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Keybot 10 Results  naxoshotels.gr
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
От 17 ноември 2008 г. СИБАНК увеличи лихвите по „Евродепозит”, който е един от най-търсените продукти.
From 17 November 2008 CIBANK increased the interest on the „Eurodeposit” which is one of the most popular products.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
В бъдеще, сътрудничеството между СИБАНК и ЗПАД ДЗИ допълнително ще увеличи търговското предлагане (продукти, услуги, съвместни продажби), като ще бъде използвана потенциалната синергия от споделените дейности.
The commercial co-operation between EIBANK and DZI Insurance has already started with the recent joint sale of DZI Leader, a unit-linked life insurance product with capital guarantee. In future, co-operation between DZI Insurance and EIBANK will be further enhanced at commercial level (products, services, cross-selling), while possible synergies via shared activities will be explored.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
Активите, намиращи се под негово управление, нараснаха от 17 милиарда евро през 1998 г. до 174.6 милиарда евро през 2007 г. Делът на KBC Управление на активи на белгийския и на ЦИЕ местни пазари също се увеличи.
Another definite component of the group’s success has been the expansion of KBC Asset Management. Its assets under management have risen from 17 billion euros in 1998 to 174.6 billion euros in 2007. KBC Asset Management’s shares of the Belgian and CEE home markets have gone up, too. In capital-guaranteed funds, it had market shares of 65% in the Czech Republic, 54% in Poland and Belgium, 43% in Slovakia and 37% in Hungary at the end of 2007. But this growth is not limited to Belgium and Central and Eastern Europe; KBC AM is also expanding in China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and New Zealand (third party distribution).
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
Скоро това ще стане и при ипотечните кредити по линия на европейското законодателство, така че конкуренцията ще гарантира възможно най-ниските нива на лихвите. Въпреки че цената на ресурса при нас се увеличи с над 2% за много кратък период през 2009 г., си позволихме само едно-единствено увеличение на лихвените проценти от есента на 2008 г. до сега.
In consumer lending there is now no fee for early repayment. Soon this will happen with mortgage loans as well pursuant to EU legislation, hence the competition will try to provide the lowest interest rates possible. Although the cost of funds with our bank grew by more than 2% during a very short period in 2009, we have increased interest rates one single time since the autumn of 2008. That wasn't due to lack of objective evidence that our cost of funding had become more expensive, but because of our competitors. Our considerations were that if we tried to solve the issue of interest income, we could fully lose it due to customers going to other banks.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
В Чешката република брокерът, Патрия Файнанс (100% собствено дъщерно дружество на KBC Ценни книжа) е пазарен лидер, с дял от 28%. В Унгария, KBC Ценни книжа увеличи своя пазарен дял от 14% през 2006 г. до 23% днес.
The company has already established a strong home base in Central and Eastern Europe. In the Czech Republic, the broker, Patria Finance (a wholly-owned subsidiary of KBC Securities), is the market leader, with a 28% share. In Hungary, KBC Securities has increased its market share from 14% in 2006 to 23% today. In Poland, KBC Securities acquired full ownership of the existing brokerage activities of Kredyt Bank at the start of 2005. Since then, its market share has gone up from 1% to 6%. In Romania, KBC Securities Romania has tripled its market share to 12.9% and has become market leader since being acquired by KBC Securities at the end of 2006. And in Serbia, KBC Securities has a market share of 5.9%, putting it in third place there.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
Нараства и мрежата от отдалечени работни места, които достигнаха 134 в края на септември. От началото на годината банкоматите се увеличиха с 21%, а ПОС терминалите с 17.3%. За деветмесечието СИБанк увеличи сметките и броя на клиентите си с над 13%.
Apart from developing its bank products, EIBANK will continue to enlarge its branches network. For the first nine months of 2008 the bank opened 14 new branches and offices, the total number of which has now become 136. The remote outlets network has also been enlarged and those amounted to 134 by the end of September. From the beginning of this year the ATM machines owned by the bank have registered an increase of 21%, the number of POS terminals has grown with 17.3%. For the first three quarters of this year the number of accounts and clients of EIBANK grew with over 13%.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
По случай днешният Ден на инвеститора в Москва, Андре Берген, главен изпълнителен директор на Група KBC, коментира експанзията на групата по следния начин: ’В рамките на 10 години общата сума на баланса на КBC се удвои, нетната печалба нарасна четири пъти, броят на персонала се увеличи три пъти, активите в нейно управление се увеличиха шест пъти, техническите провизии и застраховането – пет пъти, а приходите от премии в застраховането нараснаха три пъти.
, commented on the group’s expansion as follows: ’Within 10 years, KBC’s balance sheet total has doubled, its net profit quadrupled, the number of staff tripled, assets under management have increased six-fold, technical provisions, insurance, five-fold and premium income in insurance tripled. As a result of the merger of 1998 and its clearly defined strategy, KBC has undeniably become a truly international bancassurance group, present in 35 countries, with over 57 000 employees (over 32 000 of whom are in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia) and some 100 nationalities, catering for more than 11 million customers. We are truly proud of what our group has accomplished so far. And we are convinced that we have a bright future ahead of us, which will benefit our shareholders, employees and customers alike’.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
В България в момента има продадени 1.5 милиона смартфона. Очакванията са през 2014 броят им да се увеличи до 2 милиона. Цифрите са ниски в сравнение с останалите европейски страни, но темповете на нарастване са значителни.
Mobile applications represent a revolution not only in the banking sector and the forms of payment, but also in terms of the connection between a bank and a client. Now users can select how to communicate with the bank: offline, online, through a mobile connection or the social media. The statistics show that more and more users prefer to have access to a financial institution through a smartphone. So far 1.5 million smartphones have been sold in Bulgaria, and it is expected that in 2014 their number will grow to 2 million. These numbers are low in comparison with the other EU countries, but the growth rate is considerable. Undoubtedly, it will lead to a higher number of users of mobile applications.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
В България в момента има продадени 1.5 милиона смартфона. Очакванията са през 2014 броят им да се увеличи до 2 милиона. Цифрите са ниски в сравнение с останалите европейски страни, но темповете на нарастване са значителни.
Mobile applications represent a revolution not only in the banking sector and the forms of payment, but also in terms of the connection between a bank and a client. Now users can select how to communicate with the bank: offline, online, through a mobile connection or the social media. The statistics show that more and more users prefer to have access to a financial institution through a smartphone. So far 1.5 million smartphones have been sold in Bulgaria, and it is expected that in 2014 their number will grow to 2 million. These numbers are low in comparison with the other EU countries, but the growth rate is considerable. Undoubtedly, it will lead to a higher number of users of mobile applications.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
В Чешката република брокерът, Патрия Файнанс (100% собствено дъщерно дружество на KBC Ценни книжа) е пазарен лидер, с дял от 28%. В Унгария, KBC Ценни книжа увеличи своя пазарен дял от 14% през 2006 г. до 23% днес.
The company has already established a strong home base in Central and Eastern Europe. In the Czech Republic, the broker, Patria Finance (a wholly-owned subsidiary of KBC Securities), is the market leader, with a 28% share. In Hungary, KBC Securities has increased its market share from 14% in 2006 to 23% today. In Poland, KBC Securities acquired full ownership of the existing brokerage activities of Kredyt Bank at the start of 2005. Since then, its market share has gone up from 1% to 6%. In Romania, KBC Securities Romania has tripled its market share to 12.9% and has become market leader since being acquired by KBC Securities at the end of 2006. And in Serbia, KBC Securities has a market share of 5.9%, putting it in third place there.