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Keybot 31 Results  queens-hotel.eastsussex-uk.com
  Визовые новости за 2 кв...  
Ожидается увеличение потока европейских туристов в Россию в 2016 г.
The increase in the flow of European tourists is expected in Russia in 2016
On prévoit l'augmentation du flux de touristes européens en Russie en 2016
Es wird erwartet, dass die Strömung der europäischen Touristen in Russland im Jahr 2016 zu erhöhen
El aumento en el flujo de turistas europeos se espera en Rusia en 2016
  В России могут принять ...  
Она сказала, что ожидает увеличение въездного потока в Белоруссию и добавила, что сожалеет о том, что Россия не может последовать их примеру.
She also noted that she expects an increase in the incoming tourist flow to Belarus and regrets that Russia cannot follow this example.
Elle a dit qu'elle attend une augmentation du flux entrant en Biélorussie et a ajouté qu'elle regrette que la Russie ne puisse pas suivre leur exemple.
She also noted that she expects an increase in the incoming tourist flow to Belarus and regrets that Russia cannot follow this example.
She also noted that she expects an increase in the incoming tourist flow to Belarus and regrets that Russia cannot follow this example.
  Ожидается увеличение по...  
По сообщению заместителя руководителя Ростуризма Сергея Корнеева, в 2016 г. ожидается увеличение потока европейских туристов в Россию: страну могут посетить на 25% больше испанских туристов, а также можно рассчитывать на увеличение числа туристов из Италии и Франции.
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France.
Selon le chef adjoint de l'Agence fédérale du tourisme Sergei Korneev, en 2016 on prévoit l'augmentation du flux de touristes européens en Russie : plus de 25% touristes espagnols peuvent visiter le pays, et aussi on peut attendre l’augmentation du nombre de touristes d'Italie et de la France.
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France.
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France.
  Россия снова становится...  
Увеличение потока произошло в первую очередь за счет туристов из азиатских стран. Так, из Китая за полгода в Россию приехало почти 52 тысячи человек – на 74,5% больше, чем за первое полугодие 2009 года.
The increase in flow occurred primarily due to the tourists from Asian countries. So, almost 52,000 people came to Russia from China, which is 74.5% more than during the first half of 2009. Also, the flow of tourists from Japan, Malaysia and the Philippines increased.
L'augmentation du flux s'est passée principalement en raison des touristes en provenance des pays asiatiques. Ainsi, près de 52 000 personnes sont venues dans la Russie de la Chine, qui est de 74,5% de plus que durant la première moitié de 2009. En outre, le flux de touristes en provenance du Japon, de la Malaisie et des Philippines a augmenté.
The increase in flow occurred primarily due to the tourists from Asian countries. So, almost 52,000 people came to Russia from China, which is 74.5% more than during the first half of 2009. Also, the flow of tourists from Japan, Malaysia and the Philippines increased.
The increase in flow occurred primarily due to the tourists from Asian countries. So, almost 52,000 people came to Russia from China, which is 74.5% more than during the first half of 2009. Also, the flow of tourists from Japan, Malaysia and the Philippines increased.
  Иностранным туристам ст...  
В целом, туристический потенциал России высоко оценивается иностранными специалистами, а визовая проблема всегда указывалась как один из главных факторов, препятствующих развитию туристической отрасли. Поэтому инициативу президента эксперты оценивают положительно, прогнозируя увеличение туристического потока на 25%.
The reason for this initiative was the reduction of tourist flow into the country during the last seven years. Thus, since 2004 the number of tourists declined from 3 million to 2 million during the last year. In general, the tourism potential of Russia is highly appreciated by foreign experts, and the visa problem is always cited as one of the major factors impeding the development of the tourism industry. Therefore, the experts estimate the President's initiative as positive, predicting the increase of tourist flow to 25%.
La réduction du flot touristique au pays examinée les dernières sept années est devenue le prétexte pour l'initiative semblable. Ainsi, dès 2004 la quantité de touristes a été réduite de 3 millions à 2 millions l'année passée. Dans l'ensemble, le potentiel touristique de la Russie est estimé hautement par les spécialistes étrangers, et le problème de visa était indiqué toujours comme un des facteurs clefs empêchant le développement de la branche touristique. C'est pourquoi les experts estiment l'initiative du président positivement, en prévoyant l'augmentation du flot touristique sur 25 %.
The reason for this initiative was the reduction of tourist flow into the country during the last seven years. Thus, since 2004 the number of tourists declined from 3 million to 2 million during the last year. In general, the tourism potential of Russia is highly appreciated by foreign experts, and the visa problem is always cited as one of the major factors impeding the development of the tourism industry. Therefore, the experts estimate the President's initiative as positive, predicting the increase of tourist flow to 25%.
