университети – Traduction – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Финландските университети предлагат повече от 450 програми на английски език, с което се насърчават програмите за обмен на студенти от цял свят. За да се гарантира високото ниво, кандидат-студентите трябва успешно да преминат приемни изпити.
Special attention is paid to foreign languages. There are programmes for exchange of students with other countries, even in the primary school. In the higher grades many pupils spend a year abroad under such a programme, before they continue their education.
  Американска ...  
Ако искаш да отправиш послание към САЩ, къде другаде можеш да го направиш, ако не в Колумбийския университет в Ню Йорк. Един от най-престижните американски университети - първото висше учебно заведение в града и петото най-старо в Съединените Щати.
If you want to send a message to the US, where else could you do this if not the Columbian University in New York. One of the most prestigious American universities - the first in the city and the fifth oldest in the US. Each year it hosts the World Leaders Forum, the aim of which is holding an open dialogue on the most pressing and important issues of our time. Messages from the tribune of the university had sent such world leaders as Bill Clinton, Nicolas Sarkozy, Vladimir Putin, the Dalai Lama.
Албания има специфичен проблем на пазара на електричество и затова една от препоръките е насочена към намаляване на загубите при разпределението и подобряване на събирането на дължимите сметки. Очаква се още приемане и изпълнение на закон за висшето образование, създаване на независима система за акредитация на университети.
Albania has eight recommendations, including the regular one for administering fiscal consolidation. Albania has a specific electricity market problem and one of the recommendations is towards lowering distribution losses and improving on collection of due bills. Passing and implementing of a law for higher education and the creation of an independent university accreditation system are also expected. Another regular recommendation for the region is improving the business environment by l
"Нашите университети са перлите в нашата икономическа корона и е ясно, че ако искаме да запазим мястото си на върха на световните класации, трябва да реформираме системата на финансиране. Със сигурност по-добрите завършили висшисти ще трябва да плащат повече, което ще ни даде възможност да намалим значително приноса на обикновените данъкоплатци към образованието на онези, които вероятно ще заработват повече от тях".
"Our universities are jewels in our economic crown, and it is clear that if we want to keep our place near the top of the world league tables then we need to reform our system of funding and reject – as, to be fair, many opposite do – the unworkable idea of a pure graduate tax. Clearly better-off graduates will have to pay more – and this will enable us to reduce considerably the contribution that general taxpayers have to make to the education of those who will probably end up earning much more them".
  България е сÐ...  
На практика занемарени от европейските медии, многомесечните протести в България получиха нов импулс тези дни, след като се разбунтуваха студентите, имаше нападения срещу парламента, окупация на университети ... Ще кажете "нищо ново" - български протести, на вълни и талази, но продължаващи вече повече от година, като за този кратък период в страната се смениха три правителства, изредуваха се дясна и лява коалиция.
Practically ignored by European media the months-long protests in Bulgaria received a new impetus these days after students rebelled, there was an attack on Parliament and an occupation of universities... You will say "nothing new" - another wave of Bulgarian protests, but they are ongoing for more than a year, as in this short period three governments changed in the country, alternating a right-wing and a left-wing coalition. In fact, these changes proved the complete collapse of confidence in the so called political elite and the rein of total distrust in society, divided between the rebelled urban young Facebook generation and the apathetic majority long excluded, beaten and drugged by the media, which are often mediators between crime and the democratically elected authority.
  Бъдещето на Ð...  
Освен това е важно да се отбележи как се финансират тези университети - основно блоково финансиране и външни приходи. Първото се предоставя от държавата и се разпределя за всеки университет през бюджета.
As Thomas Friedman writes in his book "The World is Flat", an ideal country in a deeply globalised (flat) world is a country with little natural resources because they generally tend to dig deeper in themselves. They try to extract the energy, entrepreneurship., creativity and intelligence from their people. Denmark is doing precisely this. How? By providing its youth access to high education and possibilities to gain experience abroad. This is the main thing, by the way, which can be drawn as a lesson from the Danish experience. Since 2007 the universities in the country have been reduced from 25 to 8 and 3 research institutes. I underline this especially because of the latest fashion in Bulgaria any kinds of universities to pop up around the country.
  Европейска Ñ„...  
Да вземем за пример отново България, която буквално угасна през зимата на 2009-а година, заради газовия спор между Русия и Украйна. Насред минусовите температури българските детски градини, училища, университети, домове останаха без отопление, а икономиката на страната буквално замря.
Some countries demanded these products to be banned, while others disagreed. "Then you have a problem on one European market", the newspaper writes. However, this is not how things stand with far more broad-scale issues than chocolate eggs. If federativity is possible in the area of toy safety, food safety and protection from low quality goods imported from third countries, why then is it not possible in areas that affect the European citizens even more? Let's take again Bulgaria for example, which literally went out in the winter of 2009 because of the gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine. In the minus temperatures Bulgarian kindergartens, schools, universities, homes were left without heating, while the economy literally died.
  Бъдещето на Ð...  
Освен това е важно да се отбележи как се финансират тези университети - основно блоково финансиране и външни приходи. Първото се предоставя от държавата и се разпределя за всеки университет през бюджета.
As Thomas Friedman writes in his book "The World is Flat", an ideal country in a deeply globalised (flat) world is a country with little natural resources because they generally tend to dig deeper in themselves. They try to extract the energy, entrepreneurship., creativity and intelligence from their people. Denmark is doing precisely this. How? By providing its youth access to high education and possibilities to gain experience abroad. This is the main thing, by the way, which can be drawn as a lesson from the Danish experience. Since 2007 the universities in the country have been reduced from 25 to 8 and 3 research institutes. I underline this especially because of the latest fashion in Bulgaria any kinds of universities to pop up around the country.
Освен това, каза още той в интервю за euinside, Шотландия винаги е била по-ляво ориентирана, "по-моралистична държава", а в момента на власт са премиер и вицепремиер от много богати семейства, образовани в елитни училища, завършили елитни университети като Оксфорд и Кембридж.
Until very recently this was a good news for the Labour party which seemed unaffected by the battles in the right political space. But not any more. The Labour now has its own UKIP and that is the SNP. The opinion polls suggest that the Scottish nationalists are capable to entirely wipe the Labour out of Scotland by taking all the 59 Scottish seats in the House of Commons. SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon does not believe this will happen but even if they take less seats the gin is out of the bottle now. Nicola Sturgeon is defined as the most powerful woman in the Untied Kingdom. Everyone are surprised by this fact but are unanimous that this is the end of the British politics in its current form.
  Съюзът е силÐ...  
А и честно казано, предпочитам да имам тази възможност, отколкото никаква. Или пък в нашия случай - затваряне на университети, на специалности, на какво ли не заради липса на пари (или неефективно харчене на пари).
As expected, the republicans criticised Obama's speech because of his intention to increase spending on innovation, education and social activities while talking about deficit reduction. Journalists and analysts rightly pointed out that the president neglected to comment on painful topics such as unemployment or punishment of those responsible for the financial crisis and the lack of specifics in most of his intentions. This was a more pre-electoral than a governmental speech, though Obama explicitly said that "at stake right now is not who wins the next election”.