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Keybot 719 Results  www.euinside.eu
Финландия: Твърде рано е за влизане на България и Румъния в Шенген
The Netherlands: We Don't Want to Decide Now and Regret Later
  Безмилостно ...  
Повечето евродепутати се опитваха да получат конкретна информация за бъдещите планове на еврокомисаря по Международното сътрудничество, хуманитарната помощ и реакциите при кризи. Отговорите на г-жа Желева обаче бяха твърде общи и може да бъдат обобщени в следните няколко изречения: "
10:54 With tout praise and words of comfort ended the 3-hour hearing of Rumyana Zheleva. Most of the MEPs tried to get concrete information about the future plans of the Commissioner-designate for International cooperation, humanitarian aid and crisis reactions. The answers of Ms. Zheleva however, were too general and could be deduced into the following sentences: "
  ЕС vs. рейтинг...  
по-добра регулация на банковия сектор, част от които е и намаляването на зависимостта от външни кредитни рейтинги. „Ние сме твърде зависими от агенциите за кредитен рейтинг. Затова аз искам да намаля колкото е възможно повече позоваването на кредитните рейтинги в пруденциалните правила.
the banking sector, part of which is reducing dependence on external credit ratings. “We are too dependent on credit rating agencies. As a result, I wish to suppress as much as possible the reference to credit ratings in the prudential rules. This is essential for financial stability,” Commissioner Michel Barnier said. He explained that the goal is “the banks to lead their own risk analyses, without relying mechanically on credit rating agencies.” The Commission will come forward soon with a new legislative initiative, dedicated to sovereign debt ratings.
  Първата поли...  
Федерика Могерини, която беше назначена на поста Върховен представител на ЕС за външната политика и сигурността, опроверга критиците си и скептиците, сред които и този сайт, че е твърде млада и неопитна, за да влезе в ролята си, особено в момент, когато е необходима силна фигура на този пост и то при отсъствието не само на обща външна политика, но и на съгласие между страните-членки за такава.
The hearings produced a very pleasant surprise. Federica Mogherini, who was appointed as High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, refuted her critics and sceptics, among whom this website too, that she is too young and inexperienced to fit her role, especially at a time when a strong figure is needed on this post and when there is no common foreign policy and not even an agreement among the member states to build such. Her performance in front of the MEPs brings hope that Juncker's Commission has the potential to leave a mark in the building of a genuine common foreign policy. Still, Jean-Claude Juncker's inexorability to rename Johannes Hahn's portfolio remains a disappointment. Mr Hahn is responsible for the eastern policy and the enlargement negotiations.
  Комисията и Ð...  
изказването му по време на дебатите в пленарната зала на 12 юни. На въпрос дали това не е твърде опростенчески подход той заяви, че европейският бюджет е 44 пъти по-малък от сумата на националните бюджети в Европа.
cents per day that return to them. A claim, which was contained in his statement during the debates in the plenary on June 12. To the question whether this was not too a simplistic approach to the issue, he said that the European budget was 44 times smaller than the sums of national budgets in Europe. He quoted a research by Poland, which says that for every euro invested in Poland under the Cohesion Policy 67 cents return to the old member states in the form of equipment and labour. (
Въпреки добрата воля на всички страни, тристранните преговори по инвестиционния план на Юнкер заседнаха по ключови точки. До момента са проведени четири кръга от преговорите между Европейския парламент, Комисията и Съвета, но резултатите са твърде ограничени.
Despite the good will of all sides the trilateral negotiations on Juncker's investment plan are stuck on key points. So far, there have been four rounds of the negotiations between the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council but outcome is limited. European Investment Bank (EIB) Pres ...
Много от изказалите се говореха и питаха за Гърция в контекста на това, че страната понася жестоки лишения и подходът към нея е твърде суров. На това министър-председателят Монти отговори така: "Твърдостта и суровостта, с която европейските държави се отнасят с Гърция в момента, понякога ни изглежда малко прекалена, но моля Ви не забравяйте, че в продължение на много години - казвам това като скромен наблюдател отвън, извън страната - гръцката политика бе образец за възможно най-лоша политика".
Many of the speakers spoke and asked about Greece in the context of the fact that the country was suffering severe austerity and that the approach to it was severe. To this Prime Minister Monti said: "Firmness and severity, which the European states use for Greece at the moment may sometimes seem to us a bit overdone, but please do not forget that for many years - and I say this as a humble observer from outside the country - Greek politics was an example of the worst possible politics". He recalled the nepotism that is deeply rooted in Greece.