The reason for this initiative was the reduction of tourist flow into the country during the last seven years. Thus, since 2004 the number of tourists declined from 3 million to 2 million during the last year. In general, the tourism potential of Russia is highly appreciated by foreign experts, and the visa problem is always cited as one of the major factors impeding the development of the tourism industry. Therefore, the experts estimate the President's initiative as positive, predicting the increase of tourist flow to 25%.
  Морские туристы смогут ...  
Предложение об увеличении срока пребывания иностранцев, путешествующих на яхтах, спортивных и прогулочных судах, внес Минтранс. Основная цель нововведения – увеличение привлекательности морских маршрутов для туристов.
The proposal to increase the period of stay for foreigners traveling on yachts, sports vessels and pleasure crafts was introduced by the Ministry of Transport. The key goal of the innovation is to increase the attractiveness of the maritime routes for tourists. As note the experts of the Ministry of Transport, three days is a very short term for which the sea captains cannot go the entire route along the Black Sea coast.
La proposition d'augmenter la durée du séjour des étrangers voyageant sur des yachts, sur des bateaux de sport et de plaisance, a été présentée par le ministère des Transports. Le but principal de l'innovation est d’accroître l'attractivité des routes maritimes pour des touristes. Selon les experts du ministère des Transports, trois jours est une période trop courte parce que des capitaines de navire n’ont pas le temps de longer la côte de la mer Noire.
The proposal to increase the period of stay for foreigners traveling on yachts, sports vessels and pleasure crafts was introduced by the Ministry of Transport. The key goal of the innovation is to increase the attractiveness of the maritime routes for tourists. As note the experts of the Ministry of Transport, three days is a very short term for which the sea captains cannot go the entire route along the Black Sea coast.
The proposal to increase the period of stay for foreigners traveling on yachts, sports vessels and pleasure crafts was introduced by the Ministry of Transport. The key goal of the innovation is to increase the attractiveness of the maritime routes for tourists. As note the experts of the Ministry of Transport, three days is a very short term for which the sea captains cannot go the entire route along the Black Sea coast.
  Либерализация визового ...  
«Министерства иностранных дел двух стран в рабочем порядке подготовят ноты, обменяются нотами, для того чтобы предусмотреть в рамках перекрестного года всю возможную либерализацию, в которую, как правило, входит радикальное увеличение числа длинных виз, ускорение и упрощение выдачи виз», – отметила Манилова.
“Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries will prepare and exchange notes in order to foresee the possible liberalization which usually includes a considerable increase in the number of long-term visas, acceleration and simplification of the visa issuance procedure”, – said Manilova .
« Les ministères des Affaires étrangères des deux pays prépareront des notes, échangeront des notes, afin de prévoir toute libéralisation possible dans le cadre de l’année croisée, qui comprend habituellement une augmentation radicale du nombre de visas de longues années, l'accélération et la simplification de la délivrance de visas », – a déclaré Manilova.
“Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries will prepare and exchange notes in order to foresee the possible liberalization which usually includes a considerable increase in the number of long-term visas, acceleration and simplification of the visa issuance procedure”, – said Manilova .
“Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries will prepare and exchange notes in order to foresee the possible liberalization which usually includes a considerable increase in the number of long-term visas, acceleration and simplification of the visa issuance procedure”, – said Manilova .
  Выборг получил право пр...  
«В этом сезоне кто может выстрелить — это Санкт-Петербург, отчасти Калининград», — подчеркнул господин Ярочкин. Он заявил, что в минувшем году морем в Санкт-Петербург прибыло почти 500 тысяч туристов, и спрогнозировал двукратное увеличение потока к 2010 году.
Anatolii Yarochkin, head of Rosstourism, as well as other tour operators, pins on this decree in particular because of the big amount of measures in sphere of the Russian tourism. “This season the one can shoot will be St Petersburg and in part Kaliningrad”, – noted Mr Yarochkin. He declared that last year nearly 500 thousand tourists came to St Petersburg by sea and forecasts a double increase in 2010.
Anatoli Yarotchkin, chef du Rostourisme, autant que plusieurs opérateurs touristiques, met son espoir sur ce projet, en particulier prenant en compte la somme des projets d'amélioration du tourisme russe. « Cette saison ce qui peut tirer c'est St Petersbourg et partiellement Kaliningrad », — a signé M. Yarotchkin. Il a constaté que l'année précèdent presque 500 mille touristes sont venus à St Petersbourg par la mer et on prévoit une double augmentation de ce flux en 2010.
