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  Решението е Ð...  
На тазгодишния октомврийски съвет беше получена подобна заповед от същото дуо - намерете начин за нови промени за още по-задълбочена реформа, което може да означава само едно - нуждата от цялостна реформа я има. Въпросът е каква е правната база. От днес усилено се говори за преговори между Франция и Германия за разделяне на еврозоната, от което автоматично следва и на Европейския съюз.
At this year's October Council a similar order was received from the same duo - find a way for new changes to introduce even deeper reforms that could mean only one thing - the need of an overhaul exists. The question is what is the legal basis. Yesterday there was a serious discussion about negotiations taking place between France and Germany for a division of the eurozone, which would automatically divide the EU.
  Мечтата на РÑ...  
То е осигурено, да го кажем така. И защо аз трябва да решавам в името на младите хора, които са много добре образовани, честни са, работят усилено и искат бъдещето да бъде в техните ръце? Коя съм аз да им казвам какво да правят?
Ruža Tomašić: I'm going to have so many young people, young people ready to work. It's their future, not my future. My future's just fine. My future is very taken care of, let's say it like that. And why would I decide for young people that are very well educated, that are honest, that are hardworking and they wanna take the future in their own hands? Why, who am I to tell them what to do?
  Мечтата на РÑ...  
А дотогава, тя обещава да работи усилено като евродепутат в продължение на 10 месеца, колкото ще продължи мандатът й в Европарламента до редовните избори догодина. Твърди, че не иска да гради кариера и да се харесва на никого, затова и много внимателно ще подбере към коя политическа група да се присъедини.
And by then, she promises to work hard as a MEP for the 10 months as much her term will be in the European Parliament until the regular European elections next year. Claims, she does not want to build a career and to be liked by anyone, which is why she will very carefully choose which political group she will join. Some things she likes with Nigel Farage, but somethings she does not. She still had not reviewed his programme in-depth. If she likes it, she could join him. In her party's programme, written in 2010, it is said that a priority will be membership in the European People's Party. "This has to change", she tells me 3 years later. We will seek those who fit the most to our own visions, who do not hate anybody, who are not against anybody neither in colour, race or language.
Дейвид Камерън е начело на първата коалиция в британската история след Втората световна война насам, в която участват либералдемократите на Ник Клег. Усилено обаче се говори за съюз между консерваторите и Независимата партия на Найджъл Фараж.
. While talking about a mandate for a change of the EU, Ed Miliband was explaining that he is against a referendum and that it is very unlikely, if elected, such a vote to take place because it is harmful to even discuss leaving the EU. This would be devastating for the British economy, the Labour leader believes. At the moment, the support for the two major parties is completely squared, which means that a key role will play the smaller parties as potential coalition partners. David Cameron leads the first coalition government in the British post-war history with a junior partner Nick Clegg's LibDems. However, there is talk about a possible alliance between the Tories and Nigel Farage's Independence Party. But the way Cameron tells one thing to his compatriots at home while Brussels is telling him something different is also a strong reminder of the problems with "translation" between Tsipras and his euro area partners.
  Ще накуцва лÐ...  
От онази юнска среща на върха, когато лидерите на 27-те (тогава без Хърватия) показаха амбиция и решиха да се върви към банков съюз, който да прекъсне изсмукващата бюджети и работни места връзка между болна банкова система и суверена, мина много време. Великобритания междувременно започна усилено да работи за предоговаряне на положението си в Съюза, като вече се правят дори сухи тренировки как точно да протекат преговорите.
As a matter of fact, the dilemma is much bigger, but no one has the time nor the energy to deal with it. The existing treaties of the EU do not allow seeking a solution to ever more intricate issues stemming from the deepening of the European integration and the as dynamic disintegration forces, led by Britain. Since that June EU summit, when the leaders of the 27 (without Croatia then) showed ambition and decided to go for a banking union that would break the draining-budgets-and-jobs connection between a sick banking system and the sovereign, a lot of time has passed. UK in the meantime has started actively to work for renegotiation of its situation in the Union as there are even trainings of how exactly will the negotiations take place. The culmination will be in 2017 when it is possible a referendum to take place on whether the UK should stay in the EU or go.
