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  Никитская це...  
В газете он был издателем, редактором и главным сотрудником. Гиляров-Платонов стал известен как талантливый, глубоко образованный публицист и запомнился как человек с открытой душой и неподкупно-честным сердцем.
In 1867–1887, Gilyarov-Platonov published the "Sovremennyye Izvestiya" newspaper. At the newspaper, he was the publisher, the editor and the most important staff member. Gilyarov-Platonov became known as a talented, profoundly educated social commentator and was remembered as an open-hearted and extremely honest man.
  Собор спас нÐ...  
В 1888 году были начаты гранитный цоколь и стены, облицованные зигерсдорфским кирпичом десяти тонов. Колонки, карнизики, тяги и наличники делались из эстляндского мрамора. На двадцати темно-красных досках, укрепленных на цоколе, были высечены главные события и указы царствования Александра II.
In 1888, construction of a granite basement and walls was started. The walls were covered with Siegersdorf bricks of ten colours. Small columns, cornices, fillets, and platbands were made of Estonian marble. All key events and doctrines by Alexander II were graven in twenty dark-red boards fixed on the basement.
  Никитская це...  
В 1848 г. Никита Петрович окончил и Духовную академию, где за успехи был удостоен прибавления к фамилии — Платонов (как стипендиат, получавший стипендию, учреждённую митрополитом Платоном). Одним из первых в России Гиляров-Платонов предпринял обстоятельный анализ феноменологии Г. Гегеля.
In 1848, Nikita also graduated the Theological Academy; being a good student, there he had been awarded an additional part, Platonov, to his surname (as a holder of the scholarship established by Metropolitan Platon). Gilyarov-Platonov was one of the first in Russia to undertake a detailed analysis of Georg W. F. Hegel's phenomenology. In 1848, he became the chair of the Department of Hermeneutics and Confession, Heresy and Schism Studies at the Academy. His contemporary wrote: "He would never sit at his desk and read from his notes; instead, having just entered the auditorium and greeted his students, he would start going back and forth around the auditorium and would speak ceaselessly up until the bell rang, having in his hand a small piece of paper that sketched what he was to speak about during the lecture. And how well he spoke! His language was lively, brilliant and captivating; having no sign of being artificial, his words poured smoothly out of his mouth. Needless to say, his students adored him!"
Лучшие из учеников посылались иногда в московскую семинарию, причем коломенский епископ Гавриил (Кременецкий) обязывал их, по окончании ими московского курса, учить в родной семинарии. Среди питомцев коломенской семинарии следует отметить великого святого Филарета Дроздова, митрополита Московского, и публициста 1870-х годов Н. Гилярова-Платонова.
As early as 1728, establishment of an ecclesiastical seminary was started in Kolomna in accordance with the 1721 regulation. Its construction was finished by Bishop Kiprian within the archbishop's residence in 1739. Children of the local secular clergy studied there. Some of the best students were sent to Moscow seminary, and Bishop Gabriel (Kremenetsky) of Kolomna obliged them to teach in their home seminary after the graduation. Great St. Philaret Drozdov, Metropolitan of Moscow, and Nikita Gilyarov-Platonov, a publicist of the 1870s, were alumni of Kolomna seminary.
  Никитская це...  
В 1848 г. Никита Петрович окончил и Духовную академию, где за успехи был удостоен прибавления к фамилии — Платонов (как стипендиат, получавший стипендию, учреждённую митрополитом Платоном). Одним из первых в России Гиляров-Платонов предпринял обстоятельный анализ феноменологии Г. Гегеля.
In 1848, Nikita also graduated the Theological Academy; being a good student, there he had been awarded an additional part, Platonov, to his surname (as a holder of the scholarship established by Metropolitan Platon). Gilyarov-Platonov was one of the first in Russia to undertake a detailed analysis of Georg W. F. Hegel's phenomenology. In 1848, he became the chair of the Department of Hermeneutics and Confession, Heresy and Schism Studies at the Academy. His contemporary wrote: "He would never sit at his desk and read from his notes; instead, having just entered the auditorium and greeted his students, he would start going back and forth around the auditorium and would speak ceaselessly up until the bell rang, having in his hand a small piece of paper that sketched what he was to speak about during the lecture. And how well he spoke! His language was lively, brilliant and captivating; having no sign of being artificial, his words poured smoothly out of his mouth. Needless to say, his students adored him!"
Проект здания разрабатывался специально для Музея в ГИПРОНИИ АН СССР авторским коллективом под руководством Ю. П. Платонова. Он был утвержден в 1968 г. и впоследствии удостоен Государственной премии СССР.
The design of the building was developed specially for the Museum by Yu. Platonov and his team at the Main Design and Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The design was officially approved in 1968 and later received the USSR State Prize. However, construction works started in 1972 only. The new Museum was created for almost two decades by leading researchers of the Institute of Palaeontology as well as by a team of best Moscow architects, construction engineers, designers and animalists. Thanks to their joint effort, a unique museum ensemble was created, one of its kind in the whole world. The architecture of the red-brick building of the Museum resembles that of ancient fortresses; its central inner court is surrounded by four exposition areas with four adjacent towers.