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  На Гърция е н...  
Белокосият строен професор Монти излъчва увереност и спокойствие, пълна противооложност на скандалния си предшественик Силвио Берлускони, за когото икономиката беше просто пречка в политическите му игри.
professor Monti radiates certainty and ease, a full antipode to his scandalous predecessor Silvio Berlusconi, for whom the economy was just an obstacle in his political games.
  ЕС вади торбÐ...  
Европейската комисия потвърди в понеделник (20 юли), че сумата вече е изплатена на гръцкото правителство. Говорителката Мина Андреева изрази увереност, че гръцкото правителство още същия ден ще погаси просрочените си задължения.
The European Commission confirmed on Monday (July 20th) that the sum had already been transferred to the Greek government. Spokesperson Mina Andreeva expressed confidence that the Greek government would pay the overdue bills that same day and it did. Now all that is left is for Tsipras's government to respond with the next portion of the promised reforms with a July 20th deadline. The EC explained it is working in close cooperation with Greek authorities on the new legislation, but it is not yet certain when the representatives of the institutions will go back to Athens for field work on the preparation of the third bailout programme.
  ЕП натиска зÐ...  
Занда Калнина-Лукашевица, държавен секретар по европейските въпроси на Латвия (настоящият ротационен председател на Съвета), също изрази увереност в края на дебата, че диалогът ще успее да гарантира върховенството на закона.
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, state secretary for European affairs of Latvia (the current rotating president of the Council), also expressed conviction in the end of the debate that the dialogue will succeed to ensure the rule of law. "The Council remains firm in its commitment that accession is an obligation and not an option. The tools are there, we just need to learn how to use them", she concluded. Alas, this continues to sound unconvincingly.
  Циганско вре...  
Затова, както и други отношения, влизането в „най-тесните” кръгове на интеграция ще става все по-трудно и при много твърди гаранции, че изнасянето на външната граница не застрашава по нов начин тяхната сигурност. Това е големият въпрос пред България: дали, извън проверките по Шенген, те имат тази увереност.
have a permanent instrument of border control. Therefore, as well as in other relations, entering into "the narrowest" circles of integration will become increasingly difficult and with very solid assurances that the removal of the external border does not threaten their security in a new way. This is the biggest issue Bulgaria is facing: whether, outside the Schengen checks, they have that confidence. With the CVM still existing I do not see how they can have it. "
  Гърция се нуÐ...  
Той пристигна в сградата на Съвета в Брюксел усмихнат и дори се шегуваше с журналистите. Припомни, че европейската история е пълна с несъгласия, преговори и в крайна сметка с компромиси, и изрази увереност, че ще бъде постигнат компромис, който ще помогне да се преодолее кризата.
When asked by euinside whether this aggravation poses a risk for starting a new division within the EU European Parliament boss Martin Schulz said that he could understand why people were disgruntled and disappointed. He shared that every day he hears “enough is enough” from people in the streets. Politicians however should not react prematurely and create long-term consequences. He thinks the Greek Prime Minister is fully aware of the gravity of the situation. Alexis Tsipras however radiated the opposite mood. He arrived smiling at the Council building in Brussels and even made jokes with the journalists. He reminded that European history was full of disagreements, negotiations, and ultimately compromises, and voiced his certainty that at the end a compromise will be arrived at to help overcome the crisis. It is not clear however whether he realizes that such a deal would not solve Greece’s long-term problems. Short-term neither, come to think of it.
  Първо предсе...  
Шефът на Европарламента Мартин Шулц, също социалист, изрази увереност, че кипърското председателство ще се справи. Какво значение има дали председателят е германец или кипърец, попита той и сам си отговори "ние всички сме европейци".
Financial services are the backbone of the economy of Cyprus, continued the president of the country, after having being asked whether he expected Cyprus to be pushed, as happened with Ireland, to increase its corporate tax rate. Christofias reminded that tax policy was part of the negotiations when Cyprus joined the EU in 2004, hinting that whatever was agreed then was valid today. If tax was to be increased to 15%, the businesses would flee the country, he explained.
  Федерика Мог...  
След три часа препитване по всякакви въпроси от външнополитическия ресор Федерика Могерини остави евродепутатите, а също и наблюдаващите отстрани журналисти и анализатори в захлас. През цялото време г-жа Могерини излъчваше увереност и пълна откритост към евродепутатите.