  ЕК: СтискайтÐ...  
Специфично предизвикателство пред страната е намаляването на икономическото неравенство между Севера и Юга - твърде стар проблем. Италия е третият най-голям получател на средства от европейските кохезионни фондове – за периода 2007-2013 на страната се падат 8% от общия бюджет на кохезионната политика, голяма част от които са насочени именно към мерки за икономическо изравняване между по-индустриализираната северна част на страната и бедния юг.
A specific challenge facing the country is reducing economic disparities between the North and the South – a very old problem. Italy is the third largest recipient of EU cohesion funds - for the period 2007-2013 the country accounts for 8% of the total cohesion policy budget, as much of the funds is directed precisely to measures for economic convergence between the more industrialised North and the poor South. However, “halfway through the programming period, the share of EU funds actually mobilised is only 16.8% and it is much lower in the southern Convergence regions.” Therefore, one of the important recommendations is to increase growth-enhancing expenditure, co-financed by cohesion policy funds.
  Европейски с...  
Толкова добра новина и толкова голямо признание България отдавна не е получавала. Защото битката за постовете на ръководители на 29-те европейски мисии по света беше твърде оспорвана. Още повече, че след влизането в сила на Лисабонския договор те са ...
Philip Dimitrov has been appointed as an EU ambassador to Georgia. Such a good news and such a recognition Bulgaria hasn't received for a long time, especially given the fact that the race for the 29 vacant positions for Heads of EU Delegations worldwide was tense. Moreover, after the entry into ...
  Дачич: Ако въ...  
"Това, което дълбоко притеснява е, че Сърбия послужи като плацдарм за агресивните, незаконни и твърде опасни дейности срещу легитимното ръководство на Черна гора и представляват учебникарски пример за намеса във вътрешните работи на съседна държава. Не само проруски групи и отделни хора, но все по-очевидно е, че руските служби много грубо злоупотребиха със Сърбия, за да, по досега известните данни, помогнат за организирането на въоръжено нападение след края на изборите в Черна гора", казва още специалистът, интервюто с когото е на първа страница на
“The thing that brings serious concern is that Serbia served as a manoeuvring ground for aggressive, illegal, and too dangerous actions against the legitimate leadership of Montenegro and are a textbook example of interference in the domestic affairs of a neighbouring state. It is not just pro-Russian groups and individuals, but ever more evidently it was Russian agencies, which have ruthlessly abused Serbia, in order to, according to currently available data, help the organisation of an armed attack after the end of elections in Montenegro”, continues the specialist, whose interview is on the cover page of
  Комисията и Ð...  
euinside: Една теза, която Вие защитавате е, че всъщност бюджетът като размер струва по едно кафе на ден за всеки гражданин. Това не е ли малко, как да кажа - твърде опростен начин да се представи стойността на бюджета?
euinside: A thesis that you defend is that in fact the budget, as a size, costs a coffee per day for every citizen. Isn't this a bit, how to say it - too simplistic an approach to present the value of the budget?
  България е пÑ...  
По всичко изглежда обаче, че на този етап идеята е все още твърде противоречива. Очаква се, ако не пълна, поне известна яснота по въпроса да има след Европейския съвет през октомври. Тогава euinside ще бъде в Брюксел за да следи отблизо дискусиите по въпроса.
expected, if not a full, at least some clarity on the issue to be available after the European Council in October. Then euinside will be in Brussels to follow the discussions closely. Only one thing is certain at this point, that a more cautious position of EU leaders would meet a fierce criticism from the European Parliament. In November the G20 leaders will meet in Seoul where the EU must have a clear position if it would want to have its partners in the organisation on its side. For now the chances are few, but always political decisions follow financial logic. Sometimes, though, it is quite on the contrary.
  Мишел Барние...  
И макар тонът му да беше недвусмислен, Мишел Барние все пак спечели публиката като изчете речта си на твърде добър английски език, за което беше похвален и след това не съвсем без повод обясни, че я е писал сам в продължение на две седмици.