Anatolii Yarochkin, head of Rosstourism, as well as other tour operators, pins on this decree in particular because of the big amount of measures in sphere of the Russian tourism. “This season the one can shoot will be St Petersburg and in part Kaliningrad”, – noted Mr Yarochkin. He declared that last year nearly 500 thousand tourists came to St Petersburg by sea and forecasts a double increase in 2010.
Anatolii Yarochkin, head of Rosstourism, as well as other tour operators, pins on this decree in particular because of the big amount of measures in sphere of the Russian tourism. “This season the one can shoot will be St Petersburg and in part Kaliningrad”, – noted Mr Yarochkin. He declared that last year nearly 500 thousand tourists came to St Petersburg by sea and forecasts a double increase in 2010.
  Электронные визы – шаг ...  
Согласно заявлению председателя экспертного совета по туризму при комитете Совета Федерации по социальной политике Игоря Фомина, увеличение зоны действия электронных виз для граждан ряда стран при въезде в РФ не только через Владивосток, но и через Калининград, имеет огромное значение на пути облегчения визового режима.
According to the Chairman of the Expert Council for Tourism under the Federation Council Social Policy Committee Igor Fomin, the expansion of coverage area of e-visas available for citizens of a number of countries entering Russia not only through Vladivostok but also through Kaliningrad, is of great importance for the simplification of the visa regime.
Selon Igor Fomin, président du comité d'experts du tourisme du Conseil de la Fédération de la politique sociale, l'élargissement de la zone d'activité des visas électroniques pour des citoyens étrangers entrant non seulement via Vladivostok, mais aussi via Kaliningrad, est très important pour faciliter le régime des visas.
According to the Chairman of the Expert Council for Tourism under the Federation Council Social Policy Committee Igor Fomin, the expansion of coverage area of e-visas available for citizens of a number of countries entering Russia not only through Vladivostok but also through Kaliningrad, is of great importance for the simplification of the visa regime.
According to the Chairman of the Expert Council for Tourism under the Federation Council Social Policy Committee Igor Fomin, the expansion of coverage area of e-visas available for citizens of a number of countries entering Russia not only through Vladivostok but also through Kaliningrad, is of great importance for the simplification of the visa regime.
  Визовые новости за 4 кв...  
По словам Майи Ломидзе, исполнительного директора Ассоциации туроператоров России (АТОР), главной целью туристического рынка в кризисной ситуации является увеличение количество туристов, въезжающих в Россию.
According to Maya Lomidze, executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), the main purpose of the tourism market in a crisis situation is to increase the number of tourists arriving in Russia. Read
Selon Maya Lomidze, directeur exécutif de l'Association des Opérateurs touristiques de la Russie (ATOR), le but principal du marché du tourisme dans une situation de crise est d'augmenter le nombre de touristes qui arrivent en Russie. Pour lire
According to Maya Lomidze, executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), the main purpose of the tourism market in a crisis situation is to increase the number of tourists arriving in Russia. Lesen
According to Maya Lomidze, executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), the main purpose of the tourism market in a crisis situation is to increase the number of tourists arriving in Russia. Leer
  Санкт-Петербург собирае...  
Правительство Санкт-Петербурга приняло новую Программу развития туризма в городе на 2011–2016 года, сообщает пресс-служба Смольного. Новая программа будет стоить около 872 млн рублей и рассчитана на увеличение туристического потока до 8,1 млн человек в год (в 2010 году туристический поток составил 5,1 млн человек).
The government of St.-Petersburg has accepted the new Program of development of tourism in a city on 2011-2016, informs press-service of Smolny. The new program will cost about 872 million rubles and it is for increase in a tourist stream to 8.1 million persons a year (in 2010 the tourist stream accounted for 5.1 million persons).
Le gouvernement de Saint-Pétersbourg a accepté un nouveau Programme du développement du tourisme dans la ville pour 2011–2016, annonce le service de presse de Smolny. Un nouveau programme coûtera près de 872 millions de roubles et est comptée sur l'augmentation du flot touristique jusqu'à 8,1 millions de personnes par an (en 2010 le flot touristique a composé 5,1 millions de personnes).
The government of St.-Petersburg has accepted the new Program of development of tourism in a city on 2011-2016, informs press-service of Smolny. The new program will cost about 872 million rubles and it is for increase in a tourist stream to 8.1 million persons a year (in 2010 the tourist stream accounted for 5.1 million persons).
The government of St.-Petersburg has accepted the new Program of development of tourism in a city on 2011-2016, informs press-service of Smolny. The new program will cost about 872 million rubles and it is for increase in a tourist stream to 8.1 million persons a year (in 2010 the tourist stream accounted for 5.1 million persons).