After three hours of questioning on various issues from the foreign policy portfolio, Federica Mogherini left the MEPs, and journalists and analysts for that matter, in rapture. All the time, Ms Mogherini aired confidence and complete openness to the MEPs. For the past several months, since her name started circulating withing the European "bubble", as is the slang for the European institutions, she demonstrated that she learns fast. She also showed that she has a nose for what is important. Yet with her opening remarks she disarmed the MEPs by ironising herself and responding to questions she anticipated to be asked. A month ago she stood in front of the foreign affairs committee for a hearing but in her capacity as a representative of the Italian presidency of the Council. Then she demonstrated very good knowledge of English and French.
  ЕС си даде ср...  
Саркози, които необичайно за съвет дадоха съвместна пресконференция обявиха, че лидерите са си поставили срок до сряда във всички случаи да бъде постигнато решение. "Има твърда увереност до сряда да постигнем споразумение, за да успокоим финансовата криза", подчерта френският държавен глава.
unusually for a European Council gave a joint news conference, have announced that the leaders had put a deadline till Wednesday an agreement to be achieved no matter what. "There is a clear determination that by Wednesday we reach an agreement to calm down the financial crisis", the French head of state underlined. On her part, Chancellor Angela Merkel added that on Wednesday there would be a meeting of the leaders of all the 27 member states, which then will transform into a summit of the 17 from the euro area, which, according to Mrs Merkel, would continue longer and the leaders outside the eurozone would be briefed in due time. "But", she emphasised, "these have to be decisions of the euro area countries".
  Европа трябв...  
По другата силно обсъждана тема - Италия - френският президент за пореден път изрази увереност в италианската икономика. Той направи това и по време на маратона от европейски съвети и срещи на върха на еврозоната в Брюксел по-миналата седмица.
On the other very much discussed topic - Italy - the French president again expressed confidence in the Italian economy. He made this also during the marathon of European councils and eurozone summits in Brussels the week before. He added that he worked together with the Italian authorities for closer surveillance over the implementation of the agreed package for the reduction of the country's debt, surpassing 120% of GDP. Obviously the confidence Mr Sarkozy is talking about is being expressed just like with Greece by sending eyes, ears and hands in Rome. As it becomes clear Italy has agreed to work with a Troika mission on the implementation of the government programme. Similar surveillance the European
  ЕК беше напъÐ...  
"От друга страна, чух ясно, че напълно подкрепяте постигнатите компромиси и съм Ви благодарен за това", заяви министърът, след като комисар Юрова направи дълго изложение, което наистина започна с похвала към холандското председателство, че е постигнало значителен напредък в преговорите. Тя изрази увереност, че благодарение на този напредък целият регламент може да е готов до края на годината.
Ministers concentrated their efforts on June 9th on three main subjects – the EPPO's case management system, data protection regime, and simplified prosecution procedures. Unlike previous instances, the Justice Commissioner found herself completely isolated this time, after ministers, despite having some reservations, welcomed progress made and expressed willingness to finally put an end to this dossier after three years spent working on it. And Ms Jourová’s problem is not negligible at all. She expressed concern that the so proposed case management system is still ambiguous regarding case files. She feels it is absolutely inadmissible to have duplicate case files – one national and one in the EPPO. A single case is needed, which belongs in the EPPO, she stated. The Commissioner also feels it is absurd access to EPPO case files be regulated by national law.
  Г20 към ЕС: СпÑ...  
С други думи - първо си помогнете сами, пък после ще видим. Като цяло тонът на комюникето изразява увереност, че ситуацията в зоната на еврото се стабилизира и че предприеманите от европейските лидери и страните-членки действия дават резултат.
In the G20 communique the countries readiness is stipulated as follows: "Euro area countries will reassess the strength of their support facilities in March. This will provide an essential input in our ongoing consideration to mobilise resources to the IMF". In other words - help yourselves first and then we'll see. In general the tone of the communique speaks of confidence that the situation in the eurozone is stabilising and that the measures undertaken by the EU leaders and the member states deliver. "Substantial policy actions have taken place since our last meeting [November 2011], and recent economic developments point to the continuation of a modest global recovery and an easing in global financial market stress".
  Еврозоната н...  