More or less this was Commissioner Barnier's message, conveyed if anywhere else but before the very influential think tank the Brookings Institution. The public for the meeting with the commissioner consisted mainly of bankers from big financial institutions, energy firms and lobbies. And although his tone was unequivocal, Michel Barnier after all managed to win the hearts of the public by reading his speech in a very good English, for which he was praised and then, not without a reason, he explained that he wrote his speech by himself which took him two weeks. Thus, he obviously tried to imply that the position of a Commissioner of the European Union is not just a formal position and that when the commissioner speaks this means that he speaks on behalf of the entire European Union.
  На Гърция е н...  
Новият италиански министър-председател беше приет твърде добре и от
The new Italian prime minister was very well accepted by President Van Rompuy
  Единна европ...  
Твърде отдавна Европейският съюз, в лицето на основните институции, се бори с това, че всяка страна-членка преследва свой собствен дневен ред, когато става дума за осигуряване на енергийните доставки за националния пазар.
For a very long time the European Union, in terms of its main institutions, has been fighting the fact that every member states follows its own agenda when it comes to securing energy deliveries for the national market. Some member states are in a better position as they have possibilities and had also invested in various sources in time. Others, however, are almost fully dependent on a single supplier (like Bulgaria for example), which forces these countries to act not always in the common EU interest.
  Мирослав Лай...  
Мирослав Лайчак: Абсолютно, точно така, принципът на равенството работи перфектно в Централна Европа и е страшно демотивиращо да се опитваш да отправяш послание на страна, че си свършил работата си, че си твърде малък и че трябва да чакаш някого другиго, който не си е написал домашното, но е по-важен за нас.
Miroslav Lajčák: Absolutely, absolutely, the regatta principle worked perfectly in Central Europe and it's totally demotivating if you try to convey a message to a country that you've done your job, so you are too small and you'll have to wait for someone who has not done his homework yet but it's more important to us. This is killing the European idea. We really have to deal with countries and treat them, and reward them according to what do they deserve individually.
  ЕС отсъства Ð...  
Това се оказа голям проблем за посаждането на европейската ценностна система в някои от вече не толкова новите-членки на ЕС като България, например, където темата "ЕС" на практика отсъства в медийното внимание. Нещо повече, твърде силно е присъствието на руската гледна точка.
The absence of the EU was especially strong that day. The problem is that the Union's absence as a topic and as positions is striking in the whole region. In 99% of the cases, when the EU is mentioned, it is mainly about the EU funds, negotiating chapters, a good or bad report, sanctions to be imposed on Russia and nothing else that could help people understand what kind of an organisation they are going for. This proved a big problem for the seeding of the European system of values in some of the new EU member states, like Bulgaria, for instance, where the EU, too, is practically absent from the media attention. Moreover, the presence of the Russian point of view is too strong. Often, in various media in Bulgaria, you can read news about the EU from the Russian news agency
  Танто за танÑ...  
"Знам, че това изявление е твърде смело, тъй като разширяването на изток е твърде далечна тема. Знаем, че това не може да стане за една нощ, но нека ви припомня, че присъединяването към Европейския съюз ни отне 14 години след падането на комунизма. Разширяването вероятно е дългосрочен проект и няма да стане наведнъж. Някой трябва да работи за него. И кой ще работи за него? Полша", каза още унгарският министър-председател, който е съорганизатор на срещата.
'enlargement' than the current moment, no matter what kind of enlargement do we mean. In spite of the euro area crisis and the failed Schengen enlargement, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who was himself accused in his country of ruling with a firm hand, made an extremely utopian statement, saying that Poland had a mission and that mission was the enlargement of the EU to the East. "I know that this statement is brave because enlargement to the east is a remote topic. We know that this cannot happen over night but let me remind you that, when we joined the EU, it took us 14 years after the fall of communism. The enlargement, perhaps, may be a remote project but this is not going to happen spontaneously. Somebody has to work on it. And who's going to work on it? Poland", the Hungarian premier said, who was a co-host of the summit.
  Кой или какъÐ...  
Само че от лични партийни подбуди - да спре унищожаването на партията му от най-гласовития европейски популист - Найджъл Фараж, лидерът на британската Независима партия, смятан за евроскептик, но всъщност продавач на илюзии. И въпреки че Дейвид Камерън превърна реформата на ЕС в свой приоритет номер едно, ЕС твърде дълго мълчеше и не обръщаше сериозно внимание на феномена.
