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Keybot 4 Results  www.euinside.eu
ГЕОРГИ СТОЕВ: Аз не случайно с това започнах, че наистина е възможна реализация в приложните изследвания - там, където науката непосредствено се реализира на пазара на стоки и услуги, където патенти просто се превръщат в стоки и те се продават на пазара.
GEORGI STOEV: I started with this intently that, in fact, the potential is in the applied science - where the science can be immediately applied on the market in the form of goods and services, where the patents simply transform into goods and they are being sold on the market. The value of the goods finances back the research. I am not sure that Bulgaria is that rich a country to afford large investments in fundamental research like quantum physics, astronomy, sciences which would improve the basis for future research then being applied directly on the market.
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Идеята за такъв съюз се състои от 30 точки, сред които създаване на европейски партньорства за иновации, използване на бюджети за обществени поръчки за финансиране на новаторски идеи, създаване на европейски пазар на знанието за патенти и лицензи.
By putting innovations at the centre of its ten-year economic strategy, the EU has in mind something specific - creation of Innovation Union. This means in general focusing on research and innovation in order to fill in the gap between science and business, and inventions to turn into products. The Innovation Union is one of the seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy, the main purpose of which is to create smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. The idea for such a union consists of 30 points, among which is the creation of European Innovation Partnerships, use of public procurement budgets to finance innovation, creation of a European knowledge market for patents and licensing.
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Тромавата, фрагментирана в момента система по придобиване на патент по-скоро обезсърчава новаторите, отколкото да стимулира каквато и да е развойна дейност. Издаването на патенти е поверено на националните структури, занимаващи се с патентите.
It seems that the progress in patent reform in the last couple of years has been significant. The finalisation of the process is delayed currently by the argument where to place the seat of the patent court – a subject of discord between the member states since December 2011. According to the conclusions of the January Council the deadline for signature of the agreement is June 2012. On 30 May 2012 at the Competitiveness Council meeting the ministers did not succeed to reach a consensus on the only remaining issue before the adoption of the patent package. Guy Verhofstadt, leader of ALDE in the European Parliament, described the lack of consensus as “scandal”. He suggested Brussels to be selected as a temporary seat of the new body.