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  "Европа" срещ...  
"Не взимам уроци по демокрация от човека, който наложи Лисабонския договор без референдум", заключи Martin CALLANAN.
"I'm not taking lessons of democracy from the person who enforced the Lisbon treaty without a referendum", Martin Callanan concluded.
  Дейвид Камер...  
Нещо, което контрастира рязко с вижданията на германския канцлер Ангела Меркел, която заяви пред журналисти в петък следобед, че отбелязването на стогодишнината в белгийския град напомня за духа, по който Европа се движи и как се взимат решенията. Това в превод за Камерън означава, че Европа си е научила уроците и сега не воюва, а търси компромис.
Something which is in sharp contrast to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's attitude who told journalists on Friday afternoon that the marking of the centennial anniversary in the Belgian town reminded of the spirit Europe moves and decisions are taken. If translated for Cameron, this means that Europe has learnt its lessons and now it does not fight but seeks a compromise. The British prime minster tried to present his campaign as a fight for his principles. If one truly believes in a principle they should fight for it till the end in spite of the perspective to lose, he told British and foreign journalists. Is this the right tactics and is the principle worth it is to British voters to decide. One of the biggest lessons from Ypres is, however, that the EU is not a sum of national or individual principles but something much more.
  Мирослав Лай...  
Европейският съюз е жив организъм, който еволюира и затова критериите за присъединяване трябва да се напаснат към новите реалности, но не бива да се поставят нови условия пред страните-кандидатки. Един от научените уроци обаче е, че една страна трябва да влезе 100% подготвена без никакъв механизъм, както е случаят с България и Румъния.
Regarding the question that analysts often deliberate on after the last circle of enlargement is it not time for a change of criteria, Miroslav Lajčák said: criteria no, but approach yes. The EU is a living organism which is evolving and this is why the accession criteria must be adjusted to the new realities but new conditions should not be put forward to the candidate countries. One of the lessons learned, however, is that a country has to join the EU 100% prepared without a mechanism, as is the case of Bulgaria and Romania. Besides, the countries have to be evaluated individually, on the basis of their own merits, not to be put in a package, he added and concluded that for the countries of the Western Balkans there is no better alternative than the EU.
  Ингеборг Гре...  
ЕС вече си е извлякъл много уроци от работата по Механизма, което показва, че си заслужава да се борим Механизмът да остане, каза още германската евродепутатка, защото това ще окуражи реформаторите в двете страни.
According to her, it is odd that so little attention is paid to the progress of the two countries. Romania is not moving at all, in her words, whereas Bulgaria is even deteriorating. Both countries are much lower than they were on the day of their accession. That is why, the issue of the CVM needs to be raised and to ask whether its efficiency should be improved. EU has already drawn many lessons from the work of the CVM which shows that it is worth fighting for it to stay, the German MEP said, because this would encourage the reformers in both countries.
  Когато дойде...  
Всъщност, може би позициите на Турция и Съединените щати не се различават толкова много. Въпросът, обаче, е какво остава недоизказано, както и кой какви уроци си е взел от станалото в Източна Европа през 90-те години.
This is why the points of view of those whose voice we hear rarely in the midst of the cacophony are very interesting. Such a point of view, for example, is of the Turkish foreign minister. He is interesting for several reasons. One is that Turkey, for some years now, is not what it used to be. It is a serious factor in the region, with stable political and administrative foundations, clear positions and thriving economy. It is no accident that during the unrest in Egypt Turkey was being pointed as a model that the North-African country could follow.
  Помогни си сÐ...  
Опитът, който Брюксел натрупа по Механизма са сътрудничество и проверка с България може да се окаже доста ценен и в по-широк контекст. Макар и в много по-малък мащаб, той например затвърди един от основните уроци на дълговата криза: че на доброволното спазване на общите правила не бива прекалено да се разчита.
The CVM experience equipped EU with an experience that could be valuable even in a broader context. Though in a much smaller scale, this experience confirmed one of the main lessons after the debt crisis: that the voluntary respect of the EU rules should not be trusted too much. Indeed, during the last couple of years the EU started to act through less recommendations and more regulation.
  ЕК и ЕЦБ срещ...  
Също толкова непосредствена е необходимостта от създаването на единен механизъм за преструктуриране, който е фундамент в банковия съюз и е необходимо допълнение към надзорния механизъм за банките, обясни Асмусен. Според Дайселблум обаче всички уроци вече са научени и ЕС е в по-добра позиция да посрещне нови предизвикателства.