  Цената за осÑ...  
Предложението за сделка ще влезе в сила, само ако Великобритания реши да остане в ЕС. Затова все по-усилено се говори за провеждане на референдума за членството още това лято. Това обаче поставя на дневен ред въпроса дали оставането на Обединеното кралство няма да се окаже по-скъпо за ЕС от напускането му.
The proposed deal will come in force only if Great Britain decides to stay in the EU. This is why, there is more and more talk of having the membership referendum as early as this summer. This, however, puts forward the question whether the remaining of the United Kingdom in the Union will turn out to be more expensive for the EU than its leaving. It will all depend on how the voting goes, for a very close result (as is hinted by the polls), means that the British question will keep creating troubles for the EU. If London decides to stay, it will open the possibility for changes in the founding treaties, so that the deepening of integration within the euro area is accomplished, something that has already been agreed on in principle. The concessions to Great Britain, however, could turn out to be a serious obstacle and significantly delay this process.
  Политиката в...  
HDZ се готви усилено за парламентарните избори в края на годината, като дори настоява за предсрочни, и по всичко личи, че има огромни шансове за победа. Действията на правителството несъмнено са част от борбата за сърцето на хърватския избирател, изтерзано от шестгодишната икономическа рецесия, огромната безработица, която сред младите е третата по големина в ЕС след Испания и Гърция.
HDZ is intensely preparing for the parliamentary elections in the end of the year and even insists on early elections. It seems that the party has huge chances for a victory. The actions of the government undoubtedly are part of the fight for the hearts of the Croatian voters, exhausted by the six-year long recession, the huge unemployment which among the young people is the third highest after Spain and Greece. The government's economic policy was a central topic during the campaign for the presidential election considered a test for the general elections in the autumn. The first round of the election brought the greatest surprise - a significant support received the newest player on the Croatian political stage - the 25-year old Ivan Vilibor Sincic. He is an activist with the non-governmental organisation Live Wall which fights against foreclosures.
  Няма пари за ...  
От този доклад стана ясно за пореден път нещо, което българските политици усилено криеха в месеците преди присъединяването ни към Европейския съюз, а именно, че България и Румъния не са включени в бюджета на общността за периода 2007-2013-та година.
The EP voted a very important report today about the future of the Structural policy of the EU that has to take account of the enlargements and their influence on this Policy. The author of the report is the German MEP Markus Pieper who is also a deputy spokesman of EPP for regional policy. This report shows once again something that Bulgarian politicians have vigorously denied during the months before Bulgaria's accession to the EU and, that is, that Bulgaria and Romania have not been included in the Financial perspectives of the EU for 2007-2013. That is the reason why the EU is urgently looking for 150 bn euro to finance the its Structural and Regional Policy.
  Дъблин е мърÑ...  
Високопоставен източник от ЕС съобщи в сряда, че все още се работи усилено по проектозаключенията, тъй като твърде много неща остават неизяснени. Проблемът е, че тези неща са фундаментални и не са никак нови, но по тях все още се водят философски спорове.
A high-placed EU source announced on Wednesday that there was still hard work being done on drafts of the conclusions, as too many items remained unclear. The trouble is that these items are fundamental and by no means new, but they are still the subject of philosophical debates. For example, there is still no agreement between member states on what is a hotspot. You will recall that around the time of the emergency informal summit only three weeks ago (September 23rd) the meaning of this term, introduced by the EC in May in the migration programme, caused a lost in translation episode, as this website reported.
  Годината на Ð...  
