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Keybot 9 Results  www.euinside.eu
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сега дава но ако си платиш солено и да я/слушкаш/макар и в ес да сме тяхния троянски кон.това твърдение ,че голяма част от населенмеето е русфилско е силно преувеличено/особенно след влизането ни в ес.младите хора почти не отиват в русия а в европа и сащ/на работа,учение'търгтвия купуване на имоти от богатите българи и парите в банкките,само старите комунисти милеят по русия ,а техните.
This, in addition to the dependent media environment, is a serious challenge for the sustainability of the foreign policy turn against the backdrop the already significant economic dependence. It should also not be forgotten that every critical remark is accompanied by a mitigating recall of the good historical links between Bulgaria and Russia and the love of the Bulgarians for Russian culture. The article only vaguely mentions the offensive Prime Minister Boyko Borissov launched in Brussels after the cancellation of South Stream trying to show that not Bulgaria was the reason for the cancellation of the project. Mr Borissov was tirelessly seeking support from the EU for the construction of this stream or the construction of an alternative like the project for an energy hub at the Black sea coast.
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Водещият критерий за избор на най-подходящия върховен представител трябва да бъде липсата на конфликт на интереси на страната, от която идва. В този смисъл кандидат от държава, която е дълбоко зависима от Русия, е потенциален троянски кон в европейската външна политика.
A major criterion for selection of the most appropriate high representative should be the lack of conflict of interest with the country he or she comes from. In this regard, a candidate from a state which is deeply dependent on Russia is a potential Trojan horse in the European foreign policy. If he or she comes from a country with deeply rooted economic and business relations with Russia that puts the candidate in a conflict of interest. This seriously narrows the circle of nations that can offer candidates but it is very important the EU to spend as much time as necessary to select the really best possible person. There will hardly be a second chance because no more evidence is needed that the Kremlin is skillfully taking advantage of the lack of a strong and single foreign policy centre and not the lack of a single voice but the lack of a common interest in terms of strategically important for the EU regions and states.