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  Експертните центрове за...  
ВЙ: С годишен отчет и отчет в края на периода на лиценза по предварително зададени критерии, включително финансови, който да е публично достъпен за всички ЕЦ и да се оценява от специален държавен орган с представителство на различни заинтересовани страни (лекари, студенти, държавни и местни власти, директори на болници и университети, пациентски организации, медии, финансови органи и пр.), чиято оценка също да е публично достъпна.
VY: By annual reports and a final report at the end of the designation period. These reports show be organised upon predefined criteria, including financial, should be publicly available to all expert centres. The centres’ activities have to be evaluated by a special public body of various stakeholders (medical professionals, students, national and local authorities, directors of hospitals, rectors of universities, patient organisations, media, financial institutions, etc.), the evaluation report should be also publicly available. That’s the only way to ensure maximum relevance of the assessment and to avoid the so characteristic of our region interpersonal relationships.
  Месец на пулмоналната х...  
Кампанията ще премине под мотото „Понякога това е пулмонална хипертония”. В медицинските университети ще бъдат разпространени информационни материали за най-често срещаните симптоми на заболяването. Символ на инициативата е зебрата.
November 2012 is declared Month to raise public awareness of the rare disease pulmonary hypertension. The motto of the campaign is “Sometimes it’s pulmonary hypertension”. Informational materials about the most common symptoms of the disease will be distributed in the medical universities in Bulgaria. Zebra is the symbol of the initiative. “When you hear the clatter of hooves, you look for a horse”. Sometimes, however, the sound of hooves may come from a zebra. That’s the idea – when you hear the clatter of hooves, please look for the zebra too. Common symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath could indicate the “medical” zebra – the pulmonary hypertension, many times misdiagnosed as asthma or COPD. For more information, please visit the Association Pulmonary Hypertension’s webpage.
  Стартира Европейско изс...  
Знанията ни за аутизма скоро ще нараснат, благодарение на новата програма, в която се включват университети, благотворителни организации и експертни институции от 14 европейски държави. Програмата „Нарушения от аутистичния спектър в Европа“ (НАСЕ) се финансира от Европейската комисия и цели да проучи диагнозата аутизъм, разпространението й и интервенциите, които се прилагат, както и да подобри грижата и подкрепата за хората с аутизъм.
Understanding about autism will get a boost as universities, charities and expert institutions from 14 European countries come together in a major new programme. Autism Spectrum Disorders in Europe (ASDEU) has been funded by the European Commission to research autism diagnosis, prevalence and interventions and to improve care and support for people with autism. Autism Spectrum Disorders in Europe (ASDEU) is a three-year programme run by a consortium of 20 groups from 14 countries. ASDEU has received 2.1 million euros from the Directorate-General of Health and Consumers of the European Commission (DG-SANCO) to increase understanding of and improve responses to autism. BAPES is a member of the programme consortium. The project will officially begin on February 15th, 2015. You can read more about the project here.
  Резултати от първата ра...  
1. Създаване на НАЕ център в гр. Пловдив, който да обслужва болни с НАЕ от цялата страна. Той ще включва 2 клиницисти, отговарящи за диагностиката, лечението и грижите за пациентите в Пловдив и още 3-ма експерти от Медицинските Университети в София, Варна и Плевен.
1. Establishment of HAE center in Plovdiv, referring for all Bulgarian HAE patients. There will be two clinicians, responsible for the diagnosis, treatment and healthcare of HAE patients in Plovdiv and also 3 experts from the Medcial Universities in Sofia, Pleven and Varna.
  Мрежа на биобанки в Пол...  
Списанието Biopreservation and Biobanking публикува статия относно полската мрежа на биобанки. В Полша складирането на човешки биологични проби се осъществява в повечето университети и институции, които провеждат научни проекти в областта на биомедицината.
The journal Biopreservation and Biobanking has published an article about the polish biobanking network. In Poland storage of human biological samples takes place at most universities and scientific institutions conducting research projects in the field of biomedicine. The First International Biobanking Conference organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2014 shed a light on the situation of Polish biobanking infrastructures. The full-text article you can find here.
  Публикации Archives - С...  
Само за 5 години успяхме да изградим силни връзки и отношения на взаимно доверие с Японската пациентска асоциация, международни пациентски организации, университети, болници, фармацевтични компании, както и с японските министерства на здравеопазването, на икономиката и на образованието.
As a child growing up in a small town and knowing most people, there was an awareness of those who had uncommon diseases with many special and unmet needs. Cystic fibrosis, childhood leukemia, brain tumors, Marfan syndrome, Polio, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, and Multiple Sclerosis were a few of the diseases that I encountered very early in my life. I sensed that at some time in the future, I would have some involvement with patients and families with these diseases. When Dr. Marion Finkel, the first Director of the Office of Orphan Products Development at FDA, asked me to join the new office in 1982, it was an easy decision to join the very small initiative with an unknown and uncertain future.