"Всеки, който следи усилено демографските и икономическите тенденции ще заключи, че западните страни трябва да работят заедно: нуждаем се от повече стратегическа интеграция, не по-малко. Драги западни политици, моля водете си записки", завършва статията полският външен министър.
Polish Presidency's vision is much more global unlike Hungary's, at least if we judge from Radek Sikorsky's text and before the official programme of the Polish Presidency is published, which is expected in early summer. But, judging from foreign minister's article, Poland will look upon problems globally and would act locally. "Anyone who looks hard at the long-term demographic and economic trends should conclude that Western nations must work together: we need more strategic integration, not less, Fellow Western politicians, please take note", the Polish foreign ministers ends his article.
  Евростат и ЕÐ...  
Той заяви от своя страна, че е нужна повече прозрачност, особено по отношение на търговията с дълг, т.нар. CDS (credit default swap). Това е и въпрос, по който екипът му ще работи усилено през следващите седмици, за да се знае кой какво прави.
In today's session of ECOFIN the new Internal Market Commissioner also took part - the Frenchman with a long European experience Michel Barnier. He said that more transparency was needed, especially with regard to debt deals, the so called CDS (credit default swaps). This is an issue on which he and his team will work hard in the coming weeks so that everybody knew who is doing what. In the next couple of weeks Barnier will visit Washington and New York to discuss not only this but also the issue with financial regulation.
  Ще създадат Ð...  
"Демократичната легитимност на ЕС е двойна: директна чрез Парламента и опосредствана чрез Съвета. Това са два субекта, които взимат решенията. Няма как да търсим автоматично налагане на стандартите на националната държава върху ЕС дори да се върви още по-усилено към федерация. Още повече тя винаги ще бъде частична, защото никога няма да имате една политическа общност, която да произтича от един демос. Аз съм консервативен в това отношение, за мен сегашният баланс е адекватен. По-важно е да удържаме легитимността в очите на европейците чрез ефективност, отколкото да си правим институционални експерименти".
During his address, Barroso spoke extensively about European democracy. Lately, however, this phrase sounds empty of content because it does not give an answer to the main question - how does European democracy look like given that there is till no federation of national states. Vladimir Shopov disagrees here. "The democratic legitimacy of the EU is double: direct, through Parliament, and mediated through the Council. These are two subjects that take decisions. There is no way that we can look for automatic imposition of the standards of the national state over the EU, even if it is going even more convincingly toward federation. Moreover, it will always be partial because you will never have a single political community, stemming from one demos. I am conservative in this regard - for me the current balance is adequate. More important is to sustain legitimacy in the eyes of Europeans through effectiveness rather than making institutional experiments".
Напук на различията между страните-членки второ председателство поред усилено работи за намирането на компромис по едно от най-трудните европейски досиета - общата прокуратура за борба с измамите с еврофондове.
Despite all differences between member states another presidency in a row is working hard on finding a compromise on one of the most difficult European dossiers – the common European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) for dealing with European funds fraud. The Dutch Presidency of the Council picked up the baton from Luxembourg and organised in the beginning of March a new string of debates on the subject, but again, on the new subjects as well member states turned out to be diametrically divided. The curious thing now is that, despite being a rotating president, The Netherlands continues to be sceptical on this dossier. Dutch Minister of Security and Justice Ard van der Steur started the public discussion on the financing of the EPPO with the words that the Dutch parliament continues to be critical regarding the transfer of more sovereignty to the Prosecution, criticism covering all articles of the draft regulation. He ensured, however, that The Netherlands will continue to support other members in the effort to find the the best text possible.
  Иван Гърдеши...  
Той смята, че Хърватия има дълг да гарантира, че ЕС ще запази положителното си послание и привлекателността си за страните-кандидатки. "Трябва да работим по-усилено, така че те да имат бъдеще в ЕС", каза посланикът.