  Необходимость использов...  
По словам Майи Ломидзе, исполнительного директора Ассоциации туроператоров России (АТОР), главной целью туристического рынка в кризисной ситуации является увеличение количество туристов, въезжающих в Россию.
According to Maya Lomidze, executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), the main purpose of the tourism market in a crisis situation is to increase the number of tourists arriving in Russia.
Selon Maya Lomidze, directeur exécutif de l'Association des Opérateurs touristiques de la Russie (ATOR), le but principal du marché du tourisme dans une situation de crise est d'augmenter le nombre de touristes qui arrivent en Russie.
According to Maya Lomidze, executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), the main purpose of the tourism market in a crisis situation is to increase the number of tourists arriving in Russia.
According to Maya Lomidze, executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), the main purpose of the tourism market in a crisis situation is to increase the number of tourists arriving in Russia.
  Новые тарифы московских...  
Это решение было вызвано тем, что по причине финансового кризиса службы аэропортов теряют рентабельность и не могут в полном объеме реализовывать обширные инвестиционные программы и выполнять планы развития. Увеличение тарифов призвано сбалансировать ситуацию.
This decision was caused by the fact that because of the financial crisis the airport service lose their profitability and they cannot fully implement the extensive investment programs and carry out the plans of development. Increase in the tariffs is called to balance the situation.
Cette décision était provoquée par le fait que suite de la crise financière les services des aéroports perdent le rendement et ne peuvent pas réaliser les programmes d'investissements dans tout le volume et accomplir les scénarios de développement. L'augmentation des tarifs est attendue à équilibrer la situation.
This decision was caused by the fact that because of the financial crisis the airport service lose their profitability and they cannot fully implement the extensive investment programs and carry out the plans of development. Increase in the tariffs is called to balance the situation.
This decision was caused by the fact that because of the financial crisis the airport service lose their profitability and they cannot fully implement the extensive investment programs and carry out the plans of development. Increase in the tariffs is called to balance the situation.
  Визовые новости за 2 кв...  
По сообщению заместителя руководителя Ростуризма Сергея Корнеева, в 2016 г. ожидается увеличение потока европейских туристов в Россию: страну могут посетить на 25% больше испанских туристов, а также можно рассчитывать на увеличение числа туристов из Италии и Франции.
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France. Read
Selon le chef adjoint de l'Agence fédérale du tourisme Sergei Korneev, en 2016 on prévoit l'augmentation du flux de touristes européens en Russie : plus de 25% touristes espagnols peuvent visiter le pays, et aussi on peut attendre l’augmentation du nombre de touristes d'Italie et de la France. Pour lire
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France. Lesen
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France. Leer
  Возможное упрощение виз...  
«Мировая практика показывает, что любое упрощение визовых формальностей обеспечивает увеличение числа иностранных туристов на конкретном направлении на 20–30%. Российский опыт также подтверждает перспективность этого решения. Упрощение визового режима для пассажиров круизных судов может стать серьезным стимулом для развития арктического туризма в России», – заявляет глава Ростуризма Олег Сафонов.
“The world practice shows that any simplification of visa formalities may boost the number of foreign tourists by 20–30%. The Russian experience also confirms the potential of this solution. The simplification of the visa regime for cruise ships passengers may encourage the development of the Arctic tourism in Russia”, – noted the head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Oleg Safonov.
« La pratique mondiale montre que toute simplification des formalités de visas prévoit l’augmentation du nombre de touristes étrangers dans une direction concrète pour 20–30%. L'expérience russe confirme un potentiel positif de cette solution. La simplification du régime de visa pour des passagers de navires de croisière peut devenir une impulsion sérieuse pour le développement du tourisme arctique en Russie », – a déclaré le chef de l'Agence fédérale du tourisme Oleg Safonov.
“The world practice shows that any simplification of visa formalities may boost the number of foreign tourists by 20–30%. The Russian experience also confirms the potential of this solution. The simplification of the visa regime for cruise ships passengers may encourage the development of the Arctic tourism in Russia”, – noted the head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Oleg Safonov.
“The world practice shows that any simplification of visa formalities may boost the number of foreign tourists by 20–30%. The Russian experience also confirms the potential of this solution. The simplification of the visa regime for cruise ships passengers may encourage the development of the Arctic tourism in Russia”, – noted the head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Oleg Safonov.
  Ожидается увеличение по...  
По сообщению заместителя руководителя Ростуризма Сергея Корнеева, в 2016 г. ожидается увеличение потока европейских туристов в Россию: страну могут посетить на 25% больше испанских туристов, а также можно рассчитывать на увеличение числа туристов из Италии и Франции.