But instead of starting to pay serious attention to the avalanche-like problems, major European players preferred to sweep them under the rug and continued their business as usual. Only David Cameron, the British prime minister, decided to act. However, he was driven by personal political motives - to stop the destruction of his own party by the most vociferous European populist - Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party, perceived as a eurosceptic, but, in fact, a seller of illusions. And although David Cameron turned the EU reform into his number one priority, the EU was silent for too long and did not pay serious attention to the phenomenon. Until very recently, when Germany, as if just woken up from a stupor, took the situation in its own hands. In the past months, there is no major event that can pass without the German chancellor or the powerful minister of finance to mention the need of treaty change to allow for the establishment of a "genuine economic union".
  И нека надгрÐ...  
"Предвид твърде близката природа на икономическите връзки между всички страни-членки, ние разглеждаме ЕНМ като съществена. Затова ЕП настоява за участието на всички страни-членки, които все още не са се присъединили към еврозоната, но които са задължени от договорите да въведат единната валута".
The problem with the participation of the non-euro countries was raised very seriously by European Parliament President Martin Schulz. In the beginning of the summit yesterday, he told the leaders that the most important thing at the moment was to avoid creation of parallel unions with new parallel institutions. He regretted that the European Parliament was ignored from the drafting of the banking union and warned that the Parliament did not find the division to euro- and non-euro countries to be a working solution. "Given the very close nature of the economic links between all the EU countries, we regard a single banking supervisory authority as essential. For this reason, the European Parliament is insisting on the involvement of all the EU Member States which have not yet joined the eurozone, but which are bound by the Treaty to introduce the common currency".
  На Гърция е н...  
Впечатление направи по време на пресконференцията с Юнкер, че Лукас Пападемос изглеждаше твърде неуверен и въпреки че е образован в чужбина и говори добър английски, много често той не успяваше да разбере въпросите към него и се налагаше Юнкер да му ги препредава и обяснява.
What attracted attention during the news conference with Juncker was that Lucas Papademos looked quite uncertain and, although he is educated abroad and speaks good English, very often he did not manage to understand the questions he was asked and Juncker had to retransmit and explain them to him. Such was the case with a question about his role in the swap of public debt in 2001, done with Goldman Sachs (the investment bank in which Papademos worked), while he was president of the Greek Central Bank. This case was revealed a year and a half ago, a little while after it became clear that Greece was dressing up its fiscal data before joining the eurozone. But as the question about Papademos's role in the deal was accompanied with another question, Papademos answered the second question only.
  Решението е Ð...  
Втората е, че ако се предостави възможността от оттегляне, това може да увеличи вероятността от напускане. И третата е, че, ако се предвиди такава опция ще трябва да се изработи и твърде подробна процедура с предполагаемите последици от
In fact, before answering this question the analysis puts another one - why this option has not been explicitly stated in the EU Treaties? The report quotes an unnamed author, according to whom there are three reasons why the treaties are silent regarding potential withdrawal of a member state. The first is to avoid putting a question mark on member states' commitment to achieve the shared objectives. The second is that if an option for withdrawal were envisaged that would increase the likelihood of leaving. And the third is that such an option would require a very
  Мишел Барние...  
Това доведе до двукратно и твърде директно предупреждение от страна на агенцията за кредитен рейтинг Moody's, че е възможно да се стигне до сваляне на рейтинга (в момента тройно А), ако не бъде постигнато съгласие по бюджета и не бъдат предприети мерки за устойчиво намаляване на дълга.
Currently the United States is in an extremely severe situation, as the budget gap is growing, the debt has also reached cosmic dimensions and in Congress there is no consent on the parameters of next year's budget. This has led to a double and quite direct warning from the Moody's rating agency that a downward correction of US's credit rating was possible (currently the rating of the country is a triple A), unless an agreement on the budget is reached and measures for sustainable reduction of the debt are undertaken. And as all this is happening against the backdrop of the presidential election campaign, which has already started, such an important matter as the US budget became a hostage of pre-election debates.
  На Гърция е н...  
Относно фризирането на фискалните данни, Пападемос поясни, че гръцката централна банка е действала прозрачно и е предоставяла всички данни, които в крайна сметка са били твърде близки до коригираните впоследствие.
When the news conference ended, however, he was reminded that there was such a question and that maybe it was desirable that he answered it because this is the most vulnerable part of his CV. Papademos apologied for not hearing the question and explained that this happened at a time when he was no longer a central bank chief, as well as that the swap was done not by the bank but by the ministry of finance. And regarding the dressing up of fiscal data, Papademos specified that the Greek Central Bank acted transparently and provided all the data which after all proved to be quite close to the later corrected information.