Also immediate is the need of creating a single resolution mechanism, which is fundamental in the banking union and is a necessary supplement to the supervisory mechanism for the banks, Asmussen explained. According to Dijsselbloem, however, all lessons have already been learnt and EU is in a better position to face new challenges. More specifically he pointed to the new tools and powers that made the Commission stronger to impose fiscal discipline. Alas, this is a controversial issue against the backdrop of the softening of the Commission under pressure from the anti-austerians whose cause to remove the painful budget restrictions was significantly supported by the revelation recently of a technical error in the calculations of an influential scientific team - the Harvard professors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff. The issue for or against fiscal constraints will be a major one during the next hearing of Olli Rehn in the economic committee of the European Parliament in the beginning of June.
  Ирландия се Ð...  
Това беше ключово постижение и един от първите уроци, които ЕК научи и в момента бившият португалски премиер и шеф на Европейската комисия Жозе Мануел Барозу припомня многократно (за последен път по време на срещата си с новия словенски премиер Аленка Братушек) - без общонационално съгласие изпълнението на каквито и да било реформи е трудно и излага на риск не само затруднената страна, но и нейните партньори.
In the end of the day, the situation was brought under control, the Cypriot programme is almost ready and the final details are being hammered out. Somewhere in the middle of the process, however, new tremors appeared, but on the other end of the European Union - Portugal. It is the third eurozone country that had to be bailed out in the peak of the crisis in 2011, but the first where a complete consensus among the main political parties was reached for the needed reforms accompanying the 78 billion euros assistance. This was a key achievement and one of the first lessons the Commission learnt and currently the former prime minister of Portugal and now European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso recalls on many occasions (the last time he did it was during his meeting with the new premier of Slovenia, Alenka Bratusek) - that without broad national consensus the implementation of any reforms is difficult and exposes to risks not only the troubled country, but its partners too.
  От държавен Ð...  
Научените уроци, за да не се повтарям, е първо да се избягва подхода на преписването, когато си правите законодателството. Преди 22 години Албания направи първия си медиен закон, който беше прекопиран от медийния закон на Вестфалия в Германия, демократична страна.
]. In that time the salary of an Albanian journalist was 20 marks and the salary of the Albanian president was then 200 marks. So, we just copied even figures and the law became very restrictive. So, do your laws, of course referring to international standards. I think it is also good to avoid the mystification of 'democratic approach' when we talk on the media. Usually talk of media as a pillar of democracy, that's fine, but wе forgot that also media is an industry of capitalism, a sector of capitalism. We don't talk about media markets, we talk only about media as one of the freedoms.
Според Фондация Карнеги три са основните уроци за новите страни-членки, България да слуша с повишено внимание! Първо, конкурентоспособността трябва да бъде следена изкъсо, тъй като обезценката на валутата е невъзможна при еврото.
According to the analysts there are three major lessons for the newcomers, Bulgaria should read attentively! First, competitiveness needs to be closely monitored and, since currency devaluation is not an option under the euro. The solution is urgent reforms. Second, special attention needs to be placed on wage-setting and labor market flexibility, as well as on how to bolster the tradable sector. And third, there is a strong case for moderating the inflow of foreign capital, especially debt-creating capital, during the early years of euro adoption via tighter bank regulations on borrowing abroad and general capital controls.
  ЕК и ЕЦБ срещ...  
Различията във вижданията на европейските институции и страните-членки проличаха и по отношение на извлечените уроци от четвъртата поредна спасителна програма (след Гърция, Ирландия и Португалия). Оли Рен артикулира четири основни урока.
The differences of visions of the European institutions and the member states were evident also in terms of the lessons learnt from the fourth consecutive rescue programme (after Greece, Ireland and Portugal). Olli Rehn articulated four main lessons. The first is that there must be absolute clarity about the secured deposits. This is important because the initial idea of the Eurogroup was to impose a one-time levy on all deposits in Cypriot banks which caused panic and risk of a bank run, as a result of which the Cypriot central bank introduced capital controls. Later, the Eurogroup corrected its position and a decision was made only the uninsured deposits above 100 000 euros to be levied and only in the two biggest and most problematic banks - Bank of Cyprus and Laiki.
  Александър П...  
Сега с научените уроци и с новия подход, дори и ако погледнете присъединяването на хърватите - какво направиха те в последната година от присъединяването им, имам предвид преди една или две години - точно това, което прави Черна гора сега, в началото на преговорния процес.
