como a participar em eventos ao vivo a partir dos seus escritórios – How to Grow é uma iniciativa da Direção-Geral das Empresas e da Indústria da Comissão Europeia, cofinanciada pela Aliança Europeia das Indústrias Criativas (ECIA).
Αυτός ο ιστότοπος βοηθάει τους επαγγελματίες του δημιουργικού τομέα να διασυνδέονται σε πανευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, να μαθαίνουν νέους τρόπους χρηματοδότησης, να βρίσκουν και να μοιράζονται νέα και έγγραφα, και να παρακολουθούν ζωντανές εκδηλώσεις από το γραφείο τους. Το How to Grow συγχρηματοδοτείται από την European Creative Industries Alliance (ECIA) και αποτελεί πρωτοβουλία της Γενικής Διεύθυνσης Επιχειρήσεων και Βιομηχανίας της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής.
Via deze website kunnen creatieve professionals uit heel Europa met elkaar in contact komen, financieringsmethoden vinden, nieuws en documenten vinden en delen, en live evenementen online bijwonen. Groeien wordt medegefinancierd door de ECIA en is een initiatief van DG Ondernemingen en Industrie van de Europese Commissie.
Tyto internetové stránky podporují spojování tvůrčích profesionálů z různých míst Evropy, informují o nových možnostech financování, umožňují hledání a sdílení zajímavých novinek a dokumentů a návštěvu živých akcí přímo od stolu – projekt Jak růst je spolufinancován Evropskou aliancí tvůrčích odvětví (ECIA) a jedná se o iniciativu Generálního ředitelství Evropské komise pro podniky a průmysl.
Denne hjemmeside hjælper kreative professionelle til at skabe kontakter i hele Europa, lære om nye finansieringsmodeller, finde og dele interessante nyheder og dokumenter samt deltage i live-arrangementer fra kontoret. Hvordan skabe vækst er medfinansieret af den Europæiske alliance af kreative virksomheder (ECIA). Initiativtager er Europa-Kommissionens Generaldirektorat for Erhvervspolitik.
Selle portaali abil saavad loomeinimesed luua üleeuroopalisi kontakte, leida ja jagada huvitavaid uudiseid ning dokumente, otsida teavet uute rahastamisvõimaluste kohta ja jälgida otseülekandeid üritustelt – portaal How to Grow sündis Euroopa Komisjoni ettevõtluse ja tööstuse peadirektoraadi algatusel ning seda kaasrahastab Euroopa loomemajanduse liit (ECIA).
Sivulla luovan alan ammattilaiset voivat verkostoitua Euroopassa, oppia rahoituskeinoista, tutustua uutisiin, jakaa niitä ja osallistua tapahtumiin toimistoistaan käsin. How to Grow on eurooppalaisen luovien alojen liittouman (ECIA) yhteisrahoittama ja Euroopan komission yritystoiminnan ja teollisuuden pääosaston aloite.
Ez a honlap a kreatív szakemberek számára kíván segítséget nyújtani abban, hogy Európa-szerte kapcsolatokat építsenek ki, tájékozódjanak az új finanszírozási formákról, érdekes híreket és dokumentumokat találjanak és osszanak meg, valamint élő rendezvényeken vegyenek részt akár íróasztaluknál ülve – A növekedés titka az Európai Bizottság Vállalkozáspolitikai és Ipari Főigazgatóságának kezdeményezése, amely a Kreatív Iparágak Európai Szövetsége társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.
Dzięki temu serwisowi Europejczycy wykonujący zawody twórcze mogą komunikować się, poznać nowe sposoby finansowania, znaleźć interesujące wiadomości i dokumenty oraz dzielić się nimi, jak też uczestniczyć w wydarzeniach na żywo zza biurka; How to Grow jest inicjatywą DG ds. Przedsiębiorstw i Przemysłu Komisji Europejskiej współfinansowaną przez Europejski sojusz sektora kreatywnego.
Acest site ajută profesioniștii în domeniul creației din întreaga Europă să intre în contact, să afle informații despre noi modalități de finanțare, să găsească și să împărtășească noutăți și documente interesante, precum și să participe la evenimente în direct din propriul birou – „Cum vă puteți dezvolta” este cofinanțat de Alianța europeană a industriilor creative (ECIA) și este o inițiativă a Direcției Generale Întreprinderi și Industrie din cadrul Comisiei Europene.