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France.
Selon le chef adjoint de l'Agence fédérale du tourisme Sergei Korneev, en 2016 on prévoit l'augmentation du flux de touristes européens en Russie : plus de 25% touristes espagnols peuvent visiter le pays, et aussi on peut attendre l’augmentation du nombre de touristes d'Italie et de la France.
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France.
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France.
  «Аэроэкспресс» выплатил...  
Теперь поезда отправляются не один раз в полчаса, а каждые двадцать минут с восьми утра до пяти вечера ежедневно. Однако пассажирам стоит учесть увеличение времени в пути с 35 минут до 47 на новых маршрутах.
In addition, the company increased the number of flights on the same route. Now the trains depart more than every half hour, and every twenty minutes daily from eight in the morning until five in the evening. However, the passengers should take into account the increase in travel time from 35 minutes to 47 new routes.
En outre la compagnie a augmenté le nombre des voyages sur le même itinéraire. Maintenant les trains ne partent pas une fois à une demi-heure, mais chaque vingt minutes de huit matins jusqu'à cinq soirs chaque jour. Cependant les voyageurs doivent prendre en considération l'augmentation du temps en route de 35 minutes jusqu'à 47 sur de nouveaux itinéraires.
In addition, the company increased the number of flights on the same route. Now the trains depart more than every half hour, and every twenty minutes daily from eight in the morning until five in the evening. However, the passengers should take into account the increase in travel time from 35 minutes to 47 new routes.
In addition, the company increased the number of flights on the same route. Now the trains depart more than every half hour, and every twenty minutes daily from eight in the morning until five in the evening. However, the passengers should take into account the increase in travel time from 35 minutes to 47 new routes.
  Соглашение о сотрудниче...  
Соглашениями предусмотрено увеличение взаимных туристических потоков России и Японии в ближайшие два года.
The signed agreements provide for increased mutual tourist flows between Russia and Japan in the next two years.
Les accords prévoient une augmentation des flux touristiques mutuels entre la Russie et le Japon au cours des deux prochaines années.
The signed agreements provide for increased mutual tourist flows between Russia and Japan in the next two years.
The signed agreements provide for increased mutual tourist flows between Russia and Japan in the next two years.
  Визовые новости за 3 кв...  
Дмитрий Медведев заявил, что согласованный вариант госпрограммы по развитию туризма предполагает увеличение финансирования, однако импульс этому направлению политика государства должна придавать и за счет уже имеющегося наследия крупных международных соревнований последних лет.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced that the agreed version of the state program for the development of tourism implies an increase in funding, however, the state policy should impart an impetus to this direction according to the existing legacy of major international competitions of recent years. Read
Le premier ministre russe Dmitri Medvedev a déclaré que une variante concertée du programme d'Etat sur le développement du tourisme prévoit une augmentation du financement, mais la politique de l'État doit donner la dynamique de cette direction en raison du patrimoine de grandes compétitions internationales au cours des dernières années. Pour lire
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced that the agreed version of the state program for the development of tourism implies an increase in funding, however, the state policy should impart an impetus to this direction according to the existing legacy of major international competitions of recent years. Lesen
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced that the agreed version of the state program for the development of tourism implies an increase in funding, however, the state policy should impart an impetus to this direction according to the existing legacy of major international competitions of recent years. Leer
  Визовые новости за 2 кв...  
Правительство Санкт-Петербурга приняло новую Программу развития туризма в городе на 2011–2016 года, сообщает пресс-служба Смольного. Новая программа будет стоить около 872 млн рублей и рассчитана на увеличение туристического потока до 8,1 млн человек в год.
The government of St.-Petersburg has accepted the new Program of development of tourism in a city on 2011-2016, informs press-service of Smolny. The new program will cost about 872 million rubles and it is for increase in a tourist stream to 8.1 million persons a year. Read
Le gouvernement de Saint-Pétersbourg a accepté un nouveau Programme du développement du tourisme dans la ville pour 2011–2016, annonce le service de presse de Smolny. Un nouveau programme coûtera près de 872 millions de roubles et est comptée sur l'augmentation du flot touristique jusqu'à 8,1 millions de personnes par an. Pour lire
The government of St.-Petersburg has accepted the new Program of development of tourism in a city on 2011-2016, informs press-service of Smolny. The new program will cost about 872 million rubles and it is for increase in a tourist stream to 8.1 million persons a year. Lesen
The government of St.-Petersburg has accepted the new Program of development of tourism in a city on 2011-2016, informs press-service of Smolny. The new program will cost about 872 million rubles and it is for increase in a tourist stream to 8.1 million persons a year. Leer
  Визовые новости за 4 кв...  