The EU needs to have the capacity to deal with several crises simultaneously. It is important that the message to enlargement remains, for the European project is peaceful and will provide peace and stability to membership candidates as well. And what are we going to do if to Serbia, whose Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić recently said the EU had lost its former attractiveness, the Brexit proves a turning point? It is true that some politicians will define the EU as less attractive after being left by a globally important country, which is a large economy, member of the Security Council, and a military power, answers Dr Grdešić. Its exit leaves a void, but NATO will manage to fill it, he says, and asks rhetorically what the alternative is. According to him, there is no alternative to the integration of Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo. During our conversation with the Croatian ambassador in the embassy in London, Serbian PM Aleksandar Vučić made an official statement in which he reaffirmed the European path of his country.
  Дариуш Росат...  
Спасителната програма на Гърция със сигурност е болезнена, продължи полякът, икономист по образование, но в края на краищата гръцкият народ трябва да разбере, че е живял на заеми в продължение на 15 години. За съжаление, каза той, жизненият им стандарт трябва да се намали за известно време, те трябва да работят по-усилено и да се опитат да овладеят публичните си финанси.
How do the compromises for France sound against the backdrop of the situation with Greece? This is a completely different case, the Polish MEP believes. "Greece is a completely different case. This is a bankrupt country. This is a country that has never fulfilled the fiscal rules since the beginning of the SGP. It has been in place for 15-16 years. Greece has never had deficit below 3%. This is an incredible performance, I must say, incredible in a negative sense". The Greek bailout programme is certainly painful, the Pole continued, an economist by education, but in the end of the day the Greek people have to understand that they lived on borrowed money for 15 years. Unfortunately, he said, their living standards have to be go down further for some time, they have to work harder and to try to put their public finances under control. Otherwise, Mr Rosati warned, the assistance given to Greece and financed by taxpayers in other member states will be simply wasted.
  Кой или какъÐ...  
Тя ще направи това на конгреса си през март, но вече усилено се говори, че това може да бъде ветеранът на европейската политика Жан-Клод Юнкер, който миналата година изгуби изборите в родния си Люксембург и прекрати най-дългата кариера на министър-председател в ЕС.
At this stage, the Socialists have big chances to become a first political force in the next European Parliament as a result of the crisis and the unconvincing policies of the right-wing parties in solving the severest economic problems. Unless he had against him a very strong candidate from the other strongest political force - the European People's Party (EPP), which still has no formal nomination. The party will decide during its congress in March, but there is a strong talk that this might be the European politics veteran Jean-Claude Juncker, who last year lost the elections in his home Luxembourg and ended the longest career of a prime minister in the EU. Juncker is highly respected all over Europe in spite of his, sometimes, criticised role as chief of the Eurogroup. Precisely during that time, however, his high political class showed up in handling crisis situations and also his vision about Europe's future.
  Параграф 22 пÑ...  
Гръцката банка Евробанк е посветила юлското издание на икономическите си прогнози и анализи на България и сравнението й с Балтийските държави - тема, която усилено се дискутира през последните месеци, след като Латвия изпадна пред фалит и се наложи няколко международни финансови институции да й помагат.
The Greek Eurobank dedicated its July edition of its economic forecasts and analyses to Bulgaria and the comparison to the Baltic states - a topic, regularly discussed in recent months, especially after Latvia was on the brink of a bankruptcy and several international institutions had to help it. In fact, the comparisons between Bulgaria and the Baltic states are being made for a long time because of some similarities:
  Много страте...  
Ето какво е записало правителството в програмата за реформи по този повод: "осигуряването на енергийна независимост на пазара на газ в България продължава да бъде сред основните приоритети на страната, особено с оглед на последните политически и икономически събития покрай кризата в Украйна. С цел осигуряване на по-евтин газ за българските производители и подобряване на тяхната конкурентоспособност и особено с цел гарантиране на енергийната независимост и сигурността на доставките на природен газ се работи усилено по всички инфраструктурни проекти. Специално внимание се отделя на изграждане на междусистемните, реверсивни газови връзки със съседните страни (Гърция, Сърбия, Румъния и Турция). Дейностите по изграждането на междусистемната газова връзка България–Румъния (IBR) са приключени. След завършване на финалните тестови работи по съоръжението предстои неговото пускане в експлоатация, което се очаква до средата на 2014 г."