На пръв поглед изглежда, че Берлин настоява за по-твърди условия, но всъщност съпротивата както в германската столица, така и в други скептични държави, се дължи по-скоро на липсата на увереност, че трета програма може да реши основните проблеми на Гърция, които са политически.
At first glance it looks like Berlin insists on stricter terms but actually the resistance in the German capital and in other sceptical countries is rather due to a lack of assurance that a third programme could solve Greece’s main issues, which are political. As if to feed those fears the leader of the left platform in ruling party SYRIZA and former Minister of Energy Panagiotis Lafazanis announced the establishment of an anti-bailout movement that will fight with all might against signing a third pack of loans to Greece. Heavy debates are going on at the moment in Greek parliament on what was negotiated in the last few weeks. According to leaked excerpts, the contents of the third programme are expected to be even more difficult to comply with than the guidelines, agreed on during the Eurozone summit in July. This makes completing it even more challenging than before.
  Изповедта на...  
Преди две години премиерът Зоран Миланович изглеждаше истински реформатор. Речите му бяха вдъхновяващи и излъчваха увереност. Нищо от тази убеденост, красноречие и остроумие не е останало. В интервю за хърватската Nova TV на 29 януари вечерта Миланович не успя да убеди нито журналиста, нито обществеността, че знае какво е необходимо.
Two years ago Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic seemed a true reformer. His speeches were inspiring and aired confidence. Nothing of that conviction, eloquence and sharpness has remained. In an interview with the Croatian Nova TV on January 29th in the evening, Milanovic failed to convince both the presenter and society that he knew what was necessary. He even failed to answer firmly the question if all partners in the ruling coalition stood behind the planned measures. Before, it seemed difficult even for the most experienced journalist to wedge him. Until that evening last week when he only managed to mention that the only accusation against his government was that it worked and that all problems were stemming from its work. Still, given Mr Milanovic's character, it can safely be suggested that there will be another clash between Zagreb and Brussels. This time on spending. In his interview for Nova TV, he said the cabinet would try and reduce spending, but will not allow a Greek scenario.
  Пол Вандорен...  
Икономическата ситуация е трудна не само за Хърватия, но и за много страни. Реформите обаче са задължителни, каза още дипломатът и изрази увереност, че правителството ще използва времето до края на мандата си, за да ги предприеме.
The politicians in Croatia know very well which are the important reforms that have to be undertaken. Those are reforms which all international financial institutions and the European Commission have been repeating for a year that should be implemented, said in an interview with this website Paul Vandoren, head of the EU delegation in Croatia. The Belgian diplomat has been monitoring the country for three years now. He came to Zagreb from Moscow where he, too, headed the EU delegation. According to him, Zoran Milanovic's government had enough time to decide what to do since it has been elected to govern the country, and it can be seen now that it is trying to handle these reforms. The economic situation is difficult not only for Croatia, but for many other countries. But reforms are indispensable, the diplomat said and was confident that the government will use the time until the end of its mandate to undertake them.
  Гърция получ...  
Г-н Юнкер заяви, че Грихзодът е избегнат и като форма, и като съдържание. Трябва да се добави обаче, засега, тъй като, въпреки неговата увереност, все пак съществува възможност споразумението да не бъде одобрено от гръцкия парламент или от други страни-членки.
European Parliament political groups’ reactions were mixed. According to the leader of the largest group, the EPP, Manfred Weber (Germany), the agreement is not the end, but merely the beginning of “a long path ahead of us”. “The European principles remain unchanged however. Rules must be followed. The fact that conditionality is extensively maintained is an essential point for the EPP Group.” said Mr Weber. The Socialists and Democrats welcomed the agreement but voiced sharp criticism against German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. In a statement, the leader of the group, Gianni Pittella (Italy), pointed out, that “Schäuble's irresponsible and dangerous intention to kick Greece out of the Eurozone has been rejected”. He urged for an end to an “intergovernmental Europe ... giving way to a community method, in order to make a more integrated and stronger European Union."
  Европейска п...  
Той изрази увереност, че ако се договори слаба прокуратура, това ще подкопае и бъдещите усилия тя да бъде подсилена. "Заобиколени сме от всякави предизвикателства в света днес и с тези предизвикателства пред нас ние не бива да се отказваме от амбициозни решения", каза той и завърши с думите, че Италия не е доволна от предложението, което беше поставено на масата на 3 декември.