Alexandar Andrija Pejovic: Well, it's actually not us who draw the lessons. I think that the Commission and the member states drew lessons from the CVM and then realised that the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism does not possess one thing that the enlargement or the pre-accession period has and that is a strong and convincing tool of making country do its homework. So, after the lessons learned, now there is a new approach, so basically even when you look at the Croat accession, what they did in the last year of their accession, meaning a year or two ago, it's what Montenegro does at this point, at the beginning of the accession negotiations.
  Европата на Ð...  
Без да навлиза в подробности за това кои уроци не са научени, той обясни, че е налице деморализация, която обаче не е на пазарите, а на хората и това е най-голямата опасност, пред която Съюзът е изправен.
The French president believes that the crisis situation at the moment, the weak growth and high unemployment are not a temporary situation, but a significant change. If it is true, he said, that the crisis is already behind us, then we still haven not succeeded in learning the lessons from it. Without elaborating about what lessons have not been learnt, he explained that there is demoralisation - not of the markets, but of people - and it is the greatest danger the Union is facing. And another thing that often draws attention, but when said by a head of state has a different weight - too often national interests prevail over the European ones. Yes, many things have been done so far, Mr Hollande continued, but we should not stop here because 28 million Europeans are without a job. It is necessary, according to him, policies to be adapted to national specifics and to be implemented in a reasonable manner.
  Срещата на Г2...  
Като споменахте Северна Америка, тази криза възникна в Северна Америка и голяма част от нашия финансов сектор беше заразен от, как да го кажа, неортодоксални практики, от някои сектори на финансовите пазари ...Откровено казано не сме тук, за да получаваме уроци по демокрация или как да управляваме икономиката,” отговори Барозу.
Every time when Americans say that the European crisis hinders global economic recovery, the Europeans do not miss the opportunity to remind them that the crisis started precisely on the other side of the ocean. The G20 meeting in Mexico was no exception. At a press conference before its opening, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso got angry by a journalistic question why North America should pay for the European crisis (through the IMF) since the Europeans were so wealthy. "This crisis was not originated in Europe … seeing as you mention North America, this crisis originated in North America and much of our financial sector was contaminated by, how can I put it, unorthodox practises, from some sectors of the financial market. [...] Frankly, we are not here to receive lessons in terms of democracy or in terms of how to handle the economy," Mr Barroso replied.
  Среща на върÑ...  
Достигането на пълнолетие е особен етап от ставането възрастен. Тогава човекът излиза от опеката на родителите и започва да учи житейските уроци .... сам. Понякога може да се вслушва в съветите на опекуните, но може и да реши да доказва способностите си сам, особено, ако "големите" са попрекалил ...
Reaching full age is a special stage of becoming an adult. Then a person goes out of his parents' guardianship and starts learning the life lessons ... on his own. Sometimes he could listen to the pieces of advice of the tutors but might also decide to prove himself alone, especially if the "adu ...
  Ð’ Средиземно...  
Ирак е един от най-болезнените уроци от свалянето на диктатури. При еднолично управление на практика няма държава. Всичко зависи от волята на диктатора. Когато той си тръгне без да е оставил стабилен наследник, държавата се разпада.
Iraq is one of the most painful lessons from the destruction of dictatorships. When there is a monocracy, practically, there is no state. Everything depends on the dictator's will. Decades are needed and huge efforts, often involving external help, so that the state can be rebuild. In some cases, where there is some history of state culture, this is successful, whereas in other countries the attempts constantly fail and new and new problems emerge which the developed world proves not only unprepared for but also unpleasantly surprised. And the problem is not just logistical - there are no institutions, so let's build some. The problem often is cultural and part of that are also strong religious trends.
  Сърбия отвар...  
Един от най-болезнените уроци от Балканите е подхода към историята. И това продължава да е най-слабото място на страните от региона. Мнозина европейски и национални политици използваха официалното започване на преговори със Сърбия, за да припомнят, че 2014 година е 100-годишнината от началото на Първата световна война, отбелязано именно на Балканите, в Сараево.
Another expectation in Belgrade is one of the first chapters to be Chapter 25 "Other issues". According to informal information, this is the chapter that will monitor progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Serbia is aware that chapters 23, 24 and 35 will be the first opened chapters and will be closed last. Kosovo, for that matter, is also a very big chapter from the past Serbia has to reconcile with. Some haste could be felt, though, in Ivica Dacic's words, on the issue of the political dialogue with Pristina. On RTS he admitted he hoped some of the still unresolved bilateral issues to be resolved by the end of the term of EU's foreign policy high representative Baroness Ashton because, in Mr Dacic's words, no one knows who will succeed her on the post. One of those unresolved issues is the establishment of an association of the Serb municipalities in Northern Kosovo.