The Commission demands from the government to create "a transparent wholesale market for electricity and natural gas" - an issue which is especially timely given the developments in Ukraine. Here is what the government has written in the reforms programme on this occasion: "ensuring energy independence on the gas market in Bulgaria continues to be among the country's main priorities, especially in view of the latest political and economic developments in Ukraine. With the aim to ensure cheaper gas for the Bulgarian producers and to improve their competitiveness and especially with the aim to ensure energy independence and security of natural gas supplies there is intensive work going on on all infrastructure projects. Special attention is paid on the construction of the inter system, reverse gas connections with the neighbouring countries (Greece, Serbia, Romania and Turkey). The activities on building the inter system gas connection Bulgaria-Romania (IBR) have been completed. After completion of the final tests on the facility, it will be officially open for exploitation which is expected in mid-2014".
  Испански или...  
Ирландия също произведе изравнен резултат, но се справи с формирането на правителство доста по-бързо от Испания. В страната се обсъждаше много усилено създаването на широка коалиция между двете най-големи партии - Фина Гейл (Fina Gael) и Фиена Фойл (Fianna Fail), което се и случи, но половинчато.
Ireland also produced a draw, but managed to form a government much quicker than Spain. There was a lot of discussion in the country about the formation of a broad coalition between the two largest parties – Fina Gael and Fianna Fail - which did happen, but halfway. Two months after the elections, the two parties signed an agreement that Fina Gael will form a minority government, once again headed by Enda Kenny. Several thousand kilometres to the south-east the subject of a broad coalition was raised a year earlier by the new star on the political horizon – Most of independent lists, who initially demanded that a wide coalition be formed with the two largest parties – the Social Democrats of Zoran Milanović and the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) of its leader at the time Tomislav Karamarko. Both the SDP and the HDZ refused.
  За Гърция няÐ...  
В момента усилено се обсъжда от анализатори и политици възможността от опрощаване на дълга, голяма част от който се държи основно от институции, като с най-голям дял е еврозоната, а в нея най-голям дял има Германия.
Analysts and politicians are busy discussing a possible waiving of the debt, large portion of which is held by institutions, with the Eurozone having the biggest chunk, and Germany having the largest share in the Eurozone. The data above clearly shows that not a single Eurozone member country, especially the ones that went through heavy corrections and painful drops in the standard of living, will be willing to pay for Greece’s unstable standard of living. Furthermore, debt is not Greece’s biggest problem at the moment. According to the amendment to the agreement with Greece of December 2012, interest on the bilateral loans, extended by Eurozone countries were lowered by 100 basis points. Maturity was extended by 15 years with total maturity of the loans reached 30 years. Greece does not pay interest over the first ten years to the temporary bailout fund of the Eurozone.
  ЕС трябва да ...  
Ние още през декември коментирахме тук на това място, че сделката с Гърция е ясна, обсъждат се техническите подробности и трябва още от 1 януари да се започне усилено работа по решаване на проблема в банковата система в Европа.
Dimitar Ashikov: Yes, but Greece is still a negligible part of the European economy and the banking system in Europe is a serious thing. So, we have a period of 9 months or more in which European banks have been operating in the absence of interbank market. And sooner or later this problem would have sharpened and it already has started to sharpen. We commented back in December here in this place that the deal with Greece is clear, the technical details were discussed and that as of January 1st they to start working hard on solving the problem of the banking system in Europe. Well, it did not happen, the banks received two rounds of liquidity from the ECB, the first quarter passed, everyone was happy ...
  Гърция да си ...  