He expressed confidence that if a weak EPPO were agreed on, this would undermine any future attempts to strengthen it. “We're surrounded by all sorts of challenges in the world today and with all these challenges ahead of us we shouldn’t back away from ambitious solutions”, he said and finished with the words that Italy is not happy with the proposal that was put on the table on December 3rd. French Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira agreed with her Italian colleague and reminded that France had been insisting from day one on a strong EPPO, which could investigate organised crime as well. She said that in today’s context it is important that terrorism be included in its competences as well. Despite her criticism, however, she said that France would in the end support the proposal with the hope that further on there will be a possibility for consolidation of the Prosecutor’s Office.
На 23 ноември 2011 в Брюксел госпожа Андрула Василиу, европейският комисар по въпросите на образованието, културата, многоезичието и младежта, която по ирония на съдбата е на 68 години и освен майчиния си език – гръцки -говори единствено английски и то с ясно забележим акцент, заяви с голяма увереност, че текущата политика за образование и култура в Европа била извънредно успешна.
On 23 November 2011 in Brussels Mrs. Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, who is ironically 68 years old and besides her mother tongue – Greek, speaks only English with a well-noticeable accent, announced with great confidence that the current European education and culture policies had been highly successful. At the same time, thousands of students fail to see any purpose in going to school or look upon education as an unpleasant obligation on their way to prosperity.
  Испания ще пÐ...  
Еврогрупата изразява увереност, че страната ще изпълни ангажиментите си да намали прекомерния си дефицит и да коригира макроикономическите дисбаланси и уверява, че напредъкът в тези области ще бъде следен паралелно с изпълнението на условията по заема.
Both the Spanish government and the Eurogroup are investing great efforts to ensure that this is not a classic bailout, as in the case of Greece, Ireland and Portugal, but only targeted aid to banks. Therefore, the memorandum will focus only on the financial sector, and will not impose additional austerity measures and structural reforms on the country. The statement of the Eurogroup underlines that "Spain has already implemented significant fiscal and labour market reforms and measures to strengthen the capital base of the Spanish banks." The Eurogroup believes that the country will honour its commitments to reduce the excessive deficit and to correct macroeconomic imbalances, noting in the same time that "progress in these areas will be closely and regularly reviewed also in parallel with the financial assistance."
  За мандата нÐ...  
Според него близките връзки на София с Москва са полезни за Европейския съюз и България трябва да бъде мост между ЕС и Русия. Посланикът посъветва София да изрази ясно позицията си по отношение на членството на Турция в ЕС и да не страда от липса на увереност, защото мнението на България по този въпрос се очаква.
Paris and other European capitals value Bulgaria's stabilising role in the Balkans, Etienne de Poncins underlined. He said that the close relations between Sofia and Moscow were useful for the EU and that Bulgaria should be a bridge between the Union and Russia. The ambassador recommended Sofia to clearly express its position with regard Turkey's membership in the EU and not to suffer from a lack of confidence, because Bulgaria's opinion was expected on the issue.
  Дали освен иÐ...  
Шефът на работната група прогнозира, че тя ще продължи работата си в Гърция и в следващите две години, но подчерта, че не е поставян краен срок. Той изрази увереност, че предстоящите парламентарни избори няма да попречат на работата и времето до изборите няма да се окаже загубено.
Horst Reichenbach estimated that the Task Force would continue its work in Greece for the next two years, but stressed that there was no deadline. He expressed confidence that the upcoming parliamentary elections would not undermine the work and the time until the elections would not be lost. Greek ministers are aware that time is pressing and they want to prepare the ground for the next government, Mr Reichenbach said. Though this argument did not sound very convincing, another reason brings far greater certainty: the second Greek package contains very strict deadlines for implement ion of the programme and the Greeks know that the success of the country depends on meeting these deadlines.
  ЕС съществув...  
самата тя заяви, че проблемът е на HDZ и изрази увереност, че и сама би се справила на изборите.
lead HDZ's list, but she said this was a problem HDZ should resolve on its own and was confident she can succeed on her own.
  Икономика и Ð...  
", изрази увереност европейският президент.
", the European president hoped.
Той запази тази увереност и по време на "Битката за номер 10" - първия публичен сблъсък между него и основния му опонент Ед Милибанд по телевизия
He maintained the same confidence also during the Battle for Number 10 - the first public clash between him and his main opponent Ed Miliband on
  ЕС вярва, че Ð...  