  Когато Китай...  
Достигането на пълнолетие е особен етап от ставането възрастен. Тогава човекът излиза от опеката на родителите и започва да учи житейските уроци .... сам. Понякога може да се вслушва в съветите на опекуните, но може и да реши да доказва способностите си сам, особено, ако "големите" са попрекалили с натиска.
Reaching full age is a special stage of becoming an adult. Then a person goes out of his parents' guardianship and starts learning the life lessons ... on his own. Sometimes he could listen to the pieces of advice of the tutors but might also decide to prove himself alone, especially if the "adults" had overdone with the pressure. I think that this comparison can be freely used for giant China in its relations with the West (the guardians). Even while it was growing up China received Western tutelage in the form of investments, agreements, stimuli. In a moment, however, the child grew up big and decided that it can do alone with its life.
  Гърция - пред...  
А когато през януари 2010 година открито се заговори за гръцко излизане от еврозоната (grexit), това постави началото на финансовата дестабилизация в Европа. Ги Верхофстад каза обаче, че Гърция има уникален шанс да приложи научените уроци върху цяла Европа.
Samaras was blamed by MEPs also for the way his government treated the equivalent of the Bulgarian party Ataka in Greece - Golden Dawn. Without specifically answering Andrey Kovatchev's question, the Greek premier explained that Golden Dawn showed how thin the line was between unmasked populism and disguised extremism. On the occasion of Nigel Farage's attacks and other critics in the Europarliament, Mr Samaras responded ironically pointing out that he would rather not ruin the anti-European agenda of nationalists. He also apologised for Greece's return to the normal states. When we restore normality, the need of a Golden Dawn will vanish on its own, he said.
  ЕП: МакедониÑ...  
Комисар Фюле подчерта още, че върховенството на закона е сфера от стратегическа важност за ЕС, поради което към страната ще бъде приложен новият подход, вече следван от Черна гора, а именно преговорите да започнат от най-трудните глави - тези, които засягат върховенството на закона и съдебната реформа. Това е резултат от научените уроци с България и Румъния.
Several times during the debate the territorial dispute between Slovenia and Croatia was cited as an example. A Slovenian MEP recalled, however, that Slovenia never blocked Croatia's accession process and interfered only once, after which the dispute was solved. By the way, the relations between the two countries are quoted in Richard Howitt's report. In the resolution it is explicitly stated that seeking a solution to the name dispute must be based on the Slovenian-Croatian model, in which the accession negotiations go in parallel with solving the bilateral issue. Therefore, the document again calls a permanent mechanism to be found for solving bilateral disputes between EU member states and candidate countries.
  ‘œNew deal‘ или ‘œB...  
И, тъй като стана дума в началото за приликите в програмите на премиерите на двете балкански страни (България и Хърватия), вероятно ще е по-полезно България вместо да дава уроци за присъединяване към ЕС, да се поучи какво се прави преди да станеш член, за да ти е по-лесно след това.
Almost the same amount, 320 mn euro, is expected to cost the construction of the bridge, connecting the continental part of the country with the Peljesac peninsula, which according to the chief negotiator with the EU Vladimir Drobnjak will be a guarantee for the integrity of the entire Schengen area. The other projects are in the field of tourism, including a project for the construction of a Croatian Olympic Centre which is expected to cost 1.4 bn euro.
  Финансовата ...  
Един от големите уроци от кризата в Европа, за който не е говорено достатъчно, е, че още в самото начало беше приложен грешен подход - първо индивидуално спасение, а след това търсене на решение на ниво ЕС.
One of the big lessons from the crisis in Europe that was not spoken of sufficiently is that in the very beginning the wrong approach was chosen - first individual rescue and then seeking a EU solution. Some countries rushed to rescue their collapsing banking sectors, others were pushed to do so ...
В заключение, авторите препоръчват на новите страни с амбиция за еврозоната, да преценят много внимателно ситуацията, в която се намират и да приложат всички тези ценни уроци, за да избегнат много по-болезнени решения в бъдеще.
In conclusion the authors recommend the new member states with ambitions for the euro area to assess their situation and apply these valuable lessons to avoid much painful adjustments in the future.