Tento portál pomáha odborníkom z kreatívneho odvetvia spájať sa v rámci celej Európy, dozvedieť sa o nových spôsoboch financovania, podeliť sa o zaujímavé novinky a dokumenty a virtuálne sa zúčastňovať podujatí. Iniciatívu GR Európskej komisie pre podnikanie a priemysel Ako rásť spolufinancuje Aliancia európskeho kreatívneho priemyslu.
To spletno mesto pomaga ustvarjalnim strokovnjakom po vsej Evropi, da se povežejo, spoznajo nove načine pridobivanja sredstev, najdejo in si izmenjujejo zanimive novice in dokumente ter se udeležijo dogodkov v živo izza pisalne mize – Kako rasti je pobuda Generalnega direktorata Evropske komisije za podjetništvo in industrijo, ki jo sofinancira Evropska zveza ustvarjalnih industrij (ECIA).
Webbplatsen hjälper kreativa yrkesverksamma personer att knyta kontakter i hela Europa, lära sig nya sätt att hitta finansiering, hitta och dela med sig av intressanta nyheter och dokument samt delta i direktsända evenemang från sitt skrivbord. How to Grow är medfinansierad av den europeiska alliansen för kreativa industrier och är ett initiativ från Europeiska kommissionens generaldirektorat för näringsliv.
Šajā tīmekļa vietnē tiekas radošo profesiju pārstāvji no visas Eiropas, lai uzzinātu par jauniem finansēšanas veidiem, iepazītos ar interesantiem jaunumiem un dokumentiem, kā arī dalītos tajos, un piedalītos tiešsaistes pasākumos ar datora starpniecību. „Kā panākt izaugsmi” ir Eiropas Komisijas Uzņēmējdarbības un rūpniecības ģenerāldirektorāta iniciatīva, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Radošo nozaru alianse („ECIA”).
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  Бизнес партньори и обще...  
Тази интернет платформа е специално разработена за общоевропейски мрежи за малки предприятия, помагайки им да намерят бизнес партньори, да публикуват и проверяват специфични оферти и да получават достъп до информация за събития, акцентиращи върху Балтийския регион.
This internet platform specialises in European-wide networking for small firms, helping them find business partners, publish and consult specific offers and access information on events, focusing on the Baltic region.
Cette plate-forme internet est spécialisée dans la mise à réseau à l'échelle européenne des petites entreprises. Elle a pour ambition d'aider celles-ci à trouver des partenaires commerciaux, à publier et consulter des offres spécifiques et à accéder à des informations sur les événements en rapport avec la région baltique.
Diese Internet-Plattform ist auf europaweite Netzwerkarbeit zwischen Kleinunternehmen spezialisiert. Sie hilft ihnen bei der Suche nach Geschäftspartnern, bei der Veröffentlichung von speziellen Angeboten und Zugangsinformationen zu Veranstaltungen sowie bei der Suche nach solchen, und das mit Konzentration auf die Ostseeregion.
Esta plataforma por Internet se especializa en crear redes de contactos por toda Europa para pequeñas empresas, con el fin de ayudarles a encontrar colaboradores, publicar y consultar ofertas específicas y acceder a información de eventos, todo ello centrado en la región del Báltico.
Questa piattaforma di Internet si concentra sulla costituzione di una rete europea al servizio delle piccole imprese, allo scopo di sostenerle nella ricerca di partner commerciali, nella pubblicazione e nella consultazione di offerte specifiche, nonché nell'accesso alle informazioni sugli eventi, in particolare nella regione del Mar Baltico.
Esta plataforma na Internet especializa-se na criação de redes ao nível europeu para as pequenas empresas, ajudando-as a encontrar parceiros económicos, publicar e consultar ofertas específicas e aceder a informação sobre eventos, centrando-se na região do Báltico.
Αυτή η διαδικτυακή πλατφόρμα ειδικεύεται στην πανευρωπαϊκή δικτύωση των μικρών επιχειρήσεων, βοηθώντας τες να βρουν επιχειρηματικούς εταίρους, να δημοσιεύσουν και να ανατρέξουν σε συγκεκριμένες προσφορές και να αποκτήσουν πρόσβαση σε πληροφορίες για εκδηλώσεις με επίκεντρο την περιοχή της Βαλτικής.