Увеличение зоны действия электронных виз для граждан ряда стран при въезде в РФ не только через Владивосток, но и через Калининград, имеет огромное значение на пути облегчения визового режима. Читать
The expansion of coverage area of e-visas available for citizens of a number of countries entering Russia not only through Vladivostok but also through Kaliningrad, is of great importance for the simplification of the visa regime. Read
L'élargissement de la zone d'activité des visas électroniques pour des citoyens étrangers entrant non seulement via Vladivostok, mais aussi via Kaliningrad, est très important pour faciliter le régime des visas. Pour lire
The expansion of coverage area of e-visas available for citizens of a number of countries entering Russia not only through Vladivostok but also through Kaliningrad, is of great importance for the simplification of the visa regime. Lesen
The expansion of coverage area of e-visas available for citizens of a number of countries entering Russia not only through Vladivostok but also through Kaliningrad, is of great importance for the simplification of the visa regime. Leer
  Визовые новости за 2 кв...  
По сообщению заместителя руководителя Ростуризма Сергея Корнеева, в 2016 г. ожидается увеличение потока европейских туристов в Россию: страну могут посетить на 25% больше испанских туристов, а также можно рассчитывать на увеличение числа туристов из Италии и Франции.
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France. Read
Selon le chef adjoint de l'Agence fédérale du tourisme Sergei Korneev, en 2016 on prévoit l'augmentation du flux de touristes européens en Russie : plus de 25% touristes espagnols peuvent visiter le pays, et aussi on peut attendre l’augmentation du nombre de touristes d'Italie et de la France. Pour lire
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France. Lesen
According to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Sergey Korneev, in 2016 Russia can expect the increase in the flow of European tourists: the country may be visited by 25% more Spanish tourists and an increased number of tourists from Italy and France. Leer
  Россия и Куба увеличат ...  
Новое соглашение заменяет прежнее от 3 декабря 1993 года и предусматривает увеличение срока безвизового режима поездок с 30 до 90 дней в течение каждого периода в 180 дней с даты первого въезда.
The new agreement replaces the old one from December 3, 1993 and provides the extension of the visa-free travel period from 30 days to 90 days within each period of 180 days from the date of the first entry.
Le nouvel accord remplace l’ancien accord du 3 décembre 1993 et prévoit l’augmentation du délai de séjour sans visa de 30 à 90 jours pour la période de 180 jours en vigueur la date de la première entrée.
The new agreement replaces the old one from December 3, 1993 and provides the extension of the visa-free travel period from 30 days to 90 days within each period of 180 days from the date of the first entry.
The new agreement replaces the old one from December 3, 1993 and provides the extension of the visa-free travel period from 30 days to 90 days within each period of 180 days from the date of the first entry.
  Новые тарифы московских...  
Как объяснял в интервью для РИА Новости пресс-секретарь руководителя Росаэронавигации Андрей Прянишников, «Повышение ставки сбора за аэронавигационное обслуживание воздушных судов, осуществляющих международные рейсы, ни в коей мере не может повлиять на значительное увеличение стоимости авиабилетов, а также стать негативным фактором в финансовой деятельности авиакомпаний».
As explained in the interview for RIA News Andrey Pryanishnikov, the press- secretary leader of the Rosaeronavigations, “The increase of the rate for the aero services of the international boards, in no way can influence a notable increase in the cost of airline tickets, and also become negative factor in the financial activity of airlines”.
Andrei Prianichkov, attaché de presse du chef de navigation aérienne de la Russie, a annoncé dans l'interview pour RIA Novosti: « L'augmentation des taux de collectes pour le service de navigation aérienne des avions qui font des vols internationaux ne peut pas influencer l'augmentation considérable du prix pour les billets d'avion et devenir un facteur négatif pour les affaires financières de la compagnie d'aviation. »
As explained in the interview for RIA News Andrey Pryanishnikov, the press- secretary leader of the Rosaeronavigations, “The increase of the rate for the aero services of the international boards, in no way can influence a notable increase in the cost of airline tickets, and also become negative factor in the financial activity of airlines”.
As explained in the interview for RIA News Andrey Pryanishnikov, the press- secretary leader of the Rosaeronavigations, “The increase of the rate for the aero services of the international boards, in no way can influence a notable increase in the cost of airline tickets, and also become negative factor in the financial activity of airlines”.
  Необходимость использов...  