  ЕС vs. рейтинг...  
изолирани - в същата посока вървят и САЩ и другите партньори в Г20. Лошата е, че последиците от разклатеното пазарно доверие в еврозоната са необратими, а реакциите на ЕС продължават да са твърде бавни спрямо пазарните очаквания.
not isolated - the United States and the other partners in the G20 are moving in the same direction. The bad news is that the effects of the undermined market confidence in the euro area are irreversible, and the reactions of the European Union to the market expectations remain too slow. More than a year after the beginning of the Greek crisis, the EU acknowledged for the first time “the systemic nature of the sovereign debt crisis” and demonstrated will to solve it, Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso admitted in a recent statement. The purpose of the statement was to urge the national authorities in the member states to speed up the work on the practical implementation of the decisions taken by the eurozone leaders on 21 July.
  Първата поли...  
Неговото място заема второто словенско предложение - Виолета Булц, а г-н Шефчович ще трябва да се захване с изключително чувствителната тема "енергиен съюз". Той не беше твърде подробен в отговорите си пред ресорните комисии, но евродепутатите му дадоха толеранс заради прекалено краткия срок за подготовка.
Maros Sefcovic was heard literally on the eve of the debate of the composition of the new Commission in the plenary on 22 October. This was his second hearing in two-weeks' time because he initially appeared as a candidate for the Transport portfolio. His place has been taken by the second Slovene nominee - Violeta Bulc - and Mr Sefcovic will take the very sensitive issue of the energy union. He was not very detailed in his answers before the relevant committees but the MEPs were tolerant because of the too short a period for preparation. Nonetheless, he demonstrated impressive punctuality in identifying the weak spots and conveyed important messages.
  Решението е Ð...  
В нея той каза недвусмислено: "Нека сме наясно - няма да стане с разделен съюз!" Пак по ирония на съдбата, на Барозу се наложи да каже това по повод годишнината от падането на Берлинската стена - самия символ на обединението на Европа, отприщил вълна от реформи и увеличаващ се просперитет в един континент, който беше разделен твърде дълго.
This is why it is not a coincidence that it was in Berlin that the European Commission president, the body also called a guardian of the treaties, held a speech he started in German. In it he unequivocally said: "Let us be clear - a divided union will not work!" And again, what an irony that Barroso had to say this on the occasion of the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall - the very symbol of Europe's unification that unleashed a wave of reforms and growing prosperity on a continent that was divided for too long.
  България е пÑ...  
На този етап позициите на страните-членки са все още твърде различни, призна комисарят по данъчната политика Алгирдас Шемета. На неформалното заседание са обсъждани два варианта за облагане на банките - върху финансовите транзакции или върху финансовите дейности.
Whatever taxation the Commission would propose, its objectives are the financial sector to have a fair contribution to public finances, to ensure significant revenues without undermining EU's competitiveness and not to create new obstacles for the single market, Semeta underlined. A European approach is necessary and the Commission will come up with a proposal which would be good for Europe, the Commissioner said.
Именно затова им беше нужен онзи положителен пример, който да бъде използван от тандема, за да се каже на другите "ето, вижте Италия на Монти! Значи може!" И засега този подход работи твърде добре. Може да се каже, че ролите са разпределени в триъгълника по следния начин: Монти отговаря за растежа и политиките за стимулиране на заетостта, канцлерът за бюджетната дисциплина, а Саркози за политическия съюз.
This is why they need that positive role model that can be used by the tandem to tell the others "Look Monti's Italy! So, it's possible!" For now this approach is working quite well. It can be said that the roles are distributed in the triangle the following way: Monti is responsible for growth and employment policies, the chancellor for budget discipline and Sarkozy for the political union.
  ЕК: СтискайтÐ...  
И още нещо полезно да се прочете в България, където често завиждат на социалните придобивки на французите - твърде строгото законодателство в защита на работещите е проблем, който заедно с влиятелните синдикати и колективното договаряне пречи на конкурентоспособността на страната.
There is another thing, which is useful to be read in Bulgaria, where people often envy the social benefits of the French - too strict employment protection legislation is a problem and together with the influential trade unions and collective bargaining it hinders the country's competitiveness. The same is evident from the recommendations to Spain and Italy. France has yet to carry out the pension reform, announced in 2010 – to increase gradually the minimum retirement age from 60 to 62 years (!) and to eliminate the early retirement schemes.
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