Dit internetplatform is gespecialiseerd in het netwerken voor kleine ondernemingen in heel Europa, en helpt hen zakenpartners te vinden, specifieke aanbiedingen in te voeren en te raadplegen en informatie te vinden over evenementen, dat alles met focus op het Oostzeegebied.
Tato internetová platforma se specializuje na vytváření celoevropských sítí pro malé firmy a pomáhá jim při hledání obchodních partnerů, zveřejňování a konzultování konkrétních nabídek a umožňuje jim přístup k informacím o událostech se zaměřením na Pobaltí.
Denne webportal er et virtuelt mødested for små virksomheder fra hele Europa, hvor de kan få hjælp til at finde forretningspartnere, offentliggøre og undersøge specifikke tilbud og få adgang til information om arrangementer med fokus på Østersøregionen.
Selle veebiplatvormi eesmärgiks on Euroopa väikeettevõtete kokkuviimine, aidates neil leida äripartnereid, avaldada ja vaadata pakkumisi ning saada teavet sündmuste kohta, keskendudes Läänemere piirkonnale.
Tämän foorumin avulla pk-yritykset voivat verkostoitua Euroopassa, löytää liikekumppaneita, julkaista ja vastaanottaa tarjouksia ja saada tietoa tapahtumista Itämeren alueella.
Ez az internetes platform a kis cégek egész Európára kiterjedő hálózatépítésére szakosodott, őket segíti üzleti partnerek keresésében, konkrét ajánlatok közzétételében és áttekintésében, valamint rendezvényekkel kapcsolatos információk elérésében, a balti régióra összpontosítva.
Ta platforma internetowa specjalizuje się w tworzeniu ogólnoeuropejskich sieci dla małych firm, pomagając im w znajdowaniu partnerów biznesowych, publikowaniu i konsultowaniu się w sprawie poszczególnych ofert, a także udostępnia informacje na temat wydarzeń, koncentrując się na obszarze Morza Bałtyckiego.
Această platformă internet este specializată în relaționarea la scară europeană pentru firme mici, le ajută să găsească parteneri de afaceri, să publice și să consulte oferte specifice și să aibă acces la informații despre evenimente, concentrându-se pe regiunea Mării Baltice.
Táto internetová platforma so zameraním na baltský región sa špecializuje na vytváranie sietí pre malé firmy v celej Európe, pomáha im nájsť obchodných partnerov, zverejniť a konzultovať konkrétne ponuky a dostať sa k informáciám na podujatiach.
Ta internetna platforma je specializirana za vseevropsko mreženje za mala podjetja, pomaga jim najti poslovne partnerje, objavljati posebne ponudbe in svetovati o njih ter jim pomaga dostopati do informacij o dogodkih, pri čemer se osredotoča na baltsko območje.
Denna Internetplattform är särskilt till för små företag och deras EU-övergripande nätverkssamarbete, för att hjälpa småföretag att hitta affärspartner, publicera och hitta specialerbjudanden samt få tillgång till information om evenemang, allt detta med fokus på Östersjöområdet.
Šī interneta platforma ir īpaši paredzēta mazo uzņēmumu tīklu veidošanai visā Eiropā, lai tie varētu atrast uzņēmējdarbības partnerus, publicēt konkrētus piedāvājumus un uzzināt par tiem, kā arī piekļūt informācijai par notikumiem, kas norisinās Baltijas jūras reģionā.
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Европейската комисия организира през юни в България събития на високо равнище, посветени на приноса на фондовете на Европейския съюз за интеграция на ромите. Тези прояви са продължение на Срещата на върха от 2008 в Брюксел, посветена на ромите и на подобни събития в Унгария през 2009 и в Румъния през 2010 година.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
Европейската комисия организира през юни в България събития на високо равнище, посветени на приноса на фондовете на Европейския съюз за интеграция на ромите. Тези прояви са продължение на Срещата на върха от 2008 в Брюксел, посветена на ромите и на подобни събития в Унгария през 2009 и в Румъния през 2010 година.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
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