«Помимо внешнеполитической ситуации у нас еще и непростая экономическая ситуация. Но любые такого рода кризисные моменты – это всегда плюс для въездного туризма. Задача участников рынка сейчас – увеличение количества туристов, приезжающих в Россию. Уже в течение нескольких лет въездной поток каждый год показывает рост, и в ближайшие годы эта тенденция сохранится», — отметила М. Ломидзе.
“Besides the foreign policy situation, we still have a difficult economic situation, but any crisis moments are always good for the inbound tourism. The aim of market participants now is to increase the number of tourists coming to Russia. For several years the flow of tourists has been annually growing and this tendency will persist in the coming years”, – said M. Lomidze.
« Malgré la situation de la politique extérieure, nous avons encore une situation économique difficile. Mais ces moments de crise sont toujours favorables pour le tourisme. Une tâche principale pour des participants du marché touristique est d’augmenter le nombre de touristes qui viennent en Russie. Depuis plusieurs années, le flux touristique montre la croissance et des années prochaines cette tendance va se prolonger », – a dit Lomidze.
“Besides the foreign policy situation, we still have a difficult economic situation, but any crisis moments are always good for the inbound tourism. The aim of market participants now is to increase the number of tourists coming to Russia. For several years the flow of tourists has been annually growing and this tendency will persist in the coming years”, – said M. Lomidze.
“Besides the foreign policy situation, we still have a difficult economic situation, but any crisis moments are always good for the inbound tourism. The aim of market participants now is to increase the number of tourists coming to Russia. For several years the flow of tourists has been annually growing and this tendency will persist in the coming years”, – said M. Lomidze.
  Отмена трехдневного без...  
По словам первого заместителя председателя комитета Госдумы по развитию гражданского общества Дмитрия Вяткина, причиной отклонения законопроекта можно считать усложнение международной обстановки и увеличение угрозы международного терроризма вследствие возможного проникновения в страну лиц, чьё нахождение на территории России нежелательно и может навредить интересам страны.
According to the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for the Development of Civil Society Dmitry Vyatkin, the rejection of the bill can be explained by the complication of the international situation and the growing threat of international terrorism due to possible penetration into the country of persons whose stay on the territory of Russia is undesirable and can harm the interests of the country.
Selon Dmitri Vyatkine, premier vice-président du Comité pour le développement de la société civile, on peut considérer comme une raison principale de l’abrogation de la loi la situation internationale et une menace grandissante du terrorisme international à cause d’une possibilité de l’entrée des citoyens fâcheux dans le pays.
According to the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for the Development of Civil Society Dmitry Vyatkin, the rejection of the bill can be explained by the complication of the international situation and the growing threat of international terrorism due to possible penetration into the country of persons whose stay on the territory of Russia is undesirable and can harm the interests of the country.
According to the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for the Development of Civil Society Dmitry Vyatkin, the rejection of the bill can be explained by the complication of the international situation and the growing threat of international terrorism due to possible penetration into the country of persons whose stay on the territory of Russia is undesirable and can harm the interests of the country.
  Подписано соглашение о ...  
«Мы уже фиксируем существенный прирост турпотока из России в ОАЭ, который в прошлом году вырос более чем на 50%. ОАЭ посетили свыше 750 тыс. российских туристов, вклад которых в экономику вашей страны, по экспертной оценке, превысил $2,3 млрд. С учетом предстоящего снятия визового барьера рассчитываем также на увеличение встречного турпотока граждан из Эмиратов», — заявил Д.Мантуров.
According to the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, such an agreement will contribute to the development of business mobility and increase the tourist flow between the countries. “We can already note a significant increase in the number of Russian tourists arriving in the UAE which increased by more than 50% last year. More than 750,000 Russian tourists visited the UAE; according to expert estimates, their contribution to the economy of the country exceeded $2.3 billion. Taking into account the forthcoming removal of the visa barrier, we also expect an increase in the incoming tourist flow of citizens from the Emirates,” D.Manturov said.
Selon le ministre de l'Industrie et du Commerce Denis Manturov, la signature d'un tel accord créera des conditions favorables au développement de la mobilité des entreprises et à l'augmentation du flux touristique entre les pays. « Nous prévoyons déjà une augmentation significative du nombre de touristes russes arrivant aux EAU qui a augmenté de plus de 50% l'an dernier. Plus de 750 000 touristes russes ont visité les EAU; selon des experts, leur contribution à l'économie du pays a dépassé 2,3 milliards de dollars. En tenant compte de la suppression prochaine de la barrière des visas, nous comptons également sur une augmentation du flux touristique réciproque des citoyens des Émirats », a déclaré D.Manturov.