То идва ден преди гласуването в гръцкия парламент на икономическата програма, договорена с ЕС и МВФ, и е провокирано от информациите в медиите, че ЕС усилено разработва варианти за действие в случай, че гръцкият парламент отхвърли програмата.
“There is no Plan B to avoid default … Europe can only help Greece if Greece helps itself”, EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn stated, a day before the vote in the Greek Parliament on the economic programme agreed with the EU and the IMF. The official statement was also provoked by information in some media that the EU was actively developing alternative options for action in case that the Greek Parliament rejected the programme.
  Магна харта, ...  
Впрочем, социологическата убеденост, че вероятно Великобритания ще осъмне с коалиционно правителство, се поддържа усилено и от посланията на партията на Ник Клег, според когото тези избори няма да са вече състезание между два коня.
The key issue in the upcoming debates and battles would quite naturally be the economy. So far the issue of conflict is the rising of health insurance contributions, for which the Labour insist. But this is not what will make these elections exceptionally important not only for the British themselves but for the entire EU and maybe the world.
  Хърватската ...  
Миналата есен президентката отправи изненадващо остра критика спрямо г-жа Меркел за политиката й спрямо бежанците. В Лондон на 11 октомври Колинда Грабар-Китарович заяви, че от миналата есен досега ЕС на практика е подкрепял усилено незаконния бизнес на трафикантите.
She talked at length about the migrant crisis, continuing, although in a softer manner and without naming her, to criticise German Chancellor Angela Merkel on her open doors policy. Last autumn, the President sent out some surprisingly sharp criticism towards Mrs Merkel on her refugee policy. On October 11, in London, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović stated that since last fall the EU has practically been avidly supporting the trafficker’s illegal business. She recommended a careful choosing of a strategy for dealing with migrants, so as to avoid their ghetto-isation in Europe. “Such a mistake has been made in the past creating almost parallel societies. A heavy price has been paid”. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović was never too specific on what is to be done, but one could judge by her speech that she rather supports the position of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, that migration decisions need to be made at the national level.
  Европейска п...  
Според него, резултатът е много качествен и балансиран с оглед на трудните времена, в които се намират страните-членки в момента. Холандия, която от 1 януари поема председателството и обеща, че ще работи усилено за довършване на работата по това досие, припомни, че холандският
To most of the countries that made statements the situation is balanced. Lithuania, however, did not hide its pleasure at the “clipping” of the wings of the EPPO. Juozas Bernatonis, the Lithuanian Minister of Justice, welcomed the compromise in stating that finally the borders of competence of the EPPO are becoming clear. He feels the result is of high quality and balanced, having in mind the difficult times faced by member states at the moment. The Netherlands, which takes up the presidency from January 1st and promised it will work hard on finishing the work on this dossier, reminded that the Dutch
  Рицарят на пÐ...  
По време на посещението си в българската столица миналата седмица той заяви недвусмислено: "Накрая една дума по отношение на разширяването на Шенген. Знам, че мнозина в България смятат, че това е трябвало да се случи досега. Мога да ви уверя в подкрепата ми за вашето присъединяване, но се нуждаем от съгласието на всички страни-членки. Работим усилено, за да осъществим това. Междувременно обаче, България трябва да гарантира, че съдебните реформи, борбата с корупцията и организираната престъпност продължават с убедителна крачка", каза той на пресконференция с премиера Бойко Борисов.
European Council President Donald Tusk, however, also made a connection between the fight against corruption and Schengen membership. And he did it in Sofia at that. During his visit to the Bulgarian capital last week he stated unequivocally: ”Finally, another word on the Schengen enlargement. I know that many in Bulgaria consider this should have happened by now. I can assure you of my support for your accession, but we need all Member States' agreement. We work hard to make it happen. In the meantime, Bulgaria needs to ensure that judicial reforms, fight against corruption and organised crime continue at a robust pace”, he said at a press conference with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. In other words Mr Tusk admitted that there are states that are against and that this could be overcome if Bulgaria shows effective battle against corruption and a judicial reform.