Все още безплатни уроци за България или Еврозоната като убежище
Still free lessons for Bulgaria or the Eurozone as a sanctuary
  Защо стачкат...  
Защо родителите не протестират, когато дават децата си на частни уроци? Защото решават индивидуалните си проблеми и не мислят глобално за вредите от подобен подход. Защо никой не протестира например в данъчното, когато има груба и изнервена служителка, която ни кара да чакаме с часове на опашка и пак не ни решава проблема като хората?
And why parents do not protest when they pay for additional private classes for their children? Because they solve their individual problems and do not think globally of the harms such an approach pose. Why no one in the revenue agency doesn't protest against rude and incompetent officer who makes us wait for hours and still doesn't help us? Why do we not protest when the Parliament approves laws which harm us all? Because we don;t care - some of us have big salaries and are above all this, others are nestled in their poverty and end the conversation with: "these are bastards" and "I will not vote for these miserables".
  Иде ли краят ...  
Нещо повече - на България се възлага да свърши голяма част от работата, независимо, че не е най-добрият пример за членство. В крайна сметка неуспехите понякога са дори по-добри уроци от успехите. Остава само България да съумее да провежда стабилна и последователна политика спрямо съседите си, за да докаже, че поне във външнополитическата си ориентация не играе танго - две напред една назад.
The opinion of both experts is being shared to a large extent by the politicians that visited Bulgaria in the last month. Furthermore - Bulgaria is entrusted to do the largest part of the job, no matter the fact that it is not the best example of EU membership. After all, setbacks sometimes are even better lessons than successes. It only remains Bulgaria to manage to have stable and consistent policy toward its neighbours in order to prove that at least in its foreign policy orientation is does not play tango - two steps forward one step back.
  Иде ли краят ...  
Съюзът успя да научи през последните десетилетия как да решава тези проблеми ефективно и, според Бендер, тези уроци се прилагат успешно в присъединителния процес, който трансформира по забележителен начин десетте източноевропейски държави, които се присъединиха през 2004 и 2007 г. Проблемът обаче, е посочва г-н Бендер, че ЕС не прилага същите инструменти и за Западните Балкани.
The EU has learned over the last decades how to address these problems effectively and, according to Bender, these lessons were applied very successfully in the accession process that has dramatically transformed the ten East European countries that joined the EU in 2004 and 2007. The problem is, however, that the EU does not apply these tools in the Western Balkans. Arnaud Danjean adds that the EU is not involved in the process of normalisation of the Balkans in a spectacular way but the facts speak differently and he quotes: the visa liberalisation process that has been realised this year.
  Спасяването ...  
Един от големите уроци от кризата в Европа, за който не е говорено достатъчно, е, че още в самото начало беше приложен грешен подход - първо индивидуално спасение, а след това търсене на решение на ниво ЕС.
One of the big lessons from the crisis in Europe that was not spoken of sufficiently is that in the very beginning the wrong approach was chosen - first individual rescue and then seeking a EU solution. Some countries rushed to rescue their collapsing banking sectors, others were pushed to do so for fears of contagion, nationalisation began, states' defaults and with every next tile of the domino in the eurozone, the situation was getting more and more complicated. The peak was Cyprus where for the first time shareholders were forced to bear part of the responsibility. All this time, a sixth year in a row, the EU has been trying with small steps to build defence mechanisms at a community level to prevent future crises, but the efforts were always softened by the member states fearing to lose national sovereignty.
  Меркел е мутÐ...  
Те трябва да спрат да ги мерят единствено през достъпа до еврофондовете или през националния интерес, разбиран като да се научим да казваме "не" на европейската сцена. Това припомняне точно в Лондон би трябвало да звучи и като предупреждение за онези страни, които бавно усвояват европейските уроци, че ще бъде все по-трудно да се удържат антиевропейските сили.
The Economist of 17 September 2011 has an article headed The compass fails, on the EU's failure to follow fine words about human rights with action; a similar total lack of caring is evident from the EU's reponse be it to Rwanda or to Saudi tyrrany. IT is a betrayal too of the lessons learnt after the Holocaust, in which context Bonhoeffer is piously quoted. Amnesty and Freedom House warn about tusch derelctions of moral caring AND action. THe EU as a normative power (Ian Masters) is mostly hogwash...trouble is that as the French anarchist Proudhon noted in the 19th c a big federal bloc is not per se any more moral than are nation states. Merkel managed to say all this without confrontation; indeed a German as beacon is Wiedergutmachung just as much as was paying out money.