According to the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, such an agreement will contribute to the development of business mobility and increase the tourist flow between the countries. “We can already note a significant increase in the number of Russian tourists arriving in the UAE which increased by more than 50% last year. More than 750,000 Russian tourists visited the UAE; according to expert estimates, their contribution to the economy of the country exceeded $2.3 billion. Taking into account the forthcoming removal of the visa barrier, we also expect an increase in the incoming tourist flow of citizens from the Emirates,” D.Manturov said.
According to the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, such an agreement will contribute to the development of business mobility and increase the tourist flow between the countries. “We can already note a significant increase in the number of Russian tourists arriving in the UAE which increased by more than 50% last year. More than 750,000 Russian tourists visited the UAE; according to expert estimates, their contribution to the economy of the country exceeded $2.3 billion. Taking into account the forthcoming removal of the visa barrier, we also expect an increase in the incoming tourist flow of citizens from the Emirates,” D.Manturov said.
  Визовый режим между Рос...  
Кроме того, будет продлен максимальный срок пребывания для такой группы, он увеличится с 15 до 21 дня. Увеличение срока пребывания поможет, в частности, развивать санаторно-курортный туризм, поскольку полный курс санаторного лечения в России составляет именно 21 день.
In particular, one of the proposals concerns the reduction of the required number of participants in a tourist group compulsory for the registration of a visa-free regime. According to the proposal of the tour operator, the minimum quantity of such a group should be three persons that will be especially convenient for those who travel with family. Besides, the maximum period of stay for such a group will also be extended; it will increase from 15 to 21 days. The increasing of the term of stay will help, in particular, to develop health resort tourism as a full course of the sanatorium therapy in Russia is just 21 days.
En particulier, l'une des propositions concernait la réduction du nombre de participants d’un groupe touristique. La proposition est obligatoire pour le régime sans visas. Selon la proposition des tour-opérateurs, le minimum du groupe devrait composer trois hommes. Cela sera particulièrement pratique pour ceux qui voyagent avec la famille. En outre la période de séjour maximale pour ce groupe sera augmentée, elle agrandira de 15 à 21 jours. L'augmentation de la période du séjour aidera développer le tourisme puisque le cours complet du traitement dans une maison de convalescence compose 21 jours en Russie.
In particular, one of the proposals concerns the reduction of the required number of participants in a tourist group compulsory for the registration of a visa-free regime. According to the proposal of the tour operator, the minimum quantity of such a group should be three persons that will be especially convenient for those who travel with family. Besides, the maximum period of stay for such a group will also be extended; it will increase from 15 to 21 days. The increasing of the term of stay will help, in particular, to develop health resort tourism as a full course of the sanatorium therapy in Russia is just 21 days.
In particular, one of the proposals concerns the reduction of the required number of participants in a tourist group compulsory for the registration of a visa-free regime. According to the proposal of the tour operator, the minimum quantity of such a group should be three persons that will be especially convenient for those who travel with family. Besides, the maximum period of stay for such a group will also be extended; it will increase from 15 to 21 days. The increasing of the term of stay will help, in particular, to develop health resort tourism as a full course of the sanatorium therapy in Russia is just 21 days.
  Квота на иностранцев в ...  
В 22 из них лимит на проживание иностранных граждан в настоящий момент израсходован на 70–100%. Дополнительный объем квот был распределен по этим регионам в соответствии с их запросом. 47 регионов РФ в свою очередь проинформировали правительство о том, что увеличение квоты не потребуется.
Quotas have been increased at the request of authorities of 38 regions of Russia, in 22 of which the limit on residence of foreign nationals is currently exhausted by 70–100%. The additional range of quotas has been allotted to these regions in accordance with their requests. 47 regions of Russia, in turn, informed the government that the quota increase would not be required.
Les quotas ont été augmentés à la demande des autorités de 38 régions de la Russie. Au présent, en 22 d'entre eux la limite sur la résidence des étrangers est dépensée à 70–100%. Le volume supplémentaire de quotas a été distribué à ces régions conformément à leur demande. A son tour, 47 régions russes ont informé le gouvernement que l'augmentation des quotas ne serait pas nécessaire.
Quotas have been increased at the request of authorities of 38 regions of Russia, in 22 of which the limit on residence of foreign nationals is currently exhausted by 70–100%. The additional range of quotas has been allotted to these regions in accordance with their requests. 47 regions of Russia, in turn, informed the government that the quota increase would not be required.
Quotas have been increased at the request of authorities of 38 regions of Russia, in 22 of which the limit on residence of foreign nationals is currently exhausted by 70–100%. The additional range of quotas has been allotted to these regions in accordance with their requests. 47 regions of Russia, in turn, informed the government that the quota increase would not be required.