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Когато в днешно време заемате пари от банката, няма да отнесете със себе си банкноти, а ще се увеличи чековата ви сметка. И докато вие не харчите парите си, наличните резерви на банката не намаляват. (Това се случва само в момента, в който прехвърляте пари на някого, който има сметка в друга банка, или изтеглите пари в брой.)
Omdat de meeste betalingen worden gedaan met overboekingen, houden de banken maar weinig bankbiljetten in de kasreserve en bestaat het grootste gedeelte van de kasreserve uit een tegoed bij de centrale bank. Ook wanneer onze Voorbeeld Bank 50 euro leent van een andere bank, komt dit bij de kasreserve. (Kasreserve = 120 + 50 = 170)
  Towards a sound economy...  
А щом една банка се оказва в трудно положение, това може да се прехвърли и на другите банки, тъй като те заемат пари и купуват ценни книжа едни от други, за да изравнят балансите си. Фактът, че ипотечните кредити бяха оформени като сложни финансови продукти само увеличи негативния ефект.
Although a growing money supply is needed to lower the risk of system crashes by failing loans, the multiplier factor ends up causing more and more instability in the money supply and causing smaller cash reserves. As soon as a bank has to book a loss, this not only decreases its capital, but often also its cash reserve. When a bank has less than the 8% required capital (compared to the outstanding loans), or too little cash reserve left, then, according to the rules, the bank has lost the game. The subprime mortgages caused the system to get stuck in 2007, but, in fact, any somewhat bigger losses, like for instance on Third World loans, could have triggered the crisis. The banks simply had too few reserves left to take losses. And once one bank gets in trouble, it can easily spread to other banks, because banks borrow money and buy securities from each other to optimize their balance sheets. The fact that the subprime mortgages were wrapped up as a complex financial product only made the effect bigger. But the main cause of the crisis is not the loss on the subprime mortgages, but the structurally decreased capacity of banks to take losses. And that is the consequence of the natural dynamic within the "fractional reserve banking" system.
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Така че когато Джон иска да плати 30€ на някого в друга банка, нашата банка прехвърля 30€ от наличните си резерви. След това някое друго плащане ще пристигне от друга банка, която ще увеличи отново наличните резерви на нашата банка.
In fact, it looks as if bankers have an awful lot of money, but in reality it is the little bit from their cashreserves that goes forward and backward between them and with which the payments can be done. But at real banks with thousands of customers that little bit of cashreserve is still a fair amount. With that, substantial amounts can generally be transferred from one bank to another without problems.
Jusqu’ici nous avons porté toutes les opérations en compte avec des billets. Mais si les banques devaient se payer tout le temps avec des billets, ce ne serait pas tellement pratique. Il faudrait transporter les billets chaque fois d’une banque à l’autre avec des camions-tirelire. Aujourd’hui cela va plus facilement. Les banques peuvent échanger leurs billets de banque à la banque centrale contre un avoir. La banque centrale a un compte de chaque banque avec ces avoirs. Et lorsqu’une banque veut payer une somme à une autre banque, la banque centrale transfère cette somme de l’avoir de l’une à l’avoir de l’autre banque.
La banca B deve conservare una riserva di cassa pari almeno a 85 euro (il 10% degli 850 euro versati sul conto corrente), e può quindi prestare i restanti 765 euro, che in effetti concede a William per consentirgli di comprare una bicicletta. Il venditore deposita la somma nella sua banca, la banca C. Quest'ultima può prestare a sua volta 675 euro. E la storia continua; ad ogni giro la somma che può essere reinvestita si riduce leggermente.