  Добрият, лошÐ...  
вече усилено текат преговори между еврозоната и частния сектор да бъде преструктуриран част от дълга, ако обаче от ЕС сложат на масата 93 млрд. евро. Поредният епизод от гръцката драма предстои в понеделник.
, intense negotiations are underway between the eurozone and the private sector to restructure part of the debt but under the condition the EU to put on the table 93 bn euros. The latest series of the Greek drama will be on Monday. As if attempting to keep the viewers' attention a few more days, the Greeks started to play on the cord of personal feelings. For example, the Greek president announced patriotically during a meeting of military chiefs in the ministry of defence: "We are all obliged to work hard to get through this crisis, but we cannot accept insults from Mr Schäuble. Who is Mr Schäuble to insult Greece? Who are these Dutchmen, who are these Finns? We have always defended not only the freedom of our own country, but the freedom of Europe". Evangelos Venizelos, Greece's minister of finance, was quoted saying that there were people in the EU "who don't want us".
  Добрият, лошÐ...  
вече усилено текат преговори между еврозоната и частния сектор да бъде преструктуриран част от дълга, ако обаче от ЕС сложат на масата 93 млрд. евро. Поредният епизод от гръцката драма предстои в понеделник.
, intense negotiations are underway between the eurozone and the private sector to restructure part of the debt but under the condition the EU to put on the table 93 bn euros. The latest series of the Greek drama will be on Monday. As if attempting to keep the viewers' attention a few more days, the Greeks started to play on the cord of personal feelings. For example, the Greek president announced patriotically during a meeting of military chiefs in the ministry of defence: "We are all obliged to work hard to get through this crisis, but we cannot accept insults from Mr Schäuble. Who is Mr Schäuble to insult Greece? Who are these Dutchmen, who are these Finns? We have always defended not only the freedom of our own country, but the freedom of Europe". Evangelos Venizelos, Greece's minister of finance, was quoted saying that there were people in the EU "who don't want us".
  Без паника! Т...  
Италианският министър на финансите Пиер Карло Падоан призна пред икономическата комисия на Европарламента, че Италия наскоро е осъзнала сериозността на проблема с високия публичен дълг и вече работи усилено за намаляването му.
Italy is another country with very high public debt but it was not in a programme although, on several occasions, it posed risks for the euro area. This year the Italian debt level is expected to be 133.8% of GDP and next year 132.7%. Italy's Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan admitted in front of the economic committee of the European Parliament that Italy had just recently realised the seriousness of the problem with the high public debt and was already working on reducing it. The situation in Spain is similar, although Spain worked on a different programme, without the Troika. Spain, however, has the same severe situation with the unemployment. The problem is, however, that Greece's debt is very expensive. The price of the 10-year benchmark bonds is huge - 8.50%. To compare, the bonds of Italy are traded at 1.54%, of Spain at 1.38%, of Portugal at 2.44%. This is the greatest problem Greece needs to address. The decision, however, does not lie in any debt cancellation or, even less, in reversing the reforms with or without the control of the Troika.
  Мечтата на РÑ...  
Защото отивам там с отворено сърце, не отивам с мисълта "Нужна ми е кариера, трябва да направя така, че да се харесам на някого, за да напредна в кариерата". Отивам там, за да кажа: "Аз съм там само за 10 месеца и искам като си тръгна моето име да бъде свързвано с някой, който е работил усилено в интерес на Хърватия".
Ruža Tomašić: Whatever is interest of Croatia. Everything - from funding to language, to culture to whatever it takes. Because I'm going there with an open heart, I'm going there not with the thought 'I need a career, I have to make sure somebody likes me because my career can get further that way'. I'm going there to say 'I'm only there for 10 months and I want to leave and I want my name to be known as someone who really worked hard for the interest of Croatia'.
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