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Keybot 8 Results  www.mfa.gov.hu
  Двустранни отношения  
Присъединяването на България към Европейския съюз на 01.01.2007 г. породи нуждата от закрепване на изградените върху исторически традиции приятелски унгаро-български връзки и начертаването на нови пътища на развитие в условията на промененото международно положение и на двете държави.
The fact, that on 2007 January 1st Bulgaria became a member of the EU, has made it necessary to further strengthen the friendly relations, that traditionally exist between Hungary and Bulgaria, and also to specify new guiding lines, which would be appropriate to the changed international status of the two countries.
  Двустранни отношения  
двамата министър-председатели се споразумяха относно най-важните области на сътрудничество в рамките на Европейския съюз : Западните Балкани, енергийната политика и въпроси в областта на специалните политики.
On 2006 August 25th, when Ferenc Gyurcsány, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary paid an official visit to Sofia, the two Prime Ministers agreed on the most important issues of the bilateral cooperation within the framework of the EU: the Western Balkans, energy policy and matters, connected to specific politics.
  Двустранни отношения  
Участието на председателя на Унгарския парламент, г-жа Каталин Сили в тържествата по случай присъединяването на България към Европейския съюз на 1 януари 2007 г., както и официалната визита, която върна председателят на българското Народно събрание, Георги Пирински, на 27-29.09.2007.г.
On 2007 January 1st Ms Katalin Szili, Chairman of the Hungarian Parliament, participated officially at the formal ceremony, celebrating Bulgaria’s EU membership, and Georgi Pirinski, Chairman of the Bulgarian Parliament, officially returned the visit on 2007 September 27-29th. Those visits facilitated the further strengthening of the existing links between the two Parliaments and gave the chance to negotiate a more active exchange of experience.
С приемането на България в Европейския съюз на 1 януари 2007 г. настъпиха значителни промени в икономическото и обществено развитие на страната. Унгарско-българското сътрудничество също бе поставено в нови рамки.
After Bulgaria’s joining the European Union on January 1, 2007 significant changes started in the economic and social development of the country. The Bulgarian-Hungarian cooperation gained a new framework as well. The main task of the near future is to find the mutually beneficial ways of cooperation inside the EU. Our embassy will make efforts to contribute to this process.
Bulgária 2007. januári 1-i Európai Uniós csatlakozásával jelentős változások kezdődtek az ország gazdasági, társadalmi fejlődésében. A magyar-bolgár együttműködés is új keretekbe helyeződött át. A közeljövő feladata az integrációs, illetve az unión belüli kölcsönösen hasznos együttműködés lehetőségeinek hatékony kiaknázása. Nagykövetségünk igyekszik ebben tevékenyen közreműködni.
  Консулска информация  
Информация за български граждани : След приемането на България в Европейския съюз българските граждани могат да пътуват до Унгария с валиден паспорт или лична карта, виза не е необходима дори при престой надвишаващ 90 дни.
Information concerning Bulgarian citizens: Bulgaria having become an EU member state, Bulgarian citizens are also allowed to enter the territory of Hungary with a valid Passport or an ID Card. No Hungarian Visa is required even if the planned duration of stay in the country exceeds 90 days. Bulgarians intending to stay in Hungary for a longer period of time as well as their accompanying family members are issued a temporary residence card by the competent immigration authority. As of 1st of January 2009 no restriction is imposed on Bulgarian citizens to become employed in Hungary, the registration is initiated by the employer.
С приемането на България в Европейския съюз на 1 януари 2007 г. настъпиха значителни промени в икономическото и обществено развитие на страната. Унгарско-българското сътрудничество също бе поставено в нови рамки.
After Bulgaria’s joining the European Union on January 1, 2007 significant changes started in the economic and social development of the country. The Bulgarian-Hungarian cooperation gained a new framework as well. The main task of the near future is to find the mutually beneficial ways of cooperation inside the EU. Our embassy will make efforts to contribute to this process.
Bulgária 2007. januári 1-i Európai Uniós csatlakozásával jelentős változások kezdődtek az ország gazdasági, társadalmi fejlődésében. A magyar-bolgár együttműködés is új keretekbe helyeződött át. A közeljövő feladata az integrációs, illetve az unión belüli kölcsönösen hasznos együttműködés lehetőségeinek hatékony kiaknázása. Nagykövetségünk igyekszik ebben tevékenyen közreműködni.
  Консулска информация  
Според настоящите митнически правила в Унгария пари могат да се внасятт в страната без ограничение, но когато сумата надвишава 10 000 евро, при преминаване на външна граница на Европейския съюз (Украйна, Сърбия, Република Хърватска), тя трябва да се декларира на съответната митница.
According to the effective Hungarian Customs regulations basically there is no any restriction on cash import into Hungary, except if the imported sum exceeds 10 000 Euro provided that the importer enters Hungary through a neighbouring non EU member state /Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia/. In this case the cash import is subject to declaration to the Customs office at the border checkpoint. If more than 200 pieces of cigarettes, originating from Bulgaria, are to be imported into Hungary, those are to be declared to the Hungarian Customs office and the importer shall have to pay the inland revenue tax due, which can be effectuated directly at the border, otherwise the importer is issued a tax bill and the tax is to be settled through the bank account of the Custom authority within 8 days from the date of issue.
Нашите връзки са приятелски и се основават на взаимна симпатия. И двете страни са членки на НАТО и Европейския съюз и изповядват еднакви принципи, като политическият, общественият и икономическият им живот се базира на обща ценностна система.
Bulgaria is a prominent partner of Hungary in South Eastern Europe. Our friendly relationship is based on mutual sympathy. The two countries are both members of NATO and EU, share the same principles and values, have similar political, social and economic system. Our economic and commercial relations are booming, Bulgaria is an ideal place for Hungarian investments. The beauties of the Bulgarian landscape and nature have always attracted a lot of Hungarian tourists and we hope that more and more Bulgarian tourists will discover the treasures of Hungary.
Magyarország számára Bulgária kiemelt partner a délkelet-európai régióban. Kapcsolataink barátiak, s a kölcsönös rokonszenven alapulnak. A két ország egyaránt tagja a NATO-nak és az Európai Uniónak, azonos elveket vall, és azonos értékrend alapján szervezi politikai, társadalmi és gazdasági életét. Gazdasági-kereskedelmi kapcsolataink dinamikusan fejlődnek, Bulgária ideális terep a magyar befektetések számára. Az ország természeti adottságai mindig is vonzották a magyar turistákat, s reményeink szerint mind több bolgár utazó fedezi fel Magyarország értékeit.