решимостта на ирландското правителство да се справи с проблема, изразиха увереност, че предприетите мерки ще дадат резултат и че на този етап ирландският бюджет не се нуждае от спешно външно финансиране.
government's determination to tackle the problem, expressing confidence that these measures would prove successful and that at this stage, the Irish budget did not need emergency external financing. The President of the European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet and EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn also stated explicitly that they believed in Ireland's ability to cope on its own. They explained that the Irish authorities were working in in close cooperation with the Commission and the ECB in preparing the budget plans for the next four years.
  Хаити - първи...  
Той се отказа от правото си на въпрос, като заяви, че е впечатлен от цялостното представяне на г-жа Георгиева, от нейната ерудираност, компетентност, опит и увереност, затова и призова комисията по развитие да прекрати изслушването и да премине към одобряване на кандидата.
There was a moment during the hearing, around the 2nd hour, when it could have been interrupted after a proposal of the MEP Michael Cashman, from the group of the Socialists and Democrats. He withheld his right to ask a question, saying that he was impressed by the overall performance of Ms Gheorghieva, of her erudition, competence, experience and confidence. Therefore he proposed the Development Committee to end the hearing and start the approval procedure. The chairwoman of the Committee, the green MEP Eva Joly announced that obviously there was consensus in the hall, given the applauses. Nevertheless, the hearing went on because of the many questions.
  Добрият, лошÐ...  
Това е ключовото изречение в иначе краткото изявление на Жан-Клод Юнкер, което завършва с увереност, че Еврогрупата ще може да вземе необходимите решения в понеделник, 20 февруари. Дали това е така обаче е въпросът, който човек си задава, след като е видял и реакциите на много от страните-членки.
This is a key sentence in the otherwise brief statement of Jean-Claude Juncker's, which ends with a confidence that the Eurogroup would be able to take the necessary decisions on Monday, February 20th. Whether this is so, though, is the question which one asks after seeing the reactions of many member states. In the Eurogroup a subgroup had emerged of countries that are out of patience. It would hardly be a surprise but those are the Netherlands, Finland and Germany. In an interview before the conference call German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble proposed something
  Кони Хедегор...  
В този дух бяха и повечето въпроси към г-жа Хедегор, която е бивш журналист и демонстрира изключителна увереност, патос и вяра в работата, с която ще бъде натоварена, ако бъде одобрена, което е почти сигурно.
". Most of the questions to Ms. Hedegaard were all in this spirit. She is a former journalist and she demonstrated good self-confidence, pathos and belief in the work she is supposed to do if approved, which is almost certain.
  Катрин Аштън...  
Тя демонстрира увереност и знания по основните въпроси от външната политика, набеляза кои са невралгичните точки в света, където ЕС трябва задължително да се намеси или да увеличи своето присъствие по един или друг начин, а също и набеляза и онези области, които би трябвало да са от сериозен интерес за Съюза.
From this point of view, the performance of the British candidate baroness Catherine Ashton was more than satisfactory. She demonstrated self-confidence and knowledge on all major issues related to foreign policy, she easily defined the hot spots around the world where the EU should obligatory get involved or increase its presence one way or the other. She also set the main priorities of the Union.
  ЕС започва мÐ...  
Полският финансов министър Яцек Ростовски обясни, че страните-членки изрично са настояли за формулировката 'временен буфер при изключителни обстоятелства', за да се даде увереност на финансовите пазари, че мярката е еднократна, временна и няма да се повтори в бъдеще.
Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski explained that Member States have explicitly insisted on the wording 'temporary buffer in exceptional circumstances’ to reassure financial markets that this was a single, temporary exercise that would not be repeated in the future. The requirement will apply to all systemically important banks that have participated in European stress tests, Mr Rostowski told reporters. The deadline to meet the new requirement is 30 June 2012.
  ЕС трябва да ...  
euinside: Добре, но излиза, че ние постоянно, не само ние, но и всичи институции, които биха могли да вземат някакво смислено решение, стоят и гледат отстрани и изразяват увереност в способността на испанското правителство да се справи с кризата.
euinside: Well, it turns out that we constantly, and not only us, but all institutions that could make a meaningful decision, stand aside, watch and express confidence in the ability of the Spanish government to deal with the crisis. It was said even today [